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FLTK is so awesome
what's that?
@Crow A light C++ GUI library
You sure it's C++?
sounds all kinds of fancy!
#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Window.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Button.H>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
   Fl_Window* w = new Fl_Window(330, 190);
   new Fl_Button(110, 130, 100, 35, "Okay");
   w->show(argc, argv);
   return Fl::run();
FLTK is extremely meh
memory leak, presumably?
They're probably owned by some global root object
or does it require this manual dynamic allocation?
"hitting the sack" now tata
Most of GUI libraries tend to not be very good
see ya
@Rapptz Fl::run(); running for your life sounds about right
@CatPlusPlus Qt has managed to not suck as much.
Apparently this time it's just shitty documentation
hahaha suddenly "ARGGH ArrGH Arr!"
is there any difference of where a ready queue and a waiting queue live, or are they merely in a different state in the same queue?
@ThePhD you used UE 4 during the beta or something, right?
It's in beta right now
So he used it during the alpha or something :v
probably a dumb question... but how does one select a database?
what do you mean ... like 'use (database)' in mysql?
'WebGL' aka 'go download those proprietary drivers'
half fps is enough!
@Mysticial lel
1 hour later…
Some strange performance issues were from spawning threads after setting CPU affinity, not realizing it was inherited.
λ .\regex.exe
25515 ms
TIL <regex> sucks
In my point of view, regexes are a still black box of magic.
1 hour later…
@Rapptz Yeah - I don't understand that. The Button does not seem to be associated with the Window - it has no owner and no parent. I don't understand how the Button gets displayed.
Yeah I don't understand the snippet either.
the button isn't even associated with a variable so how will it ever get deleted?
@Rapptz The GUI frameworks I've used have a global 'application', or another component container, as a ctor parameter, so that an ownership tree can be built up.
Yeah, FLTK awesomeness can be confusing at first glance
@Kahler It's confusing at second glance too.
Okay, okay... I program for hobby, so I don't know how you judge it. I find it easy, light, well-done.
Not ~very C++~ that the ownership of the stuff (herm.. widgets) goes automatically to the current parent, but I like it.
by not ~very-c++~ I'm trying to befriend with rapptz s2
aaaand that's it
@Kahler I had a very quick look at the docs and, I have to say, stuff like 'The easiest way to wait for a window to close is to use the Fl_Window::shown() and Fl::wait() methods in a while loop:' don't fill me with confidence:(
It's just a suggestion.
woah I 'love' the documentation:
static int 	damage ()
 	If true then flush() will do something.
I surely hope when I can a function, it will do something
hahaha where's that? Aren't you reading the beta-version documentation?
Sorry Kahler. FLTK is not awesome.
What can I say... May be one day you will use and then BOOM love felling
the thing that annoys me the most is how much I have to navigate 'till I find a cool question
maybe playing with tag filters will help...
that time of the month - exactly 27 days
Full Moon? Period? Renewed mobile internet?
4 mins ago, by telkitty.exe
Not according to ^-- this
@telkitty.exe bugged
@StackedCrooked overhyped and blown out of proportion
how do you know?
for non-behavioural situations, mice are in a very controlled environment where smell & touch wouldn't even effect them
when it comes to behavioural situations we use apes instead usually
@StackedCrooked 'cause this is what I do in life
and well, as always
science is a peer review process so you need more than one study to be absolutely conclusive
:v wow a lot more people use mice for behaviour than I thought
Do any other stress factor even get considered anyway? 0o
they should
but reality is harder than that
it's hard to control all variants
temperature, light, smell, etc
... being experimented upon
that's supposed to be variables
At first glance i though it was just a fun discovery since... well.. it's caricature that women fear mice
I'm kind of tired, but by now I agree with you that it won't change much stuff
it'll change stuff
just not everything
@LightnessRacesinOrbit nice eh :)
This might be a dumb question, but do variables declared as const get allocated before the other variables?
constant variable! how lovely >_<
their constructors must behave predictably relative to the constructors of surrounding objects
but the ones declared as static do?
Eww, global state.
The book you are looking for is "Effective STL" by Scott Meyers. — FredOverflow 46 secs ago
> when to use what STL
It's quite unlikely that you can just change your mind later and simply delegate to a different container: Beware the illusion of container-independent codeFredOverflow 1 min ago
vastly underrated Item
The only line of code in main that makes any sense is return 0;Ed S. 7 hours ago
@telkitty.exe no. unless they're declared at namespace (or global) scope (and the static keyword is not necessary there)
I see you wish to ban jQuery from Stack Overflow. You should totally drop that and try jQuery. < attitude of most answerers on SO — OneKitten 19 mins ago
@FredOverflow I think this notion is incredibly outdated.
I've written "container-independent" code just fine
@Rapptz It takes work. I also think it's rather easy. But then there's the fallacy of semantics: you can write code that searches vectors and sets just the same, but it requires brain engagement to do it smartly.
And no, it's not as simple as std::find(begin(v), end(v),...) vs. set::find(...)
@sehe using 'extern'?
@Rapptz And have you observed any real benefit by doing that?
I'm just gonna stick to my vector, cover my ears and repeat "na na na can't hear you na na na" ;)
C++11 added a few "warts" I suppose
i.e. std::forward_list
What exactly do you mean by "container-independent code" anyway?
Writing library functions that work on ranges? That usually works decently.
What doesn't work (or just doesn't happen in practice) is saying "I'm gonna start out with a vector, and then three months down the line I notice I'll be better of with a set."
@Rapptz Why is it a wart?
@FredOverflow Yeah essentially.
It's not particularly easy though
Well, std::algorithm does it, so yeah, it's certainly doable :)
because of all the iterator categories and what not
But that's not what Scott Meyers is talking about IIRC.
@VáclavZeman I always found it troublesome to work with. In my concepts file I had to make a specific trait just for it (is_forward_list) and I just don't like it.
He is talking about hiding a container behind a domain-driven interface, and then later change to a different container. It's practically impossible to do that without breaking the interface.
I had an special_inserter thing that delegated to back_inserter or inserter depending on operations you can do with the container
(that was one of the issues he mentioned...)
but yeah, I guess I see what you mean
I guess it only provides weak iterators/interface compared to other containers.
My MP3 player arrived. :D
@rightfold huh? you have no mobile phone?
I do, but its music player is crappy.
And it has only 2 GB of storage, instead of 160 GB.
@rightfold you have more than 2GB of music?
Yes. :v
Morning boys and girls
@JanDvorak you don't o_O?
@ScarletAmaranth I'm using Youtube and Spotify
and transgender, and transwomen, transmen, etc...
I have 11 GB of music.
YouTube is crappy quality and Spotify costs a fortune because it requires an Internet connection.
...androgynous, pangender, trigender...
I don't like Spotify at all.
@Jefffrey I'm a brick.
@Rapptz Why?
@rightfold Morning to you too.
I have mostly *.flacs so "my size is artifically inflated"
ads are annoying as fuck and it doesn't have all the music I listen to.
@rightfold I use an FM radio on mobile
but there's 97gB music sitting here
FM is horrible quality and there is no radio station that always plays exactly the song I want to listen to.
@Rapptz Well, that's to be expected from a platform that gives you music legally and for free.
Well, I don't like it :v
@ScarletAmaranth My music is all FLACs too except I turn them into 320kbps mp3s to save space.
@Rapptz ewwww
My music is all MP3.
^ sametiez
@ScarletAmaranth Saves space. Plus the difference is not that big for 99.999999999% of the headphones I use.
I can only tell the difference on my ATH-M50s.
@Rapptz sure, if you listen to music on a potato, it doesn't matter :)
Nice shitpost
IntelliJ :omg:
@Rapptz lol 320kbit/s MP3. Have you considered Ogg Vorbis?
I'm not sure if my phone can play .oggs :v I'd be surprised if it couldn't
@Rapptz Have you done the necessary blind ABX tests to establish that?
I still keep the FLACs on my computer so I just convert
@FredOverflow Sorta.
Extract method.
So awesome.
@rightfold What IDE are you using with what language, now?
IntelliJ with PHP.
Its analysis tools are nice.
They found a bug. :V
Yeah. But if you're gonna get all lyrical about that then, by all means, you should immediately switch to Java. Because their Java support is (obviously) far superior!
No way am I going to use Java.
I'd much rather use Clojure or Scala if I have to target the JVM.
@LiverpoolsNumber9: Then why are you consistently acting like one? — Lightness Races in Orbit 24 secs ago
Q: Why won't my project include vectors or arrays?

user3533423So I'm still learning C++ and I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. I am using the Code::Blocks IDE and despite including the vector and array header it gives me a big list of errors and says nothing was declared in this scope. The code is very basic: #include <iostream> #include <vector> #i...

guy took "Do use a const for the number of strings" too literally
Not literal enough
@Xeo I nearly commented on that q last night but decided not to bother
I like all the ...
I don't get your comment tho
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ?
The []hehehe... part?
Looks like Go.
A slice of hehehes.
why is he doing it?
@Xeo yeah
hi btw
using PHP is a bug
using PHP = is_a_bug;
Just to stay on topic, iunno.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I wrote a proposal to have []f do basically what the macro in that one answer does
except in-line, like a lambda
Have not seen @scottw for ages ...
#define LIFT(f) [](auto&&... a) -> decltype(auto){ return f(std::forward<decltype(a)>(a)...); ]
cept it would work in a few other situations
@ScarletAmaranth true.dat
> Coates also said that only two people were working in the Games' test event department with tournaments scheduled to start this year
oh my
Fuck this HTTP library throwing exceptions when the response has a status code in the 4xx range.
@rightfold still better than abort/exit
@rightfold you'd prefer..?
All an HTTP client library must do is sending request and returning response.
What I want to do with the response is up to me.
It must do nothing else.
If a thing a library wraps has any kinds of errors, that library should handle those errors accordingly to the language it's written and used in.
nsfw Where can I get that couch?
I kinda agree, I don't really see how try { request(); } catch(whatever) { ... } is unreasonable for handling bad requests.
@rightfold I dunno. I think it should let you handle a valid response by default. If it's a non-200 response I don't think it's unreasonable to pass that to you by exception.
4xx is not an exceptional situation
It's certainly better than allowing you to ignore errors.
exceptions aren't for exceptional situations.
that's just a dumb catchphrase.
@Abyx Depends on your definition of "exceptional". In the context of "I requested page X and I expect page X back", being told "that page doesn't actually exist" is certainly exceptional
yeah, what puppy said
the term "exceptional" implies that something has to be really rare to be worthy of exception handling, but that's not it at all. A non-primary use case is sufficient. Not really a "corner case" in terms of code because you must handle non-200 responses, but from a user point of view it absolutely is a corner case.
exceptions are for when you cannot honour your contract due to unavoidable run-time conditions.
I guess @Abyx would only use exceptions for HTTP 418 responses? :P
@LightnessRacesinOrbit non-200 is also 3xx Redirect and 401 Unauthorized
I wouldn't use exceptions for response codes at all
I wouldn't throw on redirects, I'd just re-issue the request to the redirect address, or maybe just let the user re-request if he wants to.
again, agreed
401 certainly an exception is appropriate
the web server has taken exception to your HTTP request. what's the problem
anyways, a string http_get_as_str(URL) should throw, but Response http_transact(Request) should not
@Abyx I'll give you that
@DeadMG That's very well put. Congratulations.
I am a genius, what were you expecting
@DeadMG The opposite of you being a genius
@DeadMG you are, for a dog
did you hear about Pardew?
well I did
@LightnessRacesinOrbit cool story
@Abyx thanks
aw, /xyzzy doesn't do anything in chat
:D 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌 — Lightness Races in Orbit 4 secs ago
not sure whether this is a banana or a pineapple, cos chrome
it's a babana
six of them
ok good
tradition holds
i want unicode bananas
just the flat black ones tho
> Mac's Match the Hatch is a full featured fly fishing simulation. This fly fishing experience is made from 3d maps of fishing holes on real rivers, models of genuine trophy fish and actual hatches during the seasons you would expect streamside. Real life strategies and tactics are used to catch fish in the game. The game features many unique attributes, including an animation system where the player never experiences the same thing twice.
in The Bridge on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Jun 14 '11 at 5:10, by Lazers
Q: DOS game about being a fish and fish activities

OrigamiRobotProbably about 15 years ago, I played an old DOS game at school where you choose a fish and you go about your fishy way doing fish things. The game would present you with an opponent. This opponent could be another fish, debris in the water, or random food bits. For each opponent, you decide h...

> you choose a fish and you go about your fishy way doing fish things
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I've obviously upset you somehow as you're all over this page with negative comments about the question. I hope you're ok. — LiverpoolsNumber9 29 secs ago
i.imgur.com/rvcH0ti.png maybe today is a good time to close down my LinkedIn account o.O
#hoopjumping Dat awkward moment when you finally figured out how to install that .dmg into your Applications on MacOS http://t.co/OjASMxu9iH
They really ought to build in "round-of-applause.wav" to make me feel even more accomplished stupid when succeeding
dat awkward moment when you realise you're running MacOS
I'm not running it. I'm just using it. To support our native client. Yes.
I'm not proud of that in itself. I'm proud of my stamina. I'm proud of my professional pride to make it work.
So you finding it hard to use? Not user friendly?
Yes. You heard it here first: Im proud of my pride
What's the gripe with MacOS?
@TonyTheLion hehe. Indeed. It's hard to use <cough/> intuitive <cough/> UIs if all you want to do is get the frickin' job done.
@TonyTheLion Not much. Just awkward keyboarding (took 2 days before I found out that I can make the function-keys function as... function keys in the preferences).
I keep scrolling the wrong way (I blame mouse-oriented apps).
oh I see
@TonyTheLion Toooonnnnnyyyyy! :D
How ya been?
for all these non-programmer users raving about how "great" Mac is, I haven't found many Loungers to like it
Apple-, for "settings" just makes so much sense. Dismissing a window is alway as easy as pressing Apple-W. Apple-Q. Or, escape, actually. And sometimes nothing works (because you need to press the Cancel button)
@GamesBrainiac been well.
@sehe The thing that pisses me off most about macs are the keyboards.
What about you?
@TonyTheLion Busy with research and book writing, as well as learning python. What about you?
@TonyTheLion Well, I like many things. I was awed with the ability to come up with all history and windows unchanged across reboot. More systems should have this easily enabled (not by default).
@GamesBrainiac work work work
@sehe ah I get it
I liked the fact that my first thing was Apple-T to summon a terminal, and I was soon flying with wget to get eclipse, and running that etc.
@TonyTheLion Sounds like the modus operandi for everyone here :P
It's mostly okay, of course. Only... Screenshot? Shift-Apple-4 ?!?!?!?!
WHo the hell comes up with that shit?!
@sehe No its ctrl + shift + c
@sehe inb4 Steve Jobs
No browser-back key ? ("delete" appears to work in Chrome, though)
@GamesBrainiac negative. Also, where do you think it ends up? "Nothing" appears to happen. So, clipboard? Nah. You guess it!
@sehe You sure? it ends up in pbcopy.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Christ. Lighten up. — LiverpoolsNumber9 11 mins ago
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That's actually what keyboard oriented users /do/. I have a lot of spells/incantations and the computer just obeys.
Quite the opposite of spending multiple days working out how exactly to pleasure that overkill installation pretty pictogram-infested window
@sehe That's one of the nicest things about Macs IMHO. That and Shift-Apple-3. And the picture is delivered to your desktop.
Fuck you Solr I win.
Just freaking amazing.
@GamesBrainiac Nope. It ends up on the desktop. You're probably using somewhat more sane extensions/apps. Although A-S-c is awesomely intrusive.
Shift+Command+4, Space.
No need to fucking open Paint and paste the damn image.
@rightfold Sooooo intuitive
Fuck manually dragging rectangles.
Just click the window.
@sehe Few years back: "Oh HJKL for movement? Soooooo intuitive!"
@Jefffrey What. You livin' under a rock? I've got a simple script, and it sends directly to imgur. Hows that for convenience? (And yes, I can edit on the fly)
@sehe Oh well. Not much i can do there.
@Jefffrey PrtScr has been around for ~30 years
@Jefffrey Where go dino?
Disk images with applications and symlinks to /Applications are silly, though.
Just give me a zip with the application in it.
@Jefffrey Or, you know, maybe make it discoverable (that's a novel concept for a "user-friendly desktop")
@rightfold It turns out to be, effectively, that
@sehe That's an "advanced feature"
Holy shit, my pasta
trolololol. That's what I mean.
@sehe except double clicking a zip unpacks it and moves the zip to the trash.
@TonyTheLion They make a pretty bad impression with non-English keyboards here in the UK.
At least, that's the behavior I configured.
It's only advanced because a moron decided to make it difficult.
@sehe, why are you battling with a mac, again?
@sehe I just set Dropbox to automatically capture my screenshots
that sounds dangerous
@gamesbrainiac because: always be learning. And: tackle your own problems (work might have something to do with it as well) :)
exec("curl http://$host/solr/update --data '<delete><query>*:*</query></delete>' -H 'Content-type:text/xml; charset=utf-8'");
exec("curl http://$host/solr/update --data '<commit/>' -H 'Content-type:text/xml; charset=utf-8'");
So much better than using curl or Guzzle PHP APIs. :P
@Jefffrey he's a masochistic polar bear.
@rightfold you still use php?
Yes. :3
@GamesBrainiac He will for the entire summer, I bet.
No, next project will not be in PHP.
And it will be during summer and fall.
@rightfold Why do you even consider php for the use of a project?
I mean, even js is better.
Because my colleague is most proficient in PHP.
Kill him/her and find another?
@rightfold Then you need new colleagues.
@Jefffrey Geez man, if you advise someone to kill someone else, then you could atleast use some form of euphemism :P
(@NSA: I was kidding)
I wonder whether I should train for a marathon this year
As if the NSA cared about you

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