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@PolymorphicPotato I am the OP I deliver
going to beach cya
maybe I should get some bluetooth headphones for my phone.
Not a nice T-shirt.
then the weak headphone jack will annoy me less.
lol LRiO is going to the beach and I'm just sitting here installing apks :\
Your mom is weak.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Why only half?
what if you need to adjust :O
wtb ideas on permission management
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, I'll grant that you shouldn't have a cable running up to your head unit. Also, not got any transistors that you can use for a h-bridge?
@Ell It's actually eight half-H bridges, four per motor.
four per motor :S I'm confused. I thought you only needed one h bridge per motior
@thecoshman For eight that would be a lot of space.
I have a limited space budget.
@PolymorphicPotato :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, I was thinking more for the now whilst you sort of the software.
@CatPlusPlus where
@thecoshman Oh, that I have sorted out already. Well, except for the Java.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ... you're numbers are odd...
Right now I use a Bluetooth terminal.
While it'll cost you a hefty $380, the Beats Studio Wireless is an excellent wireless Bluetooth headphone.
Recommend BT headphones ITT.
@thecoshman What. They're four-pin motors.
@R.MartinhoFernandes huh o_0
unless those pins are like paired up or soemthing...
is this a stepper motor?
then you do not need a H-bridge
you just need some transistor/mosfets/relays
4 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
I have a limited space budget.
Headphones: wireless
Microphone: on-cable
Input is more important than output
@R.MartinhoFernandes ah, well then you probably should have said you were getting a h-bridge IC to use as a transistor bank... which can't you get anyway?
I'm waiting for delivery.
something like this?
I found it funny that top-of-the-line BT headphones state upfront that they provide cable option for "flying" :D
bar bar wunderbar alles wunderbar
A must for travelers, the MM 550-X TRAVEL comes with Sennheiser’s TalkThrough™ function, which lets you speak to a friend or flight attendant without removing the headset.
they have a butan you press if you want to hear the surroundings :D
It's horrible.
Because I've tried it.
@BartekBanachewicz I have those. I like them.
The TalkThrough function, though? It's crap.
@R.MartinhoFernandes those exact model? fun.
It's basically a mic on the outside piped to the speakers. The mic has a terrible quality.
Since I'm getting my hand up there anyway, I'd rather move them a bit away than press the button.
So yeah, if you're interested in those, I recommend them. If you're interested in the TalkThrough thing, I recommend against it.
template<typename T, typename V, typename F>
void accumulate(T& xs, V const& v, F&& f = std::plus) {
would that work?
@R.MartinhoFernandes okay, thanks.
oopsie, T const&
@BartekBanachewicz std::plus is a template, you are missing something there.
@VáclavZeman ah
The standard library provides a specialization of std::plus when T is not specified, which leaves the parameter types and return type to be deduced.
since 2014 though :F
you need the angular brackets anyway though
F&& f= std::plus<>() then?
in my case it would be <V> I suppose
@AndyProwl right (hi)
@BartekBanachewicz Yes, that exact model.
Isn't this a duplicate of this?
hm wait could I make the default value basing on the value of the first param
T xs, V v = *begin(xs) ?
@Rapptz Yes, it seems so.
@BartekBanachewicz you are aware of the forum for the game, right?
@thecoshman aye
template<typename T, typename V, typename F>
void accumulate(T const& xs, V const& v = *std::begin(xs), F&& f = std::plus<V>) {
    return std::accumulate(std::begin(xs), std::end(xs), v, f);
@BartekBanachewicz well then... :P
if that will compile I will regain a small portion of respect for C++
yeah, just there is no way to see members, that I can see...
maybe we need a 'I'm here page'?
@VáclavZeman Yeah that's what I think.
:146: error: local variable 'xs' may not appear in this context
 void accumulate(T const& xs, V const& v = *std::begin(xs), F&& f = std::plus<V>) {
yeah right fuck C++
I'm just wondering how it got 31 upvotes without no one thinking it was a dupe.
maybe java makes him a negative person?
accumulate1 assumes that the collection isn't empty
welp, invalid_argument here I come
@JohanLarsson can confirm
error: expected primary-expression before ')' token
 void accumulate1(T const& xs, F&& f = std::plus<V>) {
what now :?
Give up and become a monk
right, overload
@JohanLarsson glad he does Java so I don't have to.
Overloaded functions don't play well with being used as function pointers in generic contexts. Simplest solution since you're using VS2010: Use a lambda. std::transform(vec.begin(), vec.end(), vec.begin(), [&](int i){ return abs(dpi-i); });Xeo Oct 16 '12 at 13:27
amazing. Thanks @Xeo from 2012.
could I force a decay in a reasonable way instead?
A: Quickest Way to parse a string of numbers into a vector of ints

seheAs always, with delightfully underspecified questions like this, there's not a lot more than just showing "a way" to do "a thing". In this case, I used Boost Spirit (because you mentioned it): Parsing into flat containers #include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp> #include <boost/fusion/adapted.hpp>...

That's an evil answer on one hand, yet quite convincing on the other
Kick potato
because you mentioned it
1 message moved to bin
too big
that's what she said
No she didn't
she really didn't
@PolymorphicPotato he did. The rest of the Q is ridiculously flimsy, of course
@Jefffrey Indeed. She said "Oh my god" and "Whoa!!! Take it easy now"
@Jefffrey right; she doesn't exist.
@sehe your indentation is messed up a bit
Nonono. That's just a spirit parser when done all inline
Of course, that's bad taste, but I wasn't really gonna spend much time turd polishing on that quality question
now C++ can't deduce my V type
I think I won't allow overloading on T and on U if T is a subtype of U.
is there a generic ::value_type thing?
akin to std::begin/end, but on the type level?
typename std::iterator_traits<IteratorType>::value_type
Most libs have a container_traits<> thingy too
Most libs don't.
@PolymorphicPotato where I = decltype(begin(xs)) ?
@sehe Hm.. never seen it.
Seems a bit weird though. iterator_traits was meant for supporting pointers, what does container_traits gain over typename Cont::value_type (for example)?
inserted_user, = insert_user.call_args[0] whoo this mocking stuff is shiny.
@Rapptz arrays
@Rapptz arrays don't have value_type
oopsie slow again
Though arrays are not Containers.
@PolymorphicPotato they decay though?
Not seeing the use
@Rapptz You can do template<typename T, std::size_t N> void f(T (&xs)[N]) { ... }
C++ has no zipWith (+) right
Though you already have T then. :P
@BartekBanachewicz std::transform with two iterator pairs.
I guess it's good for universal references.
Meh I thought using Yeoman would make my life easier wrt scaffolding, but it seems I'll have to write almost everything myself anyway
Apparently it doesn't decay then
And prompts and option parsing and other bits like that I already have, so that's useless
lol, Jenkins server lets you kick off builds without being logged in
@PolymorphicPotato bah,f I tried to use it in accumulate it would have to copy n times
absurdly inneficient
BinaryOp can't mutate
and in this case it amounts to "is useless"
eh imperative eager languages are meh.
Fez is so serene
such a nice game
I like imperative
and functional
and declarative
and most others.
@Ell I wrote specifically "imperative eager"
A: How to repair warning: missing braces around initializer?

apmasellYes, this appears to be related to GCC bug 53119. It goes away if you change the C declaration to {{0}}. Your options are: Ignore the warning. Manipulate the C code after generation to have {{0}} instead of {0} on that line using sed or the like. Declare the array extern in Vala, and write the ...

Good on ya Ell.
Language wars should be against the law.
@BartekBanachewicz I like that too :P
Also, I don't entirely understand how a language can be eager
@Ell by not being lazy?
@jalf But I mean - you can write lazy things in c++ can't you?
@Ell it's not lazy.
@Ell which implies not using stdlib basically.
or at least standard algorithms
I thought the libraries/programmes were lazy or not. I didn’t know it was the language itsself
the language can push you to one direction
@Ell Haskell is lazy-by-default; it won't evaluate anything until you really need results.
@Griwes Fixed already.
that's why you can work with infinite lists, for example
template<typename T, typename F>
auto accumulate1(T const& xs, F&& f) -> decltype(f(*std::begin(xs), *std::begin(xs))) {
not sure about the return type if I don't have the f :S
damn this feat of C++14 can be really useful
I've been there
You don't want to go there.
@Rapptz too late
good luck rebinding
template<typename T>
auto accumulate1(T const& xs)
    -> decltype(std::plus<typename std::iterator_traits<decltype(begin(xs))>::value_type>(*std::begin(xs), *std::begin(xs)))
holy fucking shit okay this is getting out of hand a bit
: error: no matching function for call to 'std::plus<float>::plus(const float&, const float&)'
ah right it's a struct!
A: Why are character-classes used in game design?

ufomoracethey are like species. why are there species. ask god.

@AlexM. oh, nice question though. I thought it was why have a character class in your code.
but yeah, nice question
yeah it's the kind of question I'd like to see more
template<typename T>
auto accumulate1(T const& xs)
    -> decltype(
                            typename std::iterator_traits<decltype(begin(xs))>::value_type
                    (*std::begin(xs), *std::begin(xs))
    if (xs.empty()) {
        throw std::invalid_argument("Collection empty");
    return std::accumulate(std::begin(xs) + 1, std::end(xs), *std::begin(xs));
(see full text)
send help
I designed an RPG without classes once, and the most striking thing I realised was that the players were completely lost in the amount of choice that gave them.
Though I cannot say how much of that was conditioning from decades of playing games with strict class systems, and how much was a direct consequence of the amount of choice.
@BartekBanachewicz std::transform(std::begin(a), std::end(a), std::begin(b), std::end(b), std::begin(o), std::plus<>());
the players were completely lost in the amount of choice that gave them
that may be because they were new to the game?
Probably, but you can't design a new game for people familiar with it because it doesn't exist yet
yes but
for example Civ III also overwhelms with the choices and possibilities it offers you
for some games a learning curve can't be avoided
and I was guessing the players weren't accommodated to robot's game yet
@AlexM. does it? You start with what, a settler and a warrior? Each of them can move one tile in one of eight directions?
Just throwing everything at the player is not very good design
@jalf if only that would get you anywhere far
@AlexM. Dunno. The rules of the game fit in one A4 sheet, front & back.
for me it took 3 sandbox games to actually understand how basic things work in Civ 5
@AlexM. sure, but the difficulty ramps up after that, is my point. You don't have to face two billion decisions when starting a game
and ramp up the difficulty a bit
KSP learning experience got much better once they gated content
It just didn't constrain you to any single path, so you ended up with nigh-limitless choices.
Also, I never understand why people think that games would be better "if only it placed no limits whatsoever and I could do anything I can imagine"
If you do that you end up with HellMOO
@AlexM. Civ 3 was an awesome game.
@jalf But that's what's awesome about RPGs! (Well, tabletop RPGs, I mean)
@Rapptz non-inrusiveness? Also, ask the lib devs :|
@R.MartinhoFernandes Kiiiiinda, but even there, you implicitly agree on heaps of limitations
you can't just decide that your character can fly
@jalf You probably can in a superhero game :P
I will write my own stdlib
the one in C++ sucks
(Yes, I got your point; just joking)
A game is basically about manouvering through a set of constraints. Remove the constraints, and you don't have a game.
it's badly designed, verbose and unperformant
there's got to be something to stop the player from just declaring "I win!" as the first thing :p
@BartekBanachewicz with blackjack, and hookers
it's hardly intuitive, contradicts itself and is a pain to use overall
Your other is verbose and unperformant.
@jalf Play Nomic with us
I will create a lazy-evaluated one based on ranges.
@BartekBanachewicz an unstandard lib, you mean?
inb4 epic failure
@BartekBanachewicz C++?
@CatPlusPlus probably not a good idea. I won't be around much for the next 2 weeks
How's that going though?
@BenjaminGruenbaum it was a bit too hardcore for me
I ended up playing civ v only
That's okay, Bartek might get to making first move by then
@BenjaminGruenbaum yep
this reminded me
divine divinity lets you learn skills from other classes
now that I'm close to the end, if I were to go back and start again
@AlexM. Civ > 3 I don't really like, I think 1 2 and 3 were really good.
I played Civ3 once, but I still have nightmares about the clusterfuck that Civ4 ended up with all the expansions
I'd choose another skill combo simply because now I know all of the possibilities
back when I started I was lost and chose what I thought looked good
@BartekBanachewicz yeah, I agree it's unintuitive, contradicts itself and is a pain to use overall. I don't think your own stdlib will help much though.
Like, I can't even read what's on the fucking screen, and you want me to make decisions
@BenjaminGruenbaum I thought eveyone agrees that Civ3 was the worst one?
@BartekBanachewicz a
Can you stop using the term "standard library" for non-standard libraries?
It was p meh
Thank you.
@jalf No, I think it was one of the best ones.
Civ 4 was my favourite.
@BenjaminGruenbaum weirdo
I haven't played 5 but it looks tedious (can't judge), 4 was ok-ish.
Civ4 was fantastic
especially with the expansions
I like 5
Haven't played the expansions, game itself was more tiring and less fun imo.
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's actually very fun
The only thing I really wasn't a big fan of in 4 was the Giant Stack of Doom.
for a hardcore fan I guess it sucks because it was "streamlined"
1 min ago, by jalf
@BenjaminGruenbaum weirdo
but it has plenty of good changes
@AlexM. yeah, that.
there are no stacks of doom
(Still, despite that, I thoroughly enjoyed aggressive military play)
@R.MartinhoFernandes also, that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Alpha Centauri FTW
I like sieges in 5
@Mgetz that was a great game.
Artillery best unit
the diplomacy system is still bad
I mean the way AI does it
@AlexM. It removed the stuff that never made sense, and which encouraged you to play the game in the least fun ways. It takes a weird kind of "hardcore" fan to be opposed to that
@BenjaminGruenbaum I own the planetary pack
with their "HAHA I LIED I'M NOT YOUR FRIEND ANYMORE SUCKER" out of nowhere
Then again, 95% of the time, "hardcore" just means "conservative as fuck"
@mouse a what
@AlexM. That's accurate modelling of player behaviour
a thing
@AlexM. that's a thing in CIV though, always has been.
@mouse a what thing
@AlexM. Isn't that how players play?
That's how I play.
im going to report you if you keep harassing me over something i said literally twenty years ago
Also, Alpha Centauri > any Civ
@CatPlusPlus well yeah but I would model real life diplomacy instead of internet player diplomacy lol
if anyone disagrees, they're wrong.
@mouse who the hell are you anyway
@mouse are you a PASSIONATE DEVELOPER?
friend /fɹɛnd/ noun useful non-teammate player
@BartekBanachewicz also - that.
That's how it rolls in Civ.
@R.MartinhoFernandes temporarily useful
@AlexM. So just sitting around doing nothing for days
@AlexM. In real life there isn't a mutually agreed goal of beating the hell out of everyone else.
@CatPlusPlus When I come back from work mkay
It's also how it worked in the world for quite some time "Haha now I'm going to invade you if you don't pay me tons of money" was quite common.
@Benjamin I am
is mouse someone's sockpuppet for trolling purposes?
I think he is
@mouse do you have a REAL PASSION for ANYTHING having to do with electronically devices?
@mouse I suggest you chill down and stop making random accusations.
@BartekBanachewicz socktroll!
@BartekBanachewicz pretty sure, his first message was a ping, definitely a sockpuppet
@BenjaminGruenbaum his answer was well formatted at first try too
I wanted to make "State that :frogout:" edit but :effort:
@CatPlusPlus mud mud mud?
DF Adventurer mode.
Hmm, I should really check out DF Adventurer mode some time
Now it doesn't take forever to start the game so yeah
Also you can drink people's tears
I am in the state where I've had enough C++ for a day
and it's half past one.
and I haven't commited my changes to potato
@jalf It's really cool now. You can set yourself really cool goals, like attaining immortality.
@BartekBanachewicz I don't want the attribution.
@PolymorphicPotato but you did contribute to the project! :D
Speaking of C++, time to write a VM!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Neat
Though maybe it's better if I start on the compiler first.
@PolymorphicPotato is the VM in C++, not in Haskell?
btw in other news you can kill players in my uncommitted branch
when you capture the last city, the player loses all of his units
which kinda breaks the game because he is still forced to move :F
@R.MartinhoFernandes right
if I were to pick a strategy game that has a deep enough diplomacy system, I'd pick Europa Universalis 3
anyway, choosing haskell for this project was a nice decision
it's so deep I don't even understand it
EU4 looked neat
Game takes forever though
they lack depth of potato empires though
@BartekBanachewicz haha :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum what's so funny?
holy crap it's snowing
time to work on a mobile client version /cc @dolan
Running 369 tests takes 15 minutes. :|
could be worse
it could be taking 16 minutes!
I'm including .cpp files in my classes that I call shards
and just put them into the makefile dependency for the object rules
in my object files*
Meh, including cpp files in class definitions.
@BartekBanachewicz it's story sharing day
you have to share your story with others
my story is that call stack doesn't work
It's like this

`include ... bleh

[define extern stuff]

#include "ap/shards/menu.cpp"
#include "ap/shards/stats.cpp"
@mouse terrible

Some ideas are just bad.
why does width:100% and height:100% look so bad on mobile
@mouse I consider this a horrendous practice and an abuse of the preprocessor. It makes your code harder to understand and harder to debug.
@Mgetz It made sense to me
@BartekBanachewicz because two important yet terrible factors are involved: the web and mobile devices.
The alternative is to either build a .o out of the 'shard', or to copypasta it directly into main.cpp
this was a decent game
Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard is a real-time strategy role-playing video game, developed for Microsoft Windows by Liquid Entertainment and published by Atari in 2005. It takes place in Eberron, one of the official Dungeons & Dragons campaign settings. The game combines elements of traditional real-time strategy gameplay with role-playing elements such as hero units and questing. Dragonshard includes two single player campaigns, single player skirmish maps and multiplayer support. The single player campaign follows the struggles of three competing factions to gain control of a magical artifact...
maps had two levels; the surface was for RTS action, the underground was for dungeon crawling
It puts us in handcuffs that prevent us from going overboard and ending up with funky grammar rules like some other dynamic languages that will go unnamed, such as Perl.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
why is it not default
@PolymorphicPotato lmao
@BartekBanachewicz Because it would horribly break non-responsive websites.
@BartekBanachewicz Because a lot of websites aren't mobile friendly and it makes sense to show the whole content and let you zoom.
oh wow
chrome emulator of mobiles lets you use touchscreen as input
(my laptop has a touch screen, so I am really touching the emulated window)
@BartekBanachewicz ... is that emulated touch then?

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