@Xeo If there’s an equivalent to read :: Read a => String -> Maybe a you carry on your business. Although for Nat you would be reading "Z" and so on by default. You can write integerToNat : Integer -> Maybe Nat though.
@PolymorphicPotato Tuple is denoted (in my vaporlang semantics) as { arguments... }. You don't have Tuple. You are simplifying my vaporsemantics too much. :P
@Xeo Sorry, I said that a bit quickly because I’m cooking. What I meant was, the equivalent Idris program does not use an SNat. There’s Nat and (implicit) pi-types.
Consider this: in all decent programming languages you can write functions, e.g.
def f(arg) = result
Here, f takes a value arg and computes a value result. It is a function from values to values.
Now, some languages allow you to define polymorphic (aka generic) values:
def empty<T> = new List<T
Wait, is it supposed to decide the i in BoundedInt at what, runtime?
@Xeo Luc says that dependent typing is not about always knowing the exact type, it's about proving that your program is valid regardless.
so it'd be like, say that begin() and end() are valid on an array<T, N> where N > 0, so the compiler only has to prove that N > 0, it doesn't have to prove what N actually is.
> The proof checking feature makes dependently typed languages closely related to proof assistants.
and then
> The code-generation aspect provides a powerful approach to formal program verification and proof-carrying code, since the code is derived directly from a mechanically verified mathematical proof.
I can’t stress enough for the Vect n a examples how important it is that n is an inductively-defined natural, and it appears at the type level. ‘But how does it know the runtime size’ is wrong because there is no runtime size, so to speak.
> i.e., instantiating the type 'a for int and string yields two different types, list int and list string, respectively. A dependent function is similar, except rather than having the co-domain dependent on a type it is dependent on the value argument in the function's domain.
@TonyTheLion the standard says that &*x is equivalent to x.
> If the operand [of &] is the result of a unary * operator, neither that operator nor the & operator is evaluated and the result is as if both were omitted
What method does the main method use to return to main?
Is the method used determined by exclusive or C, or C++?
Also, does main have class?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
namespace std{int main=(int)&::main;}
uint32_t C=C^C;
class main{
public :
uint16_t uint32_t(::uint32_t uint1...
> If the operand [of &] is the result of a unary * operator, neither that operator nor the & operator is evaluated and the result is as if both were omitted
> If the operand [of &] is the result of a unary * operator, neither that operator nor the & operator is evaluated and the result is as if both were omitted