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@sehe I don't know. I think utopia is possible eventually
@Ell Once humans have gone extinct
Or robots have sufficiently conditioned/brain washed their minions to believe that Utopia has arrived
@sehe Shh.. Silence. We do not talk about the robots.
utopia will definitely happen, once a single entity takes control over everyone and nobody tries to challenge said entity
Uh but I just did
when it will happen is an entirely different matter :A
Anarchy is a terrible idea.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Er. According to that, the Third Reich survived until the 50s.
No. It's fine. As an idea.
@sehe I think before then
@R.MartinhoFernandes 3.141593th Reich
At the beginning it seems simple and awesome. Then you understand it's an utopia. Then you realize it's terrible.
anyway, what I'd like to see
2 mins ago, by sehe
Or robots have sufficiently conditioned/brain washed their minions to believe that Utopia has arrived
is some sort of threat coming from outside our planet
@R.MartinhoFernandes I guess we've all been lied to! I knew it!!
and every country on earth being allied
At least those were my steps.
I wonder how much progress we'd be able to make if we all worked together on the same goal
@sehe now that's much more 1984/North Korea :P
@AlexM. And then crushed as one!
@Ell and realistic
@R.MartinhoFernandes well that's one possible outcome
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Joke is on me. The video is not available in the US.
@Nican I'm devastated.
BTW, not on the topic precisely, but contains some relevant points (some of which were made above): youtube.com/watch?v=8nzeJrXFttg /cc @Ell
Can we just talk about Haskell next time? :P
Or F#
Or Scala
@LightnessRacesinOrbit How biased. The rise of Belgium is hardly noticeable.
Or bananas.
@StackedCrooked I like how germany just goes "PING!"
@StackedCrooked Oo-er.. nobody told you?
I never got round to fixing my undefined symbol because of this "discussion" :(
@Ell haha
well that's what happens when you take drugs and go off the rails
Hey buddy, I'm right behind you... :) http://t.co/deVaMfetzr
and yet all I can think is what Puppy's reaction would be
Fuck me. I answered a question about IOCP earlirt tonight and got another query on it. Ii know the answer bu can't actullay type it out.
> “I don’t understand.” Bless him for being Belgian, sois Belge et tais-toi; the condescension I’d expect from an American [...]
^ How I Explained Heartbleed To My Therapist - Meredith L Patterson on Sep 25
this chicks sings well
jump to best part: youtube.com/…
I should goto bed.
@MartinJames It happens to the best. So it proves you are one of the best.
@MartinJames convincing argument
@StackedCrooked Fucking Courage Directors..
and I'm still at my desk
@LightnessRacesinOrbit many of us are
there's a few who are using laptop at a non-desk.
@AlexM. thanks. Big time saver. I hear a voice flatter than that of Madonna, not much singing training and a lot (a lot) of artificial reverb to hide the voice.
Not to mention the probable auto-tune
I'm done
wait, Madonna has a flat voice?
Not as bad as "this chick" obviously
@sehe does this mean it's good? I don understand.
It's completely uninteresting. Whether that's good depends on taste, shammeputit
@AlexM. TBH that's not really memorable.
must be just me then
it sounds good imo
@sehe Seems legit (genuinely). Only someone who struggles from depression could write this way. I like it.
@sehe do you know a better female voice than Aretha?
fucksake internet... 2014, when you have to explicitly indicate that by saying "seems legit" you think something is legitimate
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Me too. I'm dividing attention though so it'll take a while
@JohanLarsson SOKO
Her voice is soko good.
@JohanLarsson I likely do. But there is no clear, consistent total ordering in voice "goodness"
@sehe They even add reverb in the acoustic version youtube.com/watch?v=aD8IY7Q_n-U
shit, that's a fantastic article
@sehe Even if there was, it wouldn't affect my preference much.
I wonder what would cause a symbol to be undefined in a shared libraryv
@R.MartinhoFernandes "acoustic".
@StackedCrooked but I mean I'm more like Martin than you lot are, and I haven't got up from this chair since lunchtime, and that pains me because I could have gone out or something
half past midnight now ffs
Maybe if I didn't compile the source code. But I am using that symbol in a translation unit being compiled so how wouldn't it link error?
We need a rubber duck room
@StackedCrooked not my cup, not bad though.
@Ell Not compiling the source code is one way to avoid linker errors, yes.
@Ell You know you have to link all dependencies to the final binary, right?
@R.MartinhoFernandes not to mention the highly produced backing vocals, complete synth orchestra too. :)
That is, if LibA uses LibB and your app uses LibA, you have to compile your app with -lA -lB even if your app doesn't directly use LibB
She sings nice. But it's not a good voice.
there are many possible causes of your problem but since you don't give any detail, it's impossible to tell you specifically what's wrong
There's this song called 'hit me baby one more time' about domestic abuse. I always cry when I hear it.
Isn't that Britney?
@StackedCrooked You mean, one of the most famous pop songs of all time? Tell me more.
@sehe ping me when you have one. I'll do the ordering.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit -fno-anarchy
My lonileness is killing me (killing me)
I confess I still believe (still believe)
@StackedCrooked lol
you still believe in your bullshit after all that
Hit me baby one more time
@Ell Well then, bend over, bitch.
I get hell bent over IT
opples and aranges
@baum easy tiger
Huh. I unplonked lightness after I finished talking to robot but on mobile he's still plonked for some reason
To protect the gorilla glass from the shattering truth
Wait, all that effort I put into explaining things to you and you weren't even fucking listening?
@Ell I never like the song very much. But over time my dislike for it did not increase. I guess that's an achievement.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit You also put some effort to antagonise him.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit calm calm. Don't overestimate your constructivism
What a waste of a night I could have been at the pub :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh it was no effort really
Or maybe you didn't put in effort and it just comes naturally to you.
@sehe I thought I came up with some really good points.
@lightness I was listening to most of it. I plonked you after I told you to fuck off for a second and unplonked you shortly after
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Priorities m8. You can't blame the govt for not lighting the non-existant public road
@Ell haha I didn't even see that
@lightness I deleted it :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit You did well (to bury them under a joyous feast of ridicule and scorn)
Anger isn't productive really
In my experience
@sehe I don't think that interpretation is accurate at all.
It produces heat
@LightnessRacesinOrbit wax on, wax off
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I really need some quality pub time after two absolutely terrible weeks.
@R.MartinhoFernandes :(
You need an unconference
Saturday and Tuesday should fix that, I guess.
You two should meet in the middle. Around Ghent area.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit And a winter coat
@lightness I didn't miss any content message, I think it was just two or three messages towards the very end of the er discussion
@LightnessRacesinOrbit We'll have a mini-one on Tuesday :P
00:32. I guess I should put some dinner on :/
Well, not really all Loungers, though.
@R.MartinhoFernandes With McNellis?
James McNellis is in Berlin.
Twittersphere was alight with the anticipation
A: <<< Recoverable Error >>> with OPNEt

Robesvania AraujoThank you very much. You save my life. I don't knew what to do anymore.

@Ell Your phone is smarter than you?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Did you have any luck with CLion?
@Borgleader Haven't tried anything.
Also wtf, avatars on name autocomplete
@StackedCrooked Seconded (I'd love an excuse to go to Ghent again, even though I probably won't be able to make it anyway).
@Borgleader I bet 400 EUR that it will not live up to your expectations.
@StackedCrooked No need, it already hasnt :P
A: static const in class - duplicate Symbol error

RajeshIn your header file , have the ifndef ... #define ... #endif include guard so that multiple inclusion won't cause issue Have extern keyword before the class so that compiler understands that it is declaration even though it is included at multiple cpp files

wtf is this
@JerryCoffin Yeah, it's also the middle between Germany and US. How convenient ;)
TIL about a neat feature in VS. Freezing/Thawing individual threads <3
1 hour ago, by Lightness Races in Orbit
3 hours ago, by Sofffia
user image
@sehe AFAIK, it's him, me, sbi, melak, Georg (he works for Mozilla and was at the unconference), and Sebastian (he invited me to talk at the C++ User Group).
@R.MartinhoFernandes I met Sebastian at MeetingC++ 2013
@Borgleader Dude, you just lost an opportunity to win 400 euros.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I was at work D:
@R.MartinhoFernandes I rather he spend 400 euros on coliru. I use it almost everyday :P
@Borgleader Donate them back and be a hero!
@StackedCrooked Pretty sure the middle would be somewhere in the Atlantic (though Ghent is a little closer to the US than Germany is).
Q: How can I ask a potential employer to show production code?

kostjaIn my experience, managers and even employees at a potential employer tend to emphasize the commitment to quality in their company or their team during interviews. I am also routinely asked about my proficiency with tools and processes to improve and maintain code quality. It is also customary to...

The centre of the world is defined by where I live. Didn't you get the memo?
@Borgleader So were the rest of us ;) [kinda]
@JerryCoffin Azores!
Why has my Shell Shock message been unpinned? :/
@StackedCrooked Congratulations. You're now more American than even more Merkins... :-)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit just asking should not be that hard, many forget that an interview is duplex.
@JohanLarsson indeed - the whole post reveals some interesting points though. it's not that simple.
ok I just read the title
Its pretty cool, lately I went from testing clang-cl builds by checking if "Hello World" compiles, to checking if ogonek compiles ^.^
@Rilakkuma: it's perfectly normal for companies to ask to see samples of a programmer's previous code, though. Are companies doing that also arrogant, or are they just trying to get a fair assessment of the applicant's skill? — RemcoGerlich 14 hours ago
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Read the question now, think it is that simple. There are many jobs. I would be careful to not end up spending time on maintaining shit code.
Azores has an island named "Terceira", which means literally "Third". It got that name because it was the third island to be discovered and people were too lazy to use its intended name.
@jerry haha its smarter than me more often than id like
Especially when using the calculator to work out change :L
My mental arithmetic is shocking
@JohanLarsson Joni Mitchell.
I want to go to an unconference sometime
@Ell Check out your travel insurance. It has to cover alcohol poisoning.
jeffO got it right imo.
@R.MartinhoFernandes clang-cl hates your optional.h++ :P
@martin haha I'd make sure ;)
Is the next one legit going to be the uk? Or is that just a pirate pipe dream?
> They followed a standard procedure to remedy the imbalance by transferring fuel from the left wing tank, to the near-empty right wing tank. Unbeknownst to the pilots, the aircraft had developed a fuel leak in a line to the #2 (right) engine.
ok, managed to print something in the PSP emulator
I'll make pong or something
@AlexM. is it vulnerable to shellshock?
probably not
@Ell I only survived the last one 'cos the biggest pissfest was on the day I arrived. I'd been up since 0400 'cos travel and so dodged the night session in favour of aircon and sleep. It was epic, aparrently.
I just copy pasted stuff from the getting started guide, no idea how this console works; I had one but never bothered to install CFW on it
so I was never able to run my own software, even though I wanted to write some
at least now I can, since a good emulator exists
@martin it sounds fun
@sehe I know
@MartinJames Dude. You're so wrong.
the last 3 messages were unrelated
@JohanLarsson It's simple to care. The execution is not so simple. Now you've read the question, read the answers.
@MartinJames Does "Czech booze" ring any bells?
@r.martinho it wasn't epic?
5 mins ago, by Johan Larsson
jeffO got it right imo.
@JerryCoffin I love these reversals
oh hey, I had a reason to use gVim's :make thingy, for the first time
8 hours ago, by Johan Larsson
I read a very small % of the transcript
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh - you mean that Slivovitz stuff?
@MartinJames Yes.
I'm tempted to get out of bed and programme for a little bit. But ugh that always leads me to be super tired the next day
@Ell Go to bed and have nice dreams of mythical illogical societies that magically function in perfect harmony contrary to all the physical laws of our reality
@R.MartinhoFernandes It was good, but I thought you lot had raised 'hammered' to a new level on the day I arrived and I could not make it to the night session.
@sehe That wasn't a reversal. A reversal would be if I tried to vote for Vienna instead. :-)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Its from this ad
@JerryCoffin I plead Dutch
@lightness can we drop it, agree not to discuss politics ever again and be friends? :P
@Ell we can be friends at least
@MartinJames was that the night you got stuck in a stairwell
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I wanna be friends with benefits with your avatar :P

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