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@ThePhD Haven't tried it yet. But based here they need to be configured.
Yeah, since I'm trying to do model loading in OpenGL, vectors would be the way to go. But as a beginner, I cannot overlook this. It will come back to haunt me.
Why would std::vector<T> be the way to go with OpenGL?
Just model loading, I'm using a for loop to get floats from an OBJ file
@MarkGarcia Hey bloke. How does Hyper-v compare to things like VirtualBox
I'm pretty sure you can't modify arrays at run time, can you?
any experience?
24 hours ago, by Mark Garcia
@ThePhD I haven't tried Hyper-V, but why not use it?
what is going on here
oh tright.
@Nooble not their size no, but you don't need to
I tried VirtualBox though. I found it to be easy.
I found, some years ago, that windows virtual PC was surprisingly good for an MS product.
maybe some other company wrote it ;-)
I like your logic there.
yeah, i like VBox better than .... the other one - wtf is the name........
Haven't tried VMWare.
VirtualBox is neato.
The only good Oracle product probably.
that one!
It still has some annoying problems.
But then again, what software doesn't?
Q: Why Virtual Box won't give me option to create 64 bits guests?

Eduardo BornMy host is x64 bits Windows 8.1. I downloaded the latest Virtual Box (4.3) and I'm trying to create a VM with a 64 bits Ubuntu OS (ubuntu-12.04.3-desktop-amd64). When I go to New VM wizard, it doesn't give me option to select "Ubuntu (x64)" as I have seen in other people's screenshots, only jus...

VMWare was annoyingly dependent on rebuilds in the face of patches etc
@Rapptz because they didn't write it
even Sun bought it from somewhere else I think
@OMGtechy Windows 8 problem.
Doesn't happen in Windows 7.
Thank god.
I'm really looking for a way to ditch Windows entirely
But until either a) the Direct3D support is improved in VMs or b) the programs I want are ported to Linux (not happening), I'm stuck
I'm not really tied to Windows at all.
@OMGtechy i am in heaven because I haz OpenSuSE host, and a Win7 virtual inside it for the MSWord, Excel and all that annoying office ware I have to use
All my development stuff is on Linux.
@Rapptz I have to use Unity3D, so I'm stuck with it
My internet stuff too.
@aclarke I envy you.
Just.. games.
also for bittorrent scp etc
@OMGtechy This always made me laugh.
Unity supports publishing to Linux, but doesn't have a Linux client.
Despite using Mono etc
And has no intention of making one either
@OMGtechy is can't be in a windows VM inside a *nix host?
You can run it through Wine.
I've seen many problems with doing so.
Stop tempting me damn it!
I want to so bad, but I know all will fail.
I don't use Unity3D, so I wouldn't know.
heh - even the mandatory ubuntu i have to use for work compatibility is in a vm
by the same token, VBox was a really good performer when I had a Win7 laptop hosting my linuxes
Linux shall be my host <3
next problem is pick your flavour.
I dual boot rather than use VMs
Not sure why.
SuSE is germanic, in the sense that it is rigourously functional. The install ends with "Now Have Fun. That is an order."
@Rapptz so you can't run both simultaneously?
I used to, but Windows 8 really doesn't play nice. Sure it can be done, and I have done it, but I'd rather not have to reboot to access another set of programs.
I don't care much about running both simultaneously.
RedHat is solidly commercial - many commercial places prefer it
@Rapptz I did that to my old setup. Too slow for VM because that machine has no VT-x.
Ubuntu's for the amateur hackers ;-)
Arch Linux ftw
Kali Linux anybodyyyyyy
screw it, make your own OS in ASM
@OMGtechy BEOS
I've used Backtrack before @Nooble
BEOS for BEotches
Did you know that Charles Babbage's analytical engine ran on Windows 98?
- The Onion
@OMGtechy if you're willing to do that, to hell with O/S. Just use the BIOS
@OMGtechy Or download one. ipdatacorp.com/mmurtl
Screw BIOS too much overhead.
Screw electricity.
@aclarke It's more so an issue with performance.
I'll stare at the PCB until it calculates.
Disk I/O with Virtual Machines is incredibly slow
Admittedly, Linux is still pretty fast
but yeah
@Rapptz you do seriosly grunty stuff? I rarely overheat my CPU, admittedly.
Also USB ports..
I've found it to be faster in some cases @Rapptz
eh, there's no way a virtual machine would be faster than dual booting
@JerryCoffin thanks for the link
@Rapptz care with location of caching can solve that. native vs. host caching
@OMGtechy Surely.
@Rapptz Directed IO (VT-d) mostly solves that.
anybody want to skype ?
UGHUGHUGHUGHUGH Can you chat on Stack Exchange App?
@daniel no
The mobile version of the site is ok though
Yeah but can you chat.
@daniel for sexting?
yes, you can chat using the mobile version of the site as I have done it many times
I really wish I had an Android phone
we prefer to type; then the embarrassment of any little mistaiks are preserved for posterity.
Android ftw
Haven't tried android though, only window's phone & iphone
no i'm trying to get a team together to make a cool rpg ive been developing, just wanted the company (=
Windows Phone looks so pretty, but there just aren't enough apps for me
@OMGtechy plus, windows...
@Nooble I really wish I had a phone that let me call other people when I want, but had no phone number, so nobody could call me or complain about my not answering when they do.
@MarkGarcia I'm still kinda internally debating.
I think Windows host + Linux guest is probably the way to go.
Even if you spend 90% of the time on the guest.
@daniel what language? I'm happy to be tech support but I can't really get heavily involved
@aclarke windows++
I'll never stop making bad jokes
involving post increment
@Rapptz yeah I am; but wierdly a nix hosted inside nix
i refuse to abandon suse for ubuntu
Using Gnome 3 with Ubuntu is quite a nice experience
Hi, my name is Mr. Links. :-)
in c++, currently using sfml as fall back for window making
Well, I think I gotta go. Gonna get the whole "No initializing arrays the way you normally do inside classes" etched in my brain.
@OMGtechy --tone please.
Well, I use Debian. Not Ubuntu.
SFML is pretty nice. Not the fastest thing in the world, but very easy to use
Plus, GLFW and SFML don't solve the same problems.
guys, guys, please stop shouting.
Did you know that CAPSLOCK is an anagram for COCKSLAP?
@aclarke wha? (the tone thing)
tone it down
B-b-but CAPS LOCK is cruise control for cool!
I used to use SFML until RenderWindow::clear started giving me segfaults.
im using sfml beacuase of its wide range of support and simplicity, i could have used GLFW or Allegro, or even SDL but i chose sfml over them (=
oh SHIT - "Use of C for the purpose of insults is a bananable offense."
@OMGtec he said he's using it for window handling.
@Rapptz Probably driver problem.
@MarkGarcia Doubt it.
SDL works fine.
GLFW and SFML can interop anyway.
@Nooble ah missed that
I'm using GLFW in my own engine
Although there's not that much GLFW involved tbh
it pretty much makes a window and fucks off
I used GLFW in my (not really an) engine to make a triangle!
I'm THAT good.
@OMGtechy That's pretty much its intent.
I hate the new pointer-everything GLFW API.
It's a baby engine
Yes, it's supposed to grow into a adult engine.
My engine at the moment has two triangles, beat that!
I'm currently reviewing it before I engrain anything into it too deeply
OoOoOOoOoooh 2?
I got a square.
It's the second engine I've made (from scratch anyway)
3 good 5 you
@OMGtechy You seem to be encouraging triangle abuse. We'll have no beating of engines or triangles around here!
When I say from scratch, I mean not using higher level tools like SFML and SDL etc
I started making an C++11 SDL wrapper
I will abuse my triangles as I please
Me too.
I try to learn everything from the low level.
You're all just squares; two triangles at heart.
u wot m8
@Nooble that's the same reason I'm making another engine; my previous was a 2D Fixed function openGL thingy
I am not square, I am round :')
I blame the pizza
OpenGL 3+ seems easier for me
@OMGtechy Shows what you know. If you'd just listen to my kids, you'd know I'm completely heartless.
I like shaders.
Shaders is love.
Shaders are shady
Hey do you want to guess why I can't make triangle yet?
do hearts go hand in hand with souls?
Because you haven't tried?
Because I'm still implementing my Array in a class dingy
And that ofcourse
No, Ive made a triangle
can you have heart but no soul or vise versa?
@chmod711telkitty How could they? Hearts don't have hands, silly.
Im tryna do it OOP style
so if any one wants to chat about the game just call me on skype my name is daniel.dorn81 (=
@Nooble It's more generic (programmable shaders, etc.), but it's not that as easy as the glBegin/End APIs.
Just have a base type called primitive, have a member function that returns a pointer to an array and another that returns its size. Then implement the specifics in each dervied type (triangle, quad etc)
if you want to go that way anyway
@Nooble Thanks for the warning.
@chmod711telkitty "Heart and soul, one willll burnnnn"
something like that
@Jerry Np man.
meh inheritance.
I used traits instead.
Rarely a good idea to post actual code here. Put the code elsewhere, and link here.
Ok, will do in future.
like, e.g.
when doing window.draw(obj); I just require obj to be is_renderer_drawable<T>.
rather than requiring an inheritance scheme
I may use that, thanks
You see, this is why I am reviewing the current code before going mental
I remember using SFML and this always bugged me
I had to inherit sf::Drawable to be drawn in the window
then if I inherited from something else I might have had a diamond inheritance problem etc
Hmm, MI is a problem in general
@Rapptz IIRC RenderTarget::draw just calls a private method draw() on sf::Drawable.
the only thing i hate about sfml is it uses up resources fast (cpu, ram, ect)
@MarkGarcia Yes.
@OMGtechy SFML needs you to use MI sorta.
Doesn't mean I have to like it :P
All their drawables inherit from sf::Drawable and sf::Transformable.
I'm okay with sf::Transformable though.
Multiple inheritance with interface like bases isn't AS bad
@OMGtechy Try ATL or WTL sometime.
dammit that was supposed to go into google
@OMGtechy scaredy-cats
sf::Transformable is just removing duplicated code
which is fine by me
sfml makes fake implementation of egl
I don't dislike that usage of inheritance tbh
What about poor linux though :(
@OMGtechy Oh, quit WINEing.
I think templates and traits do a better job at interfaces. With the caveat being not suitable for polymorphism.
storing them I mean
Inheritance is useful for code de-duplication.
i love cross platform (=, so no wtl for me
feature injection
but for things like "must have a member function with X signature" I prefer traits
Speaking of annoyance - the tenant has not paid the rent the first week after moving in. I have sensed problem when I approved their application, but since there is going to be a construction project in the backyard, my options were limited
@Rapptz I've only recently got to grips with type traits, now it's a matter of finding problems that fit them
@chmod711telkitty a dilemma indeed. next time the gut will be trusted
@OMGtechy do you have skype?
@daniel yes, why?
you should add me or i can add you, since you said you might help out with the game when you have time (=
my skype name is daniel.dorn81 (=
Given an abstract machine with unlimited memory, only integer data types and no overflowing (assume they can store any integer value), use the following operations to do the equivalent of `foo -= 1`:

assignment to zero // i.e. a = 0
assignment to another variables value // i.e. a = b
loop a fixed number of times // i.e. loop a { ... } (you cannot change the number of iterations once the loop has started)
increment a variable // i.e. inc a
@daniel just message me on here when you need me, or drop a message at my website joshuagerrard.info
should i use sfml or just use wrappers to encapsulate window classes and functions that point to native api's ?
@daniel Wasn't really suggesting use of it. Just pointing to a place that MI...runs rampant. For example, here's a little bit of an extract from one of Microsoft's ATL samples. ideone.com/UOdeMZ
So chat does work on mobile.
mobile chat is awful
I've been missing out
It works though.
@Rapptz you've used -= there, not a valid operation
it's just showcasing they're equivalent
@JerryCoffin EEK!
it also needs to work for any input value
@Rapptz, out of curiousity, how does one pronounce your name?
underspecified requirements!
Any positive integer that is
@Nooble merriam-webster.com/dictionary/rapt with an s in the end
@Rapptz must be =-
so give input >= 0, this will work for all inputs
@aclarke Strangely, it actually works quite nicely (but getting used to it takes a while).
@Rapptz there are no literals other than 0 for assignment
no boolean operators
@JerryCoffin that's a loootttt of base classes....
1 min ago, by Rapptz
underspecified requirements!
just assign to 0, assign to another value, loop, increment
Well now you know them :P
that is a loop
there's no way to break a loop without a boolean operation
@aclarke But also note that (virtually?) every base class is a template instantiated over the class you're deriving, so it's not just MI, but multi-way CRTP as well.
This is no C++
this is a pseudo language
I don't know your imaginary language!
I gave it to you earlier!
a = 0
a = b
loop a { your code here }
inc a
you can change the variable names as you please
@Rapptz Not only don't know, but almost certainly don't want to either.
I was asked this question in an interview today
thought it was interesting
you cannot affect the loop condition inside the loop (assume it makes a copy or something)
@OMGtechy does it have a solution? too lazy to think of something left-field
It does yes
@OMGtechy and that would be......
very low attention span here
See if you can work it out first :D
@Rapptz do you have skype ? (=
I don't add random people to skype.
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@Rapptz rapptz do you have a meatspace address? And a convenient shrub outside I can hide in with binoculars?
@Rapptz im not random (=, or a person ...... nah just playing but i was just looking to see if u would like to help out with a rpg as well (=
We're busy people...clearly...sitting here on a chat room...shhh
WHY U NO PUDDY ???????????????????????
don't you have a two-layer keyboard, like those 70's rock gods?
i type on this sort of thing, so I am working 100% and chatting 100%

@Rapptz so, you got a solution yet? ;D
I quit trying
@daniel Thank goodness you didn't say "WHY U NO PUPPY".
    a = 0
    b = 0
    loop input
        a = b
        inc b

answer is the value in `a`
@Rapptz merry eastermas
> Thank you for reviewing 20 low quality posts today; come back in 22 hours to continue reviewing.
ohhh - i use that trick all the time for streaming text
unless I'm missing something
@Rapptz Hm. That's one proof of programming really not being addictive. Else that would be "I try quitting".
@MarkGarcia what if i misspelled puddy ... i could have really meant to say puppy.
this is equivalent to a++ which is a += 1
not a -= 1
it's equivalent to input - 1
a == input - 1
to increment by one you either do += or a++, to decrement by one you do -= or a--
good job

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