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@DenilsonSá Agreed; OpenGL is far superior to DirectX
In both performance and portability
It also gets access to new features much faster than DirectX through vendor extensions
I just don't like that Microsoft is forcing DirectX 11 on all its Metro-style apps
1 hour later…
@JohannesSchaublitb I've declared the move assignment op as operator=(T volatile const&&) const volatile = delete; to ensure that GCC doesn't pick it over template<typename U> ret operator=(U&&) const;.
Hello ?
I'm trying to compile sox.sourceforge.net
but ./configure fails to work
1 hour later…
> sorry, unimplemented: mangling constructor
Yay, I broke GCC!
@LucDanton In Soviet C++, GCC breaks you!
@DeadMG Disagree. That said, Xcode is awesome in some aspects and annoying in others.
> sorry, unimplemented: mangling dotstar_expr
I win again!
I'm really surprised that Boost.Phoenix's operator->* can do the job of .* (even though it's not guaranteed by the docs). I can't seem to replicate the functionality.
Yeah, screw that! my operator->* shall do the job of .* and this job only.
And now to take care of automatic currification...
Oh wait that's 'currying' in English.
    template<typename U>
    test(U&&, typename void_<decltype(
                    , std::forward_as_tuple(std::declval<Args>()...) ) )>::type* = 0);
Most goofy looking declaration ever.
4 hours later…
So there's suddenly this solo in my room and I'm wondering what the hell is happening.
It turns out I'm still listening to your song.
he he
the even earlier mm sounds like beatles. you might think you rediscovered hitherto unknown beatles songs.
I sure hope I won't ever think that.
Mmmh I just inverted the logic of one of my SFINAE condition and suddenly my code (appears) to work.
I think I'm in too deep.
Oh wait, Phoenix doesn't have automatic currying. I don't feel so bad for not having it then.
Aaaaaaand now I flip again the logic of the test and it appears to work better. At this point I'm just a monkey banging on a keyboard.
Speaking of, time for a banana break.
^ The Yardbirds (with Jeff Beck) "Still I'm sad". I thought it was composed by Rainbow. But it was the Yardbirds.
^ Gregorians version :-)
^ Ritchie Blackmore's version at old age, dunno maybe he was 64 or something here
I'm trying to make something both a bind placeholder and a polymorphic functor, it's making my head explode.
ohhh sounds complicated
Well, when you make a mistake you have no idea why and there's no debugging as such.
Q: "surprising" constant initialization because of definition order

towiWhen reading the slides about constexpr the introduction is about "surprisingly dynamic initialization with consts". The example is struct S { static const int c; }; const int d = 10 * S::c; const int S::c = 5; Alas, the audio track is missing, so are the notes, so I can only guess what i...

@LucDanton oh yea is annoying
sorting a linked list is not O(nlogn) is it?
iirc, with merge sort it is
@JohannesSchaublitb oh wow! hmmmm
BUT im not certain
I don't know why...I just find "lulz" annoying or irritating :S as well as "kk"
I'm just being annoying right now :P
WOW i have new comments on my blog
someone was trying to reach me
@TonyTheLion ha ha
he was trying to send me an "email" to "[email protected]" :)
Is it possible to add syntax highlighting for a new language in Notepad++ ?
@FredOverflow wie gehts?
Is there a standard (or preferred) naming convention for c++?
guess not...
@IntermediateHacker If you look at the C++ standard, the standard naming convention is lowercase with underscores.
@LewsTherin headaches :(
@FredOverflow I had that yesterday and after it ended I got caught in a coding craze. I hope yours turns out into something nice, too.
I haven’t manually called delete in years (except when I am working with legacy C-based libraries)
Quote from C++ developer
But how ???
C++ doesn't have garbage collection? does it?
std::shared_ptr<T>, bitch
I just attempted a grep 'delete' on my code and I get an enormous amount of hits from deleted functions. So much for that.
> The shared_ptr class template stores a pointer to a dynamically allocated object, typically with a C++ new-expression. The object pointed to is guaranteed to be deleted when the last shared_ptr pointing to it is destroyed or reset.
Anyway, the key word is 'manually [call] delete'.
@IntermediateHacker it does
oh oh, the lyrics of 60's! "I'll soon be kissing your sweet little pussycat lips!" - Tom Jones in What's new pussycat
Which is most beautiful and calm song of Michael Jackson you like?
@AlfPSteinbach Thanks proff.
any one send me the linked list insertion and deletion programs in c++
@baljeetSingh what?
insertion at the beginning, end and at any point in the linked list
and same for deletion.
the lulz, do it for them
@MrAnubis Actually I have the "Thriller" album on vinyl. The song above features Eddie van Halen on guitar. He got famous for his "Eruption".
@AlfPSteinbach i am getting internet speed around 120kbps ( in bits ofcourse)
so still watching :)
@MrAnubis oh my you should have like 50 times that, as a minimum
i know this is offtopic, but i'm needing a bit help with java regex expressions. Any1 have 5 min plz?
@AlfPSteinbach my bad , anyways i was asking for any calm and peaceful song of Michael.. you know that relaxes mind
@MrAnubis try grooveshark.com/#/s/Beat+It/3qojIw?src=5 it may work with your internet speed
@AlfPSteinbach : you like arab music ? ( i don't get it though but sounds like chocolate :P )
@MrAnubis generally not, except some arab-FLAVORED music, check out grooveshark.com/#/s/Gypsy+Soul/3F6Eis?src=5
or perhaps more like this one, grooveshark.com/#/s/Egyptian+Danza/3Zseax?src=5
"Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life." Terry Pratchett
1 hour later…
@JohannesSchaublitb you want folks, i want dinner
@JohannesSchaublitb i'm just trolling
that's a deal. you gimme folks, i transform them to dinner
@JohannesSchaublitb i get very annoyed by the history altering of SO
@AlfPSteinbach what do you mean?
@JohannesSchaublitb i'll just have a cold shoulder then, thanks
"history altering" ?
you mean me editing flags?
@JohannesSchaublitb no, people who delete their comments after you have responded to them
yep sometimes I do that too. but only if they are too embarrassing xD
@JerryCoffin Why are you disappointed with your iMac? I have one as well and it's great
OS X is so much nicer to work with rather then Windows
Same goes for the iOS
It's genius
@ManofOneWay perhaps it seems that way compared to windows. i mean, not unreasonable performance. some things that work. one might suspect an engineer was involved.
@AlfPSteinbach He compared it to Windows so..
Whoever is flagging silly things, STOP IT PLEASE
Avra Kadavra everyone ;)
@legion Protego!
hi fellas
comments please!
A: Multiple Definition errors in c++

Alf P. SteinbachYour first error message is circles.o:(.bss+0x0): multiple definition of `screen' In your code, as I write this, there is nothing called "screen". Hence, the problem appears to be solved already. EDIT: now that you have added the contents of (someone else's) graphics.h, the author's ign...

hey what's this flagging?
i didn't notice that i clicked it away until after :-(. don't know what i clicked!
@AlfPSteinbach in the chat you mean?
some random person has been flagging your video's you posted in here
huh, what an idiot
enough of them around
true that :P
@baljeetSingh smells like homework
@FredOverflow that sucks..happened to me on Thursday....hate it :(
hope you get well...can't remember the German
@MrAnubis Does it have to my Michael Jackson? There's plenty of other cool calm stuff:
I'm a big MJ fan and I wouldn't say "Beat it" is calm..but he has some songs that are...
Listen to this
@LewsTherin i thought any mj song i liked
@LewsTherin For headaches? It's literally "Kopfschmerzen", where "Kopf" = "head" and "schmerzen" = "aches".
@LewsTherin what mj song you posted?
@ManofOneWay Its failing are far too numerous to enumerate here, but to summarize: the hardware is overpriced but mediocre (clearly inferior to my ~3 years older PC). Despite legions of adoring fans, the UI is inconsistent and poorly designed (but the current fan base virtually guarantees it can never be fixed). As far as programming goes, its orientation toward Objective C utterly ruins what could otherwise have been a fairly mediocre system.
@AlfPSteinbach ah right..I didn't post a mj song..I posted a song I thought was calming :)
I don't think MJ has any calm songs mmn
@ManofOneWay A couple of days ago I asked a friend of mine which version of Windows she had. Her answer was "10.6" :)
@FredOverflow gute besserung...that's what I was trying to remember
I suppose it's not "good bettering" in English? :)
@FredOverflow oops I thought it meant get well soon lol
@AlfPSteinbach maybe youtube.com/watch?v=33XPuLXJ6p0
@LewsTherin yeah, that's probably it :)
@FredOverflow lol these literal translations are sometimes confusing
@JerryCoffin Also the mouse issue:
@JerryCoffin "Not even a mediocre system" are quite strong words!
@LewsTherin i stole that for facebook
@AlfPSteinbach xD perfect! Fine by me :P
@AlfPSteinbach damn those sorry-not-viewable-in-Germany youtube videos :(
@MrAnubis If you're ever looking for non-calm, you should listen to Merzbow:
The look on the faces of the audience is priceless :)
Oh, here I can even hear some structure! Well, at least in the first 35 seconds...
> Why do people assume that anything weird is "genius" or "artistic." if I shit on the floor, would you people call it "art that's just too deep for most people to understand?"
> The difference is that it actually takes Merzbow effort and work to create this. It sonically may just sound like random noise, but there is extreme effort put into this work, unlike shitting on the floor, which anyone can do. It takes time and patience to do what Merzbow does.
some dude drew a square border of about 2px on a blank piece of cardboard
and it was called art..the price of it was unreasonable
Pixels are not a unit of length >:(
Unless the cardboard was somehow digital.
wasn't lol
damn it
Can't find it
Ah screw it...can't find it
@RMartinhoFernandes hi
Can't you just paint it yourself?
There, am I rich now?
@FredOverflow I'm lazy but I was looking for what it was worth...
And you might be surprised
but yes that's basically what the guy drew and blam! he has lots of money... some people are weird
It wasn't as cool is this, I suppose? :)
Not even close xD
Yep, confirmed. I go away for a while and BAM! 13 new questions. If I'm around, there's one a day.
Great, that bloody Oz implementation doesn't work.
Why do I have to put up with software from 2008, whyyy.
Does amazon.co.uk work for you guys? It's been off here for at least half an hour.
> It's not just you! amazon.co.uk looks down from here.
Seems to be working.
Maybe it's my DNS?
It's here, same for you guys?
Yours and downforeveryoneorjustme.
@FredOverflow Yep, works here.
; <<>> DiG 9.7.2-P3 <<>> amazon.co.uk
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 14178
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 3, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;amazon.co.uk.                  IN      A

amazon.co.uk.           7116    IN      A
amazon.co.uk.           7116    IN      A
amazon.co.uk.           7116    IN      A

;; Query time: 26 msec
@CatPlusPlus The 4.29 works, thanks!
If you are new here, please read the newbie hints. Thank you.
Oh no, it's almost Monday all over again.
yep, monday again, and to me it'll feel like every other damn day
How do I chose between Windows 7 with 32 bit and 64 bit? Are there any disadvantages in choosing 64 bit version?
@FredOverflow not that i know of
Pointers are bigger.
perhaps backward compatibility with old software, but WOW should solve that
Ooh, I lost a Mac-PC war.
What's WOW?
World of Warcraft.
Or Windows on Windows.
@FredOverflow Windows On Windows, allows you to run 32bit software on a 64bit OS
WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) is a subsystem of the Windows operating system that is capable of running 32-bit applications and is included on all 64-bit versions of Windows—including Windows 2000 Limited Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, IA-64 and x64 versions of Windows Server 2003, as well as 64-bit versions of Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7. In Windows Server 2008 R2 Server Core, it is an optional component. WoW64 is designed to take care of many of the differences between 32-bit Windows and 64-bit Windows, particularly involving structural cha...
okay so I guess I should pick the 64 bit version
I only have 2GB of RAM though...
Check the list of software you really need, and then look up if they have compat problems.
But most likely they'll have problems on both 32- and 64-bit Win7 if any.
Oh gosh, there's .
I have a 64bit OS, never really had any issues
allows me to have 8GB of RAM :)
I don't really need much software. I suppose Firefox and Thunderbird run on 64 bit, as do MS Office and Visual Studio? :)
Visual Studio is 32-bit but runs fine on WOW.
What about Exact Audio Copy, that's a very old piece of software.
Office from 2003 on works surely. Dunno about older.
You can always try XP Mode or even standalone VM for stubborn software.
@FredOverflow There's a 2011 release of that.
Are pointers 32 bit or 64 bit in WOW?
@RMartinhoFernandes Oh, I thought it was discontinued.
> Der XP-Modus erlaubt die Ausführung von Programmen, die unter Windows 7 sonst nicht funktionieren würden.
Is "xp mode" the same as WOW?
Well done Firefox. If I select a piece of text, say "Exact Audio Copy", and then "Open Selection In New Tab > Unaltered", it opens a new tab for "http://www.exact audio copy.com/". I think there's a mismatch between our definitions of "unaltered".
Domain names are case-insensitive.
"Exact Audio Copy" unaltered is not "http://www.exact audio copy.com/".
(Notice the "http://www." and ".com/" parts)
It seems it's hard to find drivers for my printer, but that one is a piece of crap, anyway.
That's an addon thing, anyway, I don't have anything like that.
Is 2GB RAM enough for Windows 7 64 bit?
I'd go for 4GB min
I can't "go" for anything, I have 2GB RAM now and that's how it's gonna stay :) I'm simply too old to bother with installing new hardware and fighting compatibility issues and instabilities.
RAM nazi.
well, then you might wanna turn off all the graphical stuff on Win7, else it'll prob go snail pace
@FredOverflow too old??
Compatibility issues with RAM?
Are you saying I should run Win7 in pure console mode or what? :)
Aero runs on GPU.
@TonyTheLion Every time I bought new hardware, I had motherboard/ram compatibility issues. I simply can't stand the stress anymore.
Well, not 'runs', but you know what I mean.
Win7 runs fine on 2GB of RAM. I'm posting this message from Win7 running on 2GB of RAM.
@FredOverflow oh I see
@RMartinhoFernandes 32 bit or 64 bit?
@RMartinhoFernandes oh I see, well at least you can chat on the machine, what else do you need really?
Will Java references also take up 64 bit? That would be quite stupid, wouldn't it?
ohh... donno
@FredOverflow 32-bit.
@FredOverflow .NET references do.
Hm... or maybe I should just jump over my shadow (is that an expression in English?) and buy 8 GB of RAM?
I don't think that's a very idiomatic expression.
never heard of that before...
Damn, someone voted me up. I was at 22222 rep.
8GB of RAM shouldn't be too expensive these days anyway.
Just look into your MB documentation first, and see if it can handle it.
@CatPlusPlus I don't worry about price, I worry about mainboard compatibility and stability :)
@RMartinhoFernandes wankers...I will downvote you :)
Stability of what?
@LewsTherin 5 downvotes would be required to get back to 22222 now.
ready to lose 10 points?
I thought a downvote was -10
Downvote takes 2.
+10 -10
oh ok
screw it then :(
well at least the number is even
@CatPlusPlus This is my mainboard.
Last memory compatibility update was 2007...
You expect me to find the documentation for you, or to have memorised all possible motherboard models in the world? :P
Grow some balls and buy a whole new system.
@CatPlusPlus I already found it, just wanted to let you know :)
(Money helps too.)
@RMartinhoFernandes Waste of money, I really like my system the way it is.
And my balls are big enough for my tastes, thank you very much.
> support up to 8GB DDR2 800/667/533
So, just don't go over that when buying RAM and everything should just work.
If it doesn't, blame the Cat.
If it doesn't, blame ASUSTeK.
Or Java.
The list does not mention 4096 MB modules, is that a bad sign? Or do they not exist?
Oh my. people invite me to those silly facebook games. "CityVille".
What list?
Possibly something like FarmVille, only in a city.
@FredOverflow those modules exist, but your motheroard only supports 2gb per slot
i have a lenovo laptop. and need more RAM. do you think the RAM sticks of my PC will fit into it?
@legion So I would have to buy 4x2GB? I have bad experiences with filling all RAM slots.
@JohannesSchaublitb very unlikely :)
do laptops have other bank styles?
@FredOverflow well yeah if you want the max size. but IMO 4GB is enough :)
Right, just like 640K.
these days 2GB is minimum
1GB is too little
well it depends :)
need to buy a new PC. but I think it will be a laptop again. don't think i will ever buy a PC again. laptops are so much better :)
A laptop is a PC.
i mean, a boxed PC
I plan to make myself a gaming battlestation once I get some more permanent living place.
I agree. that box eats too much electric power and takes too much place :p
although I think I will buy a screen. 17" for the laptop screen and 21" for my desktop screen connected to the laptop
plus you cant take to watch pr0n in bed that box :o
If you don't use power, it'll be wasted!
@legion xD
I'd like to have two 21" displays.
In the early days of electricity, people would put lamps in all power outlets to prevent electricity from leaking.
lol xD
Nowadays they turn everything off to save the planet.
They're supposed to, you mean.
And then they turn everything on at once.
Nowadays they write in C++ to save the planet.
So, people still have no idea how this works, do they?
IME, people turn stuff off to save on bills.
IME, they turn stuf off to save on bills and the planet.
I don't remember if it's worldwide, or just here, but there's this ridiculous "save planet by turning everything off for an hour" thing going on, I think annually or something.
planet is doomed anyway....
Because apparently that stops the power plants from producing energy.
LOL, I just found 2GB RAM under my bed. Bought it five years ago and was too lazy to install it. It's still sealed :)
I'll try to install it tomorrow if I'm bored.
But knowing my luck, it won't work.
If you had my luck, then your HDD would fail.
@CatPlusPlus It's worldwide :(
Oh, both my hard drives are quite old already, I really should upgrade before they fail...
do you think it pays off to buy 2GB of ram for 30 euros for my 4 years old lenovo r60 laptop?
i feel that it doesn't.
Do you plan to buy a new one in the near future?
How much RAM does it have now?
Oh crap, MSYS created like thousand cmd processes.
Why would you want a thousand cmds?
Bloody piece of shit.
Yeah, I would very much like to kill my OS with couple thousand of command processors.
DOS attack on
Recursive batch files.
Stop scaring us.
Oh, look at that, it works even without this annoying recursive behaviour. WELL I NEVER.
Who the hell writes crap like this.
I just realized that boost::optional would meet the NullablePointer requirements if none was nullptr and none_t was nullptr_t.
Hm, it seems 3x2GB is a lot more stable than 4x2GB on my mainboard. Maybe I'll just go for 6GB then.
So, I reinvented optional, for practice. Is it any good? ideone.com/k7JE9
But I did the same a couple of weeks ago, it's a nice exercise :)

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