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@Jefffrey I think he's very accurate.
welp, better cancel the lounge meetup then, or we'll all end up swapping our possessions due to robbing each other
@ThePhD Nah, as long as they can eat, fuck and poop, no one is gonna kill anybody
oh yeah, I need to remember to reserve my tickets on friday
But we're all pedantic, so we'll probably rob each other in an orderly and cyclic manner such that all our possessions end up back with the owners.
it's when one of those 3 things miss that things starts to get fucked up
Must go to this magical place :O
@Xeo Didn't you say that already, like two months ago
@CatPlusPlus I also said that I can only do that 3 months prior to the travel date
according to bahn.de
it wouldn't let me book them 5 months in advance
I farted.
@DeadMG congrats
do I get a medal?
try again tomorrow
@Borgleader That is very magical. :D
you won't have to wait for tomorrow
but you do (to try and win again)
@DeadMG Is that a sign of good health in your case?
not especially
I fart a lot these days
I guess it's a good thing?
doubt it
Normally, I don't do this anymore.. but if you knew in advance we hate questions...
@MrBanana We don't hate questions per se. We hate questions from people who are likely to leave and never return once they get their answer.
Also, everything is wrong, hth
Think of it this way: if you want our help, you have to pay us back by participating. And we only accept payments in advance.
: D Nothing is free c'est la vie
That being said, posting a screenshot of code is a rather awkward way to ask for help.
Can you help me?
especially when you open by saying that you know you shouldn't be dumping it that way
> Inconsistent indentation: 24 spaces used for indentation, but the rest of the document was indented using 1 tab
@ThePhD We are not mafioso. Almost none of us is either Catholic or Italian, not to mention both.
Yeah, I can confirm none here is both Italian and Catholic
@TonyTheLion Sorry, my license to practice psychiatry was revoked.
@JerryCoffin Smooth.
farted again
must smell where you are
@JerryCoffin So maybe we're more like Lounge<Diverse Eclectic Participation Extortionists>: Payments in advance ?
@DeadMG i smell an adam sandler reference
Has SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) become a mere buzzword or is it a practice which still works?
@ThePhD s/:/::/, s/payments in advance/advPaymentsance/ (truly Payments in advance).
@JerryCoffin Urgh.
I think it still works
but less effectively than before
I had this notion too
search engines use an algorithm to rank pages and there must be some inputs to that algorithm that result in a higher ranking
@TonyTheLion It's not so much a practice as an ongoing battle between the SEO people and Google. It's doing a good imitation of WWI--mostly a running stalemate.
@JerryCoffin lol
@EtiennedeMartel Happened to remind me of a signature somebody used to use on Fidonet at times: AdvThanksance (Thanks in Advance).
@JerryCoffin Advanced thank sauce.
@TonyTheLion At least with Google, simply spelling something just little bit different on your page could make huge changes to search results.
@EtiennedeMartel Sauce goes on top, not in advance.
@MrBanana I think you'd be better off on SO proper.
seroundtable.com/google-ranking-spelling-14167.html <-- Not true, actually tested on regular basis on our clients websites. Good SEO really does improve results and still requires fine tuning over time.
@MrBanana Question: is there an implicit conversion from double to std::string?
@EtiennedeMartel oh the irony
"If I can't have it, nobody will"
@JerryCoffin Thanks!
Meh, vim is getting very slow after 2-3 hours that I used it
and it only gets worse :(
what can that be?
(if I close it and reopen it everything goes back to normal)
disable plugins
they all mostly suck anyway
> WPF cannot render a D3D11 texture directly as the project was killed before they could get to that part
I'm sliding jokes in my presentation.
@EtiennedeMartel lol
@Jefffrey Switch to Emacs <3 :p
@MortenKristensen Fix for getting slow after a few hours: use something that starts out slow!
@JerryCoffin Oh that's funny indeed!
@MortenKristensen Funny how the old jokes about how big and slow emacs was ("Eight megs and constantly swapping") don't make it sound quite so ridiculous any more.
@JerryCoffin Never heard that one before. I like it! But slow, nah not for me anyway.
@MortenKristensen On a modern processor, there's no excuse for a text editor to be slow (though some are anyway).
@JerryCoffin I completely agree with that statement. But on mine it's not slow.
hi there
@MortenKristensen I don't doubt it a minute. The last time I used emacs was probably on a 486.
@JerryCoffin Oh dang, that's some time ago indeed. :) Well, to be honest I remember when I started using Emacs (like 8 years ago) that it sometimes felt a wee bit slow opening the program due to all the plugins. ;)
Hi @TemplateRex \o
@Jefffrey Can’t reproduce.
I call PEBKAC.
Is the following was possible with emacs? have a keybinding where you hold down w, then press e, and it outputs blah1..but hold down e then press w and it outputs blah2
If you hold down w, the output will be wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
@MrBanana you'd need to use a control key or be in a special mode.
@Morten Yeah. Such a thing is possible with autohotkey. I've been looking for a long time for a way to do it with an editor in linux
What is google? I can't find my glasses.
What is love
baby, don't hurt me!
@MortenKristensen A misspelling of Googol.
@MrBanana What actual purpose would this serve you if implemented? Just curious here.
@Morten very good for typing LaTeX.. I can do this with autohotkey but it doesn't recognize vim's input modes so they sometimes don't play well with each other
@JerryCoffin Indeed it is. Lots of zeroes - 100 to be exact.
@MortenKristensen poke with sword
@rightfold Jab with axe!
@Borgleader They did so yesterday, actually.
@Borgleader I'm happy. It means 27 people are looking for a job. And we're hiring.
@MrBanana That's actually a very nice point. Maybe I could use that myself when I jog in TeX all over the walls.
@EtiennedeMartel In my case it depends, if these guys were hired on contract to help with crunch and knew in advance they were out of a job once the game shipped I'm pretty find with it, but if these guys were long timers then that sucks :(
@TonyTheLion is that the US debt?
@Borgleader Well, considering how long winded and poorly handled the development cycle of Thief was, I'm sure they all say it coming.
@Borgleader No, a Googol.
@ScottW :)
@Morten can I have vim send hidden keys when I change modes? Ahk could recognize that
@MrBanana I don't use Vim
Kotaku really needs to stop POPPING UP SHITE AT ME for no reason. I do not want to "Join the discussion" any more than I did the last time you asked. I want to read the fucking article I fucking requested you fucking useless godamn bastards.
@Morten Or even emacs in vim emulation mode (viminator it's called?)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Gawker bullshit, game edition.
Also, fuck Kotaku.
> ... Kotaku, which are known for two things: lacing their news with editorials, and tolerating an immense level of bullshit on their comment threads.
@ScottW That would be saying that the US debt is a Googolplex.
@TonyTheLion same thing.
Also, Sass is nice.
1px * 1px is actually 1px^2. In LESS it is still 1px.
@MrBanana I'm really not sure TBH. Haven't checked it. But what I think you could do would be to enter a user-defined minor mode and define shortcuts there without control keys.
> We were informed that the person who has briefly posted the backer database yesterday on the forum was not a hacker, but an ex. TeamWEB employee who was let go following a conflict within TeamWEB.
heh, well at least it wasn't distributed anywhere
Googolplex is 10^googol, noob.
Me too
Also Googleplex.
googol squared = googol^2, noob
He didn't say that
> la vie est comme une espèce de bibitte à 3 pattes qui apprend tout le temps à marcher mais qui s'plante quand vient le temps de courrir, bonne journée
I don't even know you so I will keep talking
I might be lame but at least I can whistle properly, not that pfff stuff
@ScottW how well spreek jij Dutch?
kann ich verstehen
@ScottW misschien vind je dit grappig :P facebook.com/…
was ist dann grappig?
So thats why...
Snak nu bare engelsk, sjufter!
Houd je mond, stomme Deen.
@Borgleader she is attracted to Batman?
@rightfold Jeg sagde ikke du skulle holde kæft. Jeg sagde I skulle skifte sprog.
(Of course, why else would she fuck him?)
@rightfold Everyone likes Batman.
wo konnt ihr alle her~
@MortenKristensen Ik kon dat eruit opmaken, ja. Deens lijkt vrij veel op Nederlands.
@ScottW shut up, but it basically says "you are so wonderful people". No, it does not.
@morten opmaken = abmachen ?
> Pour tout dire, avec Vanek sur un trio en compagnie de Plekanec et Galchenyuk, ça fait non seulement plusieurs noms bizarres ensemble, mais ça fait que ça sent pas mal la coupe.
@rightfold Det er det nemlig - det er jo faktisk en blanding af engelsk, dansk og tysk.
ihr sind ja alle penner bzw wichser :p
@MrBanana That would mean "to conclude" :)
Apparently I am wearing my underpants inside-out.
You dumb ass :D
@MortenKristensen Macht sinn.
So even though I'm on the road, I still managed to use a shell. Sorry for the ad. http://t.co/WDO2jhdoxe
Dat pun.
@MortenKristensen Dat pun.
@rightfold giggles
@MrBanana Oh but sure it does. Who didn't know that?
@MortenKristensen hihi. Die Amis
Shits and giggles all around!
Nederlandsproch ist best
doch doch
Bitte bitte
svensk auch gut halt
Svensk er værre end det meste
ich kann nur raten, was das sagt
hm.. eigentlich nicht
@rightfold Aaaaaand. No. I doubt so.
@Jefffrey Did you find out why it was so damn slow?
Warum findest du svensk kaka ^^ ancient rivalries?
@MrBanana Okay, speak English again. But more or less - We danes always had rivals with the swedes but we all get along alright anyway :P
Whats up with janteloven. Everyone i know is all about the jante
Q: Make 'zero width space' count as white space

Peter MortensenI don't know what the reviewers were thinking, but this is not the issue here: Rather, the limit was circumvented by inserting six U+200B (UTF-8 E2 80 8B, "ZERO WIDTH SPACE") at the end of the sample code: Should this be added to what is considered white space in the edit length restricti...

^^ oh damn...
my kidney hurts.
at least I think that location is approximately a kidney anyway
Morten, what's thebest thing about emacs
A: Shared-memory IPC synchronization (lock-free)

seheBoost Interprocess has support for Shared Memory. Boost Lockfree has a Single-Producer Single-Consumer queue type (spsc_queue). This is basically what you refer to as a circular buffer. Here's a demonstration that passes IPC messages (in this case, of type string) using this queue, in a lock-fr...

Woot ^ Boost Interprocess + Boost Lockfree: "Can Haz Lockfree Circular Buffer in Shared Memory"
Not even too complicated
@sehe Nice answer :)
All credits to boost
Golden teeth are so horrible. :(
@rightfold then why do you have them?
I do not have them.
Sure you do
True, I really hate gold teeth as well.
@rightfold Coming from mr glans ring over here
@sehe You never cease to amaze me
@sehe You're so good at all this stuff.
@Borgleader Isn't he just the greatest?
One day, I'm going to be as good as sehe. :D
Me too! i want to be like sehe
I have critical code modified over and over, running on an elegant template given by sehe over a year ago. Vote @sehe for Don status.

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