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@LightnessRacesinOrbit inb4 flags
@Xeo lol Nyaa.eu chatbox is full of discussion about the new colors.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit nuked for my mental sanity
also: reddit.com/r/TopGearbabes TIL this exists
is the part about optimization accurate: stackoverflow.com/a/24224701/2642204 ?
> Listen, if you don't want to meet up, just say so. I already told you I'm unwilling to drive to nigger central, so why not come up to the Valley? It's not an unreasonable request. What possible reason could you have not to placate me?
oh my
@StackedCrooked Haven't been on Nyaa in ages
> it should be pointed out the white skin like this is very coveted in non-white nations
> non-white nations
what the fuck is a "non-white nation"
and does he realise he's not living in a "white nation"
> It’s time to stop being Americans. It’s time to start being White Men again. - Gregory Hood
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Nigeria
@LightnessRacesinOrbit a nation where it doesnt snow
Yeah, so, I think I'm going to stop now...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Greenland.
negroidia lol
That was actually the theory someone came up with and the origin of Caucasian as a name.
and now that I'm looking up Caucasian on Wikipedia to find out how accurate that is, my browser history for the last 15 minutes looks really bad
Virgin Media please don't report me I'm not a racist well not always
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you damn neo-nazi!
The term caucasian was termed from some lunatic who split the world into "Cacaus (sp?)", "Negroidia", and "Mongolia". Caucasians came from Caucus, referenced from the "beautiful white peaks of the Caucus mountains" because clearly white people descended from such pure white mountains.
Negroidia had all the negroes. Because, you know.
> The term "Caucasian race" was coined by the German philosopher Christoph Meiners in his The Outline of History of Mankind (1785). Caucasian variety—I have taken the name of this variety from Mount Caucasus, both because its neighborhood, and especially its southern slope, produces the most beautiful race of men, I mean the Georgian;
> and because all physiological reasons converge to this, that in that region, if anywhere, it seems we ought with the greatest probability to place the autochthones (original members) of mankind.
Hah, what a cunt.
And all the rest of everyone else came from Mongolia, with all the Mongoloids.
> Meiners split mankind into two divisions which he labeled the "beautiful White race" and the "ugly Black race".
@LightnessRacesinOrbit what a fucking dick =/
ITT Caucasian is a horrible racist word that everyone uses?
> he described a story where a Negro was condemned to death by being burned alive, half way through the burning the Negro asked to smoke a pipe and smoked it like nothing was happening while he continued to be burned alive
Yep. Meaning got worn down over time. :D
@thecoshman Apparently.
check ur privilege, I guess
> Meiners wrote that the noblest race was the Celts, and they were able to conquer various parts of the world, were more sensitive to heat and cold and their delicacy is shown by the way they are selective about what they eat. Meiners claimed Slavs are an inferior race, "less sensitive and content with eating rough food”, he described stories of Slavs eating poisonous fungi without coming to any harm.
so... what do we say? "Prone to tanning, or burning when exposed to sun"
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol
"partially hidden from our visual perception by the grace of god"
IIRC Celts were warmongers.
Celts were fucking dickheads
still are
@StackedCrooked like all good peoples :P
Only thing I know about Celts is that they're good at the religion game in Civ5.
I like this guy
@EtiennedeMartel I know their castles produced throwing axe men.
@StackedCrooked That's the Franks.
Oh, right.
Celts have woad raiders.
I'm ashamed.
Elephants were cool.
I played a Aoe2 game yesterday.
dat release banner :O
needs moar halo
lens flare, lens flare everywhere
@Xeo as do I now :D
The recommendation would be to 1. include the relevant code (field types?!) 2. exclude all the irrelevant code. blog.jerryorr.com/2014/04/…sehe 12 secs ago
@Borgleader don't use blender!
getting fable tlc since it's just $1.something on gmg
I remember playing it for an hour or so years ago
@40two (takes bait) because...
and liking it
@sehe wasn't the same story posted by Fred some time ago?
No. Because he can't post about comments I made 12 secs ago
No guys seriously don't use blender
Blender is okay
@sehe I mean the blog entry : )
Yeah. Obviously. Many people have posted it
Where is your testcase? The one you've been debugging with for the last few days. — Lightness Races in Orbit 6 secs ago
@40two alternatives?
@40two either give some justification, or shut the fuck up
No @sehe using blender is condemnation to afterlife in hell
@AlexM. plenty, Lightwave, 3D Studio Max and Maya are big names
@40two That's why it's okay.
47 secs ago, by thecoshman
@40two either give some justification, or shut the fuck up
This question appears to be off-topic because this is not a minimal testcase by any stretch of the imagination, and we are not a pro bono debugging consultancy. :) — Lightness Races in Orbit 11 secs ago
@thecoshman Their logo is 666
that oughtta do it
@thecoshman Lightness, 3D Studio Race and Orbit
@thecoshman how is a $3675 software an alternative to a free software?
@40two :D yay!
@thecoshman Reversed
@sehe :V I somehow remembered that Fred was the author, that's why I'm asking. But I got kicked in the head recently, so my memory may be failing
@AlexM. how much?!
@rightfold What do you think of this jsfiddle.net/bbLfC ? The "C++" way does make for simpler code :p
@LightnessRacesinOrbit maya is $3675
or so autodesk says
@AlexM. true enough :P
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I see you've never paid for software :P
Don't use maya too
@40two oh good youre just trolling
@thecoshman I pay for all my software, but I don't buy any software that costs $3,675
I'm not saying it shouldn't be that expensive.
oh, I've found the problem, I don't have him plonked.
Like a car for delivery drivers, Maya is a crucial tool for people working in that industry and it makes sense for that to be its market value, I guess.
I just didn't know.
there we go, bullshit averted
Maya were making human sacrifices don't support them with your money
: D
@LightnessRacesinOrbit mr no reason
@BartoszKP literally, or are you complaining I was too dense?
in other words...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I don't want to touch some random stranger
> Come fuck.
a whole new take on Val's profile
@LightnessRacesinOrbit LOL
@sehe if you're asking about the kick in the head, then literally ;0
Oooh that's not good.
@BartoszKP Did you deserve it?
Wasn't that guy here the last few days?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Go fuck to meet people
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'm tempted to write something like that in my profile and replace that last bit with
"If you're like me, touch me."
If you like me, watch it!
I bet @rightfold would touch
even without being like me
you know, inflation is one of those topics that I just can't completely understand
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yes, I had my guard too low
wikipedia doesn't help
> It can be defined as too much money chasing too few goods.
@Xeo haha
that's cute actually
@Xeo is it legit?
@sehe most likely
they also had a Windows 7 chan
^ I love zebra.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit "Oh Linux"?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit what?
@sehe Probably a Japan ad
@StackedCrooked my dinner
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Is you I guess
@Xeo wtf
@40two I wish
@TonyTheLion I want
@BartoszKP ok
@LightnessRacesinOrbit You dyed you hair, nice
this was their japanese ad for win7
@LightnessRacesinOrbit oh, that I can understand
god, Japan is just a country of raging paedophiles, isn't it?
@StackedCrooked Is dat een Belgische knol, met een streepjespak?
@AlexM. Yeah, Microsoft does Anime-styled ads for Japan.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Why is that?
@sehe No, it's a Windows 7 ad.
@AlexM. My experience with Windows 7 was not fun at all, but rather lots of pain and misery.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yes, look at this images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/30600000/…
she's 10
@AlexM. typical Japanese :)
@rightfold how the fuck did you manage that
@AlexM. She's fiction.
I liked Win7, I like Win8.
I just prefer not to use it.
@StackedCrooked so is win 7 chan
Windows 8 is still not Unix-like, so it’s still shit.
I like how you post a link to a photo of a sleeping girl with her girlbits almost showing, then follow it up with "she's 10". You're classy, @Alex!
@rightfold monomaan
@sehe Only a few more generations until she's completely legal.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit hey I'm citing wikipedia
@AlexM. With underlying satanic messages reversed cross etc.
@rightfold You're not going to be in one of these moods all night, are you?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit truly a lewd salesperson
@LightnessRacesinOrbit No, because I’m going to sleep part of the night.
@rightfold OK good just checking
here, more classy
have yet to watch this one
seems interesting
Boku no tomodachi ga sukunai?
Chaika with the exploding bread was better.
I read part the manga, was fun
I'll probably watch golden time now, noticed it was uploaded recently on bakabt
and save that one for later
@AlexM. me and @ScarletAmaranth saw that.
That series is quite a ride.
was it good? it seems good
I read about the ending and it seemed happy enough for me to watch it
Overall it was pretty good.
@AlexM. I learned about the odori dance from that series.
speaking of underage stuff, how did HBO handle the underage sex in GoT?
IIRC most sex in the books is underage
I'm guessing they can't air stuff like that
@StackedCrooked The guys remind me of the KKK.
They chase the black away.
Gekke jappen.
@StackedCrooked while I definitely don't get any of that, I must say I appreciate how the japanese keep their traditions alive
we barely do that in Romania anymore, and if we do, it's in a couple of places only, and it consists of very short festivals
@sehe De gemiddelde wielrenner kennende zou er overheen rijden.
@sehe actually, that's a huge problem
if their mother drops by
@AlexM. yattosa yattosa
an angry female boar defending her offsprings would most likely kill the guy
meaningless chant but motivating
@rightfold pork chop
I'd rather encounter a bear than a boar
I would be more afraid of a bear still.
at least there's a chance the bear leaves you alone if you play dead
the boar would probably just maul you to death regardless
I'm no wildlife expert though.
it's interesting how domestic pigs can adapt to wildlife
... static_if want :(
leave one alone in the woods and it will start looking for its own food
soon enough it will turn feral
@Xeo dot-dot-dot
        if (I+1 < sizeof...(Ts))
            _setter = [this]{ set_state<I+1>(); };
            _setter = nullptr;
@Xeo you are speaking like Chaika now
this is in the middle of a function, and I don't really want to introduce a specialization for this. :/
when people say $X today is equivalent to $Y 100 years ago - is the inflation the cause of that change in value?
[this] is short for this->operator[](this) ?
I swear everyone knows what inflation is except for me
> In economics, inflation is a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time.
from what I understand it's a permanent increase
@StackedCrooked wut, no
@StackedCrooked Lambda.
lambda capture
like, how this bag of chips today is more expensive than the bag of chips I used to buy 5 years ago
> Inflation means that the general level of prices is going up, the opposite of deflation. More money will need to be paid for goods (like a loaf of bread) and services (like getting a haircut at the hairdresser's). Economists measure inflation regularly to know an economy's state. Inflation changes the ratio of money towards goods or services; more money is needed to get the same amount of a good or service, or the same amount of money will get a lower amount of a good or service.
wikipedia in plain english
forgot that existed
@AlexM. yeah money keeps diminishing in value. It's like a air castle (the kids attraction). It is constantly deflating so the machine has to keep putting air in it.
The word deflating is misleading perhaps.
isn't deflation the ideal case?
Deflation is worse.
Because everything becomes cheaper over time people are delaying their purchases to get a better deal.
This kills the economy.
yeah I get it
wasn't some sort of deflation that caused the latest depression?
or was that some sort of thing about easy to take loans and people not being able to pay them back
didn't read much into the topic
so basically deflation is caused by products becoming cheap which in turn is caused by people not buying them, which means the economy is broken
That was a banking crisis.
inflation is caused by increases in price because people buy more stuff
makes sense now, thanks
Millions of people took loans that they couldn't pay back.
This meant that the banks could go bankrupt.
Which is not a good scenario.
@AlexM. I don't know what causes inflation.
All I know is that inflation is bad and deflation is worse.
I'm trying to understand what the ideal case is here
So probably a minor inflation is the best.
0 inflation, 0 deflation?
A minor inflation (around 2%) is considered best.
how the hell did we end up creating stuff like this
It is far enough from deflation to make shure no one is afraid of that,
@AlexM. Because money is inherently weird.
@BaummitAugen Usually they'd prefer a little more than that -- around 5-6% is what's typically considered ideal.
but since if prices are too high, people stop buying, and prices have to drop
doesn't inflation then have some sort of self-balancing behavior?
Eurozone wants 2%.
@AlexM. The last century there has been improvement in technology which increased standard of living. So inflation was not very noticable.
... fuck you std::set
@AlexM. No, because wages will rise at about inflation rate or more.
shit I keep looking at that microsoft ad and how firefox goes KYAAAAAAAA
it's way too cute
std::set<int>::reference_type is int&, but of course the type returned from dereferencing its iterators is int const&
I'll start IE just because of this
@Xeo right
@BaummitAugen so higher inflation => bigger salaries?
screwing up my implementation
If this was not the case, increasing prices would cause a drop in demand, thus decreasing prices.
@Xeo Actually that is messed up.
@Xeo Shouldn't there be const_reference and reference ?
@AlexM. More like the other way around in normal times, but it can become a circular dependency.
@ThePhD Yes. So? I want reference.
Like in Germany in the 20s (I think).
Are you sure you're not calling begin() on a const range?
Looks like I'll have to inspect what dereferencing the iterator yields...
@ThePhD A std::set's iterator has to return Key const&
A vegan atheist walks into a bar. Bartender says "Hey, are you a vegan atheist? Just kidding, you've mentioned it like eight times already."
otherwise you could mess up the ordering
@BaummitAugen There is this famous picture of a woman burning money in the stove because it's cheaper than wood.
what's a complete absence of products called? like, an empty market, but people having enough money to buy anything that could be otherwise sold
e.g. markets in communist times
with 2-3 basic products and nothing else
@AlexM. because we're that smart
@AlexM. goldmine ?
an economy in which people can stockpile money because they don't have anything to buy
@AlexM. this happened in Romania, not?
Bleh. Inspecting iterators sucks
@StackedCrooked Was a fun time, workers got their salary in cash and ran to the stores because it was worth nothing the next day. :)
England ball skills inadequate, as usual. Can't pass for java.
@StackedCrooked yeah, now that you mention it, Romania's situation back then was very different from NK's today
even though they're driven by similar ideas
ooh, new JonTron (on YT)
you guys had this crazy tsar or something
They couldn't even make new Mark bills fast enough and had to use stickers to increase their nominal values.

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