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02:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

1 hour later…
3:26 AM
Compiling the Linux kernel is kind of beautiful, in its own way.
I'm a little tempted to set it to music.
Er, it's not beautiful.
Shh. Let me have my moment.
Installation a new distro?
Or a manual update?
@RMartinhoFernandes Oh hai.
3:30 AM
@RMartinhoFernandes Installing Funtoo.
@LucDanton Oh, looks familiar :)
Doesn't it!
I don't think I hit the problem you had on the first question, I started the tuple-like approach from the start because I wanted to support function pointers/references.
Silly overload resolution rules. My original solution was so neat.
Yay, kernel's done.
Compiling kernels is like cooking, only weird smells come from the computer instead of the kitchen.
I always spend a lot more time browsing the configs than the time it actually takes to build.
3:38 AM
I probably do, too.
Just like when playing The Sims.
I spend hours getting the characters and houses just right, then play for a few minutes and go to bed.
Q: notepad C++/Eclipse sql code auto-indent option?

AubergineDDL gets especially ugly. Is there any option of SQL auto-indenting for Notepad C++? I've tried to do it in Eclipse, but the code doesn't react to auto-indent. Thanks,

Notepad C++, that famous text editor.
4:01 AM
Dammit GRUB.
It's always you to throw the first error, isn't it?
4:20 AM
> The fact that C++ templates are so widely used is very strong evidence of the need for such a thing: the barriers to their use are considerable.
Sad but true.
1 hour later…
5:23 AM
So I can almost boot one of the OSs I had installed before trying to install Funtoo.
1 hour later…
6:32 AM
I wanted to ask purely for pedantic efficiency reasons: Is an if-statement checking a boolean more efficient than just assigning, so for example, is:

if(!ReturnType){ReturnType = true;}

more efficient than:

ReturnType = true;
Language-wise it's the same so it's up the compiler.
I am surprised we have come to rely on software to make more informed decisions than we do. Should I just implement the if-statement? I mean in terms of assembly instructions an AND operation should more efficient than perhaps a MOV?
Your code doesn't look like assembly. How can you guess what the generated assembly will look like?
I think you'd be less surprised by how we rely on compilers if you compared the performance of your hand-coded assembly to what a compiler generates.
And then the large range of targets the compiler supports that you don't.
@LucDanton I imagine there would be eventual basics. One cannot make a comparison, as far as I am aware, without AND. And I am pretty sure assignment involves MOV. Disassembly would be required but I don't happen to have that presently built in to my human brain.
Then you're at an impasse. You can't discuss the code that you cannot generate.
9 mins ago, by Luc Danton
Language-wise it's the same so it's up the compiler.
7:04 AM
@SSight3 Assuming that ReturnType is a variable of type bool, then yes, the if statement is less efficient. Because it wastes the programmer's time even more than the probably misleading variable name. Programmer efficiency is generally much more important than code efficiency. :-)
Thank you for the responses everybody.
@AlfPSteinbach Tis indeed a bool.
@AlfPSteinbach: A Question...
Boost.ConceptCheck provides concepts for containers but not allocators, too bad.
How move semantics affect NRVO and RVO?
7:12 AM
huh, not much. it can in some cases remove the need to rely on RVO. that was what Andrei's Mojo was all about, being able to write functional expressions instead of imperative commands (e.g. T const whatever = data() instead of T whatever; getData( whatever );), which in turn supports better use of const.
I am trying to get a hang of C++11 now that I have some time, So sorry if it is very trivial Q but I have not been very well versed with C++0x or C++11.
@AlfPSteinbach: Ah okay, So were Move semantics a means of trying to avoid the reliance on RVO?
I don't really know its background...but could relate to it in that sense, so the Q...
i think about half of the rationale. the other half tied to perfect argument forwarding
Move semantics allows to do things that are orthogonal to RVO. Like exclusive ownership.
Just out of curiousity, is C++11 a fully fledged and released standard, or is it still being designed/having bugs removed?
@SSight3 It's been released. That being said, bugs are being fixed, too.
7:17 AM
@LucDanton How soon can I expect the mainstream compilers to accept it?
I don't know. I've seen people speculate about it being ready for either GCC 4.8 or 4.9 (4.7 being released soon-ish). I don't know how much that translates into months, either.
Clang might get there sooner FWIW.
@SSight3 GCC and VC already support parts of it.
@AlfPSteinbach, @LucDanton: I am just a little confused on how the r value references will affect the way we write C++ now.
@sbi Do you know what sections they presently support?
Client-code can largely ignore it, save for using std::move on move-only types (that doesn't require too much understanding), yet still benefit from it in libraries (including the Standard Library).
7:19 AM
I understand the broad concept of it but Needless to say I do not understand all the semantics it involves,atleast not like I understand the features in C++03.
@LucDanton: I am really hoping that a good C++11 book comes out soon and that it would explain the semantics nicely, right now its all bits and pieces information all spread out over the internet and SO.
7:32 AM
i think, most in need of explanation, the new pseudo random generators
just an impression though
A: C++11 Compiler: Closest to the standard and how close?

sbiI think the one Scott Meyers maintains on his homepage is pretty good: http://www.aristeia.com/C++0x/C++0xFeatureAvailability.htm

@sbi Thank you.
What's the sign of a good coder?
7:55 AM
"It is not enough to not to have any thoughts of your own, you also have to be unable to express them." (Karl Kraus)
Sorry, seemed fitting. :)
@sbi Seems very fitting. Trying to convey my ideas is like me trying to convey my ideas.
@SSight3 Well, I guess I gotta ask it: What did you try to convey with that statement? (SCNR.)
@sbi I was trying to convey my idea that I couldn't convey my ideas by failing to convey my idea.
Which I have now successfully failed to convey.
Q: Move constructor seemingly not executed

StackedCrookedThis is my first experiment with C++0x rvalue references and something strange seems to be going on. In the code sample below the factory function MakeWindow returns a Window object by value. The caller uses it to initialize a Window object. If I understood correctly, this should invoke the move...

@SSight3 That, Sir, deserves a star.
8:04 AM
^ Some of my experiments related to RVO, move semantics, and implicitly generated constructors.
@StackedCrooked Doesn't the function call have to include throw() to mark it as able to throw? cplusplus.com/reference/std/exception/exception Or am I missing something?
Guten Morgen
how goes it all of you?
8:23 AM
Hallo, ich habe einin schlechten tag. Wie sind du?
Nein, ich nur sprechen englisch... One day I can do that without cheating.
one of them can be an additional to our faq section. though i'm still not sure which one would be more appropriate.
Things are somewhat different with C++11 though.
8:42 AM
Du hast teh codez?
ah, i cleaned up the code from yesterday. is there something more i should do with that, considering that it's meant as example code?
well except for removing <iostream> header include?
Since you're using C++11, is std::is_constructible not a possibility instead of IsExplicitlyConvertibleTo?
does namespace { int x = 42; } might have external linkage in C++11?
@LucDanton i don't know, i didn't notice that beast in the flock. lemme check
as far as i know they are local to file scope and is superior alternative to static.
8:52 AM
@cpx Internal.
@LucDanton I can't find a specification of is_constructible. Possibly a defect in the standard.
if pointing to this article.aspx), mentions a word about external.
@cpx Because before C++11 entities in an unnamed namespace had external linkage. And implementation often used internal linkage if they could get away with it (I mention this because there's a mention of that in your non-link), which would be the as-if rule.
More simply, the external linkage requirement was more of a technicality.
@AlfPSteinbach paragraph 6.
@LucDanton thanks, i found it 2 milliseconds before seeing that :-)
now to try it out
neither MSVC 10.0 nor g++ 4.4.1 accept is_constructible
9:11 AM
Oh yeah, 4.4 won't have that :(
Reason for that being that is_constructible was in flux at some point and it wasn't clear whether it would require first-class compiler support or not. IIRC.
C++03 Although entities in an unnamed namespace might have external linkage, they are effectively qualified by a name unique to their translation unit and therefore can never be seen from any other translation unit.
I don't have a copy of c++11
i only have the N3290 draft. which, however, is identical to the standard. i think i can just refuse to answer questions about exactly when I obtained that PDF. :-)
Now it's internal linkage, and those use cases where the use of an unnamed namespace was necessary (non-type template parameters of reference or pointer type) were relaxed to work with internal linkage.
I tried to download it but it said no permissions to download maybe only for available to community members.
9:32 AM
Q: When I need to declare my own destructor?

AdbanIf no user-defined destructor exists for a class and one is needed, the compiler implicitly declare a destructor. When I need to declare my own destructor?

I think that's a duplicate.
@AlfPSteinbach Example code? What is your audience?
@FredOverflow idk. presumably people who are interested in Windows programming with standard C++?
So you are writing a tutorial?
How can you write punctuation characters with capslock on?
Uh sorry!
9:38 AM
@FredOverflow You never need to define the destructor, unless when you do.
@Fred: ok, the writing, on Google docs. I haven't got to describing the latest code.
it's very blurry as presented by google docs, but clear and crisp as local doc. i think google docs doesn't like my font.
@Fred: oh btw i changed the raw array to C++11 array as per your comment. even though i disagreed with it at first. what convinced me was the need for duplicating the array size expression, or otherwise defining a countOf-function, unnecessary with array
9:56 AM
With C++11 you can use std::end(foo) - std::begin(foo)
Plus the result is signed!
hello everyone
That's not a constant expression though.
i'm sure i had seen a question "what is as-if rule?" with about about 50+ up votes, but the search query seems to failing at it.
10:37 AM
^ looks pretty weird, like a big bulb swelling up to the left
@AlfPSteinbach yay std::array :)
@Fred, @Alf: Which one of you two is the Dead of Rats?
@cpx Well, @RMartinho earned the R in front of his name by being the one who would provide any such link within seconds, but he has slacked severely lately.
what are valarray?
@MrAnubis in what context?
10:47 AM
@TonyTheLion std::valarray
A: C++ valarray vs. vector

sbiDuring the standardization of C++98, valarray was designed to allow some sort of fast mathematical computations. However, around that time Todd Veldhuizen invented expression templates and created blitz++, and similar template-meta techniques were invented, which made valarrays pretty much obsole...

@sbi Thanks ,valarray are useless for me right now :)
> valarray object is designed to hold an array of elements, and easily perform mathematical operations on them.
anyone tried intel c++ compiler for windows?
@MrAnubis Besides Intel, you mean? I'm sure.
10:53 AM
@sbi yes
This was it!
Q: "as if" in language standards

R Samuel KlatchkoWhat is the exact meaning of the phrase "as if" in standards and how does it work when a user can modify individual parts of the behavior. The question is in regards to the C++ standard when talking about the nothrow version of operator new. reads (my emphasis): This nothrow vers...

valarrays could work if updated with expression templates, I'd expect
@MrAnubis I was mocking you. (Of course, there must be someone out there who has used the Intel compiler, else they wouldn't keep releasing new versions of it.) I'm sorry if that escaped you.
Other than that, I have very little to contribute to answering your question. I had checked out ic for an hour or two about eight years ago, but never really used it.
11:22 AM
@sbi That compiler (intel's c++ one ) size is 91 MB , gonna try it :)
lol don't know why did i tell you size
who wants to see my lovely desktop ?
anyways , my answer on SO :D
owned :P
A: Error while trying to build template based code

Mr.AnubisIn your main() function , change line planilha<double> planilhaTeste(); to planilha<double> planilhaTeste; there are some other errors also like : lista termos; //lista is not even a typedef planilhaTeste->primeiro=planilhaTeste->primeiro->prox; planilhaTeste is not pointe...

@DeadMG Intel C++ compiler ?
what about it?
@DeadMG what you owned? (didn't understand:()
no, the phrase refers to you being owned, by boredom
11:27 AM
aah :D
@DeadMG btw you found new place to live?
sitting in it now
@DeadMG good?
@DeadMG btw you can upvote my answer ( i need some reps) :)
the other answer is better
you said what to do but didn't explain why
11:30 AM
@DeadMG right :)
Te amo :)
11:49 AM
I notice that due to the container requirements on allocator type, a move-only allocator is useless. I guess that means separating the memory arena from the allocator.
12:06 PM
@TonyTheLion That is a lion-unlike statement. Very lion-unlike. Sounds more like a goat, if you ask me.
12:22 PM
Lion in sheep's clothing.
sheep in lions clothing more like
A sheep that wants to hang out with lions?
Argl! Is there any evidence that people have been sentenced for variable names like pHelp? I get dizzy just from looking at that code ...
Why would anyone name a pointer to WellDefinedItemType pHelp? How about pItem? Oh no!! Then the code would be too easy to read.
in modern software houses, people do get shot for that sort of thing
12:30 PM
pHelp== pleaseHelp, I don't know what meaningful variable names are for.
more like
Yeah. That code is easily 8 years old. (Not that tehre was any excuse for this kind of thing 8 yrs ago!)
pHelp == Please help, the maintenance guy is coming after me with a chainsaw!
@Martin It's the help item, mebbe? The p prefix sounds Hungarian to me.
Good thing that pHelpis accompanied by bHelp. That way it's clear that there's no meaning to all this.
@sbi - it's actually the pointer to an item in a linked list loop (codified by hand). Need I say more?
12:35 PM
@StackedCrooked Te amo meant as song
while (pHelp && !bFound){
if (pEventClass){
} else
if (bHelp){
  if (pLast)
enum class {freaks =1};
I hate c++ like I love c++
@sbi huh?
@AlfPSteinbach There always only one Death, so I first thought with the two of you both speaking in capitals one of you must be a fake. But then I remembered the Death of Rats.
12:40 PM
what's with all this comparing me to a sheep?
it's not appreciated!!!
Death, dammit! No wonder you didn't understand, @Alf.
@TonyTheLion lol
@TonyTheLion I didn't compare you to a sheep! (I compared you to a goat.)
oh whatever, a goat then
12:41 PM
he meant comparing to lower class than lion lol
@TonyTheLion Well, that is what image meh invokes in me. I can't help it. You said this, after all.
@AlfPSteinbach attractive meh :)
12:46 PM
@AlfPSteinbach Isn't it @Tony's job to post pictures of way too young girls? Wasn't yours to post pictures of Lena? Really, what is it with you guys? The robot doesn't provide links anymore, the lion doesn't roar, but meekly mehs, @Alf posts pix other than Lena's... Has this place gone down so far already?
Avada kedavra!
Ok, to go with the flow I will also post a picture of a woman. But since I'm not bound by Merkin prudery, I'll post the pic of a nekkid one:
 ( )
( v )
(Can anybody make this compile?)
@sbi don't have time to post girl pics, have to find a job :(
12:55 PM
@TonyTheLion Meh.
yay got headphones!
which ones?
Creative Fatality
it's quite ironic because most branded gamer gear, like Fatality, is cheap, crappy tie-ins that serve no purpose except to give Fatality money
but I actually find them to be really sturdy
I treat my headphones badly and went through loads before I found these
@sbi it's ok, I'm still a Genius™
2 hours later…
3:01 PM
What are some of the attributes of skilled coders?
Again with the silly benchmarking.
Q: Very surprising perfs of fprintf vs std::ofstream (fprintf is very slow)

VincentI was running some benchmarks to find the most efficient way to write a huge array to a file in C++ (more than 1Go in ASCII). So I compared std::ofstream with fprintf (see the switch I used below) case 0: { std::ofstream out(title, std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc); if (out) ...

@CatPlusPlus Shouldn't he be comparing via fwrite or something?
@user737415 You've downloaded CMake and added it to your path?
Sigh... One of my virtual appliances just gave me this wonderful error message: 'eth0'
3:16 PM
@user392858 Ethernet port 0 or something?
I think it's because I manually edited my interfaces file. I'm going to rewrite it now and see if it fixes the error. Whatever that error is.
@user737415 You've downloaded CMake and added it to your path, right?
@BenjaminLindley @user737415 needs at least 20 rep points to talk :)
@cpx Yeah, I see that now. Kind of silly since the moderators are always hounding us to not have discussions in comments.
3:33 PM
@user737415 -- I upvoted your question, you have 20 points now, you can talk.
A: C Language - K&R 1st vs 2nd Edition?

Silva scored against MUUsing K&R for learning C is bad choice because the BOOK not intended for novice in programming. People use K&R just to enhance their existing C skills. Pick 2nd edition because you really can't find the first edition. Lastest news: K&R 3 edition will be out next year, co-auther by S...

@sbi Can you make her hair longer?
@TonyTheLion Is that Dennis?
@FredOverflow You mean the hair on her head? Which man would look at the hair on the head of a naked woman?
I think long hair is important.
3:38 PM
@FredOverflow So do I. (Mine's in a tail, BTW.) But it's not a fetish for me.
@AlfPSteinbach Space doesn't actually look that colorful, right?
@sbi You have hair long enough for a tail?
Mine isn't long enough for a tail :(
@FredOverflow Ask @Tony.
3:42 PM
@FredOverflow I can confirm that yes
@FredOverflow I took Thinking in C++ rather than C++ Primer , i did ok? ( first one got lots of examples and i had read some chapters which looked good)
@BenjaminLindley 0_o
@BenjaminLindley This might not be welcome by everyone here. Some are using this chat from work in countries which might not consider such pictures appropriate.
wow that pic is worse then most things I've posted here
@TonyTheLion lol
My bad.
I meant to just post the link, I didn't know it would put it up.
3:47 PM
it oneboxes links with pics
@MrAnubis It's one of four beginner's books on The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List, so it should be good. (I haven't read it, though, so I don't know.)
@BenjaminLindley You might want to read the newbie hints, linked to from the right-hand panel. They explain when the system employs oneboxing and a few other useful things.
Oh, the robot got up.
@sbi yes , but i had to choose btw two , so went for Thinking in c++ , content is very good and practical
@sbi You mean women with short hair, right? :)
@MrAnubis I'm sure it is, it wouldn't have made it to that list otherwise, but since I haven't read it, I cannot vouch for it personally.
@TonyTheLion How do you know?
@MrAnubis I don't know that book, but it seems to have a good reputation. Anyone else?
3:51 PM
@FredOverflow We've had beer together.
@MrAnubis Did you get Thinking in C++ in dead tree form?
@FredOverflow Of course. What else would Merkins frown at in this picture?
@FredOverflow pardon me , what is dead tree form?
@sbi The background pattern is unnerving.
@MrAnubis paper book
@FredOverflow aah , yes) , i can't bear reading books on computer :( other than reading particular chapter
3:53 PM
Because you can read it for free on the author's website, but I think it's great you support him by buying it.
@FredOverflow Yeah, but that will hardly be called "inappropriate" even in God's Own Country™.
You mean Germany? ;)
Hm, TICPP doesn't work here. Is my computer acting up again?
@FredOverflow i think it may be a composite with some false colors. anyway it was hubble
probably wavelength shifting or whatever it's called
@sbi By the way, my C course began today (not the C++ course!). You'll be glad to hear that my students start their projects with Strg+F5, no ugly hacks ;)
@FredOverflow Good! I hadn't heard back from you after we hammered you with arguments against this, so I just hoped we made you reconsider. :)
4:01 PM
You didn't, the C++ course still uses the hack ;)
@FredOverflow What for?! If the students in the C course can do without, why would those in the C++ course need it?
Because the C students already have multiple months of programming experience, whereas the C++ students are complete freshmen.
oh la la la someone flagged a hot image
I am not offended, Flag rejected.
same here
Well, I'm a little offended by her lack of hair, but not enough to flag it.
lol Amber Rose is hot!
4:05 PM
It is NSFW, not offensive
Yeah, even though I warned myself about the image not being considered appropriate everywhere, I dislike flagging too much to agree to that.
I am just offended she hangs out with bad ass guys!
@Als Is she with James Gosling?
@codemaker The question you have to answer when you want to flag a message is "Do you want to flag this message as spam, inappropriate, or offensive?"
@FredOverflow LOL!
@FredOverflow So they cannot deal with a debugger anyway. Sorry, your arguments are genuine bovine excrements, but we've been there already.
@FredOverflow: Lol....No Kayne West I think
oh has he been dumped already
4:07 PM
@sbi ack. Although I would consider something NSFW as inappropriate shrug. I don't know what the rules for this chat are
oh its Wiz Khalifa now lol
@sbi Yeah, let's not go there again.
By the way what do you call a woman with that structure? Voluptuous the right word?
@codemaker The problem is that some idiots managed to make flagging almost an offense here (by staging flagging wars). It's got a bad name now, and I, too, rather err towards the liberal side rather than having those flag wars again.
4:10 PM
@sbi understood
@Als Well, she's not really Rubenesque yet, is she? :)
I have that doubt I kept hearing about Gaddaffi and his voluptuous hot blonde Ukranian nurse and turns out she was not so voluptuous nor hot!
@Als Well, that guy was almost 70. When you get older, what they seek in woman tends to change for many men.
@sbi: Rubenesque a.k.a.......?
@Als BBW
4:15 PM
@sbi: Oh, I disagree then she sure is BBW
@Praetorian: Thankee :P
@Als See here.
@Als You think Amber Rose is Big?
@Als Are you talking about the pic benjamin lidely posted? She isn't what I'd call BBW
@BenjaminLindley: No correction: I think what she has is big
4:17 PM
@FredOverflow Ugh. Why did you have to do that?
Could someone pass me the brain bleach, please?!
@sbi Dunno, was the first thing that came to mind :)
@sbi: Thanks, that explains the term *Added one extra word to English vocab
@FredOverflow You have a strange mind, then.
@Praetorian: What is she called then as per you?
ahh grr my s key is loose lol
@Als: Fit
4:20 PM
:) yup
uhm where did ya find that btw...
it asks what positions do you like? :)
Google "Amber rose ass"
The moment you type anyones ass google assumes people are asking for Kim kardashian's ass!
not really an "ass" man myself
previously, it is used to show of JLO's
@DeadMG: You are a puppy, puppy != ass man...
woof woof
4:24 PM
@Als she's athletic, i don't think she even qualifies for voluptuous
@Praetorian: She is a certified Boner for sure :P
@DeadMG: Dogs do search something around each other''s rears though, so i dunno
@Als Haha, the lack of hair is a bit of a turn off for me, but otherwise yeah she is
@Praetorian: ah that woman! Some males will have hots if she has hair(You), Some will have hots because she doesnt have hair(Me)...its a win-win for her!
as long as she doesn't have piercings
Talking of asses I need to go have dinner or my ass might get whipped!
see ya around folks
4:33 PM
I totally forgot what I was in the middle of coding
4:51 PM
so, how would I get a rectangle drawn on my screen to move? (using Qt)
was about to give an answer involving shader uniform variables
but ahem, don't know squat about Qt
5:12 PM
Well, you change its coordinates.
right yea
is there a way to propagate a keypress event from a main widget to it's child?
I hate people who down-vote questions I asked more than 4 months ago. >~<
is that that AMAGAD WANT C++ UI FRAMEWORK question rant?
@DeadMG How did u guess?
5:27 PM
because I downvoted it a few days ago :P
although I have to admit
the C++ UI framework offerings are McSlim™
slim pickings?
slim on the ground?
Oh yeah, I guess u're right.
But u know my rep. is already not that high.
as someone who has a lot of rep, let me assure you, rep shmep
u mean rep. is not important?
5:30 PM
the only thing rep is good for is that SO offered me a T-shirt describing how Awesome™ I was
I guess ur right. As long as u have enough rep. to talk in the chat rooms and upvote/downvote.
oh, edit is useful, too
but once you get over a couple of thousand, it rapidly loses benefit
also, the rep lost for downvoting is totally negligible
-2? You get five times that for an upvote on an answer
yeah. and I deserved the downvote, though i hate to admit it.
you should delete the question
"sorry this question has answers... flag it for a moderator instead".
I would already have deleted it if I could. :(
5:35 PM
then flag it
Alright then.
Flagged it.
02:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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