@R.MartinhoFernandes The project we will release next month will use them (because the platform dos), and it comes with a 20 year warranty. That's almost a close shave.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Also, even in general, this is a hilarious statement to make. C runs in all kinds of embedded devices, and I bet 80% of those use 32bit time stamps.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Those machines employing 32bit time stamps rule cars, run all your telco, control satellites, power plants... It's only 20 years and from what I have seen in 2000 (which was probably a tiny problem compared to 2038), nobody will start looking at those little machines until 2035. I expect the worst.
Not such a big deal.
During the first Y2K blitz, in which software and hardware vendors were required to certify their products as "Y2K compliant" in order to be sold (I remember network cables on PC Connection being certified Y2K compliant) a lot of companies did detailed audits of everything, ...
@sbi On the contrary. Phones are already pushing mobile/embedded CPUs of all varieties into 64 bit. In fact, all those "little machines" will have moved to 64 world out of sheer lack of economic alternatives (manufacturers will just say "tough shit, we can't afford to keep manufacturing the old shit for your little machines").
@Puppy it's cheaper to preempt problems than to fix them whilst the world is already burning all around you. do you want all the telecom networks to fail instantaneously?
@Puppy the car CPUs were a general slow, but specialized thing. But not anywhere as fast as, IMHO, a regular notebook CPU would be performing the same exact tasks.
@rubenvb That's not really true. Car processors do a lot of physics stuff to control the engine properly. And the more modern ones have quite a lot of phone/tablet stuff like UI (sometimes touch), play music, make calls, etc.
Someone can solve this mystery? i have two code samples. I think that the second example does same thing as first example but apparently it doesnt.
this works:
@sehe The company I gave two seminars for in June makes embedded machines. They told me that, from the first steps of creating a new machine until companies start selling equipment which employs them, there will usually pass more than half a decade, sometimes more than a whole decade. And then customers start to buy that equipment to replace their 20 year old previous stuff with.
Now imagine it being 2030, and those customers starting to read about the 2k38 problem in their newspapers.
@sbi So. What do you predict? I predict a pragmatic approach by the industry (there's no real, inherent problem measuring time) and a lot of money-making drumming by fear-mongerers hoping to profit. Both will succeed.
We currently have about 2 TB of SQL data (1.06 TB / 1.63 TB across 18 SSDs on the first cluster, 889 GB / 1.45 TB across 4 SSDs on the second cluster), so that’s what we’d need on the cloud (hmmm, there’s that word again). Keep in mind that’s all SSD.
if(last == items_per_page)
// "Listen to me carefully: there is no memory leak"
// -- Scott Meyers, Eff C++ 2nd Ed Item 10
page = ::new block[items_per_page];
last = 0;