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"It will cost $X. It's a bit expensive, do you not think so? It's probably because of the gorgonzola."
god damnit woman let me have my pizza
why the hell do you care
about my money
you're supposed to take them
I found that sometimes, a custom pizza is actually cheaper than the pre-selected one
I think the price was fine; it was also big enough for me to not be able to finish it there
had to take it home
especially if the restaurant doesn't pay attention to how much a type of topping costs, in relation to the size of the pizza
BUT goddamn that waiter wth
I felt a bit bad
she also didn't add the coke on the bill, I'm sure it was not a mistake
not sure I want to go there anymore
Maybe you look like you're cheap or something.
last time I checked I didn't look like a hobo trying to get a free meal
According to your website you look like a smiley face. So I don't know what to say.
shit, you're right
maybe she took a look at my website and said
"poor guy, he had to draw himself... maybe he has no camera"
I have zero patience with cafe/piza/whatever that won't take my money and givve me stuff.
I always go outside looking like I'm about to get laid somewhere
I mean, if you go into a REAL top-flight reataurant and ask for 10 slices of beans-on-toast, they will serve you without question.
Yesterday at the supermarket I gave 3 euro to pay 2.09. The cashier asked me if I had nine cents. I thought she meant to help with the change. I grabbed a bunch of coins I had in my pocket, all 50s and showed her "No, I'm sorry". She said "It's ok" with a weird smile and sent me off. Only when I was outside did I look at the receipt and realised the total was 3.09, not 2.09.
months ago at the supermarket the cashier asked me if I had X bani (equivalent of cents for our currency)
knowing I didn't have any, I immediately said "no"
and this other girl who was standing in line said in a disgusted-like voice "meh, here, I'll give you some"
and kept smiling at me like that even after I left the place
I guess I'm really easy to hate
or mistake for a hobo
I'd rather interpret the episode as her just being nice. People tend to do that to me. Or I tend to interpret things that way.
that was definitely not a nice smile
more like a "gtfo pleb" smile
she was ultra-pretty so I definitely paid attention to her expressions
Is expressions a euphemism for tits?
I need to have some more of these events happen to me, I have a theory that they happen whenever I shave
I don't remember the size of her tits, so it was probably not the strongest point
Maybe you look good when you shave.
yeah, "are you sure you can afford this rather cheap pizza?" good
Also, why is my picture not updating :<. Cache issue most likely
I must look like a 15 yo teenager happy that he got money from his mum when I shave
I'm trying to become self-sustaining
(As early as possible)
I most likely have a bigger salary than the waiter who doubted I could pay for the pizza
I mean the restaurant is sort of stylish and all
but god damn the pizza's price was like average
it was 30% of the price of a similar Pizza Hut pizza
what was it?
@MohammadAliBaydoun read above, I talked about it earlier
I was reading from the start, but you never stated a specific price ;p
26 RON -> $8
Typically, I'd pay more or less 13,000L.L ($8.66 ~ 6 euros) for a pizza here
for comparison, a complete meal consisting of soup + fries and roasted meat or something similar gets to 60 RON
the cheapest pizza you can get is 13RON
this is for the average restaurants
of course there are more expensive places
I once paid almost 60RON for an earl grey and strawberry jam & panna cotta pancakes at a restaurant on my street
never again
the place was nice though
I bet it's really awesome when they get people to play jazz on that stage they had there, like they advertised
No, on the account of all the jazz
Jazz is cool.
jazz is nice
There's this Lebanese restaurant I used to go to that had a Jazz band every tuesday.
Also, their shish taouk was so fucking tasty.
Shish Taouk dipped in Hummus is the bomb
I paid the gas bill :'( hurts so bad
it was a huge amount for a single bill
I'm flat broke as of yesterday ouo
470RON on a single bill always hurts, considering I could add 200RON more and get... dunno, a capable GPU
like the GTX 660
@AlexM. it's those fucking russians inflate the price
bills always hold me back from buying what I like
Hmm, there's currently a lot of empty beer bottles on my desk.
@Abyx it's mostly because it's a regularization bill; they found out they billed the wrong amounts since february and now I had to pay the rest
It's summer. What the heck do you use so much gas for?
instead of sending someone to each apartment to check for consumption levels each month, they estimate usage and bill you according to that
It's about time there was some harmonization of EU bank-holdays. I'm in the Tuns, getting merry,but Lord Haw-Haw is trying to get me to do stuff.
and then when they finally get the real numbers, the bill skyrockets
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's the amount they didn't bill since february, as I mentioned above
> type-deduction usually happens at runtime and it's not exactly the same thing as type-inference.
the hell?
during winter I usually paid 100RON/mo
@AlexM. Meh. There's no excuse for being caught by surprise with this.
You can check your consumption yourself.
@AlexM. Better that than 100 mo/RON
it wasn't necessarily a surprise
Paying more later is actually to your benefit.
it just hurts to have to give away so much money in one go
I.e. you're paying less.
I need to ask the apartment owner if he'd be okay with installing some AC
it's 26 C inside right now
he should probably be fine with paying for it
nobody in their right mind would enjoy sitting in a room that goes over 30 C in july
I was taught than in Visual Studio deleting the head node would delete the whole List? Did I learn this wrong? — user3502486 50 mins ago
Is this a bad question, or…? stackoverflow.com/questions/23874017/…
It doesn't have code
It looks like we have to do all the needful
So it ins't very good
@false Seeks off topic.
I'd abstain from acting, though.
I got 2 downvotes on a thing that works by the way ... this website, I will never get how it works. — user2485710 6 mins ago
@LightnessRacesinOrbit just closed two questions as dupes of stackoverflow.com/questions/6438086/iterator-invalidation-rules. Upvotes coming your way, I suspect.
What does the -O3 flag do? — getack yesterday
Was asking a question about benchmarking code.
it adds ozone to the compilation process
it increases the amount of heat that dissipates at the end
Why did Cat leave ;~;
I miss him already
because nobody donated to keep his server running
we killed cat :(
  // TODO: needs allocator_arg_t
I need to update to 4.9.
I cut my hair
How would you encode an UTF-8 string to a filename-safe form, so that I can later decode the filename and get the original string?
Why would you do that :S
Storing information on filenames sounds like a horrible idea.
well... it's not in this case
Er, it probably is :S
@AlexM. They usually, (on human females), come in pairs, so should be 'strongest points'.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Why is it an horrible idea?
@R.MartinhoFernandes It only needs a directory lookup, so why not?
Storing file names as file names sounds like an awesome idea.
Log files, in particular, I usually name with date/time in filename.
@Jefffrey 1) there's a trivial alternative: store the information in the file; 2) the file contents are no longer self-contained; 3) filenames have all sorts of limitations, like sizes and and character sets.
@Jefffrey Then your question is meaningless. You don't need to encode and decode anything.
If the file name is the information, it needs no encoding to be stored as a file name.
Chat Pro Tip: by typing "image" in search results of a person, you can find all images said person has posted
May 8 at 15:21, by Bartek Banachewicz
user image
@R.MartinhoFernandes I was to let the user specify a small (max x chars) identifier in whatever form he/she wants (including è, à, ç, /, \, ... characters) that can be used (and read back from) as a filename.
okey that's the one.
@Jefffrey Then just write it as a file name.
> including \
On my embedded systems, I store translations in multiple files with filename metadata so I can speed up access the 'name=value'.
Is it a good idea if the file gets a name different from the one the user entered?
@MartinJames why won't you just use SQLite or something like that?
@BartekBanachewicz 16K RAM.
If the user doesn't get to ever see the file name treat the identifier as an opaque binary token and store it in a safe format, like modified base64 or something.
@MartinJames ow
If the user gets to see it, don't mangle it, and simply reject any invalid file name.
@Jefffrey base64 encoding or maybe url encoding
Is it that hard to safely encode a string to a filename? Every other solution adds complexity that I would like to avoid.
@R.MartinhoFernandes 'opaque binary token' - I need to debug this stuff.
@Jefffrey what's the original problem?
@MartinJames Debug what?
@MartinJames said the guy who uses unions to typecast memory
It's an identifier.
@R.MartinhoFernandes My stuff!
I know what I'm doing because the said string is literally perceived as a "like a filename just allowing any other character".
@R.MartinhoFernandes stuff.
@BartekBanachewicz :-|
@MartinJames The program doesn't care.
Or the opposite.
Don't input garbage identifiers, and you get no garbage.
@MartinJames :P I think robot is right on that one
well in fact robot is right most of the time
@BartekBanachewicz Almost as a backup name.
which is a tad annoying but we love our robot right
@Jefffrey excuse me?
whee, finally a proper chair at home for my desk
what'd ya get?
now I just need a proper desk
@StackedCrooked seen OP yet?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I need to look at the filenames with my file system terminal and check stuff. I need to be able to work out which strings are in what file by eye.
@StackedCrooked I'd modify base64 by replacing 63 with $ or similar.
@MartinJames If you need to look at them, allowing things that cannot be in file names is a losing proposition.
@BartekBanachewicz IKEA's Markus. we have those at work and I like it. It's also not super expensive
@ScarletAmaranth yep. but i can't immediately recall what happened
@BartekBanachewicz Say you want to give a useful name to a backup folder. Something like "before building minecraft house" so that it takes the folder, copies it and stores it as "before%20building%20minecraft%20house" and that name is something I can show when listing the backups.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, exactly - I don't have anything in the filenames that is unprintable.
Oh, right there was the fight with the fat guy.
@Xeo mine was 1/3.5 of that price, I have a Klemens. I wanted a chair w/o arm support though
@MartinJames But that's not what Jefffrey wants.
Looking at file names is a losing proposition anyway.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Fuck Jefffffffrey :)
Good luck, suckers.
BTW, I may be a bit drunk. I went down the 'Tuns' to watch Burton fail to get promoted:(
@Xeo I also have an IKEA desk, 150x75. Was rather cheap
@BartekBanachewicz I wanted a high backrest, and I really didn't see any comfy ones for much less than 150eur
@Xeo yeah, chairs are expensive. I'd like to steal the Kinnarps I have at work :F
And I think 150eur is a good investion for a chair I'll probably sit a lot on
@Xeo I'd pay 150€ for a chair if it came with a 'no collapse' guarantee.
"Application" there is not wrong. It's an exe. "Show extensions" is on.
speaking of UTF-8...I was wondering why I was decoding gargabe. Turns out it was emoji crap
okey so, anyone in the mood to help me debug that linker error?
I need moral support.
We're here for you! sort of.
Another thing is, you cannot just blacklist certain characters.
> The remote server returned an error: 227 Entering Passive Mode
sample 1 compiled alright
How the hell do you handle an exception like that?
Try creating a file named PRN in Windows, for example.
ITT I don't know how to software.
@R.MartinhoFernandes for that you have to turn off the family filter on windows explorer ;)
@MartinJames my chair at work didn't collapse in over a year :P
Man, my ankle still hurts.
linker error suddenly disappeared
fuck if I know what happened
also I know I said it but I cut my hair and it feels weird
@BartekBanachewicz Never happens to me.
it's haskell though
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well I know how that feels.
as an advanced life form it's capable of self-healing and self-fixing-linker-errors
@Xeo Maybe you're not so gravitationally-challenged.
@Tony what you also cut yourself stumbling on the pedals while walking alongside your bicycle?
I wish :)
@MartinJames I believe I am
by the way
did some prick link to sequential art?
@R.MartinhoFernandes you should get plastic rubberized ones
I've been trapped reading it for the last three hours.
@DeadMG hi
close tab
trap gone
problem solved
seqart is good
@Bartek tell that to my ankle.
fuck I accidentally pasted jalf's phone number into my code
by the way
do you think Alt-tab + up-arrow + enter is an acceptable "build solution" shortcut? :)
alt-tab is for switching applications, not?
I don't think you should change that.
@StackedCrooked yesh, sherlock
if I hide a module, I get a linker error
why doesn't it link to my module :/
@BartekBanachewicz So, I would you solve it?
@Jefffrey add a file in said folder .meta
In which said folder?
The name would be the one given by the user.
so require a normal name and allow adding additional information
store normal name in normal name and description in metafile
Also searching by name would be much more complex than just decode name >>= lookup.
Given lookup = -- search in filesystem
no if you only allow searching in short names
it's not a description the one I want to store, it's the short name for that backup
it's just needs to allow any character
so that you can use "beginning house/building" or non-english names such as "cosa accadrà oggi?"
well you can't have that
you can have almost any character :p
With encoding, technically, I can have any character the original allowed domain has.
or you could just store the fancy name inside the file, and use a safe short name
I feel like we are going in circle.
@Jefffrey you're overcomplicating this unecessarily
4 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
store normal name in normal name and description in metafile
57 secs ago, by melak47
or you could just store the fancy name inside the file, and use a safe short name
wait, we are
because it's a reasonable solution
strip non ascii characters, append current microsecond since 1970, boom unique filename
@BartekBanachewicz I am? You are telling me to use a new "special file" that will need special handling, making everything harder to lookup and to manage, and introduce a whole new set of special cases
I'm trying to KISS, here.
@Jefffrey everything and their dog uses that. Git uses that. SVN uses that.
aren't you going to have to read the contents of your backup file thing anyway?
so put it in there! :p
either a descriptor file or a VFS
you already have a file which you need to read
@melak47 No, because I don't care about the content of the folder.
storing information in file names it's just a nono
It's not information, it's literally just a fancy file name.
@Jefffrey ok, why does it need to accept any character?
then that ^
5 mins ago, by Jefffrey
so that you can use "beginning house/building" or non-english names such as "cosa accadrà oggi?"
you can use non-english names already
just don't allow /
it's really not a problem
or replace / with some unicode char that looks like it but doesn't screw up your path :v
no, that's meh
You are removing parts of the interface, no shit the problem becomes a non-problem
@Jefffrey what? Your only use case is just not grounded well enough for me to trouble with such a thing
so, what was the problem with the crummy url encoding scheme you wanted to use earlier?
@Jefffrey yes, we're removing complexity by removing unnecessary functionality. That's YAGNI and KISS applied.
users are not going to want to have / in their paths
It's not unnecessary for me.
@R.MartinhoFernandes yay
simply because you can't use / in most names anyway
(I didn't get any)
@BartekBanachewicz I didn't ask you to review my idea. I asked if there was a way to safely encode/decode a string to filename/dirname. That's it.
@Jefffrey yes, with base64
There, thanks.
he totally intended to do this i.imgur.com/OTaj10i.gif
A: Base64 Encoding safe for filenames?

Alexei LevenkovI would use Base32 in this case - you'll get names a bit longer, but Base32 encoded values are safe for case insensetive environment (FAT/Win32 NTFS access) as well for using as Uri. Unfortunately there is usually no built-in support for this encoding in frameworks. On other hand code is realitv...

altough that ^
I see.
percent-encoding could also work, if you plan on having mostly-ascii
that's the one that uses %20 for space in urls
No, I need function('$some_var'), single quote is necessery. — user3677220 2 mins ago
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol that's hilarious
PHP noobs are even worse than JS noobs
BTW I solved my module problem
if a module is not in exposed-modules, it has to be in other-modules :F
I have: function pn_get_attachment_id_from_url( $attachment_url = '' ) — user3677220 32 secs ago
how is that relevant?
How do you know it's in Haskell?
Anyone here knows a bit about .NET/COM interop?
@EtiennedeMartel yep.
I did it recently.
.NET part is way more pleasant than the native part, unsurprisingly.
A coworker of mine encountered a weird issue: he passes a float on the C# side through a COM interface, and the float ends up fucked up (it suspiciously looks like it's uninitialized) on the C++ side.
passing data to it was weird IIRC
as in, I used untyped objects IIRC
this is awesome
I committed.
Like most of The Beatles' work, really.
didn't listen to much of their music myself, this is the first song I listen to and like

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