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it's incompetent for anything but the simplest tests and puts tests where they do not belong
@nightcracker Why does that make you trust it more?
@nightcracker It puts tests exactly where they belong.
@NikiC because I think salsa20 is really really strong
And simple tests are good because KISS.
@rightfold you cant' tell edge cases to be simple
it doesn't work that way
Edge cases are bad!
that's why you test for them
So test them. vOv
not in my documentation
You don’t have to use doctests for everything.
oh so now we're testing in two places? the joy!
I put non-doctest tests in the same files.
Not that much far apart.
so why bother with doctests at all?
@nightcracker Well yeah, salsa20 is a nice PRF. But then again, blowfish is also a nice cipher ... (At least I'm not aware of any relevant cryptoanlytic successes against it)
@NikiC salsa? blowfish? is this cooking or cryptography?
crypto currency cuisine
so, are they going to release the new GUI system in unity 5?
I can't watch the video right now but on their site it doesn't say anything about the GUI :(
so I'll take your word on it
it was about time
I wonder if this will trigger a decrease in price for stuff like NGUI
oooh, neat! thanks
I hope it didnt rain =/
Rake is cool.
Also why can’t I do [1, 2, 3, *xs] in Python.
I can even do this in Ruby.
Because Python is not Ruby
That is not relevant.
what does it do?
@JohanLarsson Interpolation.
ok calculates 4?
sounds like extrapolation
irb(main):001:0> xs = [4, 5, 6]
=> [4, 5, 6]
irb(main):002:0> [1, 2, 3, *xs]
=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
@rightfold it... kinda is. Since you're talking about specific syntax, rather than expressiveness and language features. Python does not have Ruby syntax because Python is not Ruby.
@Borgleader Oh - I would love to have the car keys, especially if it starts first time:)
inb4 Bartek complains about Ruby being terrible.
@Jefffrey well if you are doing it with friends its fun. I like being a GM more than playing though
@EtiennedeMartel Seriously, just don't post anything. You're all reposts :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes My posts are better than anyone else's.
the one thing they couldn't fix about D3- brother downloads -> game unplayable.
@DeadMG I'm sure there's a "Warning: doesn't work in swamps" disclaimer in there somewhere.
warning: doesn't work with idiotic brothers consuming all the available Internet in the middle of the day.
I can barely load web pages
sigh, people who obsess about protecting their dumb hobby apps from TEH EVUL PIRATZ
must detect if anyone tampers with memory in my process!!
@DeadMG It's not their fault that they don't have bandwidth-producing magic available to them.
that's true.
but it totally is their fault that their game requires any bandwidth to play in the first place.
Ah, right, it's one of those always online things.
Yeah, fuckers.
It needs to, what if i want to join your game D:
I mean
let's face it, I bought CS:GO for online multiplayer.
but it's totally not unreasonable that I might want to play D3 on my own.
@BartekBanachewicz Oh kewl.
oh, robot.
what do you think of t := T for function arguments instead of T t?
it suddenly occurred to me that I have the other form everywhere except function arguments, which still use C++-style.
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@DeadMG why := specifically?
is that used to declare variables in the rest of Wide?
@DeadMG It looks a bit weird, but I do like the order.
@DeadMG wait, I thought t := v was initialization, not assigning a type
And it's consistent, so.
@DeadMG so to declare an int I do i := int? Where do I put the value?
nah, you have to do i := 5;.
you can't declare an int, as it were.
@DeadMG so it's not at all the same as in function params then
@DeadMG Is that not a slight restriction?
then t := T doesn't make sense for function arguments
well, I ran into the same problem for members and right now, I've just used the same syntax.
so i := int; is a member variable i of type int.
but for locals that's banned.
:= usually means assignment. Using it to specify types is kinda weird. But as @R.MartinhoFernandes says, the order is good. Name should come before type, regardless of which token you use to separate them
And if it's consistent with the rest of the language then go for it
@MartinJames Not for function locals.
How do you make a variable of type type with value int, btw?
AS3 has var i : int = 5; which I think isnt too bad
you can't.
also, please consider if it could be legal to omit the types entirely and just rely on type inference. :)
type is not a type, it's a concept.
so I just define a function foo(i)
@jalf It totally is.
@jalf I think that's what he has already.
and I also had i := 5; for NSDMIs for members.
@DeadMG So what's the type of int?
but for technical reasons I removed that right now, gonna put it back sometime soon
@R.MartinhoFernandes Right now, I simply refer to it as decltype(int), which is totally unrelated in every way to decltype(float).
@DeadMG Not Seriously Dangerous Mouse Instruments?
@jalf non-static data member initializers.
ohh that one
Not Single Data, Multiple Instructions, aka SIMD.
kay, suggestion. v : T for declaring a variable with explicit type. v := u; to declare a variable with type deduced from initialzer u, and v : T = u for explicit type + initializer
Too tired to fix.
@DeadMG I don't know what you mean, my brother downloads all the shit he wants and it doesn't put a dent in my bandwidth.
Your brother is not hardcore.
@R.MartinhoFernandes He downloads a shit ton of music.
> I've gone without booze for a week. It's been a sobering experience.
@EtiennedeMartel A tiny fraction of your bandwidth is probably much more considerable than a tiny fraction of mine.
@Xeo I'm not sure I want to change it. I'm not having trouble with v := u; for all use cases right now.
While you’re at it, change { to := and } to := as well.
@DeadMG Probably. I mean, I can stream 60 FPS/1080p stuff and still play LoL while my brother skullfucks the Internet.
Oh and also ( and ), because hey why not.
@EtiennedeMartel We're lucky if we can stream 480p.
@DeadMG it's less surprising to users of your language though. Lots of other languages use := and : with those meanings.
@StackedCrooked Are you in jail or hospital?
nvm i misread that =/
:15349651 Oh - I'm so sorry:(
I read it as "I've gone for a booze. It's been a sobering experience."
The London Pride will be finished at the club - don't know what's on tonight.
@jalf AFAIK, the only stuff like that is various dynamic languages, and users of those will have much bigger problems.
the only language migration I'm super concerned about is from C++, really
@DeadMG Actually, I was thinking of statically typed languages using that syntax. :)
Anyway, I can understand not wanting to change what you have. It's your language. I just wanted to mention that the alternative is more consistent with other languages in general
doesn't mean you have to change it :)
@jalf There are any?
@DeadMG maybe borrow the :: syntax from Haskell? i :: int?
since you use . for scope resolution IIRC
@DeadMG SML (and its derivatives, like F#) was what I had in mind as using : to specify types. It's statically and strongly typed. :) And I'm pretty sure Pascal used := for assignment
like std.vector
@jalf It does, (Delphi dev). '=' is for comparison in Delphi.
@EtiennedeMartel Heh - I like pizza-doge
Using := for both initialisation and explicit types is silly and confusing.
It makes code extra difficult to read for no reason.
@EtiennedeMartel nice
@rightfold Yeah, like using = for assignment and == for comparison :)
@MartinJames no.
It’s more like using = for both assignment and comparison.
Depending on where and how you use it.
it's only confusing if you don't know if the right-hand-side is a value or a type, and I figure that's the kind of information you should have.
Well, the Wide source code is not particularly easy to read either, so I’m not very surprised you think this is a good idea.
the Wide source code is developed by one guy who spends most of his time bending over a bucket
and nobody else has expressed any interest in it so I've no incentive to spend what development time I have on cleaning it up
besides, what were you expecting the source code for the compiler of a complex language to look like, anyway? it's a complex problem domain so complex solution code is to be expected.
Pizza-doge made me hungry.
@DeadMG well, in C++ determining at compile-time if something is a value or a type is quite tricky and frequently requires hand-holding from the programmer. :)
bartek still fanboying against C++
well, don't know what else is new.
At least the Lounge is alive again
@EtiennedeMartel Feels easier than regular 2048
@jalf That's true, but I've never had a situation where I didn't know.
plus, the only reason C++ needs hand-holding is because the information is needed too soon and Wide does not have this defect.
@Rapptz when was it dead?
past 2 weeks
@DeadMG Can you explain why that is?
(I'm curious)
@JohanLarsson iunno
I'm pretty sick of language wars/bashing
language wars often make me a bit sad cos I don't know neither of them
@Rapptz I will bash on PHP whether you like it or not! :)
@Borgleader C++'s context-sensitivity in the grammar is well-known. For example, interpret this statement "ident1 * ident2;". Does it declare a pointer or multiply two variables?
Oh I see now
I assume you either dont have pointers or use a different syntax?
currently I use e.g. int.pointer which I figure is fairly obvious to everybody reading and quite unambiguous to the compiler.
Do you have int.reference to avoid problems with "ident1 & ident2;" ?
rvalue and lvalue for their respective references.
sounds cumbersome to use
time to nap
@DeadMG you really like . don't you?
how do you mean?
@DeadMG you use it for member accessing, scope resolution and .pointer, .lvalue and .rvalue
those are all the same use.
types have member variables?
why shouldn't they?
are you making the new Ruby by any chance?
that would require that the types are dynamic or that types themselves are mutable, which they are not.
yeah, I was jk, sorry
there's simply no reason to special-case types or scopes when they can all be re-framed in terms of the same operation
Go Galatasaray! Mourinho is a Turkey.
and here's a simple example of why it's advantageous
at least in principle, you could use a concept_map (were I to get around to implementing concepts) to add new members to all types.
or some subset of them
@DeadMG Sounds reasonable. Type/class differences always seemed a bit unclear to me.
@MartinJames yeah, there shouldn't be
in fact there aren't in C++ as well
@MartinJames I must admit, I have no idea what you mean.
@Xeo suppose I want to write a playable tic tac toe in Haskell, can you recommend some GUI / graphics thingie that will make it somewhat less painful? /cc @BartekBanachewicz
mine was CLI
@ScarletAmaranth OpenGL is already installed IIRC
I've written bunch of CLI crap already, want to take it to the next level! :)
@ScarletAmaranth you learned Haskell?
@DeadMG I mean it gets confusing for me. Some languages have type classes, some have class types.
@Jefffrey I learned more than 2 years ago o_O
@MartinJames it's even more confusing somehow
I've just never written much in it
@Jefffrey It doesn't help that I never did any formal computer science.
@MartinJames As near as I can tell, a type class is essentially a concept (as in Concepts) give or take.
> I'm interested in this,I want to try itI'm interested in this,I want to try itI'm interested in this,I want to try itI'm interested in this,I want to try itI'm interested in thiI'm interested in this,I want to try itI'm interested in this,I want to try itI'm interested in this,I want to try itI'm interested in this,I want to try itI'm interested in this,I want to try itI'm interested in this,I wan
2 stars rating.
and a class type is simply a type which happens to be a class
Sometimes, I don't get people.
@MartinJames the concept (pun intended) of type, class and typeclass varies so much between languages
type classes (from the Haskell standpoint) are pretty much what puppy said, concepts... a set of restrictions imposed on a parametrized type
LaTeX table y u no center.
@ScarletAmaranth and a data is basically a POD, correct?
no, not really, type is to values what concept is to types
and a type is used for aliasing
sneaky edit
I'm starting to believe that you're all trolling me, type of.
no, I swear :)
suppose a type is an interface to values of said type, then concept is an interface to types that model said concept
I really like the concept of typeclasses
I couldn't even.....
well, honestly, I prefer implicit concept mapping even if it means that you can't distinguish stuff that's equal syntactically but carries different semantics... I THINK... but I might start preferring it the other way around at some point :P
But seriously, I do.
Concepts is a set of classes written in C++ which allow for solving elliptic partial differential equations.
cough concepts suck cough
no they don't
concepts are love, freedom and peace
but I think they could have implemented it better
The terse syntax is ok, but the rest is horrid
what do you mean by rest?
everything that has requires in it
requires is slightly overloaded and in one of two cases you can get rid of it (sometimes)
@ScarletAmaranth (yeah, that's the terse syntax)
template <Integral T> V template <typename T> requires Integral<T>()
how would you go about defining multiple requirements on n-ary concepts?
anyway, let me link something to you (I was so happy to see the paper because I had one more source I could cite in my thesis xD)
oh, fuck it
maybe it's not that simple to design a language
that doesn't make much sense to me, that's just the concept definition, not actual parametric type restriction
(that's the other use of requires)
which might as well be there, vOv
but I think they could have used their "+1-new-keyword" ticket on something like "concept" instead of "requires"
requires defines a requires expression
there is a word concept
yeah, I suck
template <typename T> concept bool Integral = requires(T integral) { ... }
if axioms ever make it, then you can also introduce axioms within the requires block
if it makes you any happy, I use different syntax in my thesis (I made one up, vOv) :P
@ScarletAmaranth I wanna see
I do
concept Integral<T> = requires(T integral) { }
it can't be anything other than bool anyway
@ScarletAmaranth and then how do you define restrictions?
I use the proposed syntax for that
or do you mean
Today's C++ weirdness:
restrictions as in the actual requiremetns?
{expr} -> T; in general
@ScarletAmaranth I meant restriction on integral
@MartinJames oh lord
{expr} -> T;
{expr} -> Some_Other_Concept;
{expr} -> constexpr / noexcept T;
or == if I want to disable implicit conversions
{expr} == T; // must MATCH T rather than being implicitly convertible to T
@MartinJames I can't explain it clearer than it is now. I really don't get what you want me to tell you. It is a very simple problem. — Benny 32 secs ago
I'm scared about this Benny guy intentions
@Jefffrey Yeah... I was suspicious too.
ofcourse concretely, Integral is basically as "atomic" as it gets, you simply want something like a type trait for that only
> UK Prime Minister David Cameron said: "It is completely unacceptable for Russia to use force to change borders on the basis of a sham referendum held at the barrel of a Russian gun."
WTF is he on about?
@RaymondChen thanks, I didn't know that. This is the single useful comment I got so far. — Benny 19 secs ago
as far as I understand, Yanukovich actually invited Russians, didn't he?
as if the US has the right to dismiss declarations of independence as "illegal"
@Jefffrey Guy's an idiot.
trying to rsync some stuff, wondering why it won't delete vanished files...
turns out it can't because they have unicode file names :v
Well, either that, or he's genuinely never seen a function call another function. Must cramp his designs some.
He is didn't understand what you wrote, man
@Jefffrey I'm being driven to drink by that question. Well, more correctly, I'm gonna walk and Anne can pick me up on her way back from darts.
drink is the only solution here
@Jefffrey OK, I accept your answer and will implement it immediately.
We are 20 comments and we still have to discover what is he gonna do after the if statement. I'll keep you guys updated.
@Jefffrey If addr is a return address, I want to know in which function it will be returning to. That's it, nothing spectacular — Benny 51 secs ago
@Jefffrey I tossed him one downvote :P
@Griwes It baffles me how someone can ask for help and claim it's a "very simple problem". If it's so simple, why are you still looking for help?
@JohannesSchaub-litb WHAT
I'm on tenterhooks here
So, his DLL has called back from somewhere, and he wants to know from where, for some reason.
@Jefffrey display it to the end-user of my process inspection tool — Benny 1 min ago
i don't understand the joke i.imgur.com/0MyGI.jpg
@JohannesSchaub-litb those numbers written on walls are usually just a joke people do to other people
never tried to call one
something like "for wild sex call <your friend phone number>"
@Jefffrey I don't believe it - he's too stupid to write such a tool.
@JohannesSchaub-litb If you do call, you'll probably end up embarrassed, broke, hospitalized or dead.
yeah, don't do that
You wish... :
i thought they are dating numbers
@JohannesSchaub-litb Some of them are. Best to not get into the habit of pub washroom Russian-roulette.

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