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6:05 AM
not sure either, but
"Coliru is good and you should feel good."
that's gotta make you feel a glow
good morning
good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
if you meen the 'open a page with custom code' I guess they want to use the site to pump code in - ie use coliru as a compiler farm. Sounds hectic
6:08 AM
Afternoon squire
@StackedCrooked Why don't you remove the garbage 'feedback'?
@Rapptz Jimi Hendrix would turn in his grave if he heard you say that
Fuck, I need to eliminate duplicates in a typelist :s
wtf, Intel no longer has free Linux compiler
just as they are c++11 complete
@TemplateRex It did?
6:16 AM
@MarkGarcia ya, they had a free download for Linux only, for non-commericial development
Last time I saw it cost a fortune.
Kinda wish virtual Bases... would eliminate duplicates. Instead, I linearized the whole thing with virtual Base, self</* pass Bases... */>.
I had kinda ignored Intel as they were very slow to adopt c++11, but with their latest version (15.0) they are c++11 complete
Cool. But library interop kind of sucks, I think.
6:20 AM
Why are you using virtual inheritance?
@Rapptz To handle duplicate bases gracefully.
oh, it was already mentioned on the Boost ML: lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2014/09/216865.php
E.g. I can write EqualityComparable<X, Y> in terms of parts::Equal<X, Y> and parts::Equal<Y, X>.
If you write bool operator==(A const&, B const&); but not the other overload you get a precise diagnostic :v
Is this really so outlandish?
@Rapptz Why the reaction?
6:26 AM
I don't like virtual inheritance.
It feels like something went wrong if I need it.
IIRC it was a performance penalty for niebler concepts
The virtual inheritance happens in Concepts::diagnose. You don’t use it to write concepts.
@Rapptz Yeah, it compiles much faster when GCC errors out.
Amount of instantiations of Concepts::diagnose that the code contains: 0.
You instantiate when you want a… diagnostic.
Then you fix and get rid of the diagnostic.
@Rapptz My exceptions virtually inherit as well!
Why have virtual inheritance when it’s not faster than make_variant :v
6:37 AM
Except there was no need for those (Rule Of Zero) as my running sample shows — sehe 1 min ago
@Rapptz Joking aside, I did ensure that Concepts::check (concept to metafunction predicate) fails as early as possible without instantiating unnecessary work. And of course that’s the one that operates by default on template constraints.
Hmm I don't like when people favour their own solution mainly because they don't understand the explanation
ah ok
@sehe oh yeah, that's a real pain. Managers and team leaders are the worst offenders.
7:00 AM
So OutputIterators are allowed to have a void reference and a non-const operator*. That’s two things that are incompatible with Iterator.
7:16 AM
@TemplateRex noise! Stared
I wonder if I should try to catch up on Concepts. Literally haven't looked at how they're coming along ever since they were kicked out of c++11
@jalf ConceptsLite is quite lightweight, true to its name. I don’t really know where concepts proper are.
@LucDanton Yeah, when I said "Concepts" I meant "all the flavors that spawned from the original proposal, and the progress made towards getting any of them into the standard"
I'd kind of tuned out of all of it :)
Oh the ‘progress’ bit is easy, I’m fairly sure there’s nothing going on.
Standardization is probably held up by ConceptsLite.
oh hey, another SSL vulnerability? It sure has been a while since we had one of those
7:32 AM
morning all
@jalf and of course it's bigger and badder than any thing else ever
I dunno, but it might be time I just flick the switch and disable SSLv3 in my browser :)
Virtuous inheritance is a myth.
@CatPlusPlus no, it's githubs fault. I authenticated for your shitty nodeBooB and it responded with some twat arse email
All comments to a question are obsolete.
7:36 AM
Should I flag all of them or is only one of them fine?
@rightføld I think if it's worthy of flagging, then flagging them all is more effective (at least that makes it clear to passing mods that it really makes a difference; you don't want them to require visiting the actual comment thread to see that there's more going on)
@rightføld Said Esau (you can sleep under one more star now. Don't dream about stairways to heaven...)
@jalf Where? What?
@VáclavZeman The rock. Get away from under it
7:39 AM
@sehe ;_;
@sehe I can't see what spurred you on to de-owner, was there some incident I'm just not going far enough back to see?
@jalf I have a feeling a large part of the c++ community did that. Which might explain that more progress was being made.
Design by committee: haphazard. Design by many committee and several fan bases: hazard
My firefox seems [unvulnerable](www.poodletest.com)
@thecoshman and he wasn't even drunk! or applying logic!
7:44 AM
@sehe yeah, probably true
either way, you current owners are slacking, the 'description' hasn't changed in hours!
@thecoshman Yeah. LRIO trolling, and picking up the "abuse of room ownership" argument to sling mud once to many.
9 hours ago, by sehe
Hahaha. I was terribly confused I couldn't find the "edit topic" button thingy in the room info. Then it dawned on me.
@rubenvb huh, odd, same here. Firefox does support SSLv3 though, unless you explicitly disable it
@sehe that button is the only thing I miss about being an owner. :)
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Where the lazy chat. [c++] [c++11] [c++14] [c++-faq]
Someone just had to say it.
7:47 AM
@sehe ¬_¬ well I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw that.
@Rapptz or maybe soon - "available for rent"
Sponsorship opportunities!
Regardless of my self terminated stint, there seems to be an apparent lack of understanding the owners are there to help regulate.
well I think it's just easier to plonk Lightness and move on
@Rapptz erm. maaaaaybe https:// would be nice here
7:49 AM
@thecoshman are you planning on signing up again, or are the others still making you suffer
@sehe It automatically redirects.
or well, it makes it https regardless.
I figured I'd ask here because the SO answers, of which I found three, aren't working for me - I'm trying to use Boost ASIO, so I've #included the asio header, and I've thrown -lboost_system into the linker parameters, but it still won't compile (undefined reference to `boost::system::generic_category()). Any suggestions? (Ubuntu 14.04 x64, g++ to compile)
probably the order you did it in
@dawmail333 the order
7:50 AM
@sehe So what do I have to do order-wise?
@jalf My Android 4.1 stock browser is vulnerable though.
A: Undefined reference to boost::system::generic_category despite linking with boost_system

seheYou should specify the libraries after the source file(s). Also, prefer -pthread over manually linking libpthread.so g++ -I/home/foo/boost_1_56_0 -L/home/foo/boost_1_56_0/stage/lib -pthread main.cpp foo.cpp -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem -lboost_thread

Chrome on Android isn't
Not a FAQ item at all
@Puppy owners shouldn't plonk people, else they can't really moderate if they are only seeing half a conversation.
7:51 AM
@sehe Apologies. I need to search better.
So either the vulnerability test sucks or it's not that big of a deal after all :-p
@aclarke I'd take the italic names and setting silly room descriptions sure :D
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Tell thecoshman to zip it! [c++] [c++11] [c++14] [c++-faq]
@dawmail333 it did compile.
It didn't link.
7:52 AM
@thecoshman don't look at me
@TonyTheLion ¬_¬ Thor damn you!
@thecoshman Owners are not moderators.
@rightføld My bad.
@Puppy I disagree
@sehe ya but but it's not longer free!
7:53 AM
We have kick/ban powers
also, since the non-Lightness person is what matters, seeing only their messages seems plenty to me
that makes us semi-moderators
@Puppy they are not given the formal title of 'moderator' within the chat system, but they are here to moderate.
Oh well, after 5 minutes: no poodle and no terrier. Guess this means Opera is not vulnerable
@TonyTheLion semirators
7:53 AM
@TemplateRex What. :( Unstared :{
@jalf terminators clearly
@Puppy which is why you shouldn't be one.
@TemplateRex it is for students :-)
7:54 AM
@sehe Schrödingers SSL Vulnerability. Simultaneously vulnerable and not vulnerable
Every computer is
I don't even know how to disable SSLv3 on my FF
@thecoshman you have to admit, for non-moderators it's a pretty sensible rule of thumb. :)
:( that poodle is very dapper.
@jalf what, no puppy?
I guess that's the big trade-off. Get the "edit title" button and an italic name, or the freedom to block people who are being stupid
7:55 AM
yeah, I'd go for it.
@TonyTheLion better moderate than radical.
@jalf vOv I just want italic name.
@thecoshman That "in a conversation with LRIO, the other person is the one whose messages you want to see"
@thecoshman Sigh. Where's the setting to turn it off in FF<34....
> but i dont do research i just talk out of my ass for free internet points
7:57 AM
i never did like poodles.
Most sincere Youtube comment ever.
2 hours ago, by TemplateRex
wtf, Intel no longer has free Linux compiler
Wait, why am I reading Youtube comments again?
it used to be free on linux, now only reduced price for students/professors
7:58 AM
Huh, really? I'd never heard of it being free on Linux. When was this?
@jalf i hope that addon is secure...
that would be ironic
@TemplateRex C++ compiler (and associated libs) is still free on any OS for students
I wonder if I can tell LLVM that two pointers are never aliases of eachother.
7:59 AM
there is aliasing metdata
but I wouldn't bother with it really
@jalf I insist on trying to find it in about:config first.
@Puppy ok.
@aclarke I'm not sure it's actually there (let me know if you find it though)
i give up!
o_0 did I really have to manually update chrome for poopy poodle patch
8:01 AM
@jalf only about a million params show up when searching for ssl
I'm using FF 32 and ti says not vulnerable
It's the internet. You're vulnerable somehow.
he says having just updated to FF 33
you're even more vulnerable when you're in the Lounge
vulnerable to attacks from the Puppy :P
You're incredibly vulnerable when there's a human using your computer...
8:10 AM
@aclarke try ssl3. But then I wouldn't know which one to disable :-o
just disable all of the SSL stuff, then you won't suffer from SSL vulnerabilities.
@TonyTheLion raaaar
lol or be able to log into any website on earth.
had to hold Daisy back from eating a snail
> Chrome users that just want to get rid of SSLv3 can use the command line flag --ssl-version-min=tls1 to do so. - source
Last night my cat Sid caught a big fly in our room and them ate it.
8:14 AM
@ScottW <3
@thecoshman cats do that
@ScottW hey! sup?
drunk and/or fed up with LRIO
@ScottW Everyone? Did I miss something?
@ScottW There's 10 owners, I'd say that's enough to contain the mess inside the Lounge.
8:17 AM
@ScottW sehe and?
pretty awesome
template<typename T>
void for_each(const auto&... args) {
(print(args), ...);
@TemplateRex (f(x) ; ...)!
@rightføld exactly
@TemplateRex lol disgusting
@dawmail333 there's no obvious switch that I can see, nor a list of protocols to try.
8:18 AM
not as bad as the current work-around but still pretty bad.
> An expression of the form (... op e) where op is a fold-operator is called a right fold.
I am famous!
why not print(args)...?
@TemplateRex ah comma operator.
I like the rest though
8:19 AM
@thecoshman Yeah, I can see Android users rushing to do that.
@thecoshman I did that, and it still claims I'm vulnerable
ITT Chrome sucks
whoa, awesome answer: stackoverflow.com/a/26377725/85371 NOT
@Rapptz That would be still reserved for comma-as-a-separator. So not valid in a statement.
the rest is cool
I just don't like the abuse of operator,
8:22 AM
@Rapptz no, it should never have been offered!
Time to remove a database backup I accidentally committed to a Git repository. :v
the paper doesn't seem to talk what happens w.r.t. operator overloads
Oh boy git filter-branch. :v
@ScottW sehe had a valid reason, coshman was being a drunk moron
and regrets his mistake
@Rapptz That’s fair, but arguably the proposal is being consistent. Changing the grammar to have comma-separated expression in a statements would be wild ;)
8:23 AM
I could add coshman again, but meh
> However, all binary operators are supported to allow the use of folds over arbitrary overloaded operators.
Nothing about operator overloading.
The operators are all overloadable. That’s it.
It's just syntactic sugar.
yeah but what is the default value?
However, the default values are weird wrt overloading.
8:25 AM
Same ones.
they have two tables about the default value if the pack is empty
@LucDanton that doesn't seem very generic.
@Rapptz The one table is part of the ‘informal’ presentation, the other is the proposed, formal wording to be added to the Standard.
@Rapptz Yep.
iunno that's kinda lame
You can often catch empty packs with another overload/specialization, or if it comes to it unfold (hah) the thing by hand.
yeah but at that point the syntactic sugar is useless
8:28 AM
I think so.
Think auto foo() { return /* totally generic result */; } auto foo(Args&&... args) { return args + ...; }.
How is that useless? I’m tired of writing folds.
@rightføld that's what I'm talking about
though I guess I'm overblowing the issue
8:31 AM
@LucDanton I am too.
@Xeo virtual placebo morning() = 0;
You must live in some backward part of the world for it to be morning... :)
Kidding. Kinda.
@dawmail333 we're the upside-down-ones
@aclarke Hear hear!
or is it "hear here"?
8:36 AM
@dawmail333 and harrumph-harrumph!
Or to go really archaic, "Cooee!"
that map makes scandinavia look even ruder
@LucDanton Or use the v @ ... @ pack version?
@aclarke Scandinalous!
8:38 AM
I haven't finished reading the paper, but I'd think hope that that doesn't expand to v @ <default>
Don’t think so. It would make sense though yeah.
but instead to just v.
> Operator Value when parameter pack is empty
Another argument to making it sensible is that if the current behaviour is desired you’d go blah + (pack + ...).
> When the unexpanded parameter pack in a fold expression expands to an empty sequence, the value the expression is shown in Table N; the program is ill-formed if the operator is not listed in Table N.
That seems to mean "in general", so for the v @ ... @ pack version too :<
In order to support expansions over a parameter pack and other operands, or to customize the behavior for a fold over an empty parameter pack, you can also use the mathematically oriented phrasing:

(args + ... + an)
8:42 AM
Well, that can still be changed. I'll try pinging Richard about it in the #llvm channel
That’s the one.
@Rapptz It’s fine then.
> or to customize the behavior for a fold over an empty parameter pack
I overlooked that
Had to Ctrl-F ‘pack’ to sort it out.
what's an?
whatever you want
8:43 AM
oh ok
fine by me
does abs(a - b) == abs(b - a)?
I’m glad that the proposal would ‘fix’ requires Foo<Pack>....
8:45 AM
this is the only good C++17 proposal so far
from the batch of proposals lately
well that and await/yield
I wish I didn't get motivate to program at 5 AM.
It's like 12-14 hours late.
It happens to me too
No comment.
@Puppy abs(x) == abs(-x) so yes
unless you do some god awful unsigned wrap around nasty stuff
@Puppy no if one of them overflows
@ScottW trolling by LRiO
8:57 AM
Would there ever be a circumstance where abs(a - b) != abs(b - a) (ignoring overflows) if a and b were floating point numbers? Or is floating point consistently inconsistent in those cases?

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