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@Cicada does... does that mean we can play with more extreme sports?
I had diarrhea yesterday and it burned like hell.
@rightføld ಠ_ಠ thankfully twitter takes the care to warn when shit might be NSFW
Instead of { if ($1 > 20000) print $0 } I can just do $1 > 20000.
Because AWK defaults to { print $0 }.
@Borgleader lol
yeah, Lightness's rage quite wasn't that exciting.
@rightføld for some reason clicking "view content" doesn't do anything
Firewall, perhaps.
I'll try to log in
ha, it worked
@rightføld yup
Oh man.
I did s/add/remove/ to change "addClass" to "removeClass" and it changed "address" to "removeress" as well.
@rightføld that's a postcondition of eating at kfc for me
eating at kfc = I suddenly start shitting lava
lol fastfood
It even tastes like shit.
I started to dislike kfc lately
the food is meh
The food not meh, it's incredibly terrible.
Try chicken at a decent restaurant.
All the burger stuff is good if you eat it like... once a year or so.
@jalf We should have a rule that requires people to start all grumpy remarks with something positive.
@rightføld that's not a bad alternative to KFC actually
at least in Romania, a chicken schnitzel + fries is cheaper than the cheapest menu at KFC
I'm not sure why KFC is so expensive
it's almost twice as expensive as McDonald's for example
Because people pay for it.
That's the answer to every "why is that so expensive?" question. Because the market deems it valuable enough.
TIL Vim macros.
Fucking awesome.
@rubenvb doesn't that apply to McDonald's too? their food is dirt cheap :\
speaking of Vim, I was thinking about buying a sublime text license
to replace vim
it was faster to develop with while I tried it
@AlexM. they chose for the masses. More people paying less means lots of income. KFC it seems decided to ask more for the same junk.
wooo refactoring with Vim is fun
If only it used PCRE.
@Flaviu I don't care what you want to accept. The point is that your question asks about this particular access pattern (nested lookups) and hashed_...<composite_key<... >> doesn't afford that. You can add multiple indices but you'll overshoot the goal. You can do with the information what you want, but you can't make me answer your question with something that doesn't answer the actual question. — sehe 13 secs ago
I'm annoyed when people say "I'll accept if you say <this>"
> I will accept an solution that uses hashed_non_unique composite index instead of ordered_non_unique composite index
Well. Why ask the question
... we got an XML file with 1.4 million lines...
Ding ding ding!
I must say se verymagic, or whatever \v does in a pattern is nice enough for me
@Xeo whole genome mapping of a videogame character?
thankfully it's autogenerated
@AndyProwl No, just our item "DB".
I will accept an solution that uses hashed_non_unique composite index instead of ordered_non_unique composite index. Perhaps only few changes are need in your example. — Flaviu 3 mins ago
What a response. Thankfully, he seems to now have gotten the point
Angular futures y u no zip.
@Xeo lol, loading it into a DOM are you :P
@Xeo woah woah woah... you don't mean DB as in database do you?
It's basically a giant list of items
> Indie Dev Threatens Gabe Newell, Has Game Removed From Steam kotaku.com/…
now, if only more content creators understood the need of a person who is able to talk to people
or rather, if only more content creators understood that they suck at talking to people
@AlexM. What an idiot.
It's a simple mistake, he should've just sent a (normal) message to Valve
lol you edited
I was going to say "he did send a message... just not the right message"
he does have a little bit of a point though
he didn't send any message directly to Valve to ask for correction of the mistake.
listing his game as early access might have affected his income quite a lot, not to mention the rep he has among his fans
who probably thought "wait, you're trying to trick us? wasn't this out of EA?"
what do you mean "so?"
2 mins ago, by Xeo
@AlexM. What an idiot.
well yeah he lost a lot more because of his attitude in the end
I was just mentioning that I sort of feel where he's coming from
after developing the game his job became selling it for money
people are not that crazy about early access indie titles, and Valve labeling his game as early access in the middle of an important sale must've hurt his sales
@AlexM. I don't. I mean, who in their right mind thinks that insulting the company selling your game is gonna help correct the mistake?
I agree with that, it was stupid
The "damage" was already done at that point.
again, I only said that I understand the root cause of his rage :P
He should've maybe asked Valve for some monies, if anything.
yeah that would have been best
"you advertised my game as being unfinished, and I must've lost sales because of your mistake"
> "We have removed the game's sales page and ceased relations with the developer after he threatened to kill one of our employees"
lol "one of our employees"
> Welp. PA no longer on steam. I'm done making videogames now. It sucked while it lasted.
non kotaku link: archive.today/YMwrq
next time hire another guy to solve problems involving people
@Rapptz ta
is this invalid (forward declaration) according to the standard? class SomeNamespace::SomeClass;
GCC compiles it, but Clang doesn't
@AlexM. I think you should use namespace ns { class SomeClass; }
yeah that's what I did in the end, I didn't know about that until today
I noticed the thing wouldn't compile for iOS (some Clang)
but it worked fine for Android (GCC)
I feel like GCC is wrong there
but I don't have a quote to back me up
too lazy atm :p
damn it, now I want a nexus 9 so I can read comics on it :S
@AlexM. class SomeNamespace::SomeClass is ill-formed according to the Standard, let me find the quote for ya..
@R.MartinhoFernandes good news fellow appreciator of sufficient RAM, Samsung are starting to make 32G modules
@AlexM. [class.name]p2 (n3337)
@Rapptz that guy does not seem like a very successful person :P
@Rapptz lol, games.
maybe he will get more downloads now he's on the news
@thecoshman hint: you don't really need the most powerful tablet on the market to read comics
you can't read comics on nexus 5?
@BartekBanachewicz Some anime is animated
"some" ?
all animes are animated ... but we are talking about comics here
non-animated anime is called manga :P
I thought that was sushi.
I use 'anime' in a generic 'Misticial has a roomfull of disks of that stuff but I'm really not that interested' sort of way:)
sushi = chopped up mermaids
@AlexM. or maybe that people who make threats suck
I hate to be a cold fish but I don't really like that stuff.
@FilipRoséen-refp neat, thx
@AlexM. no worries
what, that Gabe Newell is going to die?
Yeah big surprise
ADL and operator T() are some of C++ most magical features.
And prone
@StackedCrooked "magica;"?
hello. sorry to just pop in like that, but it's the fastest way which came to my mind. To native (or very good) english speaking persons, is this a correct sentence "This person currently has nothing to say about itself..." (can't write himself because "feminism-alert"...)
@sehe yes
@OschtärEi lol "itself"
like a frozen aquarium ...
isn't themselves plural?
@OschtärEi "itself" is worse than "himself".
Singular they is the use of they, or its inflected or derivative forms, such as them, their, or themselves, to refer to a single person or an antecedent that is grammatically singular. It typically occurs with an antecedent of indeterminate gender, as in sentences such as: "Everyone returned to their seats." "Somebody left their umbrella in the office. Would they please collect it?" "The patient should be told at the outset how much they will be required to pay." "But a journalist should not be forced to reveal their sources." A reason for its use is that English has no dedicated singular personal...
@MartinJames weren't Mysticial's disks filled with Pi digits?
@OschtärEi use 'itself', make yourself a beast ~rawr~
nice didn't know about that, thanks a lot guys! especially for the fast answers!
@chmod711telkitty yeah I had "himself" before and they already started crying.... ;)
did I mention I soldered the cables backwards
or at least I think I did so
@OschtärEi Use "herself".
no, read the link he posted I use "This person currently has nothing to say about themselves..." :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes I can't stop laughing at this thing
I just randomly pick between the three, though biased towards "they".
glad I brought the fun with me ;)
hiso ... not hero
If the subject is "person", I am biased towards "she", otherwise "he".
use she because bad feminists
BTW are we allowed to say "C++14" already?
kicks Bartek
@R.MartinhoFernandes what was that for?!
1 min ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
BTW are we allowed to say "C++14" already?
really? that deserved a kick?
You said it and we are still not allowed.
oh lol
I'm so bad
(I didn't kick anyone)
yeah he didn't kick me kick me FTR
@Xeo interesting consequence: the game's trading cards now sell for 0.75+ instead of 0.06
I wonder if the guy still gets revenue out of them
or if Valve takes his share too
@ScottW Don't know. With the advent of LED lighting that seems to last forever, I guess we'll never find out.
@Xeo Bad idea.
@ScottW lol
I think we already have full 12, no?
oh, there's 10 owners
@ScottW does that mean he'll only be owner in 2014?
wait why isn't @thecoshman an owner anymore
Give Bartek the room, but not the floor.
and sehe?
@BartekBanachewicz Alcohol.
when did that happen
@BartekBanachewicz Starboard.
..hard to believe..
Don't drink and own.
Is then on a future typically map or bind?
I'm so confused. :S
oh well shit
@R.MartinhoFernandes I see sehe, is cosh quitting starred too?
@BartekBanachewicz yea it is
Oct 3 at 1:52, by thecoshman
using my amazing drunk logic engine, I deem the following the right thing to do...
drunk and logic in the same sentence
well then
6 mins ago, by Scott W
thanks for your support tony
you're welcome
does anyone else feel like if using tabs, the header should be to the left of the implementation file? it's not natural otherwise to me
@TonyTheLion Some decisions made while drunk are logical - you just can't see the logic when you're sober.
this is one of those things like "v" looking more like an "and" than "^"
@MartinJames lol
@AlexM. what's a header?
@BartekBanachewicz .h
you mean the code file with template functions?
ugh oh my god wtf javascript
@BartekBanachewicz what is wrong in what I said exactly?
you lost me
Promise.prototype.then is both map and bind depending on whether the value returned has a then property.
@AlexM. I don't find headers too useful most of the time
@ScottW I've watched the Twin Peaks movie. Was there something to understand?
Nope, only the movie
From what I've heard "it stands alone"
ITT, righfold finds out that JavaScript is err... 'less than optimal'.
@BartekBanachewicz now I'm intrigued, how do you avoid them? I mean, how does your code look like
I write shit down in a header, implement it somewhere unless templates, then include that somewhere else
> unless templates
It was
Anyway, I've gathered the first season too
Going to try that
@BartekBanachewicz ?
@AlexM. vast majority of my code uses templates
@Jefffrey That's the cheese.
Tell me this isn't creepy
"The Farmer in the Dell" is a singing game, nursery rhyme and children's song. It probably originated in Germany, and was brought to North America by immigrants. From there it spread to many other nations and is popular in a number of languages. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 6306. == Lyrics == Lyrics vary even within the same country. The following is a common version in the United States: The farmer in the dell The farmer in the dell Heigh-ho, the derry-o The farmer in the dell The farmer takes a wife (2×) Heigh-ho, the derry-o… The wife takes the child (2×) Heigh-ho, the derry-o… The...
Your reply was to "stands alone", I've searched "that's the cheese" and the first result is "the cheese that stands alone"
What about those of us who aren't woolly animals from hell?? — Neil Kirk 6 mins ago
> If the callback returns a Future, the future returned by then will be completed with the same result as the future returned by the callback.
ok Dart is also terrible
is there anything not terrible??
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes, I get that. But from all the possible results from "that's the cheese", it gives me a really partial result "the cheese" (without "that's") that just so happen to be related to what Chrome have just recorded I've said here?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Das ist Kaese.
Feb 20 at 23:12, by Cat Plus Plus
Everything is terrible
I might be getting paranoid
side effect of Lounge
I'm sitting at my uni
@Jefffrey this isn't creepy
I've wasted another 1.5h of my life
I'm sitting at work, doing nothing.
also, I've managed to teach my friend a bit about XRankNTypes
I'm sitting in my bed, wasting my time
despite the fact I don't really understand them
@Xeo I know that feeling
this weird forall a. a -> forall b. b -> thing
mainly because I refuse to spend 3 hours in train + 1 hour walking in order to go see 1 hour and 30 minutes of a lesson about Java
I'll read the slides from home
@R.MartinhoFernandes Screw you, now I want some cheese cake
cheesecake fredda sounds good
Who moved my cheese? It used to stand alone
also my cat has a huge fever
felines should get ebola, right?
lions don't get it IIRC
@ScottW danke
@Jefffrey I'm on the subway right now. Some of the lines have underground connection.
free internet connection?
I have a student Pass so its free for me...
so much envy
Wait... No, getting in the subway is free for me. The internet is always free here.
double envy
In manhattan subway lines usually.
I have to pay €70/month for a 80km ride. And the train doesn't have any kind of internet connection.
It barely has chargers (or those holes where you recharge your devices, what are they called?)
battery chargers
yes, those
@Jefffrey hahaha, we wish we paid so little. I pay $140US a month to ride 10miles to downtown each day, on light rail
there's the "the less you travel, the more you pay per km" thingy
yay or nay: constexpr class X { ... }; will make every member function constexpr
Sorry for this newbe question... So I have a class A, and an instance of A creates an instance of class B. Now I want a callback (or something) so B can tell it's owner - A - that it is done with its work. Does anyone of you have a link to an example or something?
@TemplateRex nay. The overriding question: why and what would it accomplish
@sehe same as final for class
instead of final for each member
@Markus return is the keyword
@TemplateRex except final means something even without members, right?
@sehe empty class is kinda silly
data members...

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