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okay ubuntu is pissing me off. What's a good alternative?
I have windows, just find it frustrating to program in
you've told me that a million times
without ever giving a concrete example of what you find frustrating wrt programming on windows
@corvid A good massage can be very relaxing and calming. A walk in the evening can have some of the same effect for even less money.
Mostly just learning the operating system and how it works :|
@corvid If you're used to ubuntu then I'd just go with debian.
he's not used to ubuntu
he switched to ubuntu some weeks ago for reasons I forgot
and kept stumbling
I stumble all the time too, but at least I don't find windows "frustrating to program in"
whatever that means
it's true
I was wondering who you guys were replying to. Turns out Crowz changed his nick, and I still have him plonked.
I like Debian though.
Mostly used to mac OS X but too cheap to buy one. Linux is close enough
Despite all the flak it gets here.
then again what do I know
I always only do whatever's documented and known to work
I programmed just fine on both windows and linux (debian)
C++ is definitely nicer in linux land
and I guess C is too
but not for what you use (C#?)
dunno what you mean exactly by C++
I found VS 2013 to be the most straightforward and easy to use IDE for C++
hides below table
on debian I've tried to use qt creator and code blocks and finally only managed to do what I wanted with code blocks
which was including and linking boost lol
I'm a noob but still, VS was a lot more straightforward with its project properties -> linker -> additional directories (same for include)
definitely a noob
I'd still like to hear an answer for
3 mins ago, by Alex M.
dunno what you mean exactly by C++
so I can take a glance in the world of pros
@AlexM. On Linux, the compiler is better--you can easily use the latest version of either gcc or Clang (or both)--but environments are dramatically worse, at least for beginners (to whom the environment tends to matter a lot more than things like two-phase name lookup).
I like that on linux all the libraries and programs I can install with apt-get install <whatever>
while on windows I have to build everything manually
(when not using VS)
ok I really need to re-read on the default constructors that the compiler is supposed to generate for you. Either that or VC++ is a pain in my ass
@corvid why is it pissing you off?
also linux mint
@Mgetz VC++ doesn't automatically generate move constructors for you right now.
@JerryCoffin Do you think? I find building libraries I need in linux 100 times easier than in windows
@ThePhD I'm just looking for default constructors that do basic zero initialization, e.g. call the default constructor of all members
@Ell Yeah, but installing ready-made applications in Linux is still a pain in the ass.
To this day I still don't know how to easily invoke a program without using the shell.
The "Shortcut" mechanism I've seen on Ubuntu is atrocious.
@Mgetz Value initialization is also broken in VC++ (found that the hard way while initializing C-array of primitive types in constructor initialization list)
A: how do I go about learning C++

NewbieCoder999When i started learning codes, i just googled it to be honest. When i was young and until now, i relied on w3schools.com to help me, they offer a try it your self code right on their website. you should try it. Hope that helps. and a main thing about programming, is you need to understand the l...

@ThePhD depends on distro
It's not visual. It's textual and console-based and a fucking mess.
@ThePhD alt+f2
w3schools to learn C++
but just downloading a tar.gz and extracting and it will just work but I guess that's not installation
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix HOW INTUITIVE.
@milleniumbug aww fuck
@ThePhD shortcut mechanism?
right click -> make link ?
@ThePhD This is the shittiest argument I've heard all day.
Good job.
I think it's actually slightly worse than puppy.
What about Alt + F2 opening a program is at all helpful to a new user?
How are you supposed to divine that?
@Ell Depends on the library, I suppose. If you use libraries that 1) are already directly supported by your distro, or 2) developed primarily or exclusively for Linux, then Linux will usually be easier. If you use libraries developed primarily or exclusively for Windows, or for which a nuget packages is available, then Windows will usually be easier.
What about Win + R opening a program is at all helpful to a new user?
@ThePhD Oh you mean the shortcut to the windows equivalent of run
@JerryCoffin I guess it does depend entirely on the library :)
I've found Mono a pain but most c++ open source libraries better
@AlexM. Clang actually works on Linux, so all clang related tools work by extension. The compilers are better, installation of libraries is easier (use your package manager), headers and libraries are typically contained in /usr/lib and /usr/include which make #include and finding library paths pretty easy.
i don't see what problems do you have with linux
can't gcc be installed on windows?
it's not the same
windows is a pain in the ass compared to linux
well, it is
but gdb on linux is better too
gcc will run in cygwin right?
or there is an actual port outside of cygwin
I have something called realgcc.exe starting when I type in gcc in cmd
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix MinGW
@AlexM. Never heard of it.
Isn't MinGW a packaged cygwin?
Incidentally, it seems like I have it.
I used the gcc setup tool
which lists all available things and you select what you need
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix No dependencies on the cygwin dll.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix I think so too
@StackedCrooked is it coincidence that after trying to compile&run code with runtime error that Coliru goes down?
how many times are we going to have this retarded windows vs linux discussion?
OSx way of installing app is by far the simplest I found
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix No. MinGW is a port to run gcc on Windows. CygWin instead runs gcc under Linux, and ports Linux to run on Windows.
except the package manager on linux is nice
@Rapptz dunno lol I just don't see what problems some people have, I don't have any, so I naturally ask about them
@JerryCoffin I guess it can be put that way
I just download tools, read about them and they seem to work well
I use windows.
these days while practicing blender I noticed the best way to get to better models is to throw away things when they seem to go nowhere and start anew
@JerryCoffin btw, nice blog on the health reform
@Rapptz When it's replaced by retarded discussions of their successors. When I was in college, it was Control Data vs. IBM. Then came VAX/VMS vs. Eclipse & AOS. Then there was MS-DOS vs. DR-DOS, then Windows vs. OS/2, then ...
you what nobody will ever argue about?
steam OS vs windows
@Rapptz I don't think it is linux vs windows
@AlexM. I have problems on both linux and windows.
I think it's just about the desktop environment
@AlexM. steam os is linux... I'm waiting SteamOS vs Linux
SteamOS is just a glorified Debian.
@TemplateRex Thanks. I sometimes wonder whether anybody reads it at all (and when I wonder so far off topic, figure at least half the people who might have read other things I've written it will get bored and quit almost immediately).
@JerryCoffin well, I'm a health economist, so I read it with interest. makes sense too, especially stressing the need for demonstrating the fix
Then who thinks FirefoxOS or Tizen will be used widely in the future
@JerryCoffin in case you are interested in that health care stuff, this blog is pretty good
@TemplateRex Oh, I didn't realize that was your area of expertise. It's good to hear some assurance that I haven't just been talking to people who are unusually ignorant.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix right
sudden realization
I can take pictures of stuff and use as textures
@TemplateRex It does look interesting (and unlike most of what I've read, seems to actually try to analyze the situation, not just start with the premise that it must be (great|terrible) and cite whatever supports that premise). Thanks.
@AlexM. *sudden clarity Clarence
a new world of possibilities has just opened before me
You have to be careful though when using photos as textures, because they have to be evenly lit
you don't want shadows in your diffuse texture
yeah, right now it's probably not a good time to take pics
I'm also wondering if my phone can do a good enough job
@JerryCoffin David Dranove is one of the top 5 health economists in the world, he has written several layman-accessible books on the US health care system (Code Red being the latest, and the blog being a companion to it)
but maybe I can edit them later
I somehow got it to work. It said there was some sort of cache KeyError
@AlexM. Most phones do reasonably well if you have plenty of light.
With less light, their noise levels go up very quickly though.
I'll give it a go tomorrow
I gotta go pack clothes and stuff
in less than 12 hours I'll be on the plane
hope I don't die
@JerryCoffin Webcams have the same problem (i imagine its not surprising since they probably use the same kind of sensors)
@Borgleader It's less about the kind of sensor than the size of the sensor. A big camera can (and usually will) have a bigger sensor. Bigger sensor wells can collect more light. More light collected means more signal vs. (nearly) fixed noise, so a better signal to noise ratio.
@TemplateRex code red in "things are bad"?
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix yep
I think things in overall in the US are soon going to get pretty bad
There are a few differences in sensor types as well, such as CMOS vs. CCD, and (in some recent Sony sensors) back-lit CMOS. Simple size usually makes a bigger difference though.
@AlexM. where to?
@Ell our own capital
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Do you mean "substantially worse", or do you honestly think things aren't bad right now?
@AlexM. Cool. What for? :)
business mostly
I thought you meant london when you said "our own" capital
I would have chosen the train but the company paid for a plane ticket instead
Oh I understand now :p
I guess getting there in an hour is much nicer than getting there in 12 hours
but I hope I won't die
Hello all
I'm having a discussion with a colleague regarding double accuracy and guarantees in the cpp standard
why people use carpets on their avatars?
@BartlomiejLewandowski just slap him in the face with the Standard.
First question is the following: Is this guaranteed to be true?:
double x = 0.5;
x == 0.5
the 1300+ page book should be a very effective argument
a bit heavy to lift, no?
@BartlomiejLewandowski So it's about floating points?
on ubuntu, how can you transfer all the rights of one user to another?
@BartlomiejLewandowski on all sane (binary) platforms
@Abyx Interesting
The other question was:
120/480 == 0.25
But I guess that is more of a no than a yes
@BartlomiejLewandowski No, but it will be with nearly every reasonable implementation. If you change the 0.5 to (for only one of many examples) 0.2, chances of a mismatch rise dramatically. The difference is that 0.2 is 1/5, and 1/5 can't be represented precisely as a binary fraction.
But isn't the 0.5 in the check converted as well in the same way as the above double?
@BartlomiejLewandowski 0.25 is still a power of two
or 0.2 for that matter
In this case, if intermediate calculations are represented in something like long double, but x is a double, a mismatch is entirely possible.
@BartlomiejLewandowski Not necessarily. It's fairly common to do calculations (including conversions) to 80-bit precision, then round results to 64-bit precision.
@JerryCoffin what if no other calculations are made, just the two? Will probably be optimized away I guess
@BartlomiejLewandowski Good chance of it, but (again) no guarantee.
Hi Guys, I am wondering whether there are some good forums where I can ask question which are deemed subjective on stackoverflow. Can you provide with some links?
@Trismegistos Some would argue that "good forums" is an oxymoron all by itself. You'll probably need to provide a little more detail about the kinds of questions and answers/discussions you care about for anybody to give a meaningful answer.
Try here. First result: here
@Trismegistos 4chan
boost::dynamic_bitset is buggy
damned, why can't anybody write a decent operator<
because fuck order. anarchy ftw!
I am searching for something like usenet was 15 years ago
topic programming
and your search brought you here?
@Trismegistos Sorry, but I'm pretty sure there's nothing much like that left in the world today.
@jalf He must have used Bing
@Xeo lol
@Borgleader lol
@Trismegistos I don't believe there is no decent programming forum.
@JerryCoffin substantially
> "We don't need no education..."
"Yes you do, you just used a double negative."
@Borgleader Hmm...still a Friends fan, eh?
again with the Coliru crashes
According to wikipedia LR(1) is an LR parser with a look of 1 symbol, and an LALR(1) is a LA(1)LR(0)
where LA(1) means 1 token of lookahead
I don't understand the difference :S
buh, where do I generate SE consumer keys and stuff?
stack exchange
> The simplification that the LALR parser introduces consists in merging rules that have identical kernel item sets
ahh there it is
@StackedCrooked: Did you do something to prevent cross-domain coliru requests?
or is that gonna be a Firefox local change?
float and double suck so much
I can't even
@Jefffrey Why?
Nothing about it guaranteed.
I mean, not even the simple example gave earlier: double x = 0.2; x == 0.2;.
char sucks more. That is guaranteed.
@Jefffrey Oh, a few things are guaranteed. One thing that is guaranteed is that comparing floating point numbers for equality is essentially always a mistake (regardless of language).
Why isn't there a standard super tanked floating point utility. Something like BigInt for floating point numbers?
@Rapptz a mod deleted the answer.
@Jefffrey because if they get the slightest thing wrong they can never fix it 8*D
The elusive cupcake.
Gone like the wind.
@Jefffrey Decimal?
Decimals are underrated.
@Jefffrey std::decimal::decimal64
Though I think neither float nor double nor decimal should be the default for literals.
@Rapptz Hmm
@Jefffrey If your decimals are rational numbers, you should use a rational class instead.
i almost want one
@Jefffrey Because existing floating point is entirely adequate for the vast majority of floating point calculations with careful use--and with careless use, even a tremendously huge floating point type won't gain you much.
@Borgleader Torches are the most horrible thing in Minecraft.
@Jefffrey Hmm ?
They are fugly.
Ouch. Gotta go.
Get a better texture pack, noob.
But redstone lamps are nice.
@Borgleader Hey, that's funny. Saw that in the Minecraft store today.
I bought the redstone ore lamp.
i saw that, theres a diamond one too isn't there?
I don't think so, since diamond doesn't emit light in Minecraft.
Except when there's a beacon on top.
@Borgleader ololwutcool
its from thinkgeek originally
Hey guys, I got a question that is not C++ specific but more about `make` and I figured this would be the best room to task it.

I have a text file that I want to copy during a `make package` operation, in that text file I have version number placeholders that I want to replace with the version number that was stored as a variable in the makefile script. What would be the correct approach to do that string replacement?
did you consider stack overflow?
You're assuming that the people here know make.
I figured c++ would be the best room to ask about make
Why? :P
@ScottChamberlain What about the make room?
They all love make in there
Well ill be, did not see the room
@Ell Better to make love than love make.
@JerryCoffin heh
yay drugs
inheriting constructors.
to implement right now, or not to implement right now
first I should fix not being able to call member/base constructors with more than one argument, I feel.
@ScottChamberlain Your logic escapes me.
@JerryCoffin If loving make is the sole alternative, no wonder we have overpopulation problems.
@MartinJames Good point.
FWIW, I (at least sort of) prefer scons (though it's not exactly perfect either).
personally, I'm still looking for a C++ build system worth using.
Premake is pretty good in theory but the implementation is pretty questionable.
CMake would be great if it didn't have a god-awful home-rolled macro language thingie.
I don't like premake
Vlad whoring, [sigh]:
@Griwes I came to C++ as the only time I every encounter make is when I end up working on a C++ project.
@ScottChamberlain The problem here is that you assume that we answer questions here. By and large, we do not.
personally I never understand how anyone who is not already a member of the community ever comes here to ask when there's a giant "ASK QUESTION" button on the homepage.
@ScottChamberlain That in no way means that C++ developers are qualified to discuss make
I thoutght chat was to ask questions you felt did not have enough context to ask on SO.
@jalf also that.
I felt my question did not have enough content
@ScottChamberlain Did you ask in the make room? :)
chat is a place to talk about things
chat is for us to get together and chat.
I use a chair to sit on any time I code C++. Therefore, people who build chairs must be the right ones to ask about C++ questions
There was no one in the make room, I figured you created it to make fun of me
@ScottChamberlain you were right. And yet you came back here?
@ScottChamberlain You're learning..
@jalf Dude, I also breathe oxygen. Do you think that means that trees are closet C++ experts?
@Puppy I do indeed!
Because Griwes pinged me so I responed
@ScottChamberlain ;)
those barky fuckers.
I'mma walk up to one with a chainsaw and make it talk.
@Puppy Not at all. Those gay trees came out of the closet years ago.
Well, this room is neither for make or for questions. So questions about make are hardly relevant here. :)
@ScottChamberlain It was just a joke though. No hard feelings eh? :)
Talking to trees is more rewarding than debugging make files.
@Ell none taken.
@MartinJames so is hitting your head against a wall
man, I just realized that I made at least two perfectly good puns without noticing.
I eneded up fleshing my idea out and writing a full question up. Like I should have done in the first place.
ah well
@ScottChamberlain Cool. Hope you get some good answers :)
such is life if you're a dog.
@Puppy That's dangerous - maybe a side-effect of your drugs?
@ScottChamberlain The point these nice fellas are making is that we are all in here to chat and you should read the room rules before asking. Especially this bit: loungecpp.net/w/…
@Puppy "good puns" is an oxymoron.
well, there are plenty of morons breathing oxygen
I like puns :(
@Ell Meh, I still got less abuse than I was expecting to get by going to #make on irc.
@Puppy Hmm...maybe Vlad is a result of oxygen deprivation.
Do you guys get tingly tongues when you eat pineapples?
I need a haircut
@ScottChamberlain Much like Unix, we're really quite user friendly. We're just picky about our friends.
I have not observed this phenomenon.
@Rapptz ? From the acid?
@Puppy lol. and no, Bailey has had no dog food today. I had to cook some chicken for him. We'll go to pet shop tomorrow to buy more food. Daisy OK?
she's out like a light
@Rapptz That's bleeding. You need to remove the outside before trying to eat them.
keeping mummy warm, as she was bred to do.
@Rapptz kind of? I'm not sure I'd describe it as tingly, but I think I know what you mean
@JerryCoffin lol
Can't wait for my horse head mask to arrive.
@Borgleader Not particularly.
if you put it on, how would anyone notice?
@Rapptz never ate a fresh one
but that's the best way to eat pineapples!
@Puppy The others at the party are all wearing human-head masks.
but no never got tingly tongue from it
you guys must eat somewhat old pineapples
@Rapptz Nope
Grapefruit can be a bit 'tingly'
I had fresh pineapple yesterday and I had no tingling at all o.O
module x {
    operator+(t, y) {
        return y;
Main() {
    return x + true;
I should fix this.
Hmm. I don't understand. What is t in this case?
@Ell You don't get heavy tingling if you remove the core.
@Ell The module x.
Well, I had a whole pineapple and I just cut a cross section and ate it
including the core
@Rapptz I'd guess I've had it about as fresh as anybody (standing next the the plant, eating one that was cut, peeled and eaten on the spot). One of the highlights of visiting the Philippines, in my mind.
lol amazon
@JerryCoffin your tongue must have been very tingly
here's another hilarious thing you can do (that you really shouldn't be able to)
module x {
    operator+(t, y, z) {
        return y & z;
Main() {
    return x.operator+(true, true);
Wide is the new PHP.
@Puppy what is wrong with that? o.O
@Ell An addition operator with three arguments?
@StackedCrooked It was rather different from any (even the freshest) I've gotten in a store elsewhere. From what they said, however, it was a different variety that doesn't ship well, so about the only place you can get that exact thing is in the tropics.
ohhh :P
of course xD
and it fails to compile if you only have two.
although I can imagine an addition operator with 3 arguments
sum = a + b
the problem is that I implemented automatic overload set binding for stuff like primitives.
so you can do, say, Main() { local := false; ass := local.operator=; ass(true); return local; }.
but implemented it for everything.
works with 4 too
What you really want is whitespace overloading
Multiplication is even more interesting
most things.
          b     c
product =    *
          d     e
you could probably not access operator() of an overload set that way.
something I ought to fix one day
there are a few other undesirable implicit-this behaviours lurking around.
a couple versions ago, if you called a C++ static function through an object, I would just cast the function to a version that also took "this" and call it like that.

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