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Good luck with your 5 steps registrations with 7 different views because... ermagherd security.
Interactivity you say? What's that?
Chats? Yeah, sorry, not possible without Java or Flash.
The obvious solution is to not make something where any kind of input different from "send this form" and "click this link" is needed a web application.
Not always convenient.
Both for the user and for the programmer.
@Jefffrey Have you actually read what you're writing? While it's true that JS is what (most) browsers do support, are you so lacking in imagination that you can't even think of a world where browsers supported something that was actually worth a shit?
oh shit that's going to be good.
@JerryCoffin Such as?
Actually, the Java people had the germ of a decent idea: what's supported by the browser should be a virtual machine, not something that decrees the form of the source code.
JS vs bytecode is a non-issue.
You can write a compiler that targets either.
targetting js is kinda dumb though
It's pretty smart, since it's the only option.
@JerryCoffin PNaCL is working on using LLVM IR.
APIs are in JS
@PolymorphicPotato Yes, you can, but that doesn't make it a non-issue.
@Puppy and is supported by one browser
it's called "working on" for a reason.
@BartekBanachewicz With some bytecode instead of JS, you'd have some bytecode APIs, targeted for some platform which may have the same shitty semantics as JS.
@BartekBanachewicz Which, by some strange coincidence, is the same number that supported JS to start with.
if they can demonstrate that it can be reasonably sandboxed and more efficient than asm.js, then I imagine support will grow.
I don't like the direction this is going.
although LLVM doesn't help matters by not being compatible between versions.
@BartekBanachewicz That's what a steering wheel is for.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't have a discussion driver's license.
Yeah, I remember it was revoked years ago.
@JerryCoffin Dreams are not real.
It's pretty much the same as if CPUs would directly interpret C code instead of their own machine code format. You don't want to use either directly, and they're both targetable by compilers, and you can make any semantics on top of them, but to interface with other languages you still need a common ABI.
Oh cool, everyone is dissing on JS.
@Jefffrey I'd rather try to make my dreams real than just live in a world of nightmares.
Can I have a go?
@BartekBanachewicz joyride
(function(){ console.log(typeof this); }).call(5); // can anyone guess what this logs?
@PolymorphicPotato You can but it's not really terrifically feasible. There's a reason why pretty much all useful ISAs and IRs are designed to be targetted by compilers instead of hand-coded for a very long time.
Oooh... undefined = null is a silent failure but null = undefined is a reference error.
@Puppy You can what? I mentioned like six cannable things in that message.
@PolymorphicPotato Implement any semantics on top of C.
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's because undefined happens to be a property on the global object, but null is a literal.
for example, it's not very trivial to implement signed integral addition with well-defined overflow and underflow.
Use void 0 instead of undefined.
@Benjamin we just want fair same rights for our languages on the web
Since you are all UI geniuses, how would you design the UI of a registration form that other than username and password it needs to require an email and cell phone (both to be validated before completing the registration)?
@PolymorphicPotato ah, very good! Now here's the tricky part, you know why it's not a literal and null is?
or use fixed-width integers without the optional int16_ts and such
@Jefffrey four fields below each other, with a button to submit the form.
@BenjaminGruenbaum because JS is shit.
@PolymorphicPotato What about the code they have to enter for both phone and email?
@PolymorphicPotato that's not an answer.
@Puppy The point is that you can swap out JS for bytecode all you want, but if said bytecode doesn't support those operations either it's not beneficial at all, apart from the possible bandwidth savings.
The dumbest solution is: (1) Enter Username + Password (2) Enter email (3) Enter verification code for the email (4) Enter cell phone (5) Enter verification code for the cell phone.
@PolymorphicPotato Right. You'd want to change out the ISA for one more flexible.
Short solution: (1) Enter username, password, email, cell phone (2) Enter the two verification codes.
I so so hope the web dies within ten years.
@PolymorphicPotato What do you expect to replace it, if anything?
CLI programs.
@PolymorphicPotato the web is amazing, it just needs to evolve.
@PolymorphicPotato lol
Emacs is horrible lol.
@Jefffrey As for the more serious answer, I don't expect anything.
I only hope for something that isn't as terrible.
The web is not terrible.
Browser support is.
For both CSS and JS.
Autofeeding time!
And then there's IE, which is a cancer for both.
The protocol itself is fairly reasonable.
JS is reasonable.
Overly complicated HyperShit Cancer Piss and horrible HTML.
So if I got colon cancer, and they did surgery to remove the cancer, would that leave me with a semicolon?
R. Martinho Fernandes has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
R. Martinho Fernandes has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
R. Martinho Fernandes has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
R. Martinho Fernandes has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
R. Martinho Fernandes has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
@PolymorphicPotato so, what alternative would you prefer?
@BenjaminGruenbaum SGML. Hey, I even managed to keep a straight face as I typed that. I deserve some sort of acting award!
@JerryCoffin I was going for Java
@BenjaminGruenbaum Going from bad to worse ConvenientAbstractWorseSingletonManagerFactory.
@JerryCoffin Should be Abstract, you don't want tight coupling.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hmm...maybe I need to add Abstract again?
Would that, like, raise the level of abstraction even further? AbstractAbstractAbstractAbstractJava still < Haskell though.
@JerryCoffin probably.
@BenjaminGruenbaum :P
@BartekBanachewicz I'm pretty satisfied no one here knows the answer tbh :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum BTW I've posted the jam post in the JS room
@BartekBanachewicz cool
@BenjaminGruenbaum noone starred it :(
Post it again I'll pin it don't cry.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yay
@BenjaminGruenbaum I probably didn't know the answer, but only looked long enough to recognize it as something I didn't care and stopped there so I don't know for sure.
@JerryCoffin oh, it's pointless.
I hope that we'll get at least 15 games this time
It's like asking about why UB acts in a certain way in a certain C++ compiler.
@BenjaminGruenbaum You left out a "certain" (before "UB"). Clearly you're not really certain about what you're discussing.
@JerryCoffin I'm pretty certain the uncertainty principle says you can certainly not be certain about both UB and a C++ compiler at the same time.
@PolymorphicPotato I certainly can be about certain UB with certain C++ compilers though.
@Feeds Woah, which feeds did you stop?
I should certainly open the curtains.
@Mysticial dat avatar
Dammit, didn't take long for someone to notice.
I should just came in here, linked a random bad question and said, "can smbody halp plzzzzz"
yes we noticed
also hi
yaaaay it wooooorks
omg omg omg
inb4 oh nvm it doesn't
it's in Haskell it compiles so it works
Time to specify block expressions.
@Mysticial Old stuff that has been dead for a long time.
@PolymorphicPotato Time to block expression specification...so how's the weather today?
I think I'd play some racing today
Anybody tried cldoc, yet?
That was surprisingly easy.
@bamboon Lol, it uses JavaScript for navigation. Epic fail.
@PolymorphicPotato Yeah, that's not so good
Oh, Gordon is in the room. Everyone talk about C++!
copy is here too
I've just realized I have another informal contract
I name my productions to refer to them in the documentation, like this:
blockExpr = "(" <expr: expr> { ";" <expr: expr> } [ ";" ] ")" ;
But I think it may be confusing.
damn I miss dependent types again
Introduce them!
@PolymorphicPotato how?
@R.MartinhoFernandes ah
Compiler patch!
> Using an SMT Solver in the type-checker - Iavor Diatchki is working on utilizing an off-the-shelf SMT solver in GHC's constraint solver. Currently, the main focus for this is improved support for reasoning with type-level natural numbers, but it opens the doors to other interesting functionality, such as supported for lifted (i.e., type-level) (&&), and (||), type-level bit-vectors (perhaps this could be used to implement type-level sets of fixed size), and others.
@PolymorphicPotato already being worked on. /cc @Xeo
Then wait!
> A type is a value of type std.type.Type.
Maybe I should be more specific there. :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes ¬_¬ could of taken xkcd off whilst at it
vOv I can but try :P
We've had zero xkcd reposts in a long time.
@BartekBanachewicz fur hours? what are you on about?
@R.MartinhoFernandes maybe people don't like his work any more? :P
No, maybe people realised that posting the day's xkcd will always be a repost.
Post it before Feeds posts it!
People will post xkcd here anyway, so might as well have it done automatically.
@thecoshman it's four hours.
@BartekBanachewicz I know it's for hours, but why do they need fur?
@EtiennedeMartel I'll splash out on one of those
Combo breaker.
Just to be sure.
Never too sure.
I thought that pun was water tight
how do you cope with informal contracts in your code
I see them everywhere and it hurts :/
Formalise them.
ooh, just going to filter out these puns are you?
Stop being a wuss.
@BartekBanachewicz what do you mean?
If X is a problem, remove X.
APIs that are not really standardised?
Uh, the chat on that Nintendo Twitch stream is surprisingly... tame.
Here X is informal contracts. Remove them. Then you have the problem of no contracts. Introduce them and make them formal to prevent infinite loop.
@thecoshman I'll give you a concrete example.
data City = City {
    _name :: String,
    _conqueror :: Maybe Player
} deriving (Show)

data Unit = Unit {
    _BattleValue :: BattleValue,
    _owner :: Player
} deriving (Show)

data MapField = MapField {
    _FieldType :: FieldType,
    _city :: Maybe City,
    _unit :: Maybe Unit
Ugh, that casing.
if a field has a conquered city, a unit that stands on it can never be of different owner
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah I have to fix that, that's makeFields magic :S
Make a smart constructor.
I'm not using a lot of constructors
I manipulate the data with Lenses
Lenses apply constructors.
Does that mean, say, quasi-classes?
hey guys, is there any way I can deduce the return type of a function type that accepts arbitrary arguments?
@zneak no
@R.MartinhoFernandes I have... data.
not sure how classes apply here.
@BartekBanachewicz what you up this evening?
@thecoshman I'm adding unit generation to potato.
@zneak Usually when people want this, I recommend thinking what the knowledge of the return type will be used for.
@BartekBanachewicz ¬_¬ couldn't spare the time to play the game could you?
@thecoshman uh okay where do I propose that thing
@BartekBanachewicz the forum you said you were aware of
you made so many forums I got confused
@BartekBanachewicz o_0 we made one
Just add a topic in the "Proposals" category.
it's shitty, but not that shitty
There's a post with a template there.
@R.MartinhoFernandes what do I post in "voting starts" ?
Can be edited later when we're done discussing. For now there are no predefined time windows.
o_0 dude... read the rules
@thecoshman oh you're right
hint: title
I'm off.
@BartekBanachewicz FWIW, you're the one with authority to decide that, as long as you give "reasonable time" for debate.
Canis loungis, hehe.
@R.MartinhoFernandes o_0 erm... I'm not the dog btw
ya dang fool!
@BartekBanachewicz I do feel like I should hound you all I can whilst the rules do not forbid it :P
oh god damnit programmers
@Xarn yeah, not sure why there seems to be so many here
Your installer shouldn't force me faff around with perfectly well working Visual C++ redist.
And no, if I cancel it, the installer shouldn't just retry over and over again.
I hit my hand :(
you clapped?
no, I smacked it against my desk accidentally
@catplusplus are you able to see who has signed up to the forum? have all players registered for it?
the only one who hasn't posted is Jefffrey
@Jefffrey yo dog, sup?
Yeah, just gimme 5 more minutes.
@thecosh yes.
Calm down, man.
if dependency A implements dependency B, should I carry dependency B's information around regardless?
oddly, I think we have to wait for all to vote, even though one 'no' means that's that, at least to start with :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes ... I like games :(
@thecoshman As per 111:
> A reasonable time must be allowed for this debate.
so you guys planning your future proposals?
> dependent_headers[guid][*++++++llvm::sys::path::begin(file.first)] = file.second;
@Jefffrey indeed, but I didn't know if you were up and running to even be looking at the proposals
I read the proposal and I'm re reading the rules :)
@Puppy ofcourse :P
Take your time. Tell cosh to fuck off :P
I can't propose a modification of the current proposal, correct?
The discussion is merely on if the proposal it to be accepted or to be refused, no?
I think not.
You can suggest amendments to Bartek. Bartek decides which state the thing is voted on.
> We have a daily limit on how many times that action can be taken. Please wait 15 hours before trying again.
what the fuck?
can't reply ergo, can't play
Jesus fuck.
ALso, rule 101 says each player MUST follow the rules. Does it say what the penalty is for breaking the rules somewhere that I haven't seen?
@Cat is this a configurable limit?
@Sam no.
Also, you should ask in there.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Gotcha. So that's up to us
@SamDeHaan well, you can't break them vOv
@R.MartinhoFernandes I hope so, else I think it's time to roll out phpbb :P
or fork...
How the hell.
FWIW you have the highest trust level before mod.
This is so bad it's funny.
gunnyfunny, so funny you have to get guns involved
@R.MartinhoFernandes fyi, he's probably sleeping away
welp, you guys can rest in peace. @BartekBanachewicz can't have his votes fully cast for at least 15 hours... unless cat can fix this
@SamDeHaan what did you do on that post... you have some 'null object' thing attached to it
it is the right idea to split up module interfaces and implementations, right?
@thecoshman Answered.
@thecoshman which post?
hang on, trying to work out how to link to it :P
this one... or the one near it you posted :S
this is all of the hotness in anime compressed in a single gif i.minus.com/iDfov4IKarrha.gif
I don't see any things
oh... it's gone
Ah, a hallucination
@R.MartinhoFernandes not sure what was going on there... but I can post again...
@AlexM. Nyaruko?
@Mysticial close enough nyar.wikia.com/wiki/Cthuko
@AlexM. I meant the show.
But yeah, I guessed right.
yeah it's haiyore
Reading tweets... When is uniform initialization with {..} not-so-uniform?
You are hereby banned from using Coliru.
on that question that I asked on codegolf, with calling a script by not calling it, I saw this answer coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/d335664837e94117
it's my favorite so far
@StackedCrooked You should put a check into Coliru that checks for the presence of any C++. If not, tell the user to fuck off because s(he)'s writing C.
@Mysticial s(he)'s? You mean (s)he's
Compile, link and run should pass through this chat for approval.
@Loopunroller it's a shehe
@AlexM. Oh, that's nasty. (You know you read this in Clevelands voice)
@Borgleader As long as code isn't at least formated, no one will give a fuck.
@Mysticial oh, new avatar
@AlexM. That's achieved by violating ODR or something?
the compiler dumbly replaces every printf with puts
@StackedCrooked Pretty much.
and I just provided my own puts there
@AlexM. That would be insane.
Wouldn't there be a linker error for duplicate symbols?
A: Call a method without calling it

hvdC #include <stdio.h> int puts(const char *str) { fputs("Hello, world!\n", stdout); } int main() { printf("Goodbye!\n"); } When compiled with GCC, the compiler replaces printf("Goodbye!\n") with puts("Goodbye!"), which is simpler and is supposed to be equivalent. I've sneakily provided my...

@Loopunroller godammit, too late to fix
@Mysticial godammit? You meant goddammit
@Mysticial ... I guess that's what you meant
I like Coldplay. I think I'm ill.
@R.MartinhoFernandes take this as a warning use the damn doctors!
@thecoshman my mind read that as dtors. I was very confused.
> auto my_onheap_lambda_func = new auto([=](int x) { /*...*/ });
maybe it would be simpler to scrap that whole thing altogether and simply roll with direct dependencies.
Nothing Simulator 2015 keys (if you're lucky to get one) nothing.edwardbowden.co.uk/freecopy
Nothing Simulator 2015?
+ No bugs
+ Dark atmosphere
+ Doesn't end
"The internet" really loves to pretend to love this kind of garbage.
I just wrote Lounge<C++> simulator! for (;;) std::cout << "Everything is terrible.\n";
huh...is it just me, or do the bio's and convictions not always make a lot of sense in Prison Architect?
@PolymorphicPotato Yeah, apparently this whole auto bar = new auto(...) stuff is new to me.
pretty sure that's an intentional joke
@melak47 lol
Sounds like the Netherlands.
what if you have an interface that depends on an implementation?
ah, that's illegal.
@AlexM. I love Fred's answer.
fred's answer is great but it's too obvious
I never really expected a compiler to just replace function calls like that

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