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I cannot use () for both unit and type of unit.
Because I use the same namespace for types and non-types.
@PolymorphicPotato () :: Unit vOv
The hard part is, then converting 3 => SS (SS (SS SZ)) :/
Same problem with N-tuples. :D
@Xeo what the fuck is DataKinds o.O
I always see unit as an empty tuple anyways
@BartekBanachewicz Lifts data constructors to the type level, and type constructors to the kind level
gah this code looks absolutely weird
Existence of these features seemed somewhat mythical to me
seeing this code is like seeing a living dragon
It's basically what we were discussing before, except with the addition of the singleton SNat type
Hmm, I can write a function that takes a tuple of types and returns a tuple type!
@PolymorphicPotato And what type is that "tuple of types"?
@Xeo maybe you could read that or something
But position: Tuple (Int, Int) is meh.
there we go, back from silly phone land
@Xeo Tuple (Type, Type)
@PolymorphicPotato Oh, I see
That's my idea, at least.
@thecoshman thanks!
So you want a type metatype? :D
Types are values like in Python.
@Xeo Type-level nat literals require a really recent GHC if that’s what you’re after. They tend to make the compiler whine rather often.
Well, I suppose it’s the type-level arithmetic that’s more likely to break it.
really recent being 7.8 or 7.10?
@LucDanton Well, what I meant was, getting SS (SS (SS SZ)) from IO
@PolymorphicPotato The problem with the conceptual metatype type is: what is the type of type? ;d
i.e., getting to the dependent typing we were at before
@Xeo You need an existential box in Haskell.
@Griwes *
@Griwes Type: Type
@LucDanton :/
I.e. that’s where DT ends in Haskell.
and that's where you switch to Idris
Maybe I need CRTP though. I'm not yet sure about that.
@PolymorphicPotato Good; now what is the type of { 1, 2, 3 } (where {} denotes a tuple)? { int, int, int }. Now, what's the type of { int, int, int }?
@BartekBanachewicz Unfortunately, that doesn't enable me to understand just how the fuck Idris does exactly this then
1 min ago, by Xeo
@LucDanton Well, what I meant was, getting SS (SS (SS SZ)) from IO
@Griwes The type of {1, 2, 3} would then be Tuple (Int, Int, Int).
@sehe you're welcome :D
@PolymorphicPotato sounds like the start of some crappy rap song
@PolymorphicPotato I'm speaking hypothetically, using semantics from my vaporlang. :P
@Griwes { int, int, int } isn't a type but a 3-tuple of three types.
@Xeo Maybe it doesn't.
As in, not directly.
Tuple takes that as an argument and returns a type.
how I understand it is that when you get something from IO, it's some value
@Xeo If there’s an equivalent to read :: Read a => String -> Maybe a you carry on your business. Although for Nat you would be reading "Z" and so on by default. You can write integerToNat : Integer -> Maybe Nat though.
or that
and that requires you to check explicitely
or do whatever, but state that you're reifying
@PolymorphicPotato Tuple is denoted (in my vaporlang semantics) as { arguments... }. You don't have Tuple. You are simplifying my vaporsemantics too much. :P
It's not.
Tuple is a type constructor.
Nah, you are too stuck in Haskell. :p
I need it unless I introduce special syntax for tuple types.
@LucDanton I can get Nat, sure. But what about SNat, which I need for make?
@Xeo That’s Haskell, i.e. limited DT. Idris does not separate Nat and SNat.
@Griwes tuples on type level and tuples on value level are different though
Types are values. vOv
maybe in Terra, not in most languages
types are the values of kinds
In my vaporlang.
(Int, Int, Int) in my case is a tuple. MakeTupleType (Int, Int, Int) returns a tuple type; i.e. the type of (1, 2, 3).
@LucDanton @_@
uh they are higher-order values
I believe that's the only sane way to denote types.
saying that they are "values" without any context is wrong imho
Types are values of a metatype type, which is also a value of that same metatype. \o/
because it's too easy to mistake them with value-level values
@Griwes infinitely recursive metatype, yay
This way I can now magically create a function that operates on both types and values! o/
@BartekBanachewicz Yep.
eh I think that treating types as first-class values is easier TBH
that's pretty much it now that I think about it
@Xeo Sorry, I said that a bit quickly because I’m cooking. What I meant was, the equivalent Idris program does not use an SNat. There’s Nat and (implicit) pi-types.
> pi-types
don't make me look that up!
'tick all that apply' 'you have not ticked any of the items'... why do you think that is mr form (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@Xeo those are just (dependent) product types (and I think this name is way better) :P
Maybe if I have interface Set T { keyOf? T this } then I can make t: Type implement Set t.
woo look a Pi
your mother's a Pi.
If types are values, you could, say, denote inheritance as type Derived = Base + class { ... };. :D
I feel stupid with this whole dependent typing stuff. :/
You are stupid.
@Xeo you're not alone tho
@Xeo But you’ve written and type-checked a function with dependent type already!
@Xeo The difference between forall a n. Nat -> a -> Vec n a and forall a. (n:Nat) -> a -> Vec n a.
Wait, did I accidentally decided to include dependent types in my vaporlang?
oooo, compilation succeeded after 2191.46s!
@LucDanton Maybe I just need a snippet seeing how make is called, with an argument from IO or something...
(Because since types are values, I can create functions that work on types...)
I'd have to allow implementation keyOf? (t: Type) (set: Set[t]) = ....
@Griwes No.
Covariance will kill me.
Wide has the same property and it's totally unrelated.
Ohh wait nevermind it works differently.
If only the type theorists were capable of defining their terms with pseudocode instead of arcane mathematical definitions.
@Griwes I totally agree. Too much wankery; not enough code.
They should show it with deeds.
@Puppy Too much wankery; not enough wanking.
@Griwes because pseudocode is a bad tool for that?
@Puppy if you don't understand the concepts, you wouldn't understand real code
@Xeo Hang on, I need a compiler for that.
ITT @Bartek is superior
@BartekBanachewicz IME it's often through playing with actual code that the concepts become clear.
@BartekBanachewicz Concepts without code are meaningless; there's nothing to understand about them.
the only thing that's important is how they affect and relate to code that you write.
the rest can all be junked.
@Puppy lol
you're such a little mind
Get a room. Now.
Look! Puppy is right!
EOT on my side
Practical vs Theory. I see.
there's no "vs"
there's no "vs".
there's only zuul
I think implementation keyOf?[T] (x: T) (set: Type{this == T}) = true should work.
A: What is dependent typing?

Andreas RossbergConsider this: in all decent programming languages you can write functions, e.g. def f(arg) = result Here, f takes a value arg and computes a value result. It is a function from values to values. Now, some languages allow you to define polymorphic (aka generic) values: def empty<T> = new List<T

Wait, is it supposed to decide the i in BoundedInt at what, runtime?
Welcome to my world of mindblow!
another victim, huh
I don't get how it works with static typing T_T
Maybe I just need to accept that "it does" and be done with this
@Xeo Luc says that dependent typing is not about always knowing the exact type, it's about proving that your program is valid regardless.
so it'd be like, say that begin() and end() are valid on an array<T, N> where N > 0, so the compiler only has to prove that N > 0, it doesn't have to prove what N actually is.
@Puppy you know, you've said this enough, I want to see the proper quote!
the thing is that you can't know anything about the value coming straight from IO
it's a primitive type.
you could simply issue a runtime check and then only permit a hypothetical begin() call in the true branch.
Or better implementation keyOf?[T] (x: T) (t: Type) = t = T
@Griwes No.
@Xeo No.
I dunno, for me the ability to say that "this value satisfies some condition" is enough
I have no idea if I understand it right because Luc won't tell me
Though I should check subtypes.
why does like 80% of all job listings for students involve PHP?
@LucDanton Then tell us! :D
I did.
and so, you can reify manually, or you can do it automatically
and proper dependent typing is automatic reification
like, are they the only ones remotely desperate enough to even accept such a job?
right? right?
@nightcracker students are usually so excited or lack knowledge that they accept anything
implementation keyOf?[T] (x: T) (t: Type) = T ~:subtypeOf?:~ t yay :D
I know I could probably pick up PHP faster than most of the students actually applying while knowing some PHP
but I fucking refuse to work with fucking PHP
> The proof checking feature makes dependently typed languages closely related to proof assistants.
and then
> The code-generation aspect provides a powerful approach to formal program verification and proof-carrying code, since the code is derived directly from a mechanically verified mathematical proof.
I really wonder why PHP has become such a dominating language for creating remote shells that look like websites
I can’t stress enough for the Vect n a examples how important it is that n is an inductively-defined natural, and it appears at the type level. ‘But how does it know the runtime size’ is wrong because there is no runtime size, so to speak.
@nightcracker clap clap clap
So for a function foo : Vect n a -> …, it doesn’t need to know the size; it needs to be correct for all possible sizes.
@LucDanton ooh
@LucDanton Well, then what about the min : (a:Nat) -> (b:Nat) -> BoundedInt(b) example in the answer?
has to be correct for all natural numbers, apparently
It’s pseudocode. It’s a very good question: what would actual Idris code look like to perform the same thing?
I wonder what about stuff like repeat :: a -> n:Nat -> Vect n a
@LucDanton I could swear I wrote a message asking about the values of n being immaterial in the end, but apparently not
@BartekBanachewicz That's make
i.e., what we defined above
oh wait ok
well it seems to make sense
make : (n:Nat) -> a -> Vect n a
make 0 _ = Nil
make (S n) a = a :: make n a
it explicitely states the contract on value upfront (taking the more practical description)
Yay let instanceOf? = keyOf? :D
as long as you keep the contract, it will work
now assume readInt >>= print . make . abs
Latest Idris won’t build, sorry.
abs explicitely keeps Nat, so it will typecheck
without it, there's no way to see at compile time whether the value will satisfy the condition
and for me the whole idea is that you could do stuff like (+1) . abs and that would be reasoned as giving you Nat1 @Xeo
I'm bad.
Don't change the message while I mock you!
I explicitely self-shamed myself okay! :)
wikipedia explicitely states that reasoning about dependent types might require computations
yay, vacation tomorrow and Friday
@PolymorphicPotato c++14
Moar Haskell!
aye! time to finish potato empires
Who wants a beta key? :D
Sounds like a game for me.
@LucDanton Nah, Connichi
@PolymorphicPotato conichi.... wha?
@AlexM. LRiO already did that joke
I know
I stole it from him
when you have a reference member, g++ says that default constructor is deleted
I found it funny that it uses the same mechanism as =delete.
or at least reports it exactly the same
Isn't that what it's required to do?
> i.e., instantiating the type 'a for int and string yields two different types, list int and list string, respectively. A dependent function is similar, except rather than having the co-domain dependent on a type it is dependent on the value argument in the function's domain.
@jalf not sure
@Xeo it still wasn't funny
btw @Xeo look for "appending lists" paragraph here
This is kind of lol
let rec iappend n1 l1 n2 l2 explicit length passing! It's almost like C!
@TonyTheLion so true.
@thecoshman programming feels like that
@TonyTheLion indeed
@R.MartinhoFernandes how you find out about that there game?
int* x = NULL; int* y = &*x; is not UB in C.
Or maybe it is.
The standard is vague on this.
There's a dereference in that
I don't know how that can't be UB
de-reffing null is UB regardless of what you do or don't do with it afterwards.
@TonyTheLion the standard says that &*x is equivalent to x.
> If the operand [of &] is the result of a unary * operator, neither that operator nor the & operator is evaluated and the result is as if both were omitted
oh ok
well that makes sense then
Q: What method does the main method use to return to main?

mainWhat method does the main method use to return to main? Is the method used determined by exclusive or C, or C++? Also, does main have class? #include <iostream> using namespace std; namespace std{int main=(int)&::main;} uint32_t C=C^C; class main{ public : uint16_t uint32_t(::uint32_t uint1...

what the bloody hell
> except that the constraints on the operators still apply and the result is not an lvalue.
But it's not clear about which constraints.
@Xeo Idris doesn’t seem to come with String -> Maybe a.
@LucDanton did you build it eventually?
@PolymorphicPotato It isn't, in C
There's an explicit exemption that reduces &* to nothing
12 mins ago, by Polymorphic Potato
> If the operand [of &] is the result of a unary * operator, neither that operator nor the & operator is evaluated and the result is as if both were omitted
Yay, I have a scented candle on my desk.
@Xeo but it says the constraints on the operators still apply.
@TonyTheLion Don't act like you're expecting me to read the context!
19 hours ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
I bought Metamagical Themas recently.
But it's not clear as to whether "the operand must not be NULL" is a constraint here.
@Xeo I was actually expecting you to read the context
@TonyTheLion Damn man, stop making such unreasonable demands!
@Puppy Yea, I'll stop :P
Why is my desk like a junk yard?
because then you know that everything important is on it.
@Borgleader dat code
dat username, too
what, Blogreader?
@Xeo I have an example.
11 mins ago, by Tony The Lion
12 mins ago, by Polymorphic Potato
> If the operand [of &] is the result of a unary * operator, neither that operator nor the & operator is evaluated and the result is as if both were omitted
> cat test.idr
module Main

main : IO ()
main = do
    line <- getLine
    let n = length line
    print $ Prelude.Vect.replicate n 'a'
*test> :exec
['a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a']
I think the 6th 'a' is the newline. CBA to check because the interpreter was misconfigured.
@Xeo The 12345 is my input. Program behaves as expected.
Dictionary comprehensions are great.
@LucDanton crazy
@Xeo length returns a Nat vOv
You did type-check replicate!

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