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Argh. WordPress has added nags & annoyances to get people to pay for their services. Wasted much time just removing linebreaks in my HTML, because it is apparently no longer possible to post raw HTML. The HTML linebreaks end up as paragraphs.
You mean <br>s?
I mean ordinary linebreaks.
Ugh, that's silly.
It makes for lots of extra work
I wonder if the feed guy will pick up that I posted on my blog?
If he does then apologies for the layout. They have sort of vandalized their themes. I could not find a nice free one.
It should. We ordered it to! I don't know how frequently it checks though.
posted on November 22, 2011 by Alf P. Steinbach

The Windows console subsystem has a host of Unicode-related bugs. And standard Windows programs such as more (not to mention the C# 4.0 compiler csc) just crash when they’re run from a console window with UTF-8 as active codepage, perplexingly claiming that they’re out of memory. On top of that the C++ runtime libraries of [...]

Hey, how do we feed the feed bot? Can I add my blog?
Sure, give me a link to the RSS feed, and I'll add it.
Thx much!
It will likely spam us with the backlog in a moment, but then it should be fine :)
There are only 3 posts so far.
cout << "Good" << time_of_day;
Did I ask about RLE in here yet?
Working on an RLE problem.
run-length encoding?
@Potatoswatter Yup. Trying to solve this - it's a HW (link), not for my class though.
Well, they already give you a detailed algorithm. And it doesn't seem to be very good, or to match the problem description, since they specify to output both bytes even though they're equal.
Really, ignore this paper, read the definition of RLE, and Just Do It.
@Potatoswatter Heh, not for me though, so I can't really take that approach.
@Potatoswatter They describe RLE, and then change it slightly to improve on some cases.
Apparently there's more than described there. Apparently he wants them to use an array as well. Not sure why, but I suppose that works.
@Moshe Is this for a class or just your own edification?
@Potatoswatter For a friend's class. I'm in the other intro class.
@RMartinhoFernandes The supposed improvement is subsequently lost in the erroneous algorithm description.
To me it looks like it matches their changes.
So you told us it's "not for your class," but since we're doing your friend's homework for you, we still need to obey the rules of doing homework? No thanks.
The problem that we came up with is that you can't have more than 9 repeats or you can't have numbers.
@Moshe I think it's implied that the input alphabet doesn't include any numbers, so decimal encoding can be used.
@Potatoswatter Fair enough. I was simply saying "I'm not cheating on hw by asking for help". I understand if you don't want to be limited by those rules though. I'm with you on that.
@Potatoswatter Except that the input file on his website includes a bunch of numbers.
@RMartinhoFernandes They say that if 2 letters are equal, output both, then count subsequent repeats and output the count. So you get AAAAA => AA4.
@Potatoswatter There are only 3 subsequent repeats there, no? AA3?
@Moshe Well… my advice to you is that life is too short, especially the few years of youthful learning you're in now, to worry about idiotic TA's and their inability to write coherent assignments.
@RMartinhoFernandes Yep, AA3 would be correct.
And likewise, I'm not going to do your homework for you.
@Potatoswatter Heh, ok.
You can encode numbers.
@RMartinhoFernandes How so?
But only if they don't have more than 9 repeats.
Like you said :)
Ah, what about regular numbers?
hi, did any1 here ever worked with FSEventStream ?
However, I will suggest that std::mismatch( first, last - 1, first + 1 ) can be used to count the number of repeats.
Use '0' instead of 48. It's less magical. And portable if you end up in a strange dream where EBCDIC is used.
@Potatoswatter Thanks.
Yeah, I guess the suggested encoding does make sense if you want to encode numbers as well.
@RMartinhoFernandes So how do I account for the offset between ASCII and the actual value?
'0' is the offset. (Note that I mean the character '0', not the number 0.)
@RMartinhoFernandes I had never even heard of EBCDIC until I encountered a IBM mainframe
A friend suggested using a char to encode the count instead of an int, but for some reason the encoder isn't outputting that correctly.
i wonder if this style is acceptable for blog posting?
@AlfPSteinbach What do you mean by "acceptable"?
@AlfPSteinbach for a minute I kept reloading your blog post as it seemed you had the theme set to "random"
I managed to find a theme with non-serif font and mostly OK, but for example it is pretty wide, perhaps not easy to view on small screen
And you only need to keep two bytes of state (current and last), you should do without the array of bytes you have.
What if the input is longer than 1000?
@RMartinhoFernandes True.
I like how you have // Return false if either file didn't open successfully on a void function. :)
Whoops, it was a bool function earlier on.
I thought I removed that.
I hate my life
No news then?
> My fiance wants me to make it so that the thermostat turns on when she says ‘I’m hot’ or ‘I’m cold — Hacking Siri
Well, I can see that a couple of problems which can be caused by this. (Like bedroom gymnastics being canceled due to decreasing temperature making it impractical.)
Nothing is worse than half-intelligence. I'd much rather have a really dumb device than a half-intelligent one.
Ok, it took me a while to figure out "bedroom gymnastics" was not meant literally. Is that bad?
@RMartinhoFernandes Either way you can do flips.
@RMartinhoFernandes: Bedroom Gymnastics....hmmm
not really big enough for actual gymnastics
That's what she said.
@DeadMG: Whats not big enough for actual thingy?
I only have one uneven bar :v(
@sbi Would you rather have a really dumb chat room or a half-intelligent one?
@Potatoswatter A dumb one, of course.
Ask and ye shall receive :v)
This chat doesn't have any intelligence. It has clever features, though. Which is what makes it so nice.
The chat is sentient?
@sbi: But people here have the intelligence...
Oh, I was referring to us, not the room itself.
@RMartinhoFernandes We're not scratching our messages on pearwood. :)
@Potatoswatter I can't see how to read this from your question, though. Anyway (@Als), I was referring to devices, not people.
@sbi I was making a joke about the conversation going into the gutter after you made that particular comment. Aanyway, nvm.
@Potatoswatter Yeah, I saw this twice now, this afternoon. I feel bad about it.
You feel bad about our dirty minds? We'll just have to crucify you for that!
hey guys
this may be a strange question, but any idea how to efficiently navigate through the web without a mouse?
@Potatoswatter I feel bad about having stopped the conversation simply by stepping in.
there does not seem to be an "on screen mouse" application...
@Xeo which platform?
Tabs! Lots of tabs!
@Xeo Lynx?
@Xeo Seriously, Opera is great for that.
Shift + Arrows lets you get where you want to click quickly.
@RMartinhoFernandes: "efficiently". :/
I managed to get into the chat with tabbing, but it was bothersome
@sbi I was chastised here fore merely mentioning lynx. I was referred to the "highly superior" elinks
@RMartinhoFernandes I always have many tabs open. And when I say many, I mean a three digit number. This is FF, and I find it hard to manage so many tabs without a mouse.
@Xeo there is some way to replace mouse with numpad on windows or linux, can't remember which, if that's what you're going for
@sbi I meant pressing the "tab" key lots of times.
@sbi: ctrl-tab?
@keithlayne Shrug. I never heard about elinks. In fact, I even had to look up lynx.
@Xeo Have you tried to cycle through thirty open tabs by Ctrl+Tab?!
@sbi: ctrl+number_of_tab ?
The first nine are easy: Ctrl+number gets you there.
@RMartinhoFernandes so it goes to the next link based on the layout and the direction?
ctrl+4 gets you to the 4th tab
@keithlayne Yes. It works really nice. I wish FF had that.
@Xeo So? And how do I get to the 23rd tab this way?
mmm. touché
> Try it yourself. Despite the quirks, spatial navigation is worlds better than the insanity of pressing tab 125 times.
@sbi Ctrl+0 followed by Ctrl+PageDown 13 times!
Or use Vimperator.
@RMartinhoFernandes It's much easier to scroll through the tabs with my mouse's scroll wheel and click on the one I want.
I've only got like, 10 tabs open at most
20-30 if I'm using both screens for Chrome
sad that opera doesn't have ctrl+number_of_tab
Oh well, seems I'll have to overcome my lazyness and go get my mouse from my friend...
later o/
Sep 17 at 18:31, by sbi
I have forgotten all I ever knew of vi. And I'm grateful.
Almost got it to work.
I'm convinced the only reason people still use vi is they can't remember how to exit out of it.
@sbi Ok, I get it you don't like vi. Me neither.
I use vim.
@RMartinhoFernandes So tell me about the difference.
it's possible that you can use arrow keys with vim?
Why am I starred?
I starred you because you made an epic statement.
@AlfPSteinbach Arrow keys?! Of course, that would convince me to use this beast!
> Vim "Vi IMproved" has yet more features than vi, including (scriptable) syntax highlighting, mouse support, graphical versions, visual mode, many new editing commands and a large amount of extension in the area of ex commands. Vim is included with almost every Linux distribution (and is also shipped with every copy of Apple Mac OS X).
@AlfPSteinbach Yes.
@AlfPSteinbach Yeah, sounds like famous last words, right?
@RMartinhoFernandes Oh yeah, "yet more features", "many new editing commands", "and a large amount of extension in the area of ex commands" — that's certainly what I always wanted of vi.
It makes it non-sucky.
@sbi At the very least it's a life-saver when you need to edit files over a ssh terminal connection.
why use vi when you can use ed?
@keithlayne I don't know how to use ed.
Like vi, but blind.
@StackedCrooked neither do I
Thank God
but there is something to be said for never needing X or whatever windows uses
When I need to do a complex editing job I stop using the IDE and switch to Vim. I used to a keyboard shortcut in Visual Studio that launched the current file in Vim. (Not anymore because I'm now mostly working on Mac.)
it's nice to do regexp stuff without popping up a stupid window and using the mouse
The mouse is the worst thing ever...that's for you, steve jobs
@Moshe: Just in case you're "almost" facing down Zeno's paradox, ideone.com/xSCqn
See y'all later.
template<typename T>
void exchange(std::vector<T>* a, std::vector<T>* b) what does this function is supposed to do?
    T* p = &a[0];
    T* q = &b[0];
    for (size_t k = a->size(); --k != 0; ) {
        exchange(p++, q++);
What it does is one thing. What it's supposed to do is another.
Looks like a silly replacement for swap.
> Being Finnish is the ultimate goal; that's why they call it the Finnish line.
@RMartinhoFernandes swap? how?
What does exchange do for T?
@RMartinhoFernandes pardon me , didn't get what you mean?
That thing calls exchange on all the elements of a and b paired up.
What does it do for a single element?
@RMartinhoFernandes the same question i am asking to myself :D , i think my ebook has typo
a line of code with this: // shut up the compiler
This looks promising.
@MrAnubis It is to be defined on page 180. It's basically a swap.
Dammit. 180.
ebook is chm , so i don't have page numbers here
Well, it's at the start of chapter 12.
then code shouldn't be like this :
template<typename T>
void exchange(std::vector<T>* a, std::vector<T>* b) what does this function is supposed to do?
    T* p = &a[0];
    T* q = &b[0];
    for (size_t k = a->size(); --k != 0; ) {
        exchange(*p++, *q++);// <<
No, because exchange also takes pointers.
arrhh , that part is doing recursion or calling some previous overload which you said , lies at starting of chapter?
There's an overload for exchange(T*, T*) at the start of the chapter. That's the one it's calling.
Calling overload, unless T is vector too.
But really, vectors by pointers? That's just ugly.
Yeah, I have no idea why they didn't use references there.
C background maybe?
what happens if you pass two arrays then? Will it not call the pointer version? I don't think the vector version is very good regardless of whether it uses pointers or references.
Pass two arrays where?
to exchange...or if a is bigger than b, that would be bad
Well, it's just example code to explain specialization and overloading.
oh wow the new edition of that book has been pushed to 2013
it was supposed to come in july 2012 if i remember correctly.
Do templates really need a book?
yes , atleast ebook for free?
Well, if not templates, what would need one?
There's a book for everything!

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