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There's DreamSpark for high schools.
I got VS ultimate through my Cambridge O Level registration.
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah, DS offers Professional for free for anyone academic
it's MSDNAA that offers Windows for free
some primary schools and secondary schools also have MSDNAA, but it's mostly just universities
anyway. Windows isn't that expensive here. No taxes...
Where do you live?
(And I doubt the greater part of the price on Windows is tax)
Windows 7 ultimate costs 25 OMR i.e 65 US Dollars
Is that inexpensive or did I get ripped off?
that's pretty damn cheap
Windows 7 Ultimate here is £160
that's about $230-250
@IntermediateHacker So cheap !!
Q: Is string::c_str() no longer null terminated in C++11?

MankarseIn C++11 basic_string::c_str is defined to be exactly the same as basic_string::data, which is in turn defined to be exactly the same as *(begin() + n) and *(&*begin() + n) (when 0 <= n < size()). I cannot find anything that requires the string to always have a null character at its en...

I need to re-write my lexer
it suxxors
Are RFCs in the public domain?
Code::Blocks is kind of dumb, it doesn't seem to actually ship with a compiler?
@DeadMG It ships with minGW.
and it is NOT dumb.
@DeadMG there are two main downloads, the large one with MinGW g++
@DeadMG If you downloaded the compiler-less package, it doesn't ship a compiler.
yeah, but I expected that it would accept my VS2010 project
apparently it's too much to ask that a late May 2011 released build would take 2010 instead of just 2005/2008
There's an import from Visual Studio option.
@DeadMG It does support VS Projects.
not 2010 ones
use the "Import for Visual Studio" .
anyway, it isn't dumb...
u mad bro?
as dotty as a dodo.
I hope that the GCC/MinGW version has a nice recent GCC build
I'm going to cry if there's no move semantics
Hey, everyone. I'm in school. Distract me.
@DeadMG If it's 4.5, it's there.
I could explain in great detail exactly what it is inciting my raeg today
And if you want 4.6.1, there's this neat package with boost included: nuwen.net/mingw.html
@RMartinhoFernandes It doesn't say.
@Maxpm Get your head back over that book, boy!
@sbi Yes'm.
@Maxpm implement the three-pile game of nim with user versus computer. you have three piles of matches. when it's your move you must remove at least 1 match and can remove any higher number you want, from just 1 pile. the one stuck with removing the last match has lost.
@sbi hey, don't encourage students
why not just remove all matches except the last one?
@DeadMG You could explain what caused this rant, but how would that differ from you ranting over a language with a - to you - uncommon paradigm, a not as common OS, or whatever else crosses your path and gets judged within 30secs?
@DeadMG Because there are three piles.
@AlfPSteinbach I swear, I had that exact same assignment for computer science last year.
@DeadMG well, you can only remove from 1 pile when it's your turn. likewise for the computer. of course the goal is to end up with position where you can do as you says. :-)
@sbi Hey, let's be fair- the paradigm was far from my only complaint. And I never rant about other operating systems- because I never use them
@DeadMG Ok, I will be fair and take that back. It should have been 90secs, not 30.
@IntermediateHacker Could have at least used a terser language.
500.times do puts "I will not throw paper airplanes in class." end
personally, I would have used python.
Shoot. I still believe the Ruby version will be shorter.
@RMartinhoFernandes print 500*"I will not throw paper airplanes in class\n"
To be fair, the C++ version can be shorter, too. Boost has a library for that. boost::blackboard.
@AlfPSteinbach Neat.
@Maxpm No, it doesn't.
@AlfPSteinbach ur still using Python 2?
@Maxpm Lol.
I installed with the MinGW package, and it still won't compile my hello, world app :(
@IntermediateHacker the first unedited version was python 3.x. but python 2.x is neater like OpenCV library has binding for it.
@AlfPSteinbach Ha, Ruby can beat that.
@AlfPSteinbach yeah, i guess so. anyway. good code.
puts "I will not throw paper airplanes in class\n"*500
One char shorter!
oh, one character shorter!
I think the old Python vs Ruby war is about to begin...
@DeadMG Installed what?
@DeadMG Yeah, the MinGW bundle doesn't work for some reason, IIRC.
Download MinGW separately.
fixed it
just now my "hello, world" program won't work :P
Does anyone know how I might set OS X's "look for binary" location? We comp. sci. students get a folder that has program-running enabled. We can't run things from anywhere else - save for pre-approved applications - even if we compile it ourself. I've downloaded the D compiler to the aforementioned folder, but using it is a hassle when I have to fully qualify the path.
Ugh, damn crappy router doesn't like Windows either.
@Maxpm You mean set the PATH environment variable?
On a bash shell, export PATH=/path/to/the/special/folder:$PATH should do the trick.
@RMartinhoFernandes Does that persist across sessions?
@Maxpm If you put it in your .bashrc.
why do oil companies hire java developers?
@RMartinhoFernandes .bashrc goes in my home folder, right? It doesn't appear to be working. Does it require a full system restart?
@Maxpm Changes in .bashrc are only reflected for new shell instances. For your already running shell, just type it in.
I thought java was only used in coffee shops... :(
@RMartinhoFernandes Ah, it's called .bash_profile in OS X. Also, I think I just overwrote my old one. Oooops.
-bash: cat: command not found
Well that's good.
Ew, now I have to sign up for that Mac SO site.
No, it's not called .bash_profile in OSX. Bash uses one or the other depending on whether the session is interactive or not AFAIR. .bash_profile should normally be source ~/.bashrc.
Well, in either case, I don't have one anymore.
You deleted .bashrc too?
WTH did you do?
I never had a .bashrc in the first place.
At least, I don't think I did.
Tried to feel 1337 with $ echo "the special command" >> ~/.bash_profile and only typed one >?
Nah, I mvd a pre-typed one into it, thinking I didn't have one in the first place.
How might I get to hidden files on a computer without Terminal access?
Files starting with a dot?
Dunno. Take CLI away from me and I'm severely handicapped. Much more so on a Mac.
@Maxpm That's why alias mv='mv -i'
Wait, how can you be without a command-line? Is that even possible?
For example, Windows will strongly oppose me deleting cmd.exe.
I can't even find not hidden files with Mac's shitty Finder.
Can't you type files names on Mac's standard Open File dialogs?
Not having that ability sounds stupid, but I learned to not assume these kind of things on a Mac.
All I know is that you can unmount USB drives by dragging them to the Trash, and that's supposed to make sense.
You can eject CDs/DVDs by dragging them to the Trash.
It physically opens the drive tray when you do that?
AFAIK, yes.
Cool. Or something.
Not really, no.
Hi. I hope this is the right place. I am trying to debug my code. I use valgrind and gdb (linux mahcine) and both of them collapsed when trying to access a vector. I have printed that vector size and it's 0. The strange thing is that I when I run the code normally (same compilation) the vector size is 1000 (what it should be). How come?
I mostly want to understand the debug procedure that cause this. (The real error is someplace else)
I restored my .bash_profile by grabbing the variables from my friend's computer.
Now add alias mv='mv -i' to it, so you won't move stuff accidentally anymore.
(Same can be done for rm).
anyone know any good computer games? (Stupid question, I know. but plz answer.)
care to list them?
Do you want a list of all N hundred?
um.... not exactly, maybe just the top 3 or so.
The top 3 of what. Also, by whose standards?
ok. just the first three that come to ur mind
This really is not answerable. Specify a genre, at least.
can someone explain me about lvalue and rvalue ?
retro ? or maybe strategy (not turn based)?
Q: Lvalue to Rvalue conversions

parc84From 4.1/2 The value contained in the object indicated by the lvalue is the rvalue result. When an lvalue-to-rvalue conversion occurs within the operand of sizeof (5.3.3) the value contained in the referenced object is not accessed, since that operator does not evaluate its operand. O...

I don't know anything about 'retro' genre.
@IntermediateHacker Dota,AOE Counter Strike
Q: What are rvalues, lvalues, xvalues, glvalues, and prvalues?

James McNellisIn C++03, an expression is either an rvalue or an lvalue. In C++0x, an expression can be an: rvalue lvalue xvalue glvalue prvalue Two categories have become five categories. What are these new categories of expressions? How do these new categories relate to the existing rvalue and lva...

Retrogaming, also known as old-school gaming, is the hobby of playing and collecting older computer, video, and arcade games. These games are played either on the original hardware, on modern hardware via emulation, or on modern hardware via ports or compilations. Participants in the hobby are sometimes known as retrogamers, in the United Kingdom, while the terms classic gamers, or old-school gamers are more prevalent in the United States. Similarly, the games are known as retrogames, classic games, or old-school games. Retrogaming is often linked to, although not the same as, indie gaming...
> is the hobby of playing and collecting older computer, video, and arcade games.
It's not a genre.
Anyway. Strategy. something like Command & Conquer , Stronghold etc.
AoE2, Warcraft 2/3.
Starcraft 2 as well
Did I hear "Starcraft 2"?
Hey, starcraft seems good.
I've never played SC1, and only once SC2, so can't say anything.
I played SC1 for years, and SC2 since launch. Loving it.
Another thing. what os do u guys use for software development?
Windows 7 + Cygwin and Ubuntu
Depends what I'm developing
Depends. When doing C++ or C#, Windows. For Java, I use a Mac.
@Rob I've got Win 7 and ubuntu 11.04. what If I want to develop for Java?
@IntermediateHacker: My only Java project right now is being developed for both of those :P
Windows for everything. I only test on Linux when I've got something working.
@CatPlusPlus: That's how I am with Java. But I tend to reverse that for C.
OSX, mayyybe. I can't say I really care about that platform.
But that's partially the nature of my Java project right now; it's easier to test under Windows
@CatPlusPlus Unless you're doing GUI stuff, if it works on Linux, it'll probably work in OS X.
I write neither C nor Java, I'm not a masochist.
@CatPlusPlus replace Windows with Linux and vice versa, and that's how I work
X11 on OSX isn't really the most natural thing to do, is it?
@CatPlusPlus Feels like sitting on a chainsaw.
@CatPlusPlus: Heh, project requirements sometimes call for drastic measures
@Rob Like Qt.
Sorry, don't get your meaning
I rather like Qt...?
Qt is cool.
Qt is cute
Qt is nice, but you have to shove your whole arm in it if you want to use even a small part of it. It's the Boost syndrome, only worse.
If I don't have to see or write X11 or Objective-C crap, I'm happy GUIer.
So, it's drastic in the sense that you really have to want to use it.
@CatPlusPlus don't forget the winapi
Hm. I've found the minimal Qt development I've done pretty nice.
i hate the WinApi.
@IntermediateHacker Meh, GUI on Windows is better made with WPF these days.
I'm not sure what's uglier
Obj-C or the Win32-API
@EtiennedeMartel My point exactly
Meh, WinAPI is fine.
@Rob Apples and oranges. Objective-C is a language, WinAPI is a system API.
I think what you meant to say was "Cocoa".
I'm aware
WinApi is fine ????????????????????????
Objective-C is crap no matter what you're comparing it to.
I was referring to syntax
Sort of like Perl or PHP.
The API has horrible naming => horrible syntax
@CatPlusPlus It's operator< always return false.
The Obj-C language has horrible syntax in general.
Naming isn't syntax.
Yeah, it's like someone patched Smalltalk on top of C... oh wait, that's exactly what happened.
Also, it's better than POSIX's shortage of vowels.
Syntax refers to rules that govern the way you put together a "sentence"
Syntax is the ordering of words.
@EtiennedeMartel No, they took Smalltalk and C, put them on a table, and smashed them with a sledgehammer for 4 weeks. Then they wrote a spec to make that print "hello world".
I'm trying to trick myself into believing that Java is a system-level language by compiling it from the command line.
I would argue method call structure of an API is a sub-syntax, if not the programming language's syntax
That said, it's not really worth debating is it? ;)
At least you usually know what WinAPI call does. Try that with POSIX.
WinAPI is also much larger in scope.
@Rob The answer to that question is always "Yes" here.
That's how we roll.
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context)
UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(new MessageScreen("Please wait downloading in process.."));

Sorry I put the code in wrong place........!
Continue your discussion
lol :P
Wait a second!!!!!!!! I just tried delete std::cout and............ it got deleted!!???
No errors, no nothing!?
You can actually delete static library classes?
@CatPlusPlus ?
A: delete cout; delete cin; do not give compilation error - a flaw in the Standard library?

Alf P. SteinbachIt has apparently been fixed. At least, in N3290 you have std::basic_ios::operator bool instead of that void* conversion, and this operator bool is declared explicit. Note that C++98/C++03 did not support explicit type conversion operators, but C++11 does. An explicit type conversion operator ...

First of all, it's not a class.
Second of all, it's because it has void* conversion, and you shouldn't use delete on it.
@CatPlusPlus had
Well, if it worked for him, then "has". :P
@sbi ok, i'll stop posting those culinary pics
afternoon yall
oh @fred i forgot this one, it's the ultimate silly song (with yodeling):
wow it's pretty quiet in here
it was, but you had to ruin it
oh I know, I love ruining things :P
so what's been up?
trying to persuade my computer to work
and it just doesn't want to
Yay, I won nitpick battle.
so silent here 0_o
I have a study hall now, so I decided to pop in to my old comp. sci. class. They're using Alice 2.2.
what's Alice 2.2?
It's horrible.
@Maxpm isn't that where one animates some dolls or something?
Can anyone please say , how this line is working class
template<typename Head, typename... Tail>
tuple<Head, Tail...> : private tuple<Tail...> {};
i am unable to understand inheritance part in it
aah i got it -> it's like chain of inheritance getting built , right?
hmm... anyone alive?
@vivek BHU is still injoint with IIT ?
@sbi : can you help me with my 2nd last message?
@MrAnubis I didn't understand you
IT-BHU is almost IIT-BHU
only some formalities are left
nice :)
@vivek : so what's up these days?
well its my last year here..
@vivek and what was that 1 for? ( finger? :P)
so I need to get a job
1 = yes , 2 = no
@MrAnubis : which university/Institute are you from ?
@Nils Hi :)
@Nils Hi, how're you?
@MrAnubis Frankly, no. I'm pretty surprised myself about that inheritance being private.
Tired but fine, what about yourself?
@vivek i am 2011 passout from BBD
@Nils Well it's a college here
@sbi Thanks for late reply -> but i was right about this ? -> it's like chain of inheritance getting built
where is here? :D
< Swiss
@MrAnubis Where's that from?
@Nils India
@vivek : but i am natively from Nepal :)
We had one exchange stud here from India but don't remember where he was from.
@sbi std::tuple has no visible data members, you use std::get to get them: std::get<2>(t).
@RMartinhoFernandes : tuple<Head, Tail...> : private tuple<Tail...> {}; -> this is making chain of inheritance , right?
@MrAnubis I love Nepalis :)
@MrAnubis A tuple needs one data member for each template parameter. To have that, it basically inherits from a tuple that is one smaller (and thus has one less data member) and adds one more.
@vivek you meant to say Nepali girls?
The fact that it uses inheritance for that is an implementation detail (though I don't know how you could do that any other way).
@MrAnubis of course, who doesn't like them ? ;)
but all Nepalis
@RMartinhoFernandes but in the end the a chain of inheritance will be formed , i am right?
@MrAnubis Yes, that's the end result.
@RMartinhoFernandes Ah, Ok.
@vivek "I'm an undergrad in chemistry(unfortunately)"
@vivek could be worse, right? :)
@sbi Using private inheritance prevents things like std::tuple<int,double,std::string> x; std::tuple <int,double>* y = &x; which is highly likely to be a mistake.
:1551260 It's mostly code! I don't think the non-code parts of that message can get easier :)
@RMartinhoFernandes : stupid me :)
@Nils I wanted to be a programmer, but something bad happened and I ended up with chemistry ( a subject I suck at).
@vivek Guess chemistry is quite hard, quantum chemistry and all that stuff, but nevertheless an opportunity to sharpen your analytical skills
@vivek i am really very scared of chemistry ( though even i am not good at computers also)
@Nils lol
I love exotic girls, but nevertheless I run more into blondes here.
heh well I might suggest that u guys just get a bachelor and then do the master online @stanford
I would be a programmer, but I'm an English major O_o
Only good college in India for doing grad and post grad in engineering subjects is IIT i so believe
does it show the tweet?
No, oddly
but I think the engineering classes are a bit the same everywhere..?
I thought tweets got boxed
@nil English major and you do C++, respect :)
@nil @Nils : you both are same?
no of course not
No, we're a hivemind
I graduated in engineering :P
@Nils teachers are not very good everywhere
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks for the explanation. (I wish I could play with C++11.)
wouldn't say that
I've never had a bad instructor, and I've only gone to state universities
Yay, I explained some C++ to the Grumpy Old Ape :)
Ones with not exactly great reputations
Well, state university and a community college - don't think I'd count a CC as a university
@vivek : you in hostel or localide?
@Nils trust me , just attend any one subject of any semester ( comp. science) here in my university , you'll find teachers here are even so confused. I am not good , neither i want to blame any teacher but it's just true
@MrAnubis hostel
@vivek daily beer? :P
I hate it, looks like I'm too tired for coding.
@All in Room : Good Night :)
@MrAnubis My computer was hijacked and I was kicked out now
College sucks
and no beeer man
I had more than enough beer at the Oktoberfest.
u live in Germany ?
in geneva?
> It appears Directory Services in Lion no longer requires authentication when requesting a password change for the current user.
Sounds like it was designed by Sony.
A bit amazing how many users think this is only a issue if you give physical access to an attacker.
Malware can be cross-platform these days.
That's what browsers are for.
@RMartinhoFernandes Well that would require a user agreement to not protect that data directly, and instead arbitrate with Apple on how to protect the data.
@RMartinhoFernandes You know what's better than that. A website that autoinstalls and configures remote access.
Is this the place I come to for C++ help? lol. stackoverflow has SO many chatrooms.
This is the place to come to chat.
C++ questions are accepted here, but stackoverflow.com/questions/ask might be a better option.
In any case, you won't know until you ask.
Well, I was just wondering if there was anyone that could help with my most recent question. It kinda died on the main site, but I'm still confused.
This one?
Q: Help with a recursion algorithm

OghmaOsirisOk, this may seem trivial to some, but I'm stuck. Here's the algoritm I'm supposed to use: Here’s a recursive algorithm. Suppose we have n integers in a non-increasing sequence, of which the first is the number k. Subtract one from each of the first k numbers after the first. (If there are f...

On the SciFi site, we usually go to the chat room if the question needed clarification.
@RMartinhoFernandes Yepper.
@OghmaOsiris Oh, that's not really feasible on SO. SO is huge.
If this isn't the right chatroom to ask that, I can try to find another one. lol

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