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00:00 - 17:0018:00 - 00:00

Guys, join the UML room or something. Some guy needs help. I hope I am not telling him crap.
if you're mentioning uml, you're probably talking crap. it's kinda hard to separate the two. :)
lol that's why I am asking for more experienced help
> "My given name is 5 seconds of unintelligible gibberish. But you can call me Jack."
isn't that some design thing?
@RMartinhoFernandes where did that come from?
An episode of Farscape.
@TonyTheLion Software engineering crap
Oooh, Farscape.
The best alien swearing in the world.
You're rewatching, or just watching?
I'm watching.
'Cause I don't want to spoil anything by accident.
I just watched the "Millennium Trilogy" movies based on the books by Stieg Larsson
has anyone else seen these movies?
I'm trying to force myself into shorter sleep cycles. This is going to end badly.
why you want shorter sleep cycles? and what's short in your definition?
@CatPlusPlus Are you running 28-hour days or something?
Around 6 instead 14 hours.
Would be ideally.
oh wow
you sleep 14 hours a day?
you really are a cat then
I tried to fall asleep for the last 4 hours, and it didn't really work.
It's stupid. No matter how long I sleep, I'm tired when I wake up. Then, after a whole day of being tired, I go to bed and can't fall asleep for hours.
A whole day of being tired? You meant a 10-hour day of being tired?
Well, yeah.
The whole thing.
sleeping too much, I have found, also makes you feel tired during the day
Not sleeping makes me tired, sleeping makes me tired.
there seems to be a right amount of sleep that your body needs
tired makes you tired??
I'm only not tired on adrenaline rushes.
Everything makes one tired.
When I'm deep into zone, or playing a game, or whatever.
oh and when are those?
Right, when playing games you're not tired.
Coding and not paying attention to the world.
Yeah, I should play more games.
But when you snap out of the zone, you will be wrecked
Anyways, goodnight all.
I've eaten a tortilla, I have an energy drink open, tea, and wafers.
Let's make this night productive.
Energy drink? And then you complain you can't sleep?
Meh, bought today for the first time.
Well, yesterday.
what you doing tonight? coding?
I've never really drank any.
So I was curious.
I wanted to go to sleep, even went to bed earlier, but after 4 hours of laying I got bored.
I have another interview on wednesday
@CatPlusPlus oh wow
This lying/laying thing always gets me.
I'm glad I don't have that much trouble sleeping
though it can take a while for me to actually fall asleep, I am never awake for more then 1 hour once I'm in bed
and generally, the later I go to bed, the faster I get to sleep
I only fall asleep right away after >30 hours of not sleeping.
holy shit
that sucks
how do you ever attend classes, if you're tired?
or have you not been going to lectures/classes?
The same way as usual. I sit there and pretend to listen.
And write notes. It's mechanical, it never involves brain.
If it's a lecture, I just go to sleep.
If I happen to be at lecture for some inexplicable reason.
Q: How do modifier keys affect terminal input?

MaxpmI'm trying to deduce how modifier keys are passed to raw-mode (non-canonical) terminals, but I've hit a wall. My test program is receiving weird sequences with values way outside the normal ASCII range. (The highest I've seen is 226.) I can't find standards for these sequences anywhere, and th...

Gotta love low-level programming.
Meh, terminals.
@CatPlusPlus lol, you're funny
so what kinda job would you want to do when you finish Uni? If I may ask.
Dunno. Gamedev, maybe.
Webdev is tiresome. Gamedev is tiresome, but also fun.
Well, gamedev is definitely a challenge. Webdev is just what everbody does, cause it's easy
my opinion
It's not really that easy. It's easy to get into, maybe.
Easy to write crap.
Dealing with browsers is way worse than dealing with multiple OSes.
Or platforms.
Especially when you have to debug problems on IE, which has no debugging tools worth mentioning.
I know a workable amount of HTML, CSS and PHP. Web development is fun, but I'd never want to do it as a job.
Opera's Dragonfly isn't that much better, either.
JS is just a terrible language.
And you have no choice.
Well, I'd pick CoffeeScript first.
But that's an option only for new codebases, and if your team happens to agree.
It's just no fun.
meh, I just don't like webdev
this whole browser thing annoys me, HTML sucks and PHP, well it's not even worth going there....
PHP is not that bad, once you forget it even exists.
Writing backends is better, because you've got completely controlled environment.
yea backends is probably better
I'm an idiot. I've made rendering mode a last argument of draw, and kept passing it as the first.
Thanks, C++, for typedef being weak.
And I wondered, why on Earth is it still drawing triangles connected together.
It works. About 5 hours total of debugging.
I'm better now.
At least now I know I'm not crazy, and can make a rectangle out of two triangles.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Remembers kids, don't use weakly typedef'd enumerations. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Remember kids, don't use weakly typedef'd enumerations. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
Grraah, I can't write a simple word without screwing it up.
is there a strongly typed enum now?
enum classes.
enum class super_awesome {};
i kinda thought i'd seen something about that :)
And now I have coloured text!
Although transparent background isn't really transparent. :.
> Compiler terminating. Please wait........... Abort complete.
This is something new.
What did you do?
Pressed CTRL+C.
I keep recompiling when changing shaders, and then facepalming and aborting.
Q: Which of these patterns is best?

Mad CodeA :data_input [input code here]; if ([validation test]) { std::cout << "Invalid data. "; goto data_input; } B do { [input code here]; while ([validation test] && std::cout << "Invalid data. "); C do { [input code here]; } while ([vali...

What is this I don't even.
Also lol.
Q: What Unicode characters are dangerous?

John DoeWhat Unicode characters (more precisely codepoints) are dangerous and should be blacklisted and prohibited for the users to use? I know that BIDI override characters and the "zero width space" are very prone to make problems, but what others are there? Thanks

3 hours later…
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Friday, finally! Or should I say RAII? [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
i discovered that one can't use a user-defined type as element type of std::basic_string, in general. because that darn visual c++ implementation has short string optimization, and uses a union, and doesn't like something with user defined constructor in that union. but when u remove user defined constructor from T, then syntax like T(v) doesn't work well. argh.
this discovery after i'd written std::char_traits<T>
Upboats come so slowly.
2 hours later…
How do I declare that the following function does not throw any exception?
    template< Size size >
    inline RawCodingValue const (&raw( CodingValue const (&s)[size] ))[size]
        return reinterpret_cast< RawCodingValue const (&)[size] >( s );
    template< Size size >
    inline CodingValue (&typed( RawCodingValue (&s)[size] ) CPPX_NOEXCEPT)[size]
        return reinterpret_cast< CodingValue (&)[size] >( s );
where that macro currently expands to throw()
and btw. works fine to use std::basic_string<T> where T is a C++11 enum with base type...
2 hours later…
I have asked this before I know, but I can't get it to work
PlayArea(&getPlayArea())[10][10] {
return playArea;
using a unique_ptr<...>& varName
that doesn't work
That doesn't look like member definition.
Oh, nevermind, if it's in the class.
What do you mean by "doesn't work"?
The getter is in the header files yes
the unique.... is the function parameter
and varName->getPlayArea(); is the function invocation in that function
The error.
PlayArea playArea[10][10] = piece->getPlayArea();
You can't assign to arrays.
Initialization with '{...}' expected for aggregated object
Why are you using arrays.
Because I need to do it, assignment
what do I do then?
what does getPlayArea() return?
PlayArea(&getPlayArea())[10][10] {
return playArea;
oh lol, so you need to create a loop, and assign to each item of your array
Okey, is that the only way?
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { playArea[i][j] = getPlayArea(); }}
afaik, yes
okey, but could I have used the getPlayArea()[index][index2] too?
because your array is multiple PlayArea objects, and your getPlayArea returns only one at a time
@BPDeveloper no
All right
Thank you @TonyTheLion
no probs
I will try it now
@CatPlusPlus did you stay up all night then?
@TonyTheLion It returns an array.
meh, brain fart
I don't think you can init the array any other way then initializing each element in it
PlayArea (&playArea)[10][10] = piece->getPlayArea(); should work, I guess.
that is weird syntax PlayArea (&playArea)[10][10] never seen that???
what's the addressof operator doing in there??
Reference to an array. Syntax might be off, I don't really use arrays.
But it's like this in function arguments.
std::vector is easier
and more readable, imo
PlayArea area[10][10];

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
area[i][j] = piece->getPlayArea();
not working either
@BPDeveloper lol, yea cause your function does return an array
that's what @CatPlusPlus just pointed out to me
if you create a function that returns a single PlayArea object and use that
it'll work
or try what @CatPlusPlus said
5 mins ago, by Cat Plus Plus
PlayArea (&playArea)[10][10] = piece->getPlayArea(); should work, I guess.
that works
I don't know if I am going to laugh or cry
laugh, it's better :P
this language confuses me with all its different ways of doing a single task
yea, that's C++ for ya
Arrays suck, that's why.
At least in this language
@BPDeveloper do you have to use raw arrays? else use std::vector
have to use raw
so what did I do with that syntax?
you returned a reference to an array
I had just never seen that before, cause I always use a vector
not raw arrays
leave those for C programmers
Did I store it in array reference variable or something to then?
you returned a reference (ie alias) to your playArea variable
which I suppose is an array in itself
what is this L in this code: std::wcout << L"\u263a\n";
wchar_t literal.
@CatPlusPlus what is the size of wchar_t ?
Bigger than char.
Commonly 2 or 4 bytes.
aah , thanks
4 on my comp :P
Q: Was the introduction of reference types inevitable in C++?

FredOverflowReferences were introduced into C++ to support operator overloading: Foo a, b; // ... Foo c = b - a; We cannot write Foo c = &b - &a; because it's clumsy it already has a meaning (pointer subtraction) Bjarne's solution to this problem was to introduce reference types into the langu...

any takers? :)
how did you come to that question?
@TonyTheLion I am currently teaching a C course, and every time I touch C, I wonder if C++ could have been defined in a simpler way, without losing "expressive power".
I really don't think references were necessary, but I have grown so accustomed to them that I rarely question them anymore.
Of course you would have to wonder what an "rvalue pointer" would look like then :) *Foo maybe?
@FredOverflow - I've been learning objective C recently and I think that may be the perfect counter argument to "C++ could have been simpler"
I mean seriously, how stupid is Foo& operator= /* ... */ return *this;? Dereferencing a pointer so you can pass the object back by reference?
@awoodland I don't know Objective C, so I'll have to take your word on it :)
I'm trying very hard not to see it as a retrograde step in the light of C++, but so far not really managing to.
@FredOverflow how would things like operator overloading work without references? Rely on copying their arguments, or using pointers?
@FredOverflow the problem there is that this should have been a reference, not a pointer
the return *this; thing is more of a feature of the point in time at which this was standardised
(i.e. pre references)
@jalf read the linked question?
@TonyTheLion Oh, the picture name got mangled, it was "hnnng" before :)
oh I see
I have to say, I'm suddenly flooded with a feeling of appreciation for C++ references ;)
2 hours later…
decltype is new keyword in c++? or some function?
it's a keyword
gcc 4.6.1 hasn't this feature?
@MrAnubis afaik it does
but you need to compile in c++0x mode
or c++11, but I think gcc still calls it 0x
GCC 4.5 already had it.
aah , you're right , i wasn't enabling the c++0x mode , thank ya :)
Howdy all, I am having trouble with templates, anyone have the patience and expertise to help?
@mwmnj describe the problem
one more thing , what does this mean in simple words "A lambda-expression shall not appear in an unevaluated operand"
I have a class template, and I think what Im trying to do is pass an instance of it to a function
Thats the relevent code as far as I know
Where is the class template?
You think that's what you're trying to do?
In my header file
don't you know what you're trying to do?
I only see an instantiation of your template, not the actual template
@mwmnj can you post that
Its quite large, but sure
@jalf lol
@mwmnj post the relevant bits then, and use ideone.com
not pastebin
orderedList& orderedList is error.
You can't name variable the same as the type, and you can't use class template without template arguments (at least here).
orderedList <filmType> orderedList(numFilm); your instance name should differ from the type name
Ok, I know thats confusing
But is it actually an error, or just bad practice?
It's an error.
And a bad practice.
Just like writing your own lists.
is this homework? cause if it's not, I don't see why you should write your own list implementation
use std::vector or if it's applicable, not in many cases, std::list
Hw to introduce how to use templates
oh right
How to introduce pointers? Write a list! How to introduce templates? Write a list!
How would you raii this? ideone.com/jlZ0i (or, would you not raii that?)
g2g, thanks for the help all
f_acquired() is specific to f() so I don't want to place it in begin().
Call f_regardless_of_acquire directly when you don't need the resource?
i call f_regardless_of_acquire() whether i acquire or not.
that calls f_regardless_of_acquire() twice, and also acquires whether acquire is true or false.
i think there's a fundamental problem there, the conditional, which raii isn't very compatible with.
Er, no, it does the same thing your code does.
that i should find a way to eliminate the conditional. to acquire no matter what. that it's part of guaranteeing determinism or making raii the simple thing it's supposed to be ...
f(false); becomes f_regardless_of_acquire();, because it's not related to the resource in any way. f(true) becomes just f().
you call regardless() once in f() and a second time in main().
Your code does the same thing.
oh you mean for the two calls of f(), sorry. i was just demonstrating the two cases..
Well, those are two cases. Either you call f_regardless (no resource) or f (resource).
ah. right.
excuse me, do excuse me. i'm stupid today.
i mean slightly more than usual.
in related news, "chat" is "cat" in french.
Q: dynamic_cast failure while calling C++ API from Python

SudeepI am attempting to call a C++ API from python. Following is the code in the pseudo form. class Engine { // Singleton Class which does a heavy duty work public: static Engine* getEngine(); bool init(); private: static Engine* m_instance; Engine(); }; // Following the code to wrap...

dynamic_cast fails, but I won't show you dynamic_cast, because it's internal!
Ugh, there's the S-word in there.
Do these overloaded operators make sense?
Q: Need codes for a recommendation engine

Dingمیں ایک موسیقی کی سفارش کی ویب سائٹ کی تعمیر کر رہا ہوں. ایک سفارش کے انجن کے لئے کوڈ کی ضرورت ہے. براہ مہربانی بھیجیں. I recommend a site I'm building a web site. Need codes for a recommendation engine. Please send.

> why???? I need!! you hav skills!!!!!! – Ding ↵ 43 secs ago
a/b.number is a c-string, a/b.copy is a single char
@mwmnj You're duplicating code.
@cat plus plus, duplicating code?
operator> can be implemented in terms of operator<.
Just swap the arguments.
Also, don't use C strings.
Wish I had a choice (/student)
Also, (a.copy > b.copy) > 0 makes no sense.
These are being overloaded for a template
It should just be a.copy > b.copy (same in others).
Nice name btw lol
Is that really what the c in c++ stands for?
Also if number is C-string, then != is pointer comparison, and that's probably not what you want to do.
@mwmnj eh no lol
numbers format is char foo[];
Which is character array
which is the same thing as c-string, no?
the C in C++ stands for "We totally wish that we didn't have to have this shit in our language, but it was unfortunately necessary"
The C in C++ stands for crap.
Been hearing a lot of bad mouthing of c++ lately
Yeah, Java rules
C++ is two languages in one
Oops, I'm gonna get it..
the ++ rocks, and the C sucks
and Java's even worse
Java rules are silly.
Java is a tiny little box designed to crush creativity and freedom of the programmer
Can i install clang on windows?
Cat Plus Plus: Im not positive what this code does: ` return (cmp == 0 ? a.copy < b.copy : cmp < 0);`
if (cmp == 0) { return a.copy < b.copy; } else { return cmp < 0; }
@MrAnubis Yes.
That is all said in that one return statement?
@CatPlusPlus can you tell me how , since i am seeing two binary packages :( Clang Binaries for Mingw32/x86 and LLVM-GCC 4.2 Front End Binaries for Mingw32/x86
Well, get binaries and unpack them.
@CatPlusPlus which one to download? both? why there are two packages?
@Cat Plus Plus Why does cout << work fine on a/b.number but != does not?
@LewsTherin what's up babe?
@MrAnubis Clang and LLVM-GCC are two different things.
@mwmnj Eh?
@MrAnubis babe? Screw you! Impedimenta!
Oh, hey, a badge for 80 edits.
If I code cout << a.number in one of those operator functions, it outputs the value in a.number, not the address
It's overloaded for convenience.
From iostream headerfile?
This if(a.number != b.number) should be this if(strcmp(a.number,b.number)!=0)
@CatPlusPlus what is difference though?
They're two different compilers, that's the difference.
@mwmnj Yes.
Is it silly to define a type called Koenig, and add dummy argument of that type to some functions, just to support ADL?
@LewsTherin lol , while(!"You're dead") std::cout<<"Avada kedavra!!";
@CatPlusPlus 0_o , and what's diff in those two compilers?
@MrAnubis Ha, fucksake. while(beingAttacked) cout <<"*Expelliarmus! Crucio!*"
@MrAnubis Good lord. One is Clang, the other is GCC. If you want a feature comparison, then read their documentations.
@CatPlusPlus :D , Thanks for info
@LewsTherin aah, come on , respect while loop of my code atleast :D
Hey, it's a deflection. As long as it works. :O
@LewsTherin my last spell kilimanjaro!
00:00 - 17:0018:00 - 00:00

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