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so there was a request to discuss sex earlier
here I am
what do you want to talk about?
Yeah, and now I see it's duplicated.
@TonyTheLion I think that was yesterday.
oh lol
well, you know, I haven't been here much lately
yesterday, by R. Martinho Fernandes
You know, I really don't remember the last time we actually discussed sex. I mean, dropping the words "sex", "boobs" and related stuff don't actually count as discussing sex.
had a 4 hour job interview today
Talking about this one?
@TonyTheLion Oh, how did it go?
yea it was alright, some odd questions though, like "how many brothers and sisters do you have?" and "if your father is a company owner, why aren't you working there?"
the technical questions were easy
Hi - I think I may have throw the OP of this question off track a bit... if anyone would like to make some more useful comments, perhaps we can get closer to an answer...
Those do sound odd.
I mean, what does he care how many siblings I have, or why I don't work at my fathers company
Because he was actually a stalker posing as a job interviewer?
"if your father is a company owner, why aren't you working there?" "Could be because I'd rather work for people that ask silly questions on interviews."
yea, or because my father isn't in the software industry
and I cannot physically do what would be required of me if I were to work there
"Because my father is a mechanic and I hate cars (but I love my father)."
Because my father is in mafia.
@CatPlusPlus Oh, he's a game developer?
TIL what "poker face" actually means
I had no idea
I"m slow, I know :(
TIL super mathematics.
@CatPlusPlus I came across that earlier
wtf is super mathematics?
It's on the transcript a bit up. Probably still on your screen. Look for Superman.
Hey, I like flesh. Just not human flesh.
It's actually my favourite food group (or whatever they call those these days).
oh, meat I guess?
I don't think there's many people that would even consider human flesh as edible
perhaps only some tribes in god-knows-what remote end of the world somewhere
You need to watch Cannibal Holocaust!
Look at my vim, my vim is amazing.
Does it have sweet lemonade?
I'm sure there's a plugin for that.
I don't remember any xenomorph showing emotions.
Oh wait, the queen.
wtf, Cannibal Holocaust sounds exactly like something I would not want to watch
That doesn't end well for them.
@TonyTheLion lol
I.e. the queen.
it's prob very gory and stuff
I did, after half an hour or so.
Today I'll see whether I can replace TortoiseSVN with vcscommand.
Where? She has a Godzilla tatoo? I can't find it.
Because, really, TortoiseSVN sucks.
@RMartinhoFernandes the background
TortoiseHg is too awesome for any other Tortoise product to be decent.
It's probably due to not trying to be exactly like the others.
oh I got really confused the first time I had to use TortoiseSVN
Ha! Xenomorphs didn't have advanced technology!
(yes, I'm still dwelling on the aliens-zombies-robots Venn diagram)
I long forgot about it
I posted it for shits and giggles, not to dwell on for hours
you must be really bored???
You must be psychic! OMG how could you guess that?
TortoiseSVN in nutshell: log is slow as hell, update breaks entire OS. Commit is slow, too, but that's SVN in general.
Also directory-handle-hogging daemon.
You're forgetting the cleanup-hell.
@RMartinhoFernandes lol, I sense some sarcasm there
Which is probably related to hogging handles.
oh, a handle hog?
You know what, standard should be drastic and forbid using namespace std;.
Oh, how much less explaining we'd have to do.
Lemme guess, you have a link.
No, it's just a reflection.
I saw yet another snippet with that infernal statement.
@RMartinhoFernandes you have plans to get a new job anytime soon?
I guess it says a lot about the programmer using it
@CatPlusPlus I'm all for that :-)
@TonyTheLion I've been thinking seriously about it, and I'm not as enthusiastic about getting a job as a programmer as I was last year. I mean I still love programming, but making a job out of it doesn't sound that interesting anymore. Could be just a silly phase.
Of course it's not interesting, it has deadlines.
@RMartinhoFernandes I've had phases like that, several times, my only issue is that I can't go and do another job that requires walking around a lot
although I'd love to do something like bar tending for a while, just to get some social contact
If I could live without money, I wouldn't bother with jobs.
yea me too
Screw society expectations.
but I get bored easily, and since I'm alone a lot, I rather have something on my hands
Is there a way to send notes/comments/messages/off-topics to people on Stackoverflow without dragging them to these chatrooms
> The heroic story of a dictator who risks his life to ensure that democracy would never come to the country he so lovingly oppressed.
Ooh, I want to watch this one.
speak of the devil: @CatPlusPlus: every time I see you on stackoverflow, I'm tempted to +1 you just for the name
@MooingDuck Within SE, no.
@RMartinhoFernandes outside of SE? Or do I give up?
Well, if you know them in some other social site, you use that.
Otherwise, there's no other way.
Well, you can find one of their old questions and post a comment there, but that's a bit...
... something.
I'm going to sleep now
Bye guys
@MooingDuck Mail.
I was gonna say I doubt I can find a social site for "cat plus plus", but turns out he does have a facebook with that name O.o
oh you like these movies?
What is this I don't even.
I heard they are really gory
@TonyTheLion No, I don't like those movies.
oh good then
> A mad scientist kidnaps and mutilates a trio of tourists in order to reassemble them into a new "pet"-- a human centipede, created by stitching their mouths to each others' rectums.
> Martin loses himself in the fantasy world of the cult horror film The Human Centipede (First Sequence),
So meta.
Also, cult film, lol.
Someone's wishing too hard.
oh and it went quiet
I hope I didn't send people out to torrent The Human Centipede.
oh lol, not me
I'd never watch that
I just read the plot of the second on Wiki.
cause if I did, I'd probably shit myself
It's not only meta, it's even more ridiculous than the first one.
@CatPlusPlus I won't even do that
You've been phase shifted lately, huh?
really badly
soon it's going to wrap right back around
I'm too tall
Too tall for what?
my desk and chair
my eye-line is about a foot above the top of my screens
Your chair isn't adjustable?
that's only going to bring an equal problem with my arms being 90 degrees to hit the keyboard
Well, put something under your screens?
Old books are good for that.
I don't have any books
plus, if I were to adjust my chair to make it flat with my keyboard, like it should be
then I'd be looking at more than a foot to get my screens up to the proper level
Buy a higher desk. Or buy some books!
also, here's a question
is it ok for me to rip partial classes from C#?
I don't understand.
You're adding partial classes to WideC?
Why would it be a problem?
well, if I were the C# guys, I'd be feeling kind of possessive
I mean, it's their idea
but then, I am a possessive bastard
oh well, it's a good idea, let's just have it, what's the worst that can happen?
I actually like the disconnect you get between files and classes.
I like partial classes too
it makes it easier to deal with auto-generated classes
I think that was actually the motivation to add them.
yeah, I knjow
and it worked
you know, maybe it would just be easier to add a function keyword and use Spirit
this is going to take forever
Make it fun instead!
oh, I appear to already possess Boost 1.47
So, you're rewriting the parser?
I commented out my previous work, so I can go back to it if Spirit doesn't prove to be massively easier
Hint: commit, nuke and revert if it doesn't work.
nah, not my style
Does C++ have covariant returns on virtual functions?
It's annoying me that C# lacks those.
although in C++, it's not actually terribly helpful
for example, you can't return a shared_ptr<Derived> where shared_ptr<Base> is expected
Right, only raw pointers and references are covariant.
which is not very helpful, if you ask me
that's why in WideC I decided to expand it to all implicit conversions
hmm, I'm not sure how to convince Spirit to work with already-lexed input
Don't ask me, I only have a vague idea of what Spirit is.
Q: Using Boost.Spirit.Qi with custom lexer

ybungalobillI dug through the whole documentation and couldn't find an example. All the examples either parse character data or use Spirit.Lex. Forgive me if I missed something. Can someone give an example for, or point to a tutorial on, how to use Boost.Spirit.Qi with my custom lexer? E.g.: vector<MyT...

I don't know what your lexer looks like, but it should be easy to make forward iterators out of it.
yeah, fixing that up was trivial
the problem now is that pass_phrase wants a Skipper argument, and I need some kind of empty parser for that
since I don't want to skip any tokens
Comments and whitespace? Or your lexer drops them already?
hackernews down for anyone?
holy shit, my compile times
am i dumb, or are editors expected to default to running in the background?
@AlfPSteinbach What editors?
Text editors?
i'm trying out ubuntu in a virtual box
That sounds silly.
yes. i have to specify -s to get it to present a window. hah.
eps gives infinite loops, but !eps was just what I wanted
it must be 15 years or more since last i used some nix os
@DeadMG Oh, right, it always matches, so it keeps trying to skip it :)
how does this ubuntu know about programs that are not installed?
i just typed g++
it told me how to install, very nice, but how does it know?
It's a bash plugin that looks up the apt database if the command cannot be found.
TODO: learn about apt database
also, how does one tab between running windows or get some sort of list of them or something?
That just brings up Windows' tab box
Also I am unable to type curly braces
You're probably on a en-US keymap.
I told it Norwegian keyboard and æøå works
but the AltGr key does not work
and typeing Alt+[number] on numeric keypad doesn't work
@AlfPSteinbach That's Windows only :(
perhaps this is first time I need C++ trigraph
I'm running it in VirtualBox (from Oracle)
maybe I should just scrap the custom lexer and use the Spirit primitive
no, I need the line and column information to give proper errors
There are some keyboard layouts that for some braindead reason ignore AltGr.
I've never found any need for AltGr whatsoever
Right, you use an English keyboard, silly.
I need AltGr to type any of @£§€{[]}.
now that's silly
when you have started an app without &, is there some way to sort of tell command line to just leave it and give new prompt?
@{[]}? kinda useful things
@AlfPSteinbach Ctrl+Z stops it.
If you then issue $ bg it will proceed in the background.
The end effect is the same as if you issued it with the trailing &.
ah i found it. i had to right click and select "input method" as "multi-press"
it is like leelo in 5th element, "multipass!"
@DeadMG For programmers, yes. Sadly, the keyboards are not made for us :(
@ is useful for like, everyone
And so are `´~^.
Not everything fits, and @ gets much less use than the accents.
no sh*t. this input method translates backspace to space and delete to chinese or something
(Unless you're writing English, of course)
@AlfPSteinbach oops.
true true
Though I do have a key for guillemets that is completely useless.
Why would I need « »?
I sure don't
Well, at least I don't need three hands to operate it.
i managed to compile and run hello world. hurray
But I wouldn't mind replacing the keys for «/» and º/ª with {[]}.
@DeadMG How do you type |?
shift & backslash
Oh, nevermind. I see it now. It's left of Z.
below a
@DeadMG Anyway, can't Spirit pass this line and column information along?
no idea
I would expect some kind of "null parser" that produced a token with that info.
of course
my code doesn't compile, and I got some absolutely WTF error message
Then you could sequence it and produce a tuple or something.
just a bunch of mpl assertion failures
I'd rather they just let the code fail without assertions
at least then I get the genuine error
Those errors are supposed to be easier to read than the raw template dumps of the compilers.
I actually tend to find MSVC's raw template dumps to be quite readable
but this is most certainly unintelligible
I mean, MSVC10 has static_assert too, so they could just use that and get a nice error string to the user
Oh, it doesn't use that?
I thought Boost static assert defaulted to that on compilers that support it.
so did I
> If the C++0x static_assert feature is available, both macros will use it. For BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(x), the error message with be a stringized version of x. For BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(x, msg), the error message will be the msg string.
At least that's what it documents.
apparently it's really not all that bad
the Spirit people left quite a few comments on their assertions
    // If you got an error_invalid_expression error message here,
    // then the expression (expr) is not a valid spirit qi expression.
whatever that actually means
Oooh, neat.
What's the expression?
tok_type(Wide::Lexer::TokenType::Namespace) >> tok_type(Wide::Lexer::TokenType::Identifier)[([](const Wide::Lexer::Token& t, boost::spirit::qi::unused_type, boost::spirit::qi::unused_type) {
    std::wcout << L"Found ur identifier! It's " << t.Codepoints;
})] >> tok_type(Wide::Lexer::TokenType::OpenCurlyBracket)
hilarious to pass a lambda in operator[] :P
apparently this isn't the interface you're supposed to use for custom lexers
What's operator[] for?
Arbitrary actions?
semantic actions
the advice in the question you linked worked, but only if I don't need the Token contents
which I do
so not terrifically helpful
no, I don't think so
shouldn't "sudo" command ask for password?
that's what I just tried
@AlfPSteinbach On some configurations it doesn't.
Sometimes it asks it once and keeps a cookie for a certain amount of time, to avoid asking it repeatedly.
yes, that seems to be what happens. first it asked for password, but not next time
there's progress. now i can access windows' filesystem from within ubuntu :-). but i cannot copy and paste between the OS-es. :-(
You probably need to install some virtual machine specific stuff.
ok i can transfer text in files instead of via clipboard. primitive but works.
alf@alf-VirtualBox:~/test$ cat hello.cpp
#include <iostream>

int main()
    using namespace std;
    cout << "Blåbærsyltetøy! 日本国 кошка!" << endl;

alf@alf-VirtualBox:~/test$ g++ hello.cpp -o a; ./a
Blåbærsyltetøy! 日本国 кошка!
alf@alf-VirtualBox:~/test$ _
i remember one could change the prompt via PS1. but not how to change PS1?
It's a regular environment variable, so you just set it.
There are a couple magic strings.
it occurs to me that actually, it really should be quite easy to whip up my own, much smaller, probably much slower parser framework
The Knights Who Say NIH!
what's the associativity of >>?
I really need right, but I get a funny, funny feeling that it's gonna be left
Left I think.
is >> a >> b is (is >> a) >> b.
yeah, that was the exact example I had in my head
I'll just use + instead, that's right-associative
isn't it?
I don't think so.
I hate you :P
I think the only right-associative operators are assignments.
better prompt, but i have to right click and switch "input method" depending on whether I want to type Ctrl D or {
that sucks
+= can work
@AlfPSteinbach I can't help with that. I have no idea how to get that correct on Ubuntu.
yeah, the only RL assoc operators are assign
(In fact I don't remember how to do it in Gentoo, which is what I use. I set it once, and it was easy, though)
well you been a great help with the rest
Haskell lets you pick associativity and precedence of your made up operators. :P
It's a paradise of operator overloading.
glad I don't have to write a Haskell parser
There is actually one in the default GHC distribution.
yeah, I expect that a Haskell compiler would come with a Haskell parser :P
Well, I meant, an API to parse Haskell.
So you don't need to write one :)
ok, this is going to be irritating
operator| is less precedence
no, wait, I don't even need right precedence
no, wait, I do totally need right precedence
no, wait, I don't
also, lols slogan
Ok, Firefox, go ahead and break all my addons.
I wonder how Spirit deals with the associativity
surely char_(',') >> char_('}') >> char_('|'), for example
you can't just keep a std::function around
they probably just make a new type, actually
yeah, this should work just fine
Wow, it actually didn't break anything.
I'm so glad that I made that LINQ stuff earlier
so handy to have done that already
You mean, some form of iterators that apply transformations lazily?
but mainly, I'm re-using the same mixin-based design

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