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> If you download the link to the source directly, then yes, you get some sort of script goo. If you click on the link, it will then download the right file to you. I don't know why this happens, sorry.
Well. yay for codeplex I guess o.O
@JohanLarsson except, there is no way to make it magically work with existing c++ source trees. You'll end up adding all files, tediously manually, each to it's "correct" folder filter and yes, whenever you have the guts to rename something, move it around, create a new class, you'll have to edit it all again.
Of course this is not required for any other build system we use (not even make).
@MartinJames I have 4 6L6s
@BartekBanachewicz Ok, merkin tubes:)
Damn flags where you have no idea wtf is going on
Speak English FFS
I have since found out that I can use wildcards
    <ClCompile Include="..\..\src\sqlite3\sqlite-amalgamation-3080301\sqlite3.c" />
    <ClCompile Include="..\..\tools\testrunner.cpp" />
    <ClCompile Include="..\..\src\**\*.cpp" />
    <ClCompile Include="..\..\test\**\*.cpp" />
But this results in a flat filter containing all the sources (and headers)
@Xeo Some spat in some language I don't understand, maybe PHP:)
WTF 18 flags?
18 flags, is everything going nuts?
People don't think
// C89 code
auto char a;
auto short x;
auto char b;
Is the compiler allowed to put x before a or after b to get rid of padding on the stack?
yes, since that can't be observed.
18 flags from the same room, same person. You don't have to be rocket scientist to figure out that "Is everything going nuts" is a slight overreaction
@Xeo Would that kind of reordering also be allowed for data members of a struct?
@sehe Different persons
@Xeo How many people were in the room? 2?
@sehe saw that afterwards
Good to know. So, #1. overreact #2. watch Rome burn #3. ???? #4. rational thought
@MartinJames "merkin"?
@FredOverflow Nope
> A white trash American. Based on the way said people mispronounce "American."
@Xeo Why not?
Since that can be observed (layout compatibility, if that exists in C89)
reinterpret casting between structs
that's what UD suggests. Considering the fact my amp is from Asia... But a copy of an american design alright.
@sehe i'm game
also, offsetof
I've joined flaggot-room and asked them to stop.
just confirm all flags, and ban them both for a while
going for an overnight bushwalking/hiking trip this weekend
haven't been on to one for ages, like nearly 7 months
@Xeo Pretty sure it does not.
5 mins ago, by Xeo
also, offsetof
It's observable in any case
the result is undefined, so it doesn't matter whether or not the compiler re-orders.
it can still fulfill the contract of offsetof.
the practicality of ABIs and such suggests that the compiler either doesn't re-order or re-orders in a well-defined way, even if that way isn't defined by the C Standard itself.
@sehe shrug
but there's absolutely nothing in the C Standard preventing re-ordering.
OK, so I'm frequently moaning about lack of debugging info, then this turns up:
> 13:20 < xQuasar> i just want to get kicked out of a bunch of channels for fun
13:20 < xQuasar> why is no one cooperating with me
13:21 < Iceland_jack> xQuasar: We are cooperating with you, you're just not
aware that your goal is learning Haskell
I love this quote
c0x.coding-guidelines.com/ - 1413 The alignment of the addressable storage unit is unspecified.
typical Haskell advocate ^^
Everyone's goal is learning Haskell, they all just don't know yet
@Xeo Fortunately, it's not illegal or immoral to be ignorant.
An everyone's goal is to implement lisp?
@JohanLarsson Nice.
yeah I liked it so I spammed it
@JohanLarsson Somewhat challenging restoration job, yes:)
@JohanLarsson wait till it's your job to explain why the project is unnavigable in VS2013
@MartinJames yopu think it would hurt your beer consumption if you started and had to have it finished within two months?
@FredOverflow Yeah, that's what he tried to "get kicked out of a bunch of channels"
@ÓlafurWaage no, that's what everyone inadvertantly ends up doing while pursuing other goals
Does anyone know of a disk-usage visualizer tool (like windirstat) that shows where the recent growth is? Kinda hopeless to find out why my windows partition is - again - depleted (after I freed up 11GiB last week)
@Xeo How is getting kicked out of channels fun, though?
@JohanLarsson Certainly. I would never use a chainsaw while drunk:)
@FredOverflow vOv
@Xeo Today I learned a possible real name of a Lounge regular.
<- Mine is right there
@rubenvb He hasn't been a regular for a while now
@Xeo well, true, but he's still quite active on SO proper.
Mine's also not difficult to find.
Someone might want to hire me :-P
@FredOverflow fun is relative. If you're really really bored, angering people can appear to be a fun game
my MinGW-w64 build script repo has 35 stars. They're not that great...
@Xeo tapes are still commonly used for backups. Sounds cool.
@MartinJames probably pretty common to find code that looks like that
@rubenvb Oh I thought you did it on purpose. The link you posted points to a link, that points to the post. — John Bupit 3 mins ago
@Xeo repost (repeatedly)
@JohanLarsson Oh - I have plenty:(
@DeadMG vOv
@MartinJames I'm looking at it right now but have no chainsaw. Just poking the keyboard feels like the wrong way.
@Xeo BTW where's that amazing channel? some IRC, I presume?
#haskell on some IRC
Yeah, on Freenode
Is there some IRC archival service like there is for mailing lists?
Not really, AFAIK
> feels like Haskellers would invite Jehova's witnesses in for tea just to proselatize Haskell to them
since IRC servers don't log anything
I never understood why there isn't one, at least for the open channels.
you can have a bot log everything in your channel, if you want
yeah, that's what I'd think could easily be done as a service to mankind.
Increase global entropy some more by storing more data.
How big can a chat room be anyway.
less than 10-hour cat video on youtube shrugs
@rubenvb i've seen them
@rubenvb does entropy increase when duplicating information? Not in the information-theory sense, I guess. In the physics sense, yes... But that's not really an "action". Entropy is forever increasing anyways
@JohanLarsson It's only annoying in C++, because it's ass-backwards.
but entropy does increase when you introducing new rumours, right?
@sehe I always mean physics sense. I'm a physicist after all.
user image
Just use one type; think like Haskell.
@rubenvb tell me how's special relativity differ from general relativity then
shudda known.
Only physicists reimplement posix shells
@chmod711telkitty local intertial frames in special relativity, curved space-time (i.e. not only local inertial frames) in general relativity.
@sehe Haha, I never got far there though. I haven't done much besides program bad abs benchmarks lately :-(
Benchmarks which seemed to be very system-dependent (duh!)
@R.MartinhoFernandes wut
@BartekBanachewicz See picture above
@R.MartinhoFernandes I want to see the one for the Lounge (do I really?) :-P
@rubenvb All you'll see is a giant "FUCK" and "C++"
@Xeo I'm looking at the picture but I am not sure what that is. Did robot build a sentence from the most repeated words in haskell IRC?
10 mins ago, by Xeo
okey I suck
coffee, at C++?
I'd like to see this in 2014
@Nican Haven't read it yet. But he's a great author, so I assume it's good.
@rubenvb if nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, then tell me how fast does the tip of a light beam travel in relation to the tip of another light beam traveling in the opposite direction?
@chmod711telkitty The speed of light.
That was easy.
ITT telkitty cannot into relativistics
> I've changed the working title to Effective Modern C++
I just saw that
lol, nobody has ever practically proved relativity
@chmod711telkitty They have proven it in practice.
@chmod711telkitty 'cept that this sentence was relatively dumb.
GPS has to account for it.
@BartekBanachewicz people are gullible
@chmod711telkitty right, GPS utilizes elves
@Xeo I'm still curious :-P Bad habit...
The predictions of general relativity were observed in an eclipse in 1919.
@chmod711telkitty Light always travels at the speed of light, regardless what (inertial) frame of reference you choose. Note that there is no intertial frame for a photon. That messes with your head when you think about it.
I think the idea of nothing can travel faster than light is more or less based on the theory that photon has no mass
> more or less
I mean it's probably based on some science, more or less.
Like, you know, photons. Photon science.
based on maths
forgot to "inb4" that
@chmod711telkitty not really.
In Einstein's Special Relativity, it's just a given, together with basic rotational and translational symmetries. In the Standard Model with all the Quantum Field Theory mumbo jumbo it also boils down to that, but indeed the particle masses and stuff come into the picture.
> Please take into account that the tracking of your parcel is only available within a few hours after its shipping.
I wonder why that is.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Relativity. Obviously.
The bits cannot take hours to travel to the website.
@R.MartinhoFernandes couriers' devices might not synchronize until they return to base.
theory only says it can't be faster than the speed of light, it doesn't say it can not be slower than a tortoise
And since I got that in an e-mail, there is a computer somewhere that knows about the parcel already.
@BartekBanachewicz Not that. It's not even at "it shipped and we have no idea what now".
@R.MartinhoFernandes the parcel number is assigned when the order is placed.
It's at "the parcel with that number doesn't exist"
oh. oh.
also TIL
In theoretical physics, quantum field theory (QFT) is a theoretical framework for constructing quantum mechanical models of subatomic particles in particle physics and quasiparticles in condensed matter physics. A QFT treats particles as excited states of an underlying physical field, so these are called field quanta. For example, quantum electrodynamics (QED) has one electron field and one photon field; quantum chromodynamics (QCD) has one field for each type of quark; and, in condensed matter, there is an atomic displacement field that gives rise to phonon particles. Edward Witten de...
I don't know, it just seems to me that general relativity is an elegant fortress which was build on a huge pile of sand ...
8 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
The predictions of general relativity were observed in an eclipse in 1919.
You can pretend reality doesn't exist all you want.
@chmod711telkitty It's an elegant concept that leads to f-ugly math that is almost unworkable.
But it makes you look like an idiot. Or delusional.
A total solar eclipse occurred on May 29, 1919. With a maximum duration of totality of 6 minutes 51 seconds, it was one of the longest solar eclipses of the 20th century. It was visible throughout most of South America and Africa as a partial eclipse. Totality occurred through a narrow path across central Brazil after sunrise, across the Atlantic ocean and into south central Africa ending near sunset in eastern Africa. Observations This eclipse was photographed from the expedition of Sir Arthur Eddington to the island of Principe (off the west coast of Africa). Positions of star images ...
GPS doesn't work unless you account for relativity.
Apart from the fact that it describes only 30% of what is in the universe, it hasn't been proven wrong yet.
@DeadMG It works, just not with great quality.
IIRC, the error was something like 30km/day.
I know some of those words.
the kind of thing that would make it unusable for most of the uses we put it to.
We have a nutcase that sometimes wanders onto the university with billboards saying GPS isn't real and satellites cannot be in orbit.
It's sad and he should get mental help :-(
(he started a PhD in physics according to a professor)
And then, understandibly, went completely mad.
TIL about that too:
An eigenvector of a square matrix A is a non-zero vector v that, when the matrix is multiplied by v, yields a constant multiple of v, the multiplier being commonly denoted by \lambda. That is: A v = \lambda v (Because this equation uses post-multiplication by v, it describes a right eigenvector.) The number \lambda is called the eigenvalue of A corresponding to v. If 2D space is visualized as a piece of cloth being stretched by the matrix, the eigenvectors would make up the line along the direction the cloth is stretched in and the line of cloth at the center of the stretching, whose ...
Why am I studying CS again.
When I did linear algebra (thinking it was just planes and vectors), I had a hard time learning about all dat eigen shit
but then it seems to crop up all the time
Fucking clouds.
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, the figures calculated by relativity were not completely right either
I was not aware that clouds fucked.
seems to me that in uniform scaling all vectors should be eigenvectors, right?
@chmod711telkitty That's not how science works.
besides symbolic ( / discrete) maths, science is never "completely right"
@R.MartinhoFernandes What, you mean a theory does not calculate its results all by itself so scientists can just talk about it over coffee? Damn, I need to find a new job.
Theories should find themselves. Lazy bums.
@BartekBanachewicz Physics can be completely right up to experimental error, which is all that matters. The experiment determines the domain of parameters and the precision in which these can be determined.
@Xeo Also programs should write programs
@R.MartinhoFernandes Psst. Slack.
@rubenvb oh but of course. Troughout the history, the "experimental error" sometimes was a hint of the theory being too simple or inadequate, though.
> Thus the result of the expeditions to Sobral and Principe can leave little doubt that a deflection of light takes place in the neighbourhood of the sun and that it is of the amount demanded by Einstein's generalised theory of relativity, as attributable to the sun's gravitational field.
Q: detect if "std::function" points to "std::shared_ptr" object?

Hhutis it possible to rebuild the connection back from a std::function pointer back to an std::shared_ptr<> object instance? I wanna know to which object holds this std::function<> it's function ptr. For example: class Foo { public: void doIt1( int i ); void doIt2( int i ); }; void f() { ...

... what?
@R.MartinhoFernandes As I always say, give me the figures, the numbers
> eigenvectors All non-zero vectors
I was right!
@chmod711telkitty I did.
It's all there.
yes, which page?
All the parameters of the observations, everything.
@chmod711telkitty All of it. All of it is important.
It explains how the measurements were conducted.
@sehe, In reality his question is not "How do I do this with boost" it is "I am using boost to get the inode, but it doesn't work on Windows - how can I make it work on windows. Can I do it using boost if not then how?". — Ben 2 mins ago
good luck with your psychic career :)
If you don't care about that, the numbers don't matter.
@chmod711telkitty if you're asking for "numbers" and then TLDRing a scientific publication, then I don't know what the fuck are you going on about.
@Xeo because, you know it would be unfortunate to inadvertently invoke a shared pointer!
@BartekBanachewicz Fuck eigenvectors. Reminds me of the nightmare of 'Vibrations and Waves' at uni and that Scottish bastard Maxwell :((
@BartekBanachewicz Not really. Things like the discrepancies in Mercury's orbit were clearly not due to experimental error.
then I guess you two also read about why the figures can be off right?
it is all there
Experimental error is not a hint of anything. It's a constant presence.
I scan thru the article
@chmod711telkitty lol?
@R.MartinhoFernandes nope, by now I know you are not of engineering/science discipline
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's why I ""'d it
@chmod711telkitty What is that supposed to mean?
Any hearthstone players?
I think @Rapptz and @ThePhD.
@ÓlafurWaage me
I'm completely hooked. Having withdrawal effects while in town and don't have my pc.
@ÓlafurWaage I play mostly on my iPad vOv
@chmod711telkitty Yes, it's there. So what? How off can they be?
They should do a linux port (since it's unity), but blizzard are not known to do linux anything I think
Means, when you are doing a physics or engineering experiment (to prove a theory), there are ways to minimize those errors. The error is not constant, you can average it out, using different methods. There are many ways. Difference between a theoretical figure and the measured value HAS to be answers. It is not ALWAYS there.

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