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reasonable as in you can understand quickly haskell isn't like that
Depends on your background. Your mind is trained to think imperatively.
Lisp has the same crazy syntax crap like haskell
@FredOverflow it will. because I am playing with custom memory allocation and if I allocate big chunk and it gets full it returns 0 :) how to avoid constructor call without breaking program (I mean without bad_alloc)
@legion Are you sure the constructor is called at all?
@legion Why do you insist on returning 0 instead of throwing an exception?
Yes. the debuger hangs in there
@legion Then you might want to actually separate memory allocation and construction. Get a memory allocator to give you a memory chunk, and call placement new
@legion Declare the allocation function noexcept (or throw() if you're using C++03).
@LewsTherin I could understand (simple) Haskell snippet even before learning Haskell proper.
@LucDanton yeah but you are already a genius at programming..I am still a noob
@legion This doesn't call the constructor for me:
struct Foo
    void* operator new(std::size_t bytes, std::nothrow_t) throw()
        std::cout << "inside operator new" << std::endl;
        return 0;
        std::cout << "inside constructor" << std::endl;
Maybe when I get better
@FredOverflow well I am just "playing" :) @Razispio OK I will try your way. @LucDanton actually it worked :>
@LewsTherin No it's because I was first taught OCaml and Haskell borrows a lot from ML when it comes to syntax/some names. It's all about familiarity.
@FredOverflow indeed thow() helped
@LucDanton Is OCaml a descendant of ML? Didn't know that.
@FredOverflow It's often called a member of the ML family of language and/or of being part of the ML-descended languages. I'm not sure what those mean exactly tbh :)
@LucDanton oh fair enough...you guys are lucky I am not him
ok thanks to all.
@legion no problem
New GCC snapshot!
hey guys
Which do you think is a better default: implementing a pimpl right away or deferring implementing a pimpl?
I mean for cases where it's not obvious right from the start whether I should or shouldn't use a pimpl.
but it's not a feature. it's just a different way of doing something.
i mean it's a choice of faster compile time or faster runtime.
@JohannesSchaublitb The concept you are looking for is "escape velocity." On an asteroid small enough, you could reach escape velocity by jumping.
@FredOverflow The ISS doesn't have enough mass to make you gravitate to it (noticeable) in the first place, so talking about escape velocity ir pretty moot.
@JohannesSchaublitb If you could do this on earth, you could do this on the moon. If you can't do it on earth, you can't do it on the moon. This is an evolutionary question at least as much as a physical one. Any species that could jump high enough to die from falling down again would have a pretty low probability of proliferating. (Plus there is indeed the question of how to make a body perform this stunt physically. But I bet evolution would have found a way if there was something to gain from it.)
@wilhelmtell How much faster compile-time though?
@FredOverflow In one of Lem's many short stories (at least I think that's where I read it) he describes such an incident. In a moment of inattention a guy loses the rope linking him to the ship and starts to slowly drift away. In an act of desperation he flings is wrench (or whatever tool he has at hand) behind him, which makes him slowly drift back to the ship. But he needs to arrive hands first and get a grip on something, lest he would be bouncing back after impact. (Yeah, he makes it.)
so, YAGNI what? the runtime performance or the compiletime performance?
@wilhelmtell The added complexity.
@wilhelmtell Is private part big, might be changed fairly often, and is the class used in enough places for it to make a difference?
Don't do PIMPL for PIMPL's sake.
@LucDanton or, "how much faster runtime"? i don't know.
If it's not obvious you need it, then either measure to make sure or don't do anything at all.
Runtime is likely not going to matter.
@sbi what added complexity? of the extra dereferences or the extra class dependencies?
Unless you're programming a washing machine.
@wilhelmtell To PIMPL is certainly more complex than not to PIMPL.
@CatPlusPlus i don't know (yet). i'll know later as the code evolves. so right now i'm looking for a default choice, something to perhaps change later if i see fit.
@CatPlusPlus Can't wait for the washing machines which tout 'more RAM available!' as a feature.
Default should be YAGNI & KISS.
i'm leaning towards pimpling by default unless i have a better idea for a specific case. then i get faster slightly development time, and i can change if the profiler says so ...
Pimping might be illegal.
@sbi why?
PIMPL involves a bit of boilerplate.
So I wouldn't say it gives that much more faster development time.
@wilhelmtell For starters, the memory management for a PIMPL is more complex than the no memory management you need for no PIMPL.
@CatPlusPlus at the start: a decalaration and two extra lines for a pointer memeber and a struct definition. that's approximately 15 seconds of typing. not a factor of decision for me, not something icall complexity on top of no pimpl at all...
I like not having to write my destructors. Even if it means defaulting the implementation.
And what about copy/move semantics.
what i'm trying to say is that there are advantages either way, it's just a different way of doing things, and i wonder if there's a sensible default choice when it's not obvious right from the start whether i should use a pimpl or not. i'll know when i have more code to test with.
@sbi sounds exciting, what book was what, please try to remember :)
And we're saying pimpl is more complicated, and simpler is better as default. :P
also, regarding complexity, the exception safety with no pimpl is much more complex than with pimpl. so again, i don't think one is less complex than the other here. they're just different.
Prefer SIMPLE to PIMPL ;)
@wilhelmtell That's definitely not correct for the general case.
Basic exception safety comes for free most of the time.
Transforming T into a std::unique_ptr<T> gives you the strong guarantee quite easily if you really need that.
@LucDanton no, that is definitely not correct.
Then you're not doing it correct or are using types (from libraries maybe?) with silly guarantees.
@wilhelmtell That's it? "Nu-uh"? No context or example to qualify your statement?
@FredOverflow Are you mad?! I wrote "In one of Lem's many short stories..." He must have written hundreds of them, if not thousands. And I'm not even absolutely sure it was one of him. If you like such stories, though, read Lem's Star Diaries (link to German version for Fred, since it's translated from Polish anyway). They are mostly very good. They might get you hooked, though.
What types are you using that won't provide the basic guarantee?
@sbi I wouldn't mind getting hooked.
evening gents
what's new in here?
@FredOverflow I never cared much for his novels - and not only because all the tube-driven electronic brains as big as a house. But I love his short stories. There's several reoccurring characters (like the Ijon Tichy guy from the Start Diaries), and the stories sometimes go off exploring in realms that probably aren't real SF (like The Trap of the Gargancjan), but I liked most of them.
Many because of their humor (The Invasion from Aldebaran; sorry, German again), but some because of their humanity, like Terminus, in which Pirx (another of his reoccurring ones) encounters a ship robot that went mad over losing his crew.
@LewsTherin ε is often the empty word in language theory.
@CatPlusPlus Cat++
What is this Language Theory?
jeez, maybe I shouldn't have asked that
@TonyTheLion Why do you keep asking this? I always have to fight my reflex over it.
enum foo: char {chara='a',charb} bar; std::cout<< chara;
97 is printed , why not 'a' ?
Wow, what a bargain, only 14 pounds!
since i explicitly specified type of enumrators
That's not exactly the type you specify, it's the underlying type. It affects what values are possible rather than what conversions are allowed.
And I don't know if the behaviour you're seeing is correct or not, I'll take a look at the conversions.
> 4 A prvalue of an unscoped enumeration type whose underlying type is fixed (7.2) can be converted to a prvalue of its underlying type. Moreover, if integral promotion can be applied to its underlying type, a prvalue of an unscoped enumeration type whose underlying type is fixed can also be converted to a prvalue of the promoted underlying type.
Now to make sense of it...
So both conversions to char and integral promotion (which means conversion to int or higher ranked) are possible.
@FredOverflow I am 100% gonna order it today)
@LucDanton aah
@MrAnubis Beware, the code examples are mostly in C :)
The book won't teach you anything about C++.
I'm going to assume that integral promotion is picked over conversion to char because it's higher ranked... But I really have no idea how all this works.
tricks and puzzles , right?
No tricks or puzzles. Maybe you should read a chapter first before buying.
@FredOverflow : what this book will teach me , how to solve complex problems?
Is will teach you to think like a programmer.
@MrAnubis Google books link, does it work?
Heard it all before
That is actually a song
@FredOverflow link is working
@MrAnubis what?
pardon me , i meant brb
@FredOverflow have you got any other bitwise question?
@LewsTherin A... theory about language?
@CatPlusPlus what lingo?
All of them! :)
@LewsTherin There are so many possibilites... for example, write a function bitswap that swaps the bits instead of the bytes.
Or write a function that converts a color from RGB16 to RGB24.
@LucDanton Are we talking about natural languages like English or Programming language or all
All of them!
"swaps the bits instead of the bytes." what is the point?
I don't understand how rgb works :(
@LewsTherin How should I know?
Although language theory in the context of Computer Science isn't really that interested in natural languages, yeah.
@LucDanton oh interesting..I think
@LewsTherin You know, things like context-free grammers, regular expressions, push-down automata and stuff.
@LewsTherin I don't know, maybe some network protocol needs it? :)
@FredOverflow : i am right now reading , but have one question , can this book even teach a idiot to think like programmer ?
The RGB color model is an additive color model in which red, green, and blue light is added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors. The name of the model comes from the initials of the three additive primary colors, red, green, and blue. The main purpose of the RGB color model is for the sensing, representation, and display of images in electronic systems, such as televisions and computers, though it has also been used in conventional photography. Before the electronic age, the RGB color model already had a solid theory behind it, based in human perception of c...
@MrAnubis Couldn't say, I don't know anyone else who has read it.
@MrAnubis you are not an idiot....that is you stealing my place :@
But Noam Chomsky has a theorem to his name in language theory and there's a hierarchy of grammars also to his name. So there's definitely overlap!
@LewsTherin :) , don't even think of it :P
@FredOverflow I could try to convert (255,0,0) to (0,255,0) maybe that'd suffice for learning this stuff
@LewsTherin But that doesn't preserve the color :)
@MrAnubis xD
Obviously you already understand RGB24 (24 bits in total, 8 bits per channel). RGB16 is 5 bits for red, 6 for green and 5 for blue.
So you would want to convert (255,255,255) to (31,63,31).
@FredOverflow obviously? Flattering :)
how did it get from 255 to 31 for 16bits
16 bits total, only 5 for red.
rrrr rggg gggb bbbb
hmm book says about how to attack the problem ( first chapter part) , i am gonna buy it :)
So how did you get 31 instead of 255 :S
If you have 5 bits, you only have the values 0..31
00000 is 0
11111 is 31
ooh yeah (2^5)-1
right, just like 2^8 - 1 = 255
without you the day would be so boring!
I am not sure I can convert it just using bitwise but is worth a short
@JohannesSchaublitb get a girl
people in ##c++ are not entertaining me
@LewsTherin Girls aren't as exciting as Lounge<C++> in the long run.
ok a girl that writes code
@JohannesSchaublitb Is ##c++ a mixture of C++ and C#? ;)
in C++ preferably
@LewsTherin A girl that writes... dirty code? :)
girls write less code than boys
girls follow dress code
@FredOverflow oh yesh xD
@JohannesSchaublitb like her youtube.com/user/NixiePixel
@LewsTherin I guess I'm really not into nerd girls. But her shirt is funny.
I saw a block of code in our codebase preceded by "written by a woman" warning.
What was the code like?
@FredOverflow you noticed her shirt? xD
How could I not?
Commented out.
The stereotypes tut
You know the first compiler ever was written by a woman, right? ;)
I don't think it was bad, I just thought it was funny then, and now remembered.
Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper (December 9, 1906 January 1, 1992) was an American computer scientist and United States Navy officer. A pioneer in the field, she was one of the first programmers of the Harvard Mark I computer, and developed the first compiler for a computer programming language. She conceptualized the idea of machine-independent programming languages, which led to the development of COBOL, one of the first modern programming languages. She is credited with popularizing the term "debugging" for fixing computer glitches (motivated by an actual moth removed from the comput...
Inventor of compilers and bugs. Wow!
I thought it was lovelace
And COBOL, go figure.
oh no my bad
@LewsTherin There were no computers in her time, how could she write a compiler back then?
A wooden compiler.
@FredOverflow yeah I was thinking of something different...
For a wooden computer.
Hm, if Ada (the language) was named after Ada (the person), why not the other way around? Anyone gonna name their offspring C++? :)
Our what?
Isn't inheritance bad?
That was a bad movie.
@CatPlusPlus Maybe you can replace sex with generic procreation?
I've no idea.
Semester begins tomorrow. :.
Also progeny!
Dynasty! Well, that one may be off the mark.
The first ones already were.
@sbi why? to annoy you :P
'Spawn' is perfectly legitimate and appropriate!
That's a creepy cat...never trust a smiling cat
@CatPlusPlus lol
Ah, finally got my database working
If a lso is multiplying by 2 rso is dividing by 2 right?
@TonyTheLion Well, if that's the case, why would I be holding back that joke you keep begging for?
@sbi never said you should hold back :P
@FredOverflow Actually, programming used to be seen as a female job, much like being a secretary, in the beginning. Only later men took over.
@sbi oh really? Wow.
@sbi What a shame
@TonyTheLion I remember there being an article on spiegel.de a few months ago. It was in German, but I later ran into a pretty similar article in English. It must have been this summer. If you are interested, google might find something for you.
@sbi oh cool thx :)
Interview with Jean Bartik one of the first programmers.
Not including Ada :)
It's surprising to hear an old lady talk about function tables.
what a nasty witch
Up until now I can count about 5 female programmer colleagues. (Total, in companies I worked for.)
programming = logic. Most women doesn't that feature :p
Most people in general don't get logic.
@StackedCrooked Unfortunately.
@StackedCrooked indeed
Oh god, wrong time to switch to this tab
So very wrong...
guys, I don't want to have a nerd girl :(
who does ;D
@JohannesSchaublitb But it would be like arguing with a smarter version of you, just imagine how much fun that would be
@JohannesSchaublitb girls don't want ya anyways
I really depends on whether or not he has money.
I heard tree stumps want him
i'll pick the other sex then
define 'pick'
lol :S
@sbi Damn wish they weren't dying out
@JohannesSchaublitb not to be rude or anything but I just don't understand what guys find in guys
enemy ?
I don't understand what humans find in trees, but sometimes they come away with eggs and that's pretty neat.
@legion as in why guys find other guys sexually attractive. It baffles me
Humans, in general, are pretty disgusting.
I think the best way of finding a partner is to cover yourself in honey, put on a blindfold, and handcuff yourself to a lamppost.
@LewsTherin i'm pretty sure I find two balls in you
@Maxpm lol
I'm glad to see the chat is as off-topic as ever.
@JohannesSchaublitb maybe but you ain't getting near it
@LewsTherin. Actualy I have no idea. Btw in my country almost all people are against M+M or W+W. But I dont hive a sh*t until it doesnt touch me :)
@JohannesSchaublitb He keeps them in a jar in his attic, sneak in when he's out.
ill drug and tie you up. mwahaha
@legion where you from ?
Lithuania :[
Why :( ?
I know some Lithuanian girls they're wow
dont like the people live there. actually their atitude towards everything :)
@LewsTherin the truth is, I too don't understand what mice find in other mice. it just baffles me. it must be so disgusting!
girls are wow indeed ;D
@LewsTherin Why what? O_o Oh wait, you're actually asking about a smiley face.
@nil yeah
I think I'd be pretty :( if I lived in Lithuania too.
Because I'm American.
Lithuanina girls are nice indeed. but most of them are stupid as fish. why. They like money and dont give a shit about studies and so on. Some kind of bitch factory IMO :D
@JohannesSchaublitb humans are not mice
Much as I love to bash on my own country, I still wouldn't like to live anywhere else.
@nil @legion is Lithuanian
@LewsTherin how do you want to understand what guys find in other guys if you don't let me understand what mice find in other mice!?
I know that.
@JohannesSchaublitb ok when you do enlighten me
either you are gay or bi or your "humans are not mice" is just unlogical
@legion wanna swap?
Umm ? Where are you from @Lews Therin
I am so confused now.
because you are wondering about things you are not supposed to understand. and if I appear to do the same you say "but you are different, you are not mice!"
@JohannesSchaublitb explain?
@legion Irlandese
Ireland you mean :0
Q: My customer wants me to record a video of how I develop his software product

MainMaWorking as a freelancer, I often see strange requests from my customers, some of which can affect negatively my daily work¹, others trying to set some sort of control. I usually encounter those things during preliminary negotiations, so it's easy enough at this state to explain to the customer th...

@legion yeah that was Italian equivalent lol
em @JohannesSchaublitb mice have no moral reasoning..so they're different they act on pure lust
Humans should've the sense not to
now you lost me. i have no idea what this has to do with moral reasoning
@LewsTherin well I live there for few months (for summer job) :D But since your country borders are open, a lot Lithuanian/polish girls have moved there ;D
Maxpm said it nicely..anyways can we talk of something else?
why shall gay/bi people stop their lust? what "moral reasoning" is it that you think about
@Maxpm Sounds like an insane customer
@nil Indeed.
File sharing in Windows is annoying me. I want it off, anyone remembers which service is responsible for this crap?
@legion wow the Polish girls, just wow...I don't know why...they seem to go for much older guys
@legion because of the recession they might cap that
This chat hasn't just derailed; it's derailed, smashed through a trackside apartment building, hit a gas station and set fire to a nearby forest.
Older guy. more money :0
as I said. Bitch factory :x
@legion Oh..so this is tradition then?
@Maxpm It's not done until we cause a meltdown in the nuclear power plant located in the forest.
@legion that kinda sucks well not for the older guys
@nil The problem with most Merkins saying this is that they have never actually been anywhere else long enough to judge about this.
@legion What if you are old and have little money...I guess you are ignored..so is there no love to it?

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