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I actually probably have upvoted this because it is brilliant... But I recently read a meta post about how you should downvote when it may be factually correct, but not appropriate. I would post the link but I cannot find it at the moment — Outlaw Lemur 1 min ago
@OutlawLemur Believe me, i've seen it. And the majority certainly didn't agree :/ — sehe 22 secs ago
I wish my room had a slightly lower temperature and a slightly higher humidity.
@rightfold That link just crashed chrome for me.
@rightfold what a waste...
can anyone recommend free 2d game engine to crossplatform win mac ios and android?
dat je daar op komt...
@Klasik You already asked that before.
@rightfold yes and I can find answer. I googled a lot
@Klasik what kind of game do you want to make?
@HamZa d game breakout I need really best engine :)
@Klasik Love2D. SFML. PyGame.
@Nican thx I wil read about them...
Again that attitude "best, easy and fast. Preferably free"
And 24/7 on the phone customer support.
what about Box2D?
That is a physics engine.
Whee, finally through the first Japanese from Zero book.
On to the second!
why are you reading Japanese?
@JohanLarsson s/reading/learning/
what is the difference?
That the book is not Japanese-only?
Anyways, I learn it for fun
They don’t imply one another.
@rightfold js might be awesome
@Xeo #respect
JS is shit.
@HamZa No. o.o
awww try true / (true - true) :D
true / (true - true) = Infinity
false / (true - true) = NaN
Actually, that is kind of correct.
(true - true) is pretty rare ime
0.3 * true would make some sense perhaps
@Nican It is?
1/0 is infinity.
0/0 is undefined.
true - true casts both operands to 1, and division by 0 is Infinity.
cast to 1
1 / 0 is +- inf no?
> +true
welcome to the world of javascript
@Nican with limits
1/0, mathematically, is undefined, but taking the limit is infinity.
or neg inf?
true / (true - true) = true / (1 - 1) = 1 / (1 - 1) = 1 / 0 = Infinity
false / (true - true) = false / (1 - 1) = 0 / (1 - 1) = 0 / 0 is NaN
technically it's any constant / a number that tends to 0
Just makes sense. JavaScript has a weak type system. vOv
Enough JS in the room! I lost some IQ already.
There is nothing weird about this.
It may be undesirable but it is consistent.
The weird is that it's mathematical incorrect.
But who cares about math. Just ignore it.
in English Language & Usage on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, yesterday, by skullpatrol
math is to physics what masturbatation is to sex
@JohanLarsson Other way around.
Math is pure.
@rightfold Simpler, cleaner, purer
@Jefffrey What is? The implicit conversion or 1 / 0 being infinity?
Because the latter is how floating point numbers work. It’s not specific to JavaScript.
Implementation should be irrelevant. Any number divided by 0 is mathematically incorrect and should generate an error.
Kindly write your proposal to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
I'd rather just don't write JS. I'm lazy.
Write in another language that offers floating point numbers.
@rightfold lol
@Jefffrey std::cout << (1.0/0); // inf
There's plenty about floating-point maths on computers that doesn't abide by the generally-accepted rules of mathematics, if you look at it from a certain level of abstraction. I mean, you can claim that floating-point inaccuracy is wholly unsurprising if one somehow artificially limits the precision of your inputs and outputs even in mathematical terms, but traditionally one does not expect 0.1+0.9 to result in anything other than 1.
>>> 1.0 / 0.0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
@LightnessRacesinOrbit At least a warning is raised.
@Jefffrey It doesn't have much to do with the language other than the FP model the language chooses to use; that doesn't differ much because it stems from processor support on typical architectures
irb(main):001:0> 1.0 / 0.0
=> Infinity
@Jefffrey Only if both operands are constant
Of course.
csharp> 1.0 / 0.0
Zoidlang> 1.0 / 0.0
Operation not supported yet
Who needs viruses
With sysadmins like that
Wide> 1.0 / 0.0
var dictionary = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, List<string>>();
var s1 = dictionary.GetOrAdd(1, x => new List<string>()); // Option 1

var s2 = new List<string>(); // Option 2
var s3 = dictionary.GetOrAdd(1, s2);
@LightnessRacesinOrbit depends on what boost::multiprecision::cpp_dec_float_100 does.
Zoidlang would default to decimals.
Java> 1.0 / 0.0
which one is more efficient? First reads better.
continue the joke...
@Jefffrey java.lang.math.division.exceptions.DivisionProbablyNotAGoodIdeaException
@JohanLarsson should be identical, in reality option 2
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ..FactorySingleton
@sehe Option 2 has a guaranteed allocation? Dunno about the lambda, hope it is only created once but no idea.
ls> <[foo bar baz]> * ', '
'foo, bar, baz'
ls> sep = ', '
', '
ls> <[foo bar baz]> * sep
Seriously, how many times do you actually want to be able to catch such an error and how many times do you plan to play with Infinity and NaN?
One of the few things I dislike about LiveScript is its special treatment of operators used on literals.
@JohanLarsson It is a useless micro-optimisation that you probably don’t need to worry about.
@JohanLarsson it's just more complex to optimize. Lambdas need classes to be generated. This involves construction, virtual invocation, and a whole lot less locality of reference. Of course, the JIT-er could optimize this, but I'm not convinced it will boil all the day down to the equivalent statements
@rightfold And that
meh microoptimization is fun
> And by the way, do we really want a programmer whose only stimulus to learn are tits? (about codebabes.com)
No. Get the fuck out of my industry.
@JohanLarsson Ah wait. I see now. The allocation is being made lazy there. I forgot to take the semantics of GetOrAdd into account. In that case: profiling is your only hope, because it all depends on the usage patterns
The question is moot.
We won't get programmers starting from that disposition. It's a law of physics.
@rightfold Just cos you prefer dicks
codedicks.com oh my god.
that was posted either yesterday or this morning
& I love that you actually went to check whether it existed
you must be so happy now
No. I found it on the twitter page of @CodeBabes.
http://CodeDicks.com, noice! More skin though? Pen in mouth guy has serious potential.
sure, it was just a co-incidence, right
@sehe profiling allocations sounds tricky. Not that important, readability makes option 1 an easy pick imo.
21 hours ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Speaking of dicks.
Time to get some food.
@JohanLarsson why? it's still profiling
I’m hungry.
@sehe I lack skill :)
I never profile.
also the real cost shows up when the GC starts doing work right?
I abandon the project before performance becomes an issue.
@sehe Moot? How?
@rightfold should be one msg for star
> ² North American
having little or no practical relevance.
"the whole matter is becoming increasingly moot"
@sehe The question is moot? Why?
@JohanLarsson You can even profile that. It's not hard. It's just less black and white
@Jefffrey You don't have to ask "do we really need to have programmers that XXXX". You're not getting programmers with disposition XXXX anyways. Chill. They're gonna flop.
The question is moot.
@sehe Oh, like that. Right.
Q: How can I create a password that says "SALT ME!" when hashed?

JoelHow can I create a password, which when directly hashed (without any salt) with md5 will return a string containing the 8 characters "SALT ME!". The hope is that a naive developer browsing through his user database will see the "hash", realize the insecurity of his application, and eventually mak...

On that note, good night :)
Nothing relaxes me after a long day at work like having a glass of wine and reading through some base64 encoded hash values. — Abe Miessler Apr 22 at 17:01
he he
Nothing relaxes me after a long day at work like having a glass of wine and reading through some base64 encoded hash values. — Abe Miessler Apr 22 at 17:01
er, oops
great minds though eh @rightfold
I can imagine that it is quite a refreshing experience.
> It is obvious that you have not received your fund which is
to the tune of $16.5Million due to past corrupt Governmental Officials
who almost held the fund to themselves for their selfish reason and
some individuals who have taken advantage of your fund all in an
attempt to swindle your fund which has led to so many losses from your
end and unnecessary delay in the receipt of your fund.
Yup, that one. XD
2.4 billion people on the internet
in 2013
Way too many.
> enter link description here
I think postnatal abortion is the best option here.
@rightfold Lots of people agree on that--but they all seem to disagree over who should be aborted (and nearly nobody includes him/herself on that list).
Q: How to use the >> operator in OOP in C++

user3577336I'm "translating" an imperative C++ program to an OOP C++ program and I have a simple question (apparently). In the original program, I have the following code: Song song = askSong(); if(songExists(song) == false) { song.id = nextSong; } Where askSong() returns a song with the inform...

> I'm "translating" an imperative C++ program to an OOP C++ program
Because object-oriented C++ is totally not imperative.
@sehe Hey, new lens (quasi-)tutorials everywhere. Plus more and more code snippets every day. I told ya! (PS: I wouldn’t recommend either of those to my worst enemy.)
Hacked together a simple bar graph widget in Qt tonight, to display the vote results. Soon some details at the blog.
Why isn't the web good enough? o.o
Because they're bad and must keep up appearances (CPLUSPLUS THE BEST BOOH)
Time to sleep.
Is there a chat room for C ?
ok, i shall ask my question here then.
no ? don't ask the question or no chat room for c ?
i'm new to C. i was reading the source code of opentracker and i noticed two functions named 'srandomdev' and 'srandom'. i know what those functions do.my question is, they are not use to get any values.it's just the declaration.what's the usage of that ?
'srandom' can help random() to produce random number but I don't know 'srandomdev'.
@Tony thanks.but as i said i know about those functions.'srandomdev' is similar to 'srandom' .what i want to know is what is the purpose of using them without using their values ?
@Jefffrey It's not incorrect.
Mathematics is not ordinary arithmetic.
@Rapptz Tends to 0 is not exactly 0. theres a discontinuity at 0. But I dont need to tell you that.
glad you passed calculus :v
would you like a more complex example? :)
In real analysis, the real projective line (also called the one-point compactification of the real line, or the projectively extended real numbers), is the set \mathbb{R}\cup\{\infty\}, also denoted by \widehat{\mathbb{R}} and by \mathbb{R}P^1. The symbol \infty represents the point at infinity, an idealized point that bridges the two "ends" of the real line. Dividing by zero Unlike most mathematical models of the intuitive concept of 'number', this structure allows division by zero: :\frac{a}{0} = \infty for nonzero a. This structure, however, is not a field, and division does not ...
I suck at math I can only handle the simple stuff =/
Infinity (symbol: ∞) is an abstract concept describing something without any limit and is relevant in a number of fields, predominantly mathematics and physics. The English word infinity derives from Latin infinitas, meaning "being without finish", and which can be translated as "unboundedness", itself calqued from the Greek word apeiros, meaning "endless". In mathematics, "infinity" is often treated as if it were a number (i.e., it counts or measures things: "an infinite number of terms") but it is not the same sort of number as the real numbers. In number systems incorporating infini...
> Net Neutrality Will Be Saved Only If Citizens Raise an Outcry (thenation.com)
I think they mean "Net Neutrality Will Be Saved Only If Citizens Raise an Outcry By Blocking Pornography" :v
@Rapptz Perry Cox is fucking hilarious
Somayeh Mehri (29) and Rana Afghanipour (3) are a mother and daughter living in Bam, southern Iran. They were attacked with acid by Somayeh’s husband Amir. Somayeh had frequently been beaten and locked up by her husband, and finally found the courage to ask for a divorce. Amir warned her that if she persisted in her attempts to leave him, she would not live out life with the face she had. One night in June 2011, he poured acid on Somayeh and Rana as they slept. Somayeh’s and Rana’s faces, hands, and, in places, their bodies were severely burned. Somayeh was blinded, and Rana lost one of h
I have no words...
i.imgur.com/kVyY097.png a picture of both of them
How someone can rationalize pouring acid on his 3 yr old child is beyond me...
People are taking this answer way too seriously. — BoltClock ♦ 51 secs ago
^^ aha
@Mysticial xD Nice answer
@Borgleader Thanks. :)
guys what does *= mean in this sql? (I know this is c++ chat room, but I really need to know the answer)
for example: Select A.id, B.id from A, B where A.id *= B.id
@RyanFung I suggest you delete this post before it gets you flagged to the point that you're banned from SO for a week or more...
o no! how do I delete this post?
@RyanFung Click the triangle on the left side of the message, then click "delete".
but can i get a quick answer please?
there is no delete button
yes there is
We're not very friendly are we? :D:D:D
flag for montiior?
i swear i don't have edit delete
@Mysticial We are so gracious and welcoming it's enough to give anybody diabetes.
Edit/delete is time-restricted
i can just flag for moderator option
@RyanFung theres a 3 min window
@RyanFung Don't worry about it (but don't expect an answer either).
can you guys give me an answer ?
why are you all so mean to me
you barged in to a c++ room and asked us about sql, demanding immediate answer
also not wanting to asnwer your question isnt exactly mean in and of itself
ok sorry i am leaving
bye and sorry to bother all of you
@Borgleader Tired here, tried to close that popup for a while.
@ThePhD I managed to die before getting to character creation :lol:
why do you need colons for your lols?
Pretty good, I like the horns.
he should have gone with " !!! URGENT !!! ... "
1 hour later…
i am bored. anybody around?
Answering random questions. There should be a sort for "newest+my tags"
@starmole I believe it's been suggested before.
"my tags"?
you mean the favourite ones?
It's probably not useful for regular users. But I just check in every few weeks and feel bored...
I just do [tag:c++*]
maybe my tags just suck :)
this may be the best answer ever posted on MSO — Jeff Atwood ♦ 46 secs ago
^^ Woah...
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei is pretty fun (@StackedCrooked, @Xeo, @Mysticial)
@Mysticial in response to what?
@starmole Click on the "46 seconds ago". It's a link to the comment. Scroll up to find the question in question (so to speak).
@JerryCoffin thanks.. i tried clicking on Jeff's name only :) Silly mole me :)
@starmole Sure--it's not immediately obvious (nor particularly intuitive) that the name and the time are two separate links.
Good read :) Kind of the same problem mmos have. Makes me wonder why jeff is not looking at that. He always seemed to be at least part gamer
Great, now I got another hundred videos to watch...
@Mysticial The "help vampires" are number 2. So basically they are shit, right? ;)
@FredOverflow They are pretty cool...
@FredOverflow Good call.
i remember that guy... youtube.com/watch?v=w-I6XTVZXww is full of shit
Why would it be -1/12? Now I need to watch that too...
they are TED talks of math... sounds smart.. but that's it
I like most of the Computerphile videos. Are they done by the same organization as Numberphile?
yeah I'm not fond of *phile videos.
lol, reminds me of that guy Peter File on The IT Crowd...
computerphile is dumbed down (with good reason, I suppose) and numberphile is purposely misleading
learning to debug with gdb is a pain
and on windows there's no -tui option
I have a strong urge to disagree with you, yet I haven't even watched a single Numberphile video :)
well, I have. And I like to think I'm somewhat decent at math.
Debugging should be unnecessary if you have Unit Tests ;)
the one i linked was really bad
I know, I've ranted about it before
@starmole I already downloaded it. Can't un-download it :(
@FredOverflow I'm debugging to figure out why a unit test is failing.
@Rapptz That sounds helpful.
sounds standard
what always annoys me most in gdb is how hard it is to get raw memory and disasm
λ gdb -tui
C:\mingw64\bin\gdborig.exe: TUI mode is not supported
@rightfold Well, it certainly isn't imperative (read: mandatory) to use OOP in C++ ;)
@Rapptz Any Numberphile videos that aren't that bad? For example, the Feynman safe-cracking episode?
sounds really interesting from the title
I have 14 failing tests and only one ugly solution to them. Adding another interface + mocks
@FredOverflow Oh come on--they're really pretty fun (as long as you don't take them too seriously).
that one is cool
@Rapptz 0 is not 1? I already know taht.
the irrational number ones are fine too (sqrt(2) and pi)
0 factorial!
those are the only ones off the top of my head that seemed cool, but yeah Jerry's right. Just don't take anything seriously on the internet.
to prove 0 != 1 is an early math exercise. and not that easy!
@Rapptz Except advice in the Lounge, right? ;)
@starmole isn't it more a definition?
@starmole 0 != 1 or fac(0) == 1?
the video is talking about 0! == 1
also I'm surprised that I can't find a video about why n^0 = 1
It is unfortunate that ^ is used for bitwise imo
I find that hilarious.
no... very basic math has 0, and something like succ(0)... some very few axioms
it's been a very long time... and i ended up doing cs instead of math
So 1 is succ(0) and hence not that same as 0. QED
@JohanLarsson Lua defined ^ as exponential.
I think F# uses **
most other languages do
Pop quiz: What do Eiffel and Haskell have in common, syntax-wise?
^ for exponentiation?
<- fails quiz
@Rapptz I don't know about that.
I don't either, just a guess
Both use -- for single-line comments.
Wait, are comments even part of syntax?
@FredOverflow i really don't remember enough to give a good explanation. but by knowing succ(0) exists you don't know it's different
@Rapptz Do you like Lua?
Lua's pretty cool
@starmole I thought it was different by definition. Because if it wasn't then by induction all numbers would be 0 :)
@FredOverflow I just looked it up
They use a^b for exponents too
Just like Haskell.
This is really funny... and also quite nicely executed!
@Rapptz So you win!
@Rapptz I'm still annoyed with that you said programming is easy once :). Sure learning syntax is doable but the level of difficulty goes to inf depending on what you write imo.
@FredOverflow again, way too long ago. but that's not enough. that's the weirdness
I still do think programming is easy.
Hard to do it properly though
programming is a craft
@FredOverflow I found out through this sketchy page: tecomp.sourceforge.net/index.php?file=doc/lang/basic.txt
@starmole I remember I had to prove something in University once, and the proof was quite easy with division and modulo or something, but the tutor gave me a bad grade because I wasn't allowed to use division; it had not been introduced yet :)

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