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@BartekBanachewicz why the fuck did somebody edit my values.
Oh nevermind I was looking at 2013.
@CatPlusPlus first half 2013
@mirgee because it's bad.
C -100%, C++ -99%, C# 75%, D 0%, Obj-C -100%, Haskell 100%, Lisp 0%, Go -25%, Lua -50%, Java -50%, JS -25%, Perl -100%, PHP -100%, Ruby -100%, Python 100%, Erlang 75%, Assembly -100%, Wide 0%
More like that
why did you paste it here?
Can't edit
there's a second sheet geez
@Bartek I see, but why? Apart from being slower
Slower than what
@mirgee Because it's verbose and inflexible (for me). And it's pretty fast.
Actually don't answer that
@Cat remember you can leave blanks
eh, rating js > lua :P
I'm familiar enough with all of this crap
lol okay okay
just saying
Relatively I'd rather write JS than Lua, because at least you can run it in the browser
@CatPlusPlus I know, it was a stupid remark...
No don't talk about Lua VMs in JS
@CatPlusPlus average: -27%
@CatPlusPlus I won't don't worry.
nothing to talk about in that area
personally I'd rather write Lua than JS because I don't need to run it in the browser and Lua's got the few good bits of JS.
Also shouldn't leave blanks because averages will be fucked up again
They need to be taken from the same amount of samples or they're uncomparable
What I'm surprised about is that Puppy still rates Wide at 100% after working on it for a year with all the LLVM/Clang goodies :v
Oh my perfectly good question got a close vote.
I'd probably absolutely hate it at this point
@CatPlusPlus Wide represents his idea of a perfect language that will never appear
Definitely has more chance for reaching 1.0 than any of Zoidberg's projects surviving for more than a week
@CatPlusPlus More than one year. But the LLVM/Clang stuff is just somewhat annoying implementation details.
Average -25 seems about right, because most of the tools I see are either meh or terrible
@BartekBanachewicz It's already appeared, a little.
@rightfold +1 from me
@Puppy how are you liking the contracts thing so far?
I like Contracts
the physics seems buggier though
and many of the contracts are totally unintereresting
like pittance money to test parts
@rightfold which one
The right one
@Puppy yeah the cost in resources and parts is usually more than you get for testing the part :p
@BartekBanachewicz ?
@melak47 But I randomly got a massive one for a couple.
in PHP, 14 secs ago, by sabbir
@rightfold, How to solve my problem? and What's my problem?
Why the fuck am I even bothering.
It’s too warm to do something that isn’t not fun.
Why are you even in PHP room
test a radial decoupler on the launchpad, reward of 241 moneys. test a radial liquid engine in flight at 15km, 7000 moneys
@melak47 Try not crashing :v
@melak47 Test mainsail in orbit, 350k moneys.
@CatPlusPlus staging still eats parts :/
I cannot go downstairs because my father wants to watch boring news about the crash in Ukraine all day and CNN is the most fucking annoying broadcaster ever.
> I would like to post something for Microsoft's FIRED Employees This is what Joel Osteen said: "God knows your value; He sees your potential. You may not understand everything you are going through right now. But hold your head up high, knowing that God is in control and he has a great plan and purpose for your life (...)"
I'm sure that helps them a lot
People who'll take over your houses also know your value!
and usually better than anyone else
wth is up with people saying stuff like "inb4 i'm a retard"
It's a dumb 4chan thing
> *retarded thing here*
> inb4 i'm a retard
Don't do it
Also listening to religious people talk increases chance of brain damage by 100%
it's like they say
"I kinda know I'm a retard but I'll let people know that I know which will make me not be a retard"
@CatPlusPlus found that shit on linkedin, at least the comments were something along the lines of "this is a place to exchange professional ideas, not a church"
or something like that
x-com apocalypse manual quality is top notch
zoomed in
Dropped 11 pounds on my toe.
@AlexM. What did you expect to happen
The drop was only a couple centimetres high but fuck this hurts.
@AlexM. isn't this game from 1997? :p
@CatPlusPlus no, it's unreadable at all levels
I mean the pictures
can't tell what's there at any zoom level
@melak47 the steam manual is newer though
you're supposed to read the text, not the picture :p
good luck understanding that interface without explanations pointed at buttons :D
well, it's not that hard since you get pointers when hovering over buttons
but still
@AlexM. have you seen the interface for Dwarf Fortress?
What interface
time to take a shower and grab something to eat
@Borgleader ew dwarf fortress :(
@Borgleader Dwarf Fortress: bringing new innovations to the long-neglected area of user-hostile interface design.
I see DF's UI as a kind of fake difficulty.
DF Redefining UI to Unusable Interface
@FredOverflow 2 TB HD
@EtiennedeMartel No, it's just annoying
@TonyTheLion <3
Toady prefers to work on simulating movement of every blood cell in a dwarf than the UI
PHP y u no path-dependent types.
Dammit I keep staging with engines on
@rightfold because PHP. [i.e., PHP's awfulness defies rational explanation.]
@JerryCoffin have you used it?
@StackedCrooked No, not that I'll admit to in public!
Jerry pleads the fifth.
Well, I gotta get ready to go. Flying back for a week in Colorado with my family. Doubt I'll be on much while I'm there, so I'll probably talk to you all again in about a week.
@JerryCoffin Cya
grr, just did a rather large contract, completed it, got the money...but it doesn't show up in the archive. and after loading, the money is gone
@JerryCoffin have a nice trip
@JerryCoffin enjoy
Thanks. Later.
The requirements on the part testing contracts are annoying
the speed & altitude ones?
ITT melak got scammed in KSP
Did they pay you with Bitcoin?
The AIDS Researcher Who Died in Malaysia Airlines Crash Was A Scientific Hero http://on.tnr.com/1wIvhoz #MH17 http://t.co/zPsTJCboU8
it was the "orbit kerbin" contract from the world record guys :(
And I staged with main engine still on again
Turns out decouplers don't have enough force to counteract the main engine who knew
trying to do the "test this jet engine" contract...even though I barely have any plane parts
Pssht, landing gear
You just need a controlled sequence of explosions to slow you down enough
and if I crash the plane, I won't make any money off this contract :v
Money doesn't seem to be very tight
next contract is to rescue a guy from orbit..need a bigger rocket for that :/
new record for the closest return
8dv remaining.
@melak47 You get a shitload of moneys for rescuing, though.
need to acquire moneys to build rescue rocket first though
and since my money from the orbit contract went poof :(
fuck, I don't have any intakes
you can probably launch a rescue rocket for maybe 20k
I think that's what I spent on my rescue rocket.
maybe...but I also need extra dv to intercept :e
yes, I included that.
ah shit.
my "Explore the Mun" contract...
it seems to have disappeared.
that happened with my orbit contract :(
I still got the reward, but that disappeared, too. after loading.
well at least I got back a shitbunch of science
some of the "Test the Rockomax engine" contracts yield a fuckton of money so
@TonyTheLion Sickening /cc @Borgleader
the new monopropellant engines have a really nice TWR, btw
bad efficiency, but nice TWR
oh, the explore mun contract probably disappeared because I completed it
by transmitting eva reports
@ThePhD lol
I forgot this cockpit only has room for 1...
posted on July 19, 2014 by Scott Meyers

O'Reilly has made the TOC, Introduction, and first chapter ("Deducing Types") from the draft version of Effective Modern C++ available for free download. That's roughly the first 40 pages of the book, including Items 1-4. The PDF is available here. I hope you enjoy this sample content, but I can't resist reminding you that this is from a draft manuscript. The final version will be better. As

Doing rendezvous manually is annoying :/
alright, rendezvous achieved...now what. do I strand jeb in orbit to rescue this guy? or attempt to land with him on the ladder :S
I can test the jet engine without intakes
the test conditions didn't say it had to be actually outputting thrust :v
if these guys are gonna scam me, I don't see why I shouldn't scam them :p
I'd play it but expensive
didn't you just get a job at a super duper company that's gonna get you rich? :p
@melak47 well I am not a millionaire just yet
KSP doesn't cost a million :p
yay Leenock/MC at Dreamhack
Fuck it, I give up, rendezvous is not possible without MechJeb
I'm still using MechJeb.
honestly the 0.23.5 version seems to work mostly fine
and I made my first rescue mission without MJ anyway
@Puppy Michael Jackson?
@CatPlusPlus eh, it's not that hard
It's tedious and absolutely not fun
eh, I kind of enjoy it
Fuck you Gregorian calendar.
@jalf Meh, you can't wing and eyeball it, it requires much more precision than anything else in the game
the only thing annoying about 0.23.5's MechJeb is that it overlaps the Contracts stuff in the UI.
else it seems to be perfectly functional
Even interplanetary transfers are easier
And that's something I'd rather do with Protractor or somethin
@CatPlusPlus sure you can
admittedly I had to watch a few videos on youtube to get it, and cross-check with the wiki quite a few times, but yes, once you get it, you can absolutely eyeball it
probably not in the most fuel efficient manner though :p
but I don't think my kerbals would want to ride in a fuel-efficient vehicle anyway
where's the fun in that?
@CatPlusPlus you pansy. I rendezvous'ed with two orbital Kerbals. and I didn't even have RCS
lol Bjarne was on TV.
@melak47 No, but the orbital Kerbals have a jetpack, which is much better.
@rightfold Was he as magnificently sparkly as ever?
ok so i can do triangles. what should i do next. secondary rays? materials? other types of surfaces?
@Puppy but you gotta get close before you can switch to them, so you still need a good intercept
I don't actually know what the max range is, I had 400m
@Borgleader interpolated normals :D
@Borgleader what is this anyway
@melak47 Eh, that's too easy. I think it would take me at most 10 min.
@melak47 YALR (Yet Another Lounge Raytracer)
is that like YASC (Yet Another Snake Clone)?
I'm grabbing all the math I had to figure out for a homework I did and getting rid of the terrible terrible "framework" that came with it.
> Rescue workers said they counted many children. A boy who looked to be around 10 lay on his side in the grass in a red T-shirt that read “Don’t Panic.”
@Puppy yeah pretty much
@sehe From the Maylasia Airline crash? That's quite sad :(
Yup. I have a hard time stopping reading about this.
Fuck you, PHP.
Why can I not put a constant in a trait. :v
@sehe I've resolved not to. Or else I'll get very angry =/
I'm also getting more up to speed with the whole Ukrainian war situation. Half my coworkers are from/in Ukraine
if only everyone chose to become programmers instead of soldiers
near as I can tell, the eastern Ukrainians basically assumed that Russia would send in the tanks like they did in Crimea, but they didn't.
Then they could program robot soldiers.
now they're militarily screwed and it's just a matter of time and bodycount before Kiev re-asserts control.
I'm not sure that would really further peace
(forgive my lame attempt at joke)
@BartekBanachewicz indeed. waste some time on giving fucks!
@sehe :F
Seriously. That cello can wait. Besides, you don't really want it. You want nice curtains and better strings for your guitar
oh man that reminds me
I stole borrowed the curtains from our previous apartment
I know
oh god who invented this large.nl/art_286625/…
Beer cooler as a fist extension. :v
@BartekBanachewicz why else do you think I mentioned them?
@rightfold only for those with wide girth
@rightfold I couldn't quite figure out what the original intent of the article was.
@sehe dunno, random remark. Like, I have teflon-coated Elixir strings in my guitar right now (and they are pretty good ones).
anyway I will need to prepare mentally for the cello for way longer
I suppose at least a few years.
Elixir strings are really binaries.
> long life
i have exactly those
dat pun
strings wear out you know
Especially G-strings.
but they are kinda annoying
the coating covers the whole string
and picking area get's "hairy"
as in, the coating breaks there and tiny strands extend from the strings
but the fingerboard area is really nice, they don't show pretty much any signs of wear so far
BTW @sehe fill the 2014 language poll! :)
no changes since last year?
no interest since last year
I think it's fun. :F
and the weather is nice
the weather is nice
rain is nice
I love rain.
I would like rain if I didn't have to bike in it.
I think deleted messages are nice for the plants
This week, Ohloh will be changing its name to the Black Duck Open Hub.
Not joking! That URL took ~25s to load, too
wtf is ohloh
I created three singletons today.
Immutable singletons FTW.
those are just constants.
Pretty much.
oh what the fuck there's a project there with over 500000 Make LoC
Gonna have to deal with timezones.
gah, I can't remember what button to press on my computer to get into BIOS/UEFI
time for puppydrugs yaycakes
@Code-Apprentice Try looking at the screen when it's booting
@Code-Apprentice F16.
@Code-Apprentice ctrl+alt+del
@CatPlusPlus I do =p
In PHP you can call non-static member functions with ClassName:: and $this would be the same value as $this at the call site.
C++ has that too
There's implicit this for ya
@BartekBanachewicz That must be generated, assuming it is a single file.
Ok, now you can stop.
lol why is everything he is saying being removed?
I forgot whether or not I actually took my drugs.
52 mins ago, by Puppy
time for puppydrugs yaycakes
yeah, but I don't know if I actually did take them.
how do you guys think i could make connections with my local programming community?
what local programming community?
By visiting the people.
And saying hi.
where do i find these people?
just like general people in the area
i wanna start freelancing, but i have no formal experience or connections. Basically Im hoping I can meet some people who can help me get my foot in the door anywhere
Did you ever have a job?
No, but I came close. I created a POS and inventory scanning device built off the raspberry PI that cost 1/10th of the ones on the market. But the company I was designing it for stole my intelectual property and claimed it as there own, because I wasnt very legal smart.
im 18 lol i have a job. just not related to computers
welp, let's hope I didn't just take a double dose.
Freelancing is shit
better than being unemployed I'd wager
I don't think it really counts as work experience
eh, if you wrote code and got paid for it then it's professional work experience, I figure
So maybe in the way that you'll have a minuscule amount of money more
> - Easy to use and extend
> - Easy to learn, it's just plain Perl
Well i like programming. I just wanna do something with it. Because my 9/h telemarketting job isnt doing it for me considering I live alone now. Might as well do something I enjoy if I have to get something part time.
welp didn't take double dose.
I used the masterful technique of "Count the number of missing pills and divide by number of days since refill".
@AnnaLear FYI, he's back with this weird deletion thing again.
@Mysticial ??
you keep a good eye over this place
@Borgleader It's a long story.
Took me half a day to install Win7 and get it updated.
Now I have to reinstall the rest of my stuff.
@Mysticial Isnt that the guy that tried to get my post nuked?
@Borgleader Yes
nuke the mameluke

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