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What's the difference between us and cunts?
What's the difference between US and cunts?
i have job interviews.. but i don't know when will they call me... i need to learn atleast a few things decently .. i choose javascript c++ and sql
@rightfold what difference :(
hence the rush..
@shortCircuit You shouldn't be applying for jobs for which you are not qualified! The job interview process will find you out, as should be.
@shortCircuit How long have you been using C++?
the question that you asked is so hilariously basic, you absolutely should not get hired for any C++ position.
inb4 half a week
@shortCircuit A function prototype is the definition of a function. A pure virtual function is a function that often have a definition and cannot be overridden on derived classes.
24 hours
@Jefffrey Er, no it isn't
@Jefffrey it's not a definition.
both statements are clearly deliberately wrong
don't be a twat
Guys, I applied for a neurosurgeon position and I have eight days to learn what a scalpel is.
I thought it HAD to be overridden.
@R.MartinhoFernandes i love to cut
21 secs ago, by Lightness Races in Orbit
both statements are clearly deliberately wrong
You don't have to override a pure virtual function.
@MartinJames omg really ive been doing it wrong all these years shit
If you don't override it then your derived class will be abstract.
@Jefffrey Prototype is a prototype
ok, first of all.. it says here learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/… When we add a pure virtual function to our class, we are effectively saying, “it is up to the derived classes to implement this function”. but the return should be int type according to the example if i am right.. i know that virtual functions are mostly used in polymorphisms and to solve the diamond problem.
but in a functiojn prototype too isnot defined at the time of declarration. so other than the overriding part.. its nearly same ... (but i realize now that its not)
@rightfold ooh, I can play this game! ... you don't have to write a pure virtual function at all
Is this practice of applying to jobs and working on the qualifications post hoc something exclusive to our field?
@rightfold I meant, in order to instantiate the derived class,
@R.MartinhoFernandes If not then I imagine it's notably more prevalent
I believe hope so.
@MartinJames Yes, of course.
@shortCircuit You're saying that pure virtual functions must have int return type? Teehee
Our Field Is A Piece Of Shit
I finally cleaned up controllers phew
no.. it can be void too .. but function prototype can be void too
Q: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

grepsedawkThis question attempts to collect the few pearls among the dozens of bad C++ books that are published every year. Unlike many other programming languages, which are often picked up on the go from tutorials found on the Internet, few are able to quickly pick up C++ without studying a well-written...

Angular is terrible at models
I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people will think my neurosurgeon scenario above completely preposterous, so I wonder what makes people think it makes sense when it comes to programming.
Okay, listen. Here's what you do:

1. Call the employer, and tell them that you will no longer be requiring the job interview. Apologise for wasting their time.
2. Buy one of these: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/388242/the-definitive-c-book-guide-and-list.
3. Read it.
4. Read it again.
5. Wait two years.
6. Re-apply for the job.

Cheers & wtf.
If I'm backporting clang from unstable to debian wheezy, should i go with 3.4 or 3.5? 3.5 has not been released yet, right?
Well an intelligent person could apply for a job with Python or something similar and learn it quickly on the go
@FaheemMitha trunk is usually quite stable
Not C++ though
@shortCircuit Any function can return void (except main). Whether you're talking about a pure virtual function or a different function is immaterial. Furthermore, the concept of function prototypes/declarations/definitions is entirely orthogonal.
@Abyx 3.5 then, in your opinion?
And you gotta have some programming 101 either way
@FaheemMitha yep.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I could not think of anything to post. I was paralysed at the thought of you with a scalpel.
@Abyx ok.
it's not like I gonna use linux
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I wouldn't say it's entirely orthogonal, since pure virtuals do not need definitions and other functions do.
but it's mostly othorgonal.
@MartinJames Oh. Dammit. My subconscious wants to kill me.
@R.MartinhoFernandes possible duplicate of Year of code
Is 3.4 already c++11 compliant?
@Puppy It's related in as much as it is part of the same language and has "something to do with functions".
@FaheemMitha yes
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ceramic scalpels
3.3 is C++11 compliant, and 3.4 is C++14 compliant.
@Abyx Ok, thanks.
@Puppy No kidding.
Compliant to a standard which does not exist? Impressive.
Thanks guys.
there may be a few NB comments but the reality is that C++14 was pretty much finalized months ago
well, i am not learning c++ so that i can get a c++ right now.. i know i cannot... its big. but in future i want to develop with cpp . i mean most of the things are written with c++ , chromium , for example
Doesn't matter. Isn't a standard.
Chromium is most things
does 3.5 have a release schedule?
The rest is PHP
@FaheemMitha August.
@CatPlusPlus ..and a lot of them bad.
but why the fuck are you asking a bunch of random chatters here instead of the LLVM people...?
@Puppy Great, thanks.
@Puppy It's easier.
Who cares about authoritative information
Who needs facts when you can just ask the Lounge instead
Cite Wikipedia~
Plus it is not that important. And this is a C++ chat room, right? Is there a clang irc channel?
and get them to do the research work for you
@FaheemMitha there is
must.. resist.. star-ing
I'll give you three guesses as to its name
@LightnessRacesinOrbit No, they might already know.
@FaheemMitha I know ;p
@Jefffrey starring*
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Ok, I'll ask there. Bye.
@FaheemMitha ask what? you already got your answer!
so if i learn c++ i guess i will be like you guys.. knowledgeable and pseudo rude... i like it
And ten years older.
bow before my freehand circle
@rightfold eh
Oi, who's "pseudo"rude
I'm p good at being rude
@CatPlusPlus where p = pseudo
its cool sometimes.. i wish i could be..
irb(main):002:0> good = 1
=> 1
irb(main):003:0> p good
=> 1
Oh cool p returns its argument.
Lightness B. Goode.
where p = presently
@rightfold wtf
where p = pathetic, and
You're p bad
@Xeo def p(x); puts(x.inspect); x; end, basically.
For debugging.
'p', seriously?
And code golfs, lol.
It is a car analogy
Ahahaha I haven't even read it
maybe he who asked about the car was drunk
No, but yes
anyway that question shows a fundamental lack of thought-process rigour that I hate -.-
Thinking is hard
i agree.. my friends always ask me why i cannot think simple.. but for fact.. the complex seems so natural :(
You're short-circuiting.
Q: Decimation and downsampling a signal in c++

user3506463I am trying to implement a decimator just like the one in matlab (function: decimate(X,R)). Is there any available library for c++ ? Thank you!

go to work, lounge
Oh - phone alert. It's curry night. Must be at 'Sunny Cow' at 1930.
obtw lightness, what did you think of the Falling Skies premiere?
its back?
@Puppy I was very drunk when I watched it, but I was frustrated that they (a) dropped most of the established arcs, characterisations and methods, and (b) invoked hyper-ageing half-alien magic girl
i personally think what Falling Skies showed throught seasons 1 and 2 ,.. could have been done in 1 season only..
YOU GUYS!!! 📢 I just learned web pages are made with #HTML and now I'm learning how to use <blink>HTML</blink>!!!! #yearofcode #code 👑 🏰
always good to see Cochise again though
what is #yearofcode?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I agree.
orite, S04 is out.
#YearOfCode? Pah! We've been teaching it since 09 : ) find out where the real deal is at on one of our courses http://madlab.org.uk/courses
i am waiting when the eldest son will be caught with that insect inside him..
and I'm feeling quite dissatisfied that it's been three seasons and we still have no idea why the aliens are on Earth.
plus, I felt like the capture of the 2nd mass group was pretty cheap.
i know.. Justin Bieber
there was hardly anything dedicated to it, it practically happened offscreen.
Also 'Tyrant'. Dunno if any good.
i liked The 100
there's no reason the Espheni couldn't have simply used the same tactics three seasons ago and instawon
I liked Super Mario Bros..
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Unoperable cancer
plus, it's becoming increasingly hard for me to understand where they keep finding infinite new survivors/fighters to reinforce
..... game of thrones anyone?
yup, but behind with this series.
@MartinJames they all die
and then they all have sex with their dead bodies
this season was pretty p .. except the fight at castle black and arya on the ship .. plus i am bored witth that Dragon Mother thing ..
@Jefffrey go on...
@Jefffrey I'll watch anyway, just in case you spoiler has any 'inaccuracies'.
@thecoshman and then more tits
Season 5: completely new cast.
And then they die again.
@Jefffrey fascinating
game of thrones = oh he seems important ... lets kill 'im ;D
@Jefffrey inoperable
if ( this == NULL ) { o_O — BЈовић 1 min ago
i really like the oh you're not good at conniving? you're dead
reminds me of Rome ^_^
@EiyrioüvonKauyf oh she seems important ... lets kill 'er, but screw 'er first ;D
@EiyrioüvonKauyf Yeah, no kidding, no-one ever kills important people in real life.
i wonder if they now put them back from dead .. like Mother Stark
@shortCircuit You shall stop now.
just one question . what's the point of the season named Vampire Dairies
@Griwes it's hard to with all of those private armies :|
sorry Blackwater doesn't like that word
now known as Academi now for some reason - probably too many hits to their PR
@MartinJames nonono no fun, we need to let the whole dothraki tribe help out // i have no clue how the targarian thought 1 person was worth a few thousand soldiers..... but then again I guess Troy did too
> i choose javascript c++ and sql
..... shortCircuit sounds like the new crow
@R.MartinhoFernandes use the ceramic one!!
I already did that joke slowpoke
Congrats, #jokeroftheyear.
Q: what is a read() in c language

Sang_Hyeop#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #define BUFF_SIZE 5 int main() { char buff[BUFF_SIZE]; int fd; ssize_t rd_size; if ( 0 < ( fd = open( "./test.txt", O_RDONLY))) { while( 0 < ( rd_size = ...

Oh great. I have a support request for an app V7.3.0.006 That app was built in the first picosecond after the big bang. WHy do I get all this crap.
argh I hate weak type systems so much
I present evidence that the kids already know how to code. #YearOfCode /cc @jasongorman @ervines http://t.co/bXcoch6wnr
@CatPlusPlus Because a human being a cat is SOOO strongly typed.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit they didn't save it in foo.java they saved in bridge.java
compilation time error
smh java
@ervines I purport that the vandal in question was showing off his wealth by the amount of paint he had to use to implement that in java.
user image
I recognize this kind of image.
That's not a duck
@rightfold from reddit probably. it was on /funny or /pics a few days ago
No, from Twitter.
Bah, FlashDevelop's autocomplete-thingy fails so hard with nested and anonymous functions...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I cant understand why you are this much angry and answer like this! if you are not interested to help, just don't! — user3506463 12 mins ago
one day I am going to improve the world by coming up with a decent term for this non-logic
@CatPlusPlus r/cynical is much better :P
i am psyched and tensed ... i should probably go
@LightnessRacesinOrbit once he will bite the dust.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol
52 listings to go
stack-allocating an array of 10 ints rather than 2 when I'll only need 2 more often than not, but would rather not have to special-case stuff and just make a worst-case storage block instead..... likely to warrant benchmarking? or likely to not make any impact whatsoever
well, no, not stack-allocating actually
dynamically allocated within other complex structures
not copied or moved around all that much
2 and 10? that sounds increadibly insignificant
Allocate 6 integers.
Average of 10 and 2. :F
2 is a typical "word size" on the hardware I'm reading reg values from, but there's one block of 10 uint32s that I want now and I can either increase the available storage for all reads or introduce a new "type" and start diverging all my functions
Sorry, used the wrong word there.
this is high-bandwidth stuff though
it's way too hardware-dependent for a reasonable answer from us
should I even bother benchmarking or is the speed of allocating 10 over 2 uint32s really just not work thinking about?
that is a reasonable answer :)
but on a typical system
the speed of a raw allocation is mostly independent of the size.
for stack allocation it definitely is, for heap allocation the picture is a little more complicated, depending on what allocator you're using, etc.
it's a pointer bump on the stack
that was my instinct, good
presumably the complication comes into play with heap fragmentation to a large degree?
assuming default allocator I mean
heap fragmentation is mostly a non-issue now.
AFAIK it only really occurred with older heap systems with much more primitive algorithms
typedef boost::array<uint32_t, 10> register_data_t it is, then
It's such a tiny amount of data anyway that I can't see how it matters much how big it is.
and it's certainly a very complex issue with lots of possible factors and there's no way to know in advance whether it would impact it one way or another.
If data is bigger than ~ 4K I start to think about it a bit.
nah, it's smaller chunks that are the problem, not bigger ones.
@Puppy it can still happen, depending on your allocation pattern
we ran into it at work not too long for our MSVC build.
not that site again
> older heap systems with much more primitive algorithms
@Puppy and wonderful systems that thrash memory <3
We all know MSVC sucks
especially it's heap allocator T_T
but then again GCCs is medicore as well but manages its tradeoffs well. google <3
Well in all honesty, we're talking glibc/msvcr here. So it's not GCC's fault
why is tvtropes so fun to read
@rubenvb Err
@AlexM. It's extremely boring.
MSVC has a low-fragmentation heap
15 mins ago, by jalf
we ran into it at work not too long for our MSVC build.
I'm just an observer here
Maybe it ICEs when compiling a program with high fragmentation potential.
Maybe it compiles a program with high fragmentation potential
Exactly what they say.
i am finding it difficult to understand "Abstract classes cannot be used for Variables or member data"can i have an example of where the is rule is violated.
@Xeo didn't solve the problem. :)
of course in a 64-bit build it won't cause as many practical problems, but with certain allocation patterns it's still very easy to make the MSVC default allocator fall over and fragment all the things :p
If case anyone is interested in backporting gcc 4.9 to Debian wheezy, see
A: How do I automagically update GCC to a later release without upgrading my distro?

Faheem MithaThe correct way of doing this is using backports. See How can I install more recent versions of software than what Debian provides? for background. Unfortunately, this is not "automagical", whatever that means. I'll outline the procedure below. The question does not specify the gcc version, but ...

I'd be interested in feedback, as to whether it works for others.
unstable & testing repo
dat voice
fried man
@FaheemMitha that sounds like a hell of a lot of work and tweaking
why not just configure && make and install into /opt?
@rubenvb Opinions vary.
Building GCC isn't that hard on Linux for Linux.
Or just use Arch.
Ahaha debian
ergh, only scrubs use <what do you use?> pros use <something stupid that's not really any better>
... they, they don't get immutable do they
@rightfold hahahaha
IList conflates index-access with Add/whatever so there's p much no other way to deal with this
@CatPlusPlus Uh, not making it implement IList?
There's no other 'this is index-accessed collection' interface
uh, when you're using two monitors, is it possible to, say, run a game on one of the monitors and keep the browser open on the other?
I'm going to upgrade this 19" @ 1440x900 crap that I have right now and I'm trying to decide what to do between getting rid of it or keeping it as a second monitor
Use borderless maximized window instead of exclusive fullscreen mode if you want to switch between them though
Otherwise it'll do mode switches all the time
@CatPlusPlus IReadOnlyList
ah, makes sense
is there some sort of performance decrease involved?
I'd guess there is
Not really, no
so it's not that much in the way of work for a GPU to output to two screens?
that's cool
Drawing desktop is nothing
hello again, you big fat twats
16 monitors full of windows is less than one game on one monitor
@rightfold Forgot about that, but shoulda said 'there was no other' anyway, since it's primarily about drop-in compatibility
@LightnessRacesinOrbit sup fuckwit?
It's not very compatible.
Some operations are not available.
Annotation annotation = new Annotation(name, address,  ID,  reference, new GeoPoint(Lat, Lon),  i_type);
I wonder what is the limit to the number of enclosed 'new' I can put in one statement
@chmod711telkitty 0
-1 inconsistent naming
@rightfold btw IList has IsReadOnly, so there you go :v
"In any graph, the number of vertices with an odd degree, is even". No? Yes.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit @_@
@chmod711telkitty what
xxx : local variable i_xxx: class variable of the type integer & yes it is Java
Q: Soundcloud: terms-of-use - excerpting

user3775647I had a general question about the terms of use for SoundCloud. If I only displayed a certain part of a song to a user in an app and allowed them to only listen to a condensed clip of the song but right below it said listen to full song using SoundCloud would that still be in violation of the ter...

Hmm. Anyone knows how I can read data from a managed Stream into a C array without having to copy it to a managed array first? I'm using C++/CLI.
There's UnmanagedMemoryStream for the other way around (reading from unmanaged memory), but I didn't find something for writing to it.
can I make a 3D modeling software render a shape by mathematical proportions programmatically and add that to the "default models"? I want another base to work from

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