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time for drugs.
time for hugs.
this works on coliru, but MSVC says the second combine(...) call is ambiguous :(
@StackedCrooked May I remind you that I'm not using Chrome? :)
@melak47 I smell an MSVC bug.
Get used to it.
@melak47 Try an EnableIf/DisableIf set-up with disjoint conditions.
@StackedCrooked ye
Wooo, beer time.
It's even better when I'm not paying for it.
your momma's paying for it
MSVC agrees with these results...so why does the EnableIf not work, if the bools are correct?
derp, forgot a const
no, in my "test" :/
you're a derp
Okay so how on fuck do I write an xml push parser
try derping
it seems popular
I feel like shift reduce ought to suit it
I don't think recursive decent suits at all
XML seems quite suited to recursive descent.
or hell, pretty much any parsing algorithm, ever.
grammatically it seems super-duper-simple.
But for it to be a push parser I need to be able to jump out of the stack
you mean a parser where you call like, GetNextDOMElement()?
I mean a parser where I do
@Ell cool
p = Parser(myhandler)
while(data.available()) { p.feed(data) }
okay that is terrible pseudo code
seems like a pretty niche need.
but if I'm half way through parsing and I run out of data, I need to not throw and error and instead just pause and pick up later next time feed() is called
and highly awkward
I was trying to implement it with delimited continuations (which can jump out of a call stack) but now I read that they are being deprecated in the next version of scala
seems like instead, you could just be like Parser(myhandler, [] { if (data.available()) return data; return none; });.
even then I would need to know that a rule can be parsed before attempting though, right?
Or maybe I'm misunderstanding what the proposed design is
@Ell Seems like the obvious would be for feed to put data in a buffer. The parser pulls data from the buffer. If the buffer is empty, the parser just stalls. Basic single-producer, single-consumer multithreading. No need for trickiness in the parser at all.
typically, you'd just block on data until you have enough.
or do a queue thing, which is the same principle.
Well, the point in my proposed design is that you don't need threads or blocking
right, except both of those mechanics are explicitly designed to do what you want.
so there's little point in not using them.
I guess
@Ell But what do you gain? In this case, the multithreading does exactly what you want, and makes it simple without warping the design to allow stopping and doing other things in the middle of parsing.
Not much in most cases :P
@JerryCoffin Now two prohe's got blems.
@Ell how is this thing supposed to work? will the DOM of document you're parsing bit by bit as you get it just grow? are you supposed to be able to work with it while it's still being parsed?
SAX parser?
not using a thread is just like, writing your own call stack manually, and handling it manually for every function call.
@melak47 it will be a SAX parser so you won't need a DOM, but yeah you're supposed to be able to do stuff with it while it's being parsed
not ideal.
@Puppy If you go recursive descent
@Ell and how useful is it to work with an XML you've only partially parsed? :/
@melak47 well you can parse while you're waiting for more data
@Ell Shift-reduce parsers can only be built algorithmically, realistically, and they all have incredibly shitty interfaces and do not work well with producing half-made stuff you can operate on.
instead of receiving all the data then parsing the data
and if you don't know how long the data is then it might make a difference
idk, it's just an idea
why not just wait until you actually do have a situation in which this matters?
Not if it's just a toy :P
@Ell yeah, I suppose, but..can't you just tokenize as you receive, and parse those tokens until you run out and wait there?
@melak47 Yeah but wouldn't you rather pause and do something else until you had data and then resume?
I was thinking of xmpp
because you can't wait until you have all the data to parse because then you won't have a client connected anymore :P
better to simply use a protocol where each message is self-contained.
building every message from the client into a single giant DOM is ridiculous.
ugh, don't remind me of messages and protocols
the old serialisation stuff we have in our oldest game server is just... ugh when it comes to versioning and adding new stuff to it
I accidentally changed all destructors to "Do nothing".
I also just realized that I have absolutely no idea how virtual destructors are not horribly broken.
Q: Starting an new activity in unique memory?

RaiderJI have an activity A and an activity B. A is the root activity, which starts activity B. Both activities instantiate a singleton class C. I would like them to have their own unique class C, but activity B always ends up with the C from activity A. <activity android:name="com.scroll...

> Both activities instantiate a singleton class C. I would like them to have their own unique class C, but activity B always ends up with the C from activity A.
perhaps they are horribly broken and that's the test I'm waiting on right now.
Translation: I have a singleton and now I wish I didn't have a singleton.
There should be a badge for getting an answer with 100 downvotes without getting deleted.
@Puppy Older compilers sometimes recommended the virtual destructor to be declared as the first member function and defined in the .cpp file.
@StackedCrooked I meant, in Wide.
@Fanael Not with single-producer, single-consumer (and even a mediocre job of handling the queue between the two correctly).
@Mysticial Eeh...
is it better to put all the #includes in the header file instead in the .cpp file?
wat no
@Mysticial I thought badges were generally intended to reward desirable behavior...
@Xeo Have you seen that meta post yet?
@cyberspace009 only include what you absolutely need the definition of
@Mysticial no?
A: Yet another offensive email from another new user on Stack Overflow

NeoThere was absolutely NO NEED for an edit. I specifically had the naked link in there so people would recognise the repo in question without having to click on it. What you did was absolutely pointless and a waste of time for everyone involved. The question itself is clear, capitalisation of th...

@Xeo ok. curious that's all.
So you are saying you want two instances of a singleton i.e. you want a doubleton i.e you don't want a singleton? — rgamber 11 secs ago
or maybe I just literally defined the test to be an infinite loop if it fails.
doubleton lol
forward declare the rest if possible, and include them in the cpp
@Puppy just break into it
and see where the stack leads you
@JerryCoffin And if you are really good the producer becomes the consumer after pushing his data.
@Xeo It's in a different process.
I could just attach the debugger, I guess.
There's no cache like L1 cache.
@Puppy ye
@StackedCrooked L2 cache.
instruction cache.
@AlexM. That may seem like a singleton for your fans of Quadrophenia.
im trying to catch the exception but the try and catch is getting nothing.
@JerryCoffin what a film
you can't catch an access violation exception.
@Mysticial meta being meta, I see
well, you can, but not with a normal try/catch under normal circumstances, and for good reason.
@Puppy you're not trying hard enough
@thecoshman Was utterly stunning as a live performance.
Why can't the SO engine just autoban everyone who has posted on meta?
@JerryCoffin oh, I meant the actual film :P
@Puppy how complicated is it to see what is causing the access violation?
@CatPlusPlus needs more bitch
use a debugger.
@Puppy im using it. VS 2012
then use it better
@cyberspace009 __try and __catch
@Puppy ok
glad to say that I finally cleaned all of the obj->GetType()->PerformTask(std::move(obj), ...); out of my codebase.
@Fanael lol, that would ban all the mods.
not glad to say that I apparently broke every-fuckin-thing.
@Mysticial Sounding better all the time! :-)
OTOH, it would ban you, but if it got rid of all the mods, that might be a trade-off worth considering.
@Mysticial That's the point.
a beautiful readable stack trace
@Puppy No worries because the commits were small right?
@Fanael Anna, Grace Note and Shog could handle it all, right?
@LucDanton Haven't committed the breakage yet.
@Fanael The...umm...I think the term they use is "community managers". The SO employees who act as, kind of, super-moderators.
Oh, that’s the refactoring of function calls :( Guess I’ll leave the popcorn for another occasion.
NVI has some downsides, I guess.
@JerryCoffin Just use water as the sole moderator.
Critical idea.
@Puppy such as?
@Fanael Given my weight, that would almost certainly have to be heavy water.
@Xeo Such as when you want to delegate to the base class implementation but some genius (you) made it private and hidden behind NVI.
want to buy: protected public.
well, if it's expected that the derived classes access the base implementation, make it protected :P
@Xeo Yeah, but that's not really good enough because I want to be able to delegate to the base class implementation on non-this objects.
I have a few functions that are essentially implementation-only but are on the public interface because I can't make them protected.
that sounds... refactor-worthy?
not sure what I should refactor it into.
some derived classes simply need to express their implementation in terms of another derived class's implementation.
scala.char is a 16 bit integer. That's not correct surely
@Ell Having a char type in the first place is not correct surely.
type Char = String
@Ell Given that Java mandates 16-bit chars, it seems nearly inevitable.
@JerryCoffin Given that Scala is not Java? Not really, they could've provided a this_type_not_really_a_char_and_is_needed_pretty_much_only_needed_for_java_inte‌​rop instead.
java_char would be a better name
Yeah, my point.
in theory, you can now have something like type base { clone() := unique_ptr(base) abstract } type derived : base { clone() { return make_unique<derived>(this); }.
And in practice, covariance is not implemented yet?
unique_ptr<base> is not covariant with unique_ptr<derived>.
@Fanael They could, but given the degree to which Java interop is important to Scala, it strikes me as a fairly poor idea.
I'm just about to write a few tests to at least smoke-test it in a super-limited way.
still, on the upside, I now employ the same thunking code for virtual functions and for exported functions, so in principle, you can also export functions with a somewhat different signature to the declaration you're implementing.
@Puppy Why would anybody want to do that, though?
@Fanael The main thing I'm going with right now is simple string conversion. It's not so convenient to have to explicitly specify std::string on every export. Better to let type inference infer it to the Wide string type, then let implicit conversion do it's job.
What meaning of ’exported’?
@LucDanton A function which implements a Clang-provided declaration.
@Puppy Ah, ok.
in both cases, I produce a small trampoline which jumps to the Wide function in question.
although in theory, I guess I now have the power to actually implement the declaration without a trampoline.
but the inliner can handle that if it wants to, I guess.
For intra-language calls you can go to the appropriate place directly.
for inter-language non-virtual calls, I could re-implement it to go directly but choose not to for now.
and Wide -> C++ calls are direct.
obviously virtual calls are always indirect anyway
What is your string stuff going to be like in wide?
Going to have CodeUnit, CodePoint, etc. ?
I haven't really decided what I want to do about string literals.
but it'll probably be somewhat similar in concept to what I proposed in Bristol for C++.
for now I have a relatively broken "String literals as every literal is a distinct type, also they're just char[] arrays", which is super-bad and I'm gonna fix at some point.
but frankly I've got a bunch of language features to build before I start thinking about complex libraries
modules is up next, I feel.
in Soviet Wide, ABI breaks you!
But you're not going to have a char type at all, are you?
certainly not.
Just a byte?
not sure.
having byte as a distinct type implies questions about aliasing and I'm not finished deciding what I want for aliasing.
but for the immediate future, I think I want to focus on modules, because the C++ situation is so bad and if my thoughts on the matter pan out, it will be vastly, vastly superior.
std::basic_ios<char,std::char_traits<char> > <Unable to read memory>
struct Byte { char c; } is also distinct from aliasing.
I have a quick question: should all code be in a function?
Hooray for underspecified question.
Or, is it bad practice to leave code not in a function
#include <iostream> is code, and is not in a function.
well that is an include
and code
is it bad practice to leave large amounts of code not in a function
@qwr If it's not in a function then where is it?
in the program but not part of a function
Function definitions cannot be in a function
Here's your answer
@qwr You should read Code Complete 2. It has a good chapter on writing functions.
We learned functions before basic constructs like if and for loops.
Our teacher attached a lot of importance to fine grained decomposition of the code in functions.
Without being too extreme.
He didn't teach me much else. Only that.
But that's better than nothing.
^this can be a problem I am experiencing.
@qwr No. Code should be in BASIC with line numbers.
Functions are for pussies, and only a wanker would need a CPU that ran at more than 4.77 MHz (and yes, 640K is enough for anybody).
You can't put any code outside a function.
640k€ might be enough for me
640 trillion billion eurodollars shall do
@StackedCrooked The mere detail that no properly functioning C or C++ compiler will accept that code doesn't stop me from doing it.
after all, there are no properly functioning C++ compilers
@StackedCrooked Shall do...what? A jig?
apparently decaying an array to a pointer is not a constant expression in C++11 but it is in C++14.
It's not in a function!
@Rapptz despite it constantly happening
Anyone here beat level 32 of Game of Squares?
Xeo and a couple others
@StackedCrooked Yup. At the file level, you just have a series of declarations (some of which may also be definitions).
the game started to lose enjoyment for me at about l20 where I stopped
@Puppy The game started to lose enjoyment for me at the first announcement that "this isn't a AAA title", and by around level 10 or 12, I couldn't stand it any more.
dang this sucks
I guess no data or c_str for me
@StackedCrooked Isn't that UB because cout may be uninitialized yet?
or iterators
I might be able to hack in iterators but that's lame
C++11 constexpr is lame
@Deduplicator now don't ruin it please :P
@Deduplicator no
Could be if std::cout defined in another translation unit.
I mean in the stdlib.
So the static initialization fiasco applies.
With std::cout everything is mysterious and arcane.
@StackedCrooked No, std::cout isn't static.
@StackedCrooked Non conformant standard library.
@Deduplicator It is in C++03. It's defined in C++11. (footnote 296: "Constructors and destructors for static objects can access these objects to read input from stdin or write output to stdout or stderr.")
is it std::ios_base::Init?
or with a lower case i
capital I
that's weird
it's inconsistent with everything else
C and C++ each have one mixed-case identifier
what are those?
I think C has a lot of them..
@Rapptz Yes. And your point was?
because they're afraid of change
std::ios_base::Init is the C++ one, L_tmpnam is the C one
@JerryCoffin Why not std::ios_base::init?
@Rapptz Because if it were consistent, it wouldn't be C++.
I just saw this
So we have "Ruby on Rails", "Intercal on Interstates" and "Haskell on a Horse"
@Cubbi Well, there are a lot of weird C things. Like _Bool and _Atomic.
Is there also a "TCL on a Train" or something?
@JerryCoffin Thanks for that. Read the normative part its based on now.
@Rapptz true, I was thinking library identifiers, but yes, C99+ keywords were all mixed-case too.
@Deduplicator Yes, I've done that too. And yes, I realize that the normative text doesn't quite support what the footnote says, but I also realize that it's a pretty clear statement of intent, and there's no compiler extant that violates the stricter requirement in the footnote.
The standard library has Complex_I and Imaginary_I if that counts.
I think those are implemented with compiler magic.
Funny how C has more compiler magic than C++ in the library
@JerryCoffin The C++1y draft I have does support it only from the normative text, though the footnote-anchor is awkwardly placed.
@Xeo Funny, but not surprising (at least to me).
I'm not sure how they'd implement this without magic since they don't have operator overloading.
@Deduplicator Yes, the current drafts support it pretty directly, but the current standard (unless C++14 has become official without my noticing) doesn't.
@Rapptz If you really want to know how, I believe the word you're looking for is "poorly".
pretty neat looking though.
double complex z1 = 1.0 + 2.0*I;
you can get this working with UDLs in C++ though
if i have a command in the command prompt and i want to save it as a batch file for reuse later is there an easy way to do that? (seeing as you cant really copy from the command line on windows, i think?)
make it an environmental variable
eh no thx, i wont be using it that often
In nix shell Ctrl-X Ctrl-E in shell launches current command in editor.
you don't have many choices in Windows.
@Rapptz Yup. And C++14 pre-defines i for the purpose, so you can use 2.0i instead of the 2.0 * I.
cmd.exe is really bad
yeah it's pretty terrible
@Borgleader environment variables are temporary to the shell session when you use set
Selecting text and resizing a window should be a strong point of an OS called Windows.
@Rapptz Yeah it wont be in a single session
use msys shell instead of cmd.exe
The shell installed by cygwin worked pretty good in my experience.
But that's a long time ago.
doskey /history > ..\..\run_cmake.bat did the trick (although i had to erase the previous commands, but still, neat
@Rapptz ...and then they introduced the "complex factory macros", because this code fails to take NaNs or infinites into account :D
> real + imaginary*I might not yield the expected value if imaginary is infinite or NaN
hilarious :D
Johannes on a use-case for name hiding. I would never think of a solution like that. It's quite creative.
Even if name-hiding would be disapproved by many.
I found some pretty cool graphs on meta:
I'm one of the logarithmicals.
TIL Vogl uses Loki
Alexandrescu's loki?
@Mysticial ah, cool!
Now the question is, can you find your dot?
It's been partially enumerated for the high-end:
@Mysticial Only if you're Jon Skeet
But none of us have that much rep.
@JerryCoffin is in that detailed graph somewhere. Just not labeled.
That graph isn't complete. It's omitting people with fewer than 50 answers.
@Mysticial according to this graph... it doesn't matter to give good or really good answer... only answer a lot
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix These guys on the tail end basically have free repcaps everyday.
I have an old post on vim forums about emulating "Firefox's new tab behavior". Apparently back in 2007 tabs were only a Firefox thing.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix And the repcap is forcing their point lower on the graph.
I technically have around 5 rep every 3 or 4 days
If you throw out the repcap, it'd be more interesting.
even with repcap Jon Skeet often has more than the repcap (bounties for exemple I guess)
I'm doing a site for my wife's mother... I still believe it was a terrible idea to accept
Actually, only the top ~10 or so users actually get free repcaps: data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/109087/…
Silly Vogl... trying to include pthread on Windows =/

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