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8:00 PM
I saw some of the messages on the starboard and in my defence, I was pretty sick (also, if you look at the link, most of the "You Sucks" at the top of the list weren't actually in a particularly offensive context)
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Happy Birthday to the Lounge! [c++] [c++11] [c++14] [c++-faq]
Happy birthday to the ground
what you want me to do with this, EAT IT?
@Cicada Thanks for explaining the joke.
8:01 PM
there was nowhere near enough context for that topic name to constitute a joke.
@thecoshman I have such a beast, too. But doing >3m² with it is a major PITA.
it works as a funny reference, maybe, but not as an independent joke.
@sbi :( yes, yes it is.
It's already so cold here I have to put the heating on :w
@rightføld b...but senpai!!
8:06 PM
@Cicada it's turned cold surprisingly fast this last week
@thecoshman Those big machines only cost ~€10/day here, AFAIK. It's selling you the belts and the varnish what they make money from. All in all it will probably cost me around €500 to do those two dozen m².
@sbi sounds fairly reasonable really.
I'm moving into my new place in Bristol this weekend
gonna be £1884 to move in
plus the place is unfurnished.
@Puppy Oh, it was @Andy who brought this up. As I said, I never considered you half as presumptuous as him.
did I mention that my monthly income was about £100 for the last three years?
8:11 PM
@Cicada baka
@Puppy What's that? 3 months of rent in advance?
@sbi £300 agents fee, six weeks rent as deposit, and then first month.
Wow, Bristol, then you're next to the ACCU conference, huh?
@Puppy I see.
@Puppy Cool--congratulations!
Here, they are finally pushing for a law that, in essence, says that agents are to be paid by whoever hired them.
8:13 PM
@sbi I don't think anyone has ever said "Wow, Bristol" in a positive way like that. :P
@thecoshman Yeah, it's seemed a damn ugly city except for a few small streets close to the water.
But they do have the ACCU conference!
@sbi ¬_¬ I'm running risk of getting caught by a new 'rule' on banks saying that can only lend up to 80% value.
@thecoshman That means if you want to buy a house, you have to have 20% of the finances? That seems neither too high nor too low to me.
@sbi They're holding it here in Bristol again?
@sbi I live rather close to the water.
@Puppy I thought that had moved it to Bristol for good. ICBWT, I hadn't looked into it this year.
8:16 PM
@JerryCoffin Personally, I'm just totting up how much I'm gonna have to borrow from my family to pay the initial price.
even worse, the place is unfurnished, so I'll have to spend way too much just buying a desk and stuff.
@Puppy TBH, I haven't seen much except for a very few place you can walk to from the conference hotel in <30mins.
@Puppy Yeah--not easy at first, but well worth it, IMO.
@sbi That's not really far in Bristol. The place is built on the side of a valley- the terrain is quite rough.
@sbi I have to sort it out quick, whilst I can still afford such a deposit. Repayments I can afford easily (presuming not loosing job obviously), I just never really saved that well over time.
@JerryCoffin It's gonna be nice to not have my brother stealing all the Internet :P
8:19 PM
@Puppy I guess you're referring to the links I've posted, although they weren't on the starboard. As I wrote, I'm not putting myself in a position to judge what behavior is appropriate (or justifiable) and what is not. I was just pointing out that LRiO is not the only one with a negative attitude towards others, however reactions against him are much stronger.
@Puppy wait till he comes over :P
That's my gut feeling at least. I might be wrong.
@AndyProwl IMO, overly strong, but not completely unjustified.
@thecoshman I do understand the reactions, what I'm saying is that he seems to be the only one who triggers them so consistently although the behavior he exhibits is not uncommon here
8:21 PM
my personal take is that LRiO seems to actively go after other people, he doesn't just defend himself or espouse his own opinions.
for example, since he knows I hate it when the BBC treats celebrity gossip as news, he spent three weeks linking me to every instance he could find at totally random times.
was he explicitly pinging you?
Again, he is not the only one who would basically troll people.
I haven't seen that, but it would fit perfectly of what I know of him.
I'm not going to say that I've never trolled anybody
8:24 PM
Neither have I
but I usually consider it a defensive action, not an offensive one.
Everyone here trolls and mocks each other.
Yes, and as long as this is in good spirit, it's all fun and games. That's what I was missing about him, though.
@Cicada lol
8:26 PM
@TonyTheLion hi tony
@sbi There's a lot to be said for face to face communication.
ah well, all I'm saying is, you guys were bitching about me behind my back whilst I was stuck on a train, so fuck you all :P
@thecoshman Yes, although, in this case, I'd rather avoid that.
8:27 PM
@Puppy yeah, but you suck harder than a whore after crack.
that really depends on whose crack
so how do you know how hard a whore sucks after crack?
because let's face it, no whore would suck hard after your crack
so that's not really saying much
@sbi My utterly failed to get across point is that it's very hard to get across the tone in written text. Me and @sehe seem to have 'come to blows' many times over seemingly misunderstanding that hidden meaning.
8:29 PM
@TonyTheLion I've met you once or twice.
emotion is hard to convey over text chat
@thecoshman oh you
> My utterly failed to get across point
Yes, we've all been there. But there is a strong correlation between him and, um, unrest in the lounge.
hey, I also met Tony and I don't recall him doing any sucking after crack
is that English?
but then again, he was with ThePhD at the time, so maybe ThePhD was the whore in that relationship
8:30 PM
@TonyTheLion We're talking about something the pirate said.
and Tony provided the crack
@sbi I thought I'd point it out for posterity.
that would explain a lot about them really
@Puppy that must have been over a year ago now
@TonyTheLion yes, it is my point, and 'utterly failed to get across' is how I described it.
8:31 PM
shit, time flies
well these days, I live in Bristol
holy shit that's a strange feeling
I haven't seen PhD in a while
@TonyTheLion Is here anybody who does not YAWN at the news that the pirate failed at English?
@sbi ¬_¬
so if you want to come and see my new spectacularly healthy self
just take a number
8:32 PM
@Puppy how's it living without parents?
to be totally fair
I lived at university without parents or sickness for a grand total of about four months
inb4 lonely
@Puppy wait, you're willing to meet up with me again?
inb4 "parentless"
@TonyTheLion Why not?
8:33 PM
@TonyTheLion you're on to something
or is it onto
@Puppy because you're Puppy after all. :P
I know
@TonyTheLion he's not skint anymore (or soon)
but I feel safe around you because you're my official bitch
@Puppy You certainly avoided me when I was there.
8:33 PM
@sbi :P
@sbi I'm pretty sure that we have never been in the same city at the same time.
@sbi I think I've waited long enough to point out the irony :)
@Puppy Well I might pop to Bristol some day.
IIRC I was in Bristol for the Committee meeting and you were in Bristol for the ACCU meeting which was afterwards.
IIRC, driving on the M4 can be quite an enjoyable experience, for whatever reason
8:34 PM
@sbi I missed the visit of the Reichstag because of you!
@Puppy We had a sort-off agreement that we'd meet while I was in London, and you pulled out at the last possible moment.
well, there's also a train directly to pretty close to my front door.
@Cicada And do you feel like this was a bad tradeoff?
hopefully I'll be in bristol next year
@Puppy if you don't mind taking a train to London, you're most certainly welcome
8:35 PM
@Cicada oh, it's touring?
@sbi I remember you saying that you were in London, and I said that I might arrange something, but if I recall correctly, I was only available during the day and you were only available at night.
@Ell Weee
@TonyTheLion Well, perhaps in a couple paychecks time I'll come visit you.
@thecoshman Was a year ago
8:36 PM
@Puppy Nope. You mumbled something about the trains being to expensive (which you certainly would have known before I arrived).
@Cicada modern technology, moving a monument like that, amazes me.
speaking of mumble :D
@thecoshman Ok, got it now. Nice one!
The mumble is down :(
Or sehe moved it, idk
@Cicada <shades>
@sbi Well, I was also sick and broke. But I'm pretty sure it was the time that was an absolute deal-breaker. Because I had to take the train back home that evening, and it's a 3-hour trip.
@Cicada sehes is closed, cat has a new one.
8:37 PM
@thecoshman Must be grumble then
Yay, lets mumble
good time zone
oh shit, speaking of which
@Puppy Hey, I do not hold a grudge anymore, but it was not a nice move to agree beforehand and then pull out.
@Cicada lounge.net
8:38 PM
The Ape will certainly remember our trip through the museum at Berlin
well, I don't remember that clearly, but I'm pretty sure that when we actually came to figure out which day and that kind of detail, it turned out to be impossible and we never actually arranged anything.
@thecoshman you suck
@TonyTheLion Huh?
@rightføld o_0
8:42 PM
@sbi You don't remember us (you & me) going to that museum at Checkpoint Charlie?
when I came to visit you in Berlin last
oh wait
Tony my good slave, wasn't there that thing on the starboard about another Unconference in the UK?
there was
@TonyTheLion Ah, the Checkpoint Charlie one! Yes, I remember this one. (Mostly, when people speak about visiting Berlin's museums, they're after the Pergamon altar and such things.)
meeting + hog roast + beer or something
but it sounds awful expensive for the non uk people
@Puppy Are you gonna organize that? :)
8:44 PM
I forgot to order my glasses again.
I thought you guys wanted to visit the cat in Poland?
I do!
@Ell where ever it is, people who don't live there have to pay
@sbi no, bartek wants that.
I think poland is a good shout
much cheaper than the uk :P
England is going to be much more expensive than Poland, but I'm OK with anything
8:45 PM
@Puppy theres potential plans.
in fact I look forward to the next unconference already
@Puppy There was, but the Bartek didn't want to have it here
I would love an Unconference here
Closer to the time, I'll try to wrangle a decision.
well I think that we should have enough people here to make one happen
now that I (will) have money and health there's no reason why I can't attend
It'd be better to just do one good event, rather than two medioca ones
8:47 PM
Get on grumble, faggots
lemme get my h3ds3t
you suck.
I did the u, l33t thing in my time, but that time was ten years ago
people have enough bandwidth and typing speed to accommodate proper language these days
u wot m8
I repeat my earlier observation about your suckage
someone fix my front panel audiooo
8:49 PM
pay me like, a grand, and I'll be glad to take a day off work
@Ell Just remove two of the O's, then it should be fine.
21st to 25th of April, ACCU conference, right here in Bristol
and in the same venue, too.
I live like, five minutes away from there.
Get on grumble people
so I guess that actually, I probably have a floor that someone could sleep on if they wanted to attend.
8:51 PM
@sbi people
@Cicada so tempting to one-up you on that :/
I'm too busy listening to music on very loud
@sehe I saw that :) (upvote me now, for grape justice)
@Puppy that's a good level
It's not very constructive. It would be funny, if I weren't so sad.
8:52 PM
@Cicada Are you also going to leave earth for no raisin?
@Puppy When you finish implementing Wine
I'm going to get back to doing some work on it probably in a week or two when my living, financial, and employment arrangements are solidified
@sbi you have certainly pissed me off in a big way a couple of times. :p (and I know I've had the same effect). But it's never been anything that made me dislike you as a person, I guess
So what is this mysterious job you have, @puppy? Do you do C++?
at least not mostly
8:58 PM
@sbi the puppy is now a jevoha's witness, nothing but love and nice words coming otu of his mouth, ever since he got the job
I can't grumble today but I've just ordered a usb sound card on amazon so I can grumble in future
@TemplateRex Mostly since I got better, let's face it.
@jalf Yep, I feel the same. We've had our disagreements (and you always react strongly to such :)), but I still value you as a person, and you certainly seem friendly to my while we're not banging our heads together.
not being HORRIBLY HORRIBLY SICK is bound to improve one's disposition
@Puppy did you get the long awaited surgery, a magical diet or what?
8:59 PM
21 mins ago, by Puppy

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