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both the build command and the code are slightly different
which string does not longer exist in the new build?
I can check that.
the error string- "The requested member could not be found".
Is there a sorting implement for C++ that can place elements into a separate container?
plus the fact that the cpp object should have a header subobject which this Wide is complaining it does not.
Or do I create the container first, fill it up, and then sort the elements?
A: Class redefinition error in C++ while deriving an Abstract Class from another Abstract Class

Vlad from MoscowIt means that somewhere you already have defined type IScreen. Usually the compiler gives a reference to the duplicated definition. So investigate the error message.

@ThePhD so you have a vector and a vector of pointers that map to the original vector (element by element) and you want to make it so that when you sort the vector of pointers you sort the original one?
that sounds dumb
Eh. Nevermind me.
> However, you asked us to do more. You asked us to bring you even closer to the metal and to do so on an unparalleled assortment of hardware. You also asked us for better tools so that you can squeeze every last drop of performance out of your PC, tablet, phone and console.
@DeadMG ok, fixing it
@EtiennedeMartel I just saw that. I hope they have cool demos.
@StackedCrooked Plus, I think I notice a slight problem with your caching scheme- namely that it doesn't take account of when the executables and stuff are updated.
The cache key is generated from source code, command line, g++ version and clang++ version.
ah I see
Not enough information is a reason to ask for more from OP not to post a bad answer. — Borgleader 13 secs ago
@DeadMG It's not perfect :/
fair enough
@ Lightness Races in Orbit You contradict yourself. You down voted my answer and at the same time advice to investigate the error message. You are dishonorable man. — Vlad from Moscow 1 min ago
@Jefffrey Thats the difference between a comment and an answer you can tell the OP to do more work in a comment
Still waiting for the, "LRO is forced to read the question and post an answer using standard quotes. Gets all the upboats." part.
O_o ... tomalak must be happy he finally attracted Vlad's attention
there's a thing here about accessing artifacts via wget and such
@Borgleader I was undecided wether to just flag or just downvote, then vlad said this and I went for both
@Mysticial Is it possible that the rep thing in the top bar resets if you get rep from different SE sites? I was at 275 and then it went down to 5 (and that +5 came from Software Recs)
@Jefffrey that asshole revenged downvoted me (im pretty sure of it)
it might be simpler to do it the other way around.
I see Vlad has been helping students/starters a lot
@Mysticial not this time
It took me a while to reverse engineer that rep bar as well.
1. Never ever click on it on any site.
2. If you click on anything in that corner, don't move your fucking mouse to the right. Click again to close and move the mouse down.
3. Which site is irrelevant.
@Borgleader Or maybe it's because midnight just struck
@Borgleader what question?
Screenied before mod wiped everything.
@Mysticial Never clicking on it may have lengthened the reverse engineering process.
I wonder how I can insert a build number into my build system.
or maybe I should look at commit number instead.
@Jefffrey I got a downvote on this its almost a day old pretty much no one would visit this aside from OP (if he ever comes back
Git hash?
commit number would be better.
@Potatoswatter It definitely did. I had it up to 3k at one point. And then I messed up on my phone. I was like FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK.
also I'm using hg :P
@Borgleader he downvoted an answer? that's weird
shouldn't that show in his reputation change?
I think only you can see rep lost from downvoting something?
that would make sense
the timing is oddly suspicious too, i mean i told him his answer was crap and lost rep within 2 min
he'd been behaving so well lately, too :(
oh crap it's 00:20.
when did that happen?
the last I checked it was like 21:00.
Less than a minute ago
02:22:22 here
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Thanks for fixing my answer.
@Borgleader you're welcome
Hello everyone!
hi @Andy
night all
Speaking of reverse engineering, remember a while ago, a lot of results shows up when one search for 'telkitty' ... I found out the reason for that - because my blog was spammed & I was unaware of that. As a result, my site traffic increased drastically, which might result in improved ranking/search results
Now it is back to normal ...
Last I checked it was some 20.
Then I went to sleep.
Now I'm here and you guys are not entertaining you. That's what I pay you for!
Wait, I don't pay you a dime
is your spelling module hit by an EMP or something
@R.MartinhoFernandes I thought you said you were not here a while ago? lol
Hmm. I'm not making a lot of sense
fucking internet dropped out whilst I was criticising you and then you used the time before it came back to edit in fixes.
I guess I'm still booting
@R.MartinhoFernandes You would need at least ten to give us a dime.
What happen to the name of this chat room? Why is it back to normal?
I'd like to mention that I didn't cut anyone's Internet connection in order to improve the public perception of my spelling ability.
@Andy it's not
lol back then people asked why the name was not normal
I guess I should lol too
How do you people change the name though?
Is ñ the opposite of n? Is Portuguese the most destructive language?
Portuguese doesn't have ñ
@R.MartinhoFernandes It has more tildes than any other language, though.
real languages have ñ
We use the 'nh' digraph for the same sounds
> I am in a rush, and I don't have time to try to learn everything by myself in such a short amount of time.
Kids these days
I was looking up how to do optional arguments in TI-Basic for 68k and I found this post
What post?
he was basically asking a forum to translate 5 programs from TI-83 to TI-89
@Rapptz link?
Tech cemetery
also the answer to my question is that there are no optional arguments in TI-Basic
which is weird because the built in functions use them
Gotta go, Bye everyone!
Maybe they're part of the parser grammar. Just hack the parser…
> I prefer a setting where there is one on one communication. On this site, it's more like you're communicating to me directly, but you're also posting information for future users as well, which is not exactly my interest.
Wide functions can't have default arguments, but Wide can call C++ functions that do.
Wide functions suck
So you're suggesting that he use Wide on his TI?
I was planning on having both named and defaulted arguments but they are not exactly top of my priority list right now
I'm trying to write a function that calculates the wronskian.
In mathematics, the Wronskian is a determinant introduced by and named by . It is used in the study of differential equations, where it can sometimes be used to show that a set of solutions is linearly independent. Definition The Wronskian of two differentiable functions and is . More generally, for real- or complex-valued functions , which are times differentiable on an interval , the Wronskian as a function on is defined by : W(f_1, \ldots, f_n) (x)= \begin{vmatrix} f_1(x) & f_2(x) & \cdots & f_n(x) \\ f_1'(x) & f_2'(x) & \cdots & f_n' (x)\\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \...
unless it's built in.. then I can't find it
Why not use a PC? Or even Wolfram Alpha?
I'd never use Wolfram Alpha
I bet he'd make that paid soon too
It does provide ready access to obscure math functions, whatever its intended purpose is.
Mathematica has it
I'm going to go to bed.
it's called Wronskian[...]
If you have mathematica, then WTF?
I don't have mathematica at work
I have it pirated at home though
So, what do you guys think about stuff?
Can you tell I'm bored?
Or matlab
which also has a lot of built in obscure maths functions
Wronskian isn't even obscure
it's used in linear algebra and differential equations
It's not +, it's obscure
Wow these matrix functions suck
@R.MartinhoFernandes You've been trepanned? I thought your work was non invasive.
What did you expect? The TI isn't exactly a software marvel. Note that the original Mathematica was written for similar hardware (8 MHz 68000 CPU; screen roughly 350x500).
Tinfoil hats should really be on the outside of the skull.
well, maybe matrix operations are not matlab's strongest
I have not touched mathematica for ages ...
the name matlab stands for matrix laboratory
I'm pretty sure matlab is good at matrices.
Mathematica = symbolic. Matlab = numeric.

Wronskian of functions or of a linear homogeneous ordinary differential equation
expand all in page
Use only in the MuPAD Notebook Interface.

This functionality does not run in MATLAB.

See Also
Related Guides


Wronskian[{y1, y2, ...}, x]
gives the Wronskian determinant for the functions depending on x.

Wronskian[eqn, y, x]
gives the Wronskian determinant for the basis of the solutions of the linear differential equation eqn with dependent variable y and independent variable x.

Wronskian[eqns, {y1, y2, ...}, x]
gives the Wronskian determinant for the system of linear differential equations eqns.
A: Is there a secular, non vulgar alternative to "for heaven's sake"?

user67889Jesus titty fuckin Christ always passes smoothly, from what I've experienced. Just don't forget to write Christ with a capital C, or else that's pretty much considered blasphemy.

I use 'for Finagle's sake'sometimes
for heaven's sake… I mean sheesh
A lot of my friends make up middle names for Jesus
like that one guy
Do they write Christ with capital C?
We're too cool for that
Q: What key does the symbol "⇧" represent?

BepetersnFor instance, the Sublime Text Unofficial Docs say that on Linux, I can use this key sequence... Alt + ⇧ + Up ... to do column selection. I have no idea what this key is if it is not "Up". Someone out there just knows the answer to this question.

Blasphemous fuckers
Sometimes I use "Jesus tap dancing Christ" for funsies.
how do people not know that stands for Shift? :(
I'm not even that old
Every keyboard I've owned has had that symbol on the shift key
I need one to tell kids to get off it
You might want to shorten this, I highly doubt anyone will go through 700 lines of code. — Borgleader 6 secs ago
> deleted by Kris_R. 7 mins ago
lol. Didn't know this:
> "so I am gong to have to post it in two separate posts" please don't, and seriously no one here is going through a 1000+ lines of code. – awesomeyi 10 mins ago
I cant believe he thought someone would read all this
assume no flabby bits ...
That barbie is more realistic, but in no way reflect real women ... majority of them anyways
Hmm I have to check the BIOS the DVD drive is powered on but nothing shows up in windows explorer when i put a disc in it
@EtiennedeMartel This stupid shit again?
God damn man.
I dont see whats wrong with this. He'll either get rich or he won't.
anyone familiar with blender? :|
@Rapptz Why is that stupid?
Go ahead and ask 10 young girls who play with Barbie dolls if they fantasise about how different their body looks in comparison to the doll and how they wish it was different.
Just some load of crap their moms like to spread around for some reason. It's always bugged me because it's never been true.
And now some guy is trying to capitalise on it, pretty retarded if you ask me.
You know, the weird thing is children play with these dolls and I've never seen / heard of a child have a mental breakdown or serious self-body issues about it until they get older.
It's like when they hit 14+ it starts becoming an issue, and the issue is usually brought up not really by the children or even manifest with the children, it's usually... the parents or other adults.
... What I'm getting at is adults make everything shitty. :c
> Patent pending
> Apparatus for entertaining kids
> Barbie's unrealistic proportions have stirred up controversy for decades.

Critics of the doll say that her tiny torso and long limbs give young girls false expectations for what womens' bodies should look like.

But in a recent interview with Fast Company, Barbie lead designer Kim Culmone says there's a good reason the toy's shape is so disproportionate.

"Barbie’s body was never designed to be realistic. She was designed for girls to easily dress and undress. And she’s had many bodies over the years, ones that are poseable, ones that are cut for princess cuts, ones that are more realis
anyway on an unrelated note
Qt Creator 3.1 is in beta
It finally uses Clang to parse
pretty neat changes actually :v
So they switched from gcc to Clang? what else?
gcc doesn't have a library to help parse C++ like Clang does
they made their own
@Rapptz That article makes the rounds every few years… oddly just yesterday I saw a Barbie doll and was wondering about it. But the math there is awful, typical BBC BS.
it gets annoying
Anyway, Barbie wasn't designed for little girls at all. It was designed as a raunchy gift for adults, then adapted.
I see no source for this
Wikipedia, of course. The original doll was called Bild Lilly IIRC.
that one is by different people
Yes, when brought to America and copied identically it proved a hit with kids.
But it wasn't redesigned.
the entire Barbie history on Wikipedia implies it was always for children so I must be missing something
I already read that
Apparently the "adult" version had more seductive lipstick. The differences end there.
I haven't read anything that said it was originally for adults
there isn't even much info on the other doll :s
> Lilli was post-war, sassy and ambitious and had no reservations talking about sex. As she had her own job she earned her own money as a secretary but wasn't above hanging out with rich men ("I could do without balding old men but my budget couldn't!").
@Rapptz Where are you even looking?
Oh I see.
@Potatoswatter I was reading wikipedia but I ignored the cartoon section since I didn't consider cartoons to be part of the doll lol
all I read was that it had allegations of being a sex doll
which is kinda weird considering how small it is
Nah, just a raunchy joke gift.
> In 1963, the outfit "Barbie Baby-Sits" came with a book entitled How to Lose Weight which advised: "Don't eat!."[16]
lol okay, see now this is bad
I think 1950-2050 will go down in history as the period when humanity finally, after literally a million years, got a grip on gender identity.
Before that time period, people didn't really write things like that, at least not in mass media, because the right media didn't exist.
I don't see what this has to do with gender identity.
What it means to be male, female, etc. (The other alternatives get a lot of press but in this case I just mean the more popular dichotomy.)
gender identity is what you as a person identity with in terms of gender. As in, I identity as a male.
I think you're thinking of social constructs.
That may be correct. Yes, that's what I mean, gender as a social construct.
I should be working… this is not my field of work ;)
Simple? This is hundreds of lines of code... (689 to be exact) — Borgleader 7 secs ago
Hmm.. I'll download 3.1 when it releases.
@Borgleader I thought it was the same person coming back... :( He did say he will split it into two "smaller" posts.
@Mysticial Could be, but the other one has bit comment sections with the prof's name, this one doesnt
@Borgleader ahaha
Now I need to look again.
Oh yeah!
> Create By: Pedra Caina and Kristin Renfro
Authorized By: Professor Sauls
Good morning.
@Rapptz That's ancient. I thought the ISO committee was only formed in 1993.
> If the chosen features satisfy the requirements of modern software development, and a sufficient level of compatibility with ANSI C is provided by the standard, its useful life is expected to be 7 to 10 years.
Nowadays that's about average waiting time to see any significant new feature standardized…
Huh, I had an apartment on the same block as the place that proposal was written…
Theyve been asking for exception handling for years.
I thought EH was a relatively new idea.
> garbage collection
Keep in mind at that time Garbage Collection hadn't been implemented on the scale of things like Java or C# at that time, IIRC.
1989 to 2011.
Java showed up... late 90s, right?
Or was it early 2000s?
WHich was one of the first languages to have global garbage collection built into the programming language, no?
GC had been commonplace for what, 20 years?
Oh geez
Java was born around 1991
Guess it's been there for a lot longer than that.
Please, Java didn't invent anything.
Java was publically and officially released in 1995, or so says WIkipedia.
Yes, and completely irrelevant
@Potatoswatter It;s the first language I remember having anything like modern garbage collection. I'm only going off what I know, though.
Maybe wikipedia knwos more. :O
What does 'modern garbage collection' even mean?
@ThePhD Pretty sure Smalltalk had GC, and that GC was invented for functional languages.
@Potatoswatter Even to the point that it even didn't use potentially useful features, like operator overloading.
There really wasn't anything innovative about GC in Java
LISP was invented in 1958. If you want to know how old GC is, start researching there.
Garbage collectors are old as fuck.
> Garbage collection was invented by John McCarthy around 1959 to solve problems in Lisp.
Well, TIL.
Aftern 1959, Lisp was invented to solve problems in garbage collection ;)
I just figured out why the headphones I bought 1.5 yrs ago were such a good deal (80$ instead of 200$) the left ear just broke off as I was taking them off
Don't make 'em like they used to… I have a pair from 1999 which was $30.
Noise cancelling, comfy, sturdy, taken a lot of abuse in 15 years.
You should see a doctor
Did you stop the bleeding?
@Borgleader Your left ear broke off?
Wait, you can take your ears off?
He's a rabbit
What the fuck did I just say?
Perhaps the ear came off because he glued it to the left headphone, to keep the headphone from being disturbed by gravity.
Anyway, doctor
What the fuck is this?
yesterday, by sehe
user image
Or he just doesn't have ears, and have bought artificial ones which broke off.
@Mysticial bitwise arithmetic
bits and pieces… if you catch my drift
it was taking them off and it just snapped...
@Borgleader That doesn't look very organic.
You cleaned the blood, I suppose.
Guys when I said ear I meant the part of the headphone that goes over my ear
Pro Tip: When you're dealing with robots, you need to be explicit. Otherwise you'll hit an ambiguous overload.
The alliteration in 'tweak your tits as you twiddle your twat' is most alluring
I have done literally nothing much for the past 3 hours
I know the feeling
And it is not because I have nothing to do ...
What feeling? Twiddling your twat?
Nice try robot.
I was gonna say...
they keep making minor edits to my question =/
This is pretty impressive:
I wish I could do things much quickly
so I could accomplish more ...
@Mysticial this was on reddit yesterday bub
@Rapptz I didn't see it until I went to work today.
@Mysticial lol @ Pizza
Easter egg…
speaking of eggs, is it safe to cook them by mixing them in a bowl with water from a kettle?
but why would you mix them there?
to fortify my instant soup
depends on the egg I suppose ...
According to the FDA this is unsafe, but they say the same for runny scrambled eggs.
wonder you could contract chicken flu from infected raw eggs
The danger is salmonella, a bacteria which comes from the outside of the eggshell… I don't think the flu can infect a fetus.
@Potatoswatter Yes, but the FDA has basically decided that the only thing that's really safe to eat is charcoal.
@JerryCoffin Hence my question. I'm sure they spent lots of money to do useful research underlying that useless and shallow guideline.
@Potatoswatter I'm less worried about hiding answers than about wasting my money to tell me what everybody pretty much already knew. They might have more statistics about it, but long before the FDA got involved, everybody knew the basics.
Well, without statistics, it comes down to this: don't eat poo.
It's probably worse to eat salmonella than poo.
The truth is that, really depends on your luck. more than 9 out of 10 of the chances you will be fine
@Mysticial Salmonella is carried exclusively by poo.
That I didn't know.
@sudorm-rfTelkitty Hence, statistics. Any biology lab can produce a curve of salmonella survival rate vs. time at various cooking temperatures. Not rocket science.
right, but a tiny dose of salmonella wouldn't kill you normally
the tricky thing about statistics is that ... sometimes it's 0.01% chance something will happen, but it just might be ... you are in that 0.01%
That's not tricky… that's just life.
@sudorm-rfTelkitty Even a severe case will almost never kill you unless you're already exceptionally old, have a weakened immune system, or something on that order. From what I've heard, probably the majority of the time people claim to have the flu, it's really Salmonella (or something similar).
@JerryCoffin That might just be a retroactive excuse of doctors who overprescribe antibiotics… or the antibiotic manufacturers.
so ~shrug~ use your common sense?
@Potatoswatter I doubt it. Actual flu is fairly unusual. I'm pretty convinced that mild cases of food poisoning are a lot more common than most people think.
@JerryCoffin Why would that result in respiratory infection?
There's no colloquial difference between "flu" and "cold", so I'd accept that flu is overdiagnosed. But if I have diarrhea, I don't self-diagnose either of those.
I have a weak stomach, so if some food I have eaten is off, I would most probably know ...
@Potatoswatter Hunh? It doesn't cause respiratory infection. But it does cause headaches, cramps, diarrhea, etc.
Stomach flu. lol
@Mysticial Now that's some bullshit.
Flu is an airborne disease causing respiratory infection.
The sad part is that there's actually a thing called "health class" in US public schools…
Influenza, commonly known as "the flu", is an infectious disease of birds and mammals caused by RNA viruses of the family Orthomyxoviridae, the influenza viruses. The most common symptoms are chills, fever, runny nose, sore throat, muscle pains, headache (often severe), coughing, weakness/fatigue and general discomfort. Although it is often confused with other influenza-like illnesses, especially the common cold, influenza is a more severe disease caused by a different type of virus. Influenza may produce nausea and vomiting, particularly in children, but these symptoms are more commo...
Symptoms of hay fever is fairly similar to that of influenza
except on severe days when I have a swollen face ... because my skin is probably allergic to the pollens too ...
@sudorm-rfTelkitty Consulting wikipeida, that term refers to any allergy to grass pollen, so symptoms vary.
Once, living in the flowery mountains of Colorado, I went for a walk and was suddenly paralyzed on the other side of my backyard. I struggled to make it back to the house, blind and barely able to breathe. Severe yes, flu-like no.
@Potatoswatter The thing to keep in mind is that "flu" and "influenza" were both common long (roughly a century) before the family of viruses now identified as influenza was identified and isolated. You can make quite a reasonable argument that the colloquial usage identifying all causes of flu-symptoms as flu being correct, and the narrower definition of it being only what's caused by influenza virus as the one that's incorrect.
@JerryCoffin Hmm, the etymology refers to supernatural "influence."
If educating people on language usage can help prolong antibiotic effectiveness, that's a positive public service in my book.
@Potatoswatter Big surprise, attributing the unknown to the supernatural.
Reading between the lines a bit, I think that's renaissance-talk for "yup, s/he could die."
@Potatoswatter Considering the symptoms of some bacterial diseases that are now trivially cured, I have to agree.
But there is still no cure for the flu ... medicines are simply suppressing the symptoms
@sudorm-rfTelkitty There are vaccines, updated annually. It mutates too fast for a universal cure.
a doctor friend of mine who also codes always compared treating a new patient to fixing a bug in other peoples code... you try some things to figure out the fix
@starmole ...but with no version control to roll back changes if you make a serious mistake.
A friend of mine is due for a 12 hours surgery tomorrow :/
@sudorm-rfTelkitty A 12 hour operation? That doesn't sound pleasant.
She's the one with breast cancer
double mastectomy
they have to tie up all the blood vessels
thus the long operation
@sudorm-rfTelkitty Well, here's hoping it comes out well.
@sudorm-rfTelkitty best of luck to her. should be fine though! better than to die of the cancer!
@sudorm-rfTelkitty That does sound somewhat non-trivial.
I hope it all goes well for her too

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