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Also, bugs are gross, kill all bugs
they're cool
but I don't like em much
be the great and mighty Bartek here? I call upon ye
@rightfold pretty hilarious:
I heard from several dog owners, their dogs like beer
I have no idea why it is so specific - no vodka, no gin, but beer and beer alone
@sudorm-rfTelkitty Because beer is so worthless that giving it to a dog is no loss. Nobody in their right mind would waste decent Vodka on a dog.
it would probably kill him too
beer here is around $2 a can - 375ml, cheap red wine - $5 a bottle - 750ml, whisky $42 a bottle - 750ml
dogs shouldn't be "genetically used to drink"
but alcohol content is 5% for the beer? 40% for the whisky?
So if your dog wants a hit, whisky really isn't that much more expensive :p
but yeah, whisky is generally at least 15% higher on alcohol than beer
Whiskey under 40% is probably bad
yeah, that's true
> The backend storage is temporarily offline. Usually this means the storage server is undergoing maintenance. Please contact support if the problem persists.
1 hour later…
damn you guys are even dead on monday
sorry :8
Tuesday here ...
doing math tutoring
I loaded up Alpha Centauri
seven hours later it's time to go to bed and I just noticed.
well, it's time to go to bed! night
@sudorm-rfTelkitty o/
can somebody help me fix this loops?
@MarkGarcia 3 hours behind ... >_<
@DeadMG night
@diegoaguilar use fruit loops. there you go
30 people saw my question
which is actually not that hard
if only 10% at least comment :D
Anyone else played that 2048 game on HN?
Greatest time waster.
I am commenting on a local newspaper site, on one of their articles
I used to do that a lot on economic issues
Then I came here and stopped doing that for a while
@MarkGarcia lol it works on mobile
I can't continue with my work until I finish it. :(
came to 1024 and GAME OVER!!! NOOOOO!!!
1 hour later…
C with castes.
Tonari no Seki-kun seems like a fun anime.
@StackedCrooked anime is addicting
only for some people :)
like me :D
TIL Arab men hold hands
> What kind of bee doesn't make honey, but milk? The infamous boobee.
@StackedCrooked wut
Hello everyone!
@StackedCrooked All of them
I wonder if this guy lives under a rock?
he's new
@Andy Emacs!
The learning curve is not steep at all, but rather a spiral, so it shouldn't be too difficult to get started with.
@StackedCrooked It's nice.
@sudorm-rfTelkitty hi fatty
@StackedCrooked C with castles. :v
You know the developing countries have 33% fatties (overweight or obese people), developed countries have 50% roughly ...
so the developing countries become developed ones once they reach 50% in the amount of fatties ...
so you keep your country developed, huh
Correlation does not imply causation nor definition.
Hm, that means I'm developing right now... iow eating sweets and junkfood
You're developing fat.
You're a fat developer.
dat pun
Keyboards are output devices.
They show you whether caps lock, num lock and scroll lock are enabled. :3
@R.MartinhoFernandes dat card.
@rightfold depends on wether that information is saved in the keyboard or in the pc
Storing it in the keyboard is a horrible idea.
Also, it doesn't.
Outputting your own state is still outputting.
well then monitors are input devices as well - you can set brightness and other stuff
They also capture your room to send the pictures to the NSA.
This is so awesome.
My code works.
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's not an ass, that's a mule!
@thecoshman Mules have asses.
dat pun
Equus africanus asinus
@R.MartinhoFernandes what about a page for what teams are what so far
Donkeys have butts too!
To access donkey's butt: Ass->ass;
@sudorm-rfTelkitty makes me wonder what "Assassin" originally meant...
(no pictures please)
Nov 1 '13 at 11:28, by FredOverflow
@Zeta Why does "assassin" contain "ass" twice?
Nov 1 '13 at 13:51, by User17
@FredOverflow Because the killer is an ass and the killed is probably an ass too?
you remember things talked about >5 months ago? or did you just grep the transcript for assassin?
I remembered it has been discussed so searched in the transcript for the term "assassin", the result did not disappoint ...
@ArneMertz That's an insult towards grep.
@rightfold in what way?
In the way that grep is far superior over chat search.
In fact, they should write the transcript to a file and use grep internally, allowing you to specify any regex in the UI.
@rightfold you jamming this weekend? fancy trying to do something CLI via Erlang :S
because you know, I'm an Erlang master now :P
What the fuck is wrong with people who make websites that don't work with middle click to open in new tab, control+enter to search and all other shortcuts that normally work.
@thecoshman multiplayer pl0x.
@rightfold why else would you use Erlang?
@thecoshman I don't know.
To do distributed pathfinding for zombies. :P
and whatever the theme is, the game can basically just be throwing that at people. (as a fallback option you know).
@rightfold ... well... maybe if you want to do 11D A* pathfinding :S
For five million enemies at once.
people smasher? you upload your enemies pic, then throw a ball (in the game) at it?
On a huge grid.
or throw your enemies at a giant ball
or feed them to hungry, obese giant women
hello boys
how're you guys doing?
@rightfold so is that a team then?
how about fuck buddies?
omg ... I just searched for the term "feederism" on google image ... @_@
Anyone have an idea about this?
A: C++11 and C++03 differs in support for small string optimization for std::string?

rubenvbI believe you are misinterpreting the "Change": this is not referring to the invalidation rules of data and c_str, but rather those of swap. This question gave me this idea, and I think I am correct when I read your quote and the linked question/answers. Since basic_string's swap can invalidate...

Am I wrong saying this here?
Oh, and hi btw.
I'm back from holiday
> Some const member functions, such as data and c_str, no longer invalidate iterators.
How do hell is thinking this refers to data and c_str a misinterpretation?
Well, it is true, isn't it?
Q: Maximum children happiness

user3405426Given N different candies and M childrens. Each ith children demands for K[i] different candies and will ONLY BE HAPPY IFF HE GET ALL THOSE DIFFERENT CANDIES WHICH HE DEMANDED. Now i want that maximum children should be happy.So how should i distribute the candies to do the same? I need to find...

> Caffeine has a significant effect on spiders
but how do you get caffeine into a spider - put one into a cup of coffee?
@R.MartinhoFernandes so does my fist, what's your point?
what testing library do you ladies use?
instruments (in xcode)
Catch (in C++)
@Jefffrey PHPUnit, EUnit, clojure.test, Nodeunit and Catch.
:S stupid me suggesting smart solutions that are not trivial to implement
I like poppy seeds and I like milkshakes, so I must like poppy seed milkshakes.
poopy seeds?
@Jefffrey Also ScalaTest when I get sick of dynamic typing and lack of garbage collectors.
catch seems nice
@Abyx They taste like century-old cemetery soil.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ok now I know how cemetery soil tastes like
@Jefffrey Nah.
interprocess isolation or no cigar.
You don't need that if your code base isn't shit.
interprocess isolation?
@Jefffrey The test driver runs in a separate process to the code being tested.
why is that needed?
if you're running tests and one of them crashes (simple example: null pointer dereference) then you don't want to bring the test driver down with you.
not to mention the possibility of what would happen with memory corruption and such.
right, then which one do you suggest?
I ended up rolling my own, actually.
it's kinda shit but at least it's interprocess.
lol, unsafe code.
you can't protect yourself from unsafe code.
the only thing you achieve by going for "safety" (in a language) is drawing an arbitrary line around some of your code and declaring it safe, which is totally unhelpful because you need a whole program and the rest is just as unsafe as before.
It's not totally unhelpful.
that's kinda like Haskell pure / impure, except for the line is not arbitrary
@DeadMG but you can still use a debugger there
@Jefffrey I can still use a debugger here.
Stop mutating.
also, it's better to get honest reports from the test driver and then debug the failing tests later.
rather than to debug each test as it fails.
I doubt unit testing's purpose is to fix seg faults
it's to fix whatever comes up.
and that can be seg faults, memory corruption, any such thing.
@Jefffrey Erm, if your first test segfaults, you might still want to have all the other two thousand tests run and provide meaningful results.
It's not about fixing them, it's about treating them as any other failure.
:15217101 Yeah, no.
well, yes, I didn't mean to actively fix on the spot.
You get a better picture if you can look at everything you broke.
I meant in general.
@DeadMG I know
if some of your tests fail it can be useful to see which ones.
Like "WTF all the tests with even numbers fail" is better than "the test with 42 failed".
you can almost pinpoint the failure spot by seeing which ones went bad.
got it
@DeadMG, I can't find your testing library in your bitbucket profile
it's not written as a separate library, it's just part of the Wide source code.
In .NET I'd just spawn new AppDomains :.
of course, when you're testing a program that generates native code, it's fairly likely that you'll run into bad things if your program is buggy.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Do those protect you against things like unmanaged memory corruption?
and I guess threads won't help either
I mean, you are still in the same memory space, correct?
@DeadMG doesn't happen when there is no unmanaged memory!
of course there is unmanaged memory.
@Jefffrey Right.
@DeadMG You can set up CAS so the code running doesn't have that privilege if you want.
what, the privilege to corrupt unmanaged memory?
The privilege of calling unmanaged code.
presumably, except all the unmanaged code invoked in the BCL and CLR and such.
how would this work exactly? I can't picture it in my head. Assuming we have C (the code process) and T (the tester process), does C run the code and somehow sends the results to T? Or what?
@Jefffrey Right now, I spawn a code process from the test process, pass it the file I want tested, and it returns 1 if there was a failure.
@DeadMG so, to actually make it useful you should split your tests in many files, so that you have more granularity, right?
@Jefffrey Wide input files.
since each of my tests right now is one Wide input file.
how you actually define what tests are and how to run them is pretty irrelevant to the matter at hand.
all that matters is that you pass an argument to C indicating which test to run.
then C returns 1 or 0 depending on if it failed or not.
then the test driver simply makes a note of it and carries on.
the main downside is needing an interprocess library to begin with; most of them aren't header-only like boost::interprocess
but LLVM already comes with one so I just piggybacked on that.
I think I've grasped the idea
@DeadMG Not all, though. While most code in it simply asserts the privileges because it comes from a trusted assembly, some of the functions explicitly demand such privileges from callers.
@DeadMG It comes with shared memory things and stuff?
Oh, you only carry pass/fail information.
The nice thing about AppDomains is that passing data along is almost trivial.
> Dudebro startups like yours get shit from angry feminists all the time. Using Vim will put a stop to that. Vim donates money to children living in Uganda. You'll look so accepting and humanitarian just by using Vim, that you won't even have to think about actual social issues.
Oh gawd, the weird TLDs are coming.
@rightfold That's what I do.
I think it's the only open-source project that I've donated to.
> Don't get me wrong: I know you don't actually care about human rights and social issues. All that matters is that you look like you care.
This so much.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What other information would the driver want?
Q: after unpacking file ,I am not able open correct jpg file in c/c++

user3317814I want to separate the files packed in downloaded file and I am reading file through socket .I have done with separation of files but separated .jpg file is not opening .Please give me solution.

this post has EVERYTHING
@DeadMG Normal stuff you get in test frameworks: expected value, actual value, exception was not thrown, wrong exception was thrown, etc. A test can also have multiple assertions and having info on them all is useful too.
So, this horrible idea I had yesterday. It's this esoteric programming language that I'm spec'ing. Say you have a function that assigns, called assign, and you want to assign x to y. Any permutation of { assign, x_ACC, y_DAT } with whitespace as separator is a valid statement that does assigns x to y.
Does that sound horrible enough? (for anyone that gets an inkling of where I'm going)
> Taken directly from the DOTA2 source tree; supports:

Limited subset of Direct3D 9.0c
Bytecode-level HLSL -> GLSL translator
Some SM3 support: Multiple Render Targets, no Vertex Texture Fetch
@Griwes yeah, posted that on Facebook yesterday. And spent a good amount of time with it:)
@R.MartinhoFernandes that about sums up my sourcecode with/without caffeine - but the other way round
@BartekBanachewicz I just realized I just spent an hour playing it and decided to waste time of some other people in return. :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes I presume x_ACC and y_DAT are accessor functions?
lol, no, heh
Lemme try another example.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think that stuff is mostly only useful when reviewing why a specific test failed, rather than looking at the test results in general. Not to mention that assertion failure or debug break is a common outcome of a failing test in Wide, rather than an exception.
because that looked like arbitrary order application or someshit
Based on the information you've given, the solution must be to remove the errors in the code. — molbdnilo 28 secs ago
@Griwes I was playing that in betwee of LoL games
I intend to modify the framework so that each of the tests that carries more data than "JIT this code and this function must return true" is that the test driver should extract stuff like expected exception from the code itself.
@DeadMG Well, I was thinking about a general-purpose tool.
ah yes
well I don't understand why libraries like Catch don't offer interprocess by default since it's the only sane way to go in C++.
GLMgr	*g_glmgr = NULL;
global variables anyone?
> Initial copy from Dota2 source
fortunately, it's a rare problem for me that the code generation is buggy.
I should add a shortcut to Vim such that if I press C-x C-s it runs sl.
Hmm, I think this is something with buffering but I'm not sure what - if anyone is bored and wants to have a quick look I'm curious stackoverflow.com/questions/22286390/…
@rightfold that's actually quite clever.
@BartekBanachewicz Say you have a stereotypical Car "class", with a SteeringWheel data member and other stuff. And you have a variable beamie that holds an instance of Car. If you want to turn the steering wheel on that instance to the left, any permutation of { beamie_ACC, SteeringWheel_GEN, left_PER, turn } would do.
@Xeo I don't mean to generate noise, but I'd just like to point out you're at 66.6K rep. — Emracool 11 hours ago
101 rep till 66.666
@rightfold Make it run it in a tmux/screen window
Hmmm, make that turn_V (and assign_V above).
Meh, requires me to install tmux or screen.
I'm happy with i3.
I'm thinking of making up more complex suffixing mechanics, but for now I'll stick to these simple and obvious ones, only for exposition.
AFAIR there is no way to 'unbuffer' pipes. At least on Linux. Sorry. You can setvbuf all you want, but the OS will keep buffering in the IPC stage. — sehe 11 secs ago
@rightfold pretty sure you told me what i3 was before
@BartekBanachewicz Kinda, yeah. One of the design goals is to make order within expressions be absolutely irrelevant.
It is a tiling window manager.
@sehe that sounds about right, I haven't done such "low level" concurrency for so long :S
Use ØMQ for IPC.
Turns out there's a Dutch singer named Miss Montreal.
Fuck low-level non-portable crap.
@rightfold it's not my question you know :P
It just poked my curiosity, a friend sent me a link to it.
I know.
So, I was in London the other day, was surprisingly lots of fun.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Surprisingly?
London is good.
HTTP is also fine, but overkill in many cases.
And a pain in C.
@EtiennedeMartel I was there a few years ago, it was somewhat expensive and unwelcoming and not a lot of fun, this weekend I was there with my wife and it was very fun. Lots of beer, a nice show, lots of sights.
I was probably just younger back then.
@rightfold for IPC o_0?
Lots of beer - that's why it is fun
No, for drinking juice.
@rightfold I'm a teapot.
I dated a londoner, just so to hear more British accent while I was in London
And I'm a proposer of high-level messaging protocols.
@rightfold nono, in HTTP
But I was posted there for 3 months
@BenjaminGruenbaum I know about HTCPCP.
> Anyone who gets in between me and my morning coffee should be insecure.
> Coffee pots heat water using electronic mechanisms, so there is no fire. Thus, no firewalls are necessary, and firewall control policy is irrelevant. However, POST may be a trademark for coffee, and so the BREW method has been added.
And invariably, implementations of it exist.
> Errata Exist
I should totally connect my coffee machine to one of my old laptops and make it listen to BREW requests. That'd totally make my day.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Actually, I just recently found this out - to my dismay, as I had slated our platform core interface to use pipes for message passing.
@rightfold That's a library. You can't compare OS primitives to libraries.
@sehe That sucks. I actually consider myself pretty good with concurrency, I do it all the time - but I'm standing in the shoulders of giants when I do it in a high level language.
Also, I think linux's OS primitives are kind of awesome and are really nice abstractions on their own. I know many people probably disagree but I really like streams and pipes as building blocks, I was wondering what that guy was doing - it's how I got to that question in the first place :)
(I also like IOCP, but that's another story, low level concurrency is interesting, too bad I kind of suck with it :))
@sehe don't use primitives.
Don't be primitive.
Why use Boost.FileSystem after all. Can just use mkdir directly.
@rightfold Now there's good reason to avoid, say, Boost Context if you target Android, iOS, Win, Mac and Linux with a signle codebase.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I only use it with ASIO
@sehe Why?

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