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is it just me, or is this like, the third case of something like this happening in the lat three days?
@DeadMG inb4 moral panic.
@DeadMG im deeply disturbed
what really struck me about that case was how the victim didn't seem too bothered, given the quote.
@EtiennedeMartel Actually, quite a bit of Hitler's excuse for much of what he invaded was some degree or other of Germanic background in the target countries (given the dominance of the Hapsburgs, finding at least some Germanic influence over many countries was pretty easy).
but then again, she's so young, she probably doesn't really have words beyond "It made me feel sad".
@DeadMG Hitler was literally Putin.
I think Hitler much better corresponds to that guy in the north korea
@JohannesSchaub-litb Barack Obama?
@Borgleader. As far as I know it cannot, because the returned struct would not have the x and y data members. — Kavka 12 mins ago
i dont even
@DeadMG why are 12 year olds watching hardcore porn ?
@Borgleader want to upvote because it's so stupid
and how do we stop that from happening without shitting on freedom ?
@A.H. Because they don't know better.
@A.H. I'm pretty sure if anybody had an answer to that that could fit in a chat message, it'd have been done years ago.
@JerryCoffin would you say it's the parent's fault?
that's some mad boy
@A.H. To an extent, yes. Being a parent means taking responsibility for your children. At the same time, a 12 year-old is often to sneaky enough to hide what he's done/doing even from relatively attentive parents with good intentions.
the only way to ensure that a 12-year-old is not watching hardcore pornography is to sit with them every second they use the Internet
which I feel is unfeasible in today's society.
The parents couldn't have prevented him from watching.
The article said he was with a group of friends when he watched it.
Chances are the friends all found the weakest link in their parental chain and then used tha tparent's place to do the watching.
Not saying that its' not the parent's fault.
@DeadMG internets are teh evul
@ThePhD I am.
or rather
as much as can be said without knowing the exact circumstances
Because a more diligent parent would have screened the kids at first and maybe noticed their daughter walking with a funny gait after the first incident (there were indecent incidents from March to May: parents didn't pick up on anything inbetween then? Or even earlier?)
If you have kids, install a damn internet filter thing =/
@Borgleader As if that's going to stop them.
@Borgleader Again, not the solving thing here. He watched it at someone else's place.
Or somewhere else entirely. It was a group of friends.
@ThePhD That someone has parents?
@Borgleader Which boils down to the exact same problem.
Laptop, Smartphone, some random desktop computer...
internet filters aren't tremendously effective
You're supposed to block every single thing?
And you need it to block all the porn sites ever?
so all you can do is watch them every second they're using it
@ThePhD What does a 12 yr old kid need a smartphone and/or laptop for? =/
Not happening in a zillion years, unless you employ China-level filtering.
@Borgleader His friends.
@Borgleader Everything. It's 2014.
@ThePhD I'm assuming he has friends his age.
Maybe. The article doesn't say.
Other articles say he viewed it on an Xbox 360.
I mean, could you have reasonably expected the parents to install an internet filter on the Xbox 360 console browser?
Does that even have a webbrowser?
Who the hell knows.
for a long ass time it didnt
@ThePhD Even if they did
it's not going to stop a child
it couldn't stop me and my friends and that was ten years ago when you grew up with offline computers instead of online ones
I think the deeper trouble here is that the parents had not prepared the child for the eventuality of seeing such things.
Or instilling in him, y'know, the common sense to not fuck rape your 7 year old sister.
they probably were not expecting to have to prepare a 12-year-old.
and frankly, he probably didn't have a clue as to what he was doing.
inb4 a mod walks in a nukes this whole conversation from orbit.
I'm not saying that the parents could not have done more.
in general
what I am saying is that there's nothing they can do to stop him viewing hardcore porn at any internet-enabled device if he's remotely smart.
our national government can't even stop us from visiting The Pirate Bay, and that's our entire goddamn government against just one website.
let alone one parent vs an entire class of imagery hosted everywhere
> Subject: + Project Request
> Dear Developer, please reply to me soonest if you -- or anyone you know -- is available for Front End Development work with the following technologies.
At which point you're left with a young child's ability to discern right from wrong.
Chances are, they're going to do things the wrong way.
@DeadMG Government are as incompetent as possible though ;)
@ThePhD That was in the UK, and the UK is 'murica lite, so you're terribly wrong to think that people living there have common sense.
@Fanael What
UK seems to be more North Korea lite in recent times
Why do I get stupid emails
@CatPlusPlus Yeah, I just said that.
@CatPlusPlus Targetted marketing
@CatPlusPlus Because you applied to be a C++ mentor :P
> Please answer all questions marked with # above.
There are no questions, only requirements
> # Experience with Github.
Then you have nothing to do. Why complain?
In other news, Burton fucking Albion won :(
Nobody gives a fuck
Not even the team themselves
@Borgleader O rly?
Feb 22 at 5:05, by Cat Plus Plus
> I found you on OpenHatch where you indicated that you’re interested in being a mentor in C++.
ya rly
wat really Cat?
I can just imagine it now
"help plix Object* o = new HomegrownListOfInts();" "YOU'RE DOING IT SO WRONG PLEASE DIE"
We're having a lot of C++ classes on uni lately
hilarity ensued.
@DeadMG lol
@Jefffrey yeah let's star it
also sup
im eating tell me about your day
don't tell me what to do
>: (
@BartekBanachewicz whatcha eating
@Jefffrey Schwarzwald ham
and baguettes
and tomatoes
and orange juice
and irish butter
and Gouda
basically a sandwich
yes something along the lines of one
I'm afraid of using the word "sandwich" because of possible "sandwitch" misspell
yeah, that's scary
but yeah, that message it too good to let it unstarred
3 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
im eating tell me about your day
(added an exclamation mark now you have to)
the heck do you care? watch a tv serie or something
like normal people do
you want to force me into small talking on the internet
wtf dude
fuck tv
it has to many programs between the commercials
I mean I know there's Mango channel but it only has about 1:30 of material that's looped
I wonder if it's streamed tho
@BartekBanachewicz lol
@BartekBanachewicz there's a free market on the internet in which you can... well... acquire basically every digitalized version of any music/tv serie/movie/porn/ebooks
use it
you got me on porn.
ffs mango tv stream is broken :(
why does SO even allow non-https requests
Hey, @EtiennedeMartel and @sehe, when you call mylist.Sort(); (on a List<int> mylist, for example)
is the CLR allowed to move any of the integers from their spot if they're all equal?
@Jefffrey Why should it allow HTTPS requests in the first place?
Other than to authenticate, that is
I suppose someone might snoop then spoof your auth token?
yeah, authentication is not important on the internet
fuck secure protocols
Not vastly so on SO, no.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit oh, because on facebook yes?
or github
or google
@ThePhD how would you move integers?
@ThePhD For int it would be non-observable, but traditionally sorting and stable sorting are offered separately.
SO should store passwords in plaintext and should make the database public.
int is a value type.
@Fanael "open source database tables"
There's no reason to not use HTTPS everywhere, other than CA nonsense still being pricey as fuck
@CatPlusPlus certificates?
@rightfold I'm giving a fictitious example, but in my case I have a class for which CompareTo on all other elements returns 0, all the time (because they're all equal right now). But it's still shuffling things around in the list.
yeah, debugging HTTPS with Wireshark is a total hoot
CA model specifically
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Oh. Well, good to know.
Yeah debugging production websites that someone else runs is so very fucking important
what a fucking retards
they have one commercial looped 3 times now
this channel isn't as good as it used to be
@ThePhD Of course it's obviously not going to!
@BartekBanachewicz do I have to tell you the story about the free market again?
watch "the wire"
or "true detective"
@Jefffrey live 24/7 commercial stream is cool tho
that's good shit
@Borgleader yeah, of course... I forgot breaking bad, thanks
watch breaking bad kids
Flying PHP Monster.
so you need a paid SSL certificate to use HTTPS?
But web browsers will complain.
And no
And with some browsers (fuck you, Google) you have to dig deep into the settings to accept self-signed certificates.
The most commonly used model of trust right now is one that relies on CAs though, and they charge to authenticate your certificate
is this how they complain ^ ?
It’s a big message instead of the web page.
That tells you that it is DANGEROUS.
very user friendly
why do you need certificates again?
Let’s see if this Emacs plugin works with Clojure.
@Jefffrey so that you are sure that you are connected with the correct peer.
TLS does encryption and authentication
Certificates prove identity
identity can be secondary though
A criminal cannot easily pretend to be the correct peer because it cannot sign the data with the correct identity.
oh, right
Just encrypting the stream doesn't stop it from falling into wrong hands
You need to authenticate the destination, otherwise someone can just divert your traffic to their host and not be fazed by your encryption whatsoever
omg the ranges mailing list is like a paradise
I'd read that shit 24/7
ParEdit thank you for working correctly with C-k.
@DeadMG so many wrong things in such short code: base Object class, pointers, dynamic allocation with naked new, long class names, self-made containers, types in class name (instead of templates), lack of namespace
just wow
@Jefffrey that is your averagely good (bad) C++
It’s yolo code.
Good enough yolo.
@CatPlusPlus got it
it employs the so called "write only programming paradigm"
huh, I haven't created a bitbucket repo for quite a long tiem
I'm trying to find C++ developer meetups near me.
I have wrong public key
There's 2. One is for Women Only, so I'm not allowed.
The other is funded by MongoDB and does weird crap like security in C++.
@ThePhD wat
are you kidding?
@Jefffrey Honestly it's pretty basic bad C++. There's a lot worse out there.
@Jefffrey Yeah. At least, on the tin it says "Girl Develop It" and it's about creating safe place for women to do developer stuff.
@DeadMG yeah, but in such a short number of characters? I doubt
I think it defeats the purpose of the group if I join it, no?
"invalid ssh key"
Create a new key and upload it. vOv
Speaking of keys, I still have to install an SSH agent at work.
@ThePhD dress as a woman v0v
for fucks sake
@rightfold I have a key
I can't paste it in BB's form
You suck
Don't upload the private key
I am not supposed to copy "BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY" right?
@rightfold That is nice, @rightfold ;D
@Jefffrey It could use Bjarne_case.
@BartekBanachewicz Wrong format
@CatPlusPlus :F
@DeadMG don't even joke about it
You want OpenSSH public key format, ssh-rsa <id> <comment>
$ pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
@rightfold are you still happy with Emacs? ;)
Yes. I used it all day.
Hi guys
ooh hi @kbok
@Bartek are you still Barteked? :p
@MortenKristensen naah
And I added test task to Rake today :lol:.
@Bartek that's good
@CatPlusPlus got it. thanks
No more need to invoke phpunit and node_test directly.
@rightfold It's getting there ;)
Well <key> not <id> I don't know why I called it that
Long time no see!
so yeah I got that code I'm refactoring to BB
if someone wants access for the lulz I can give it to ya
first commit was after my basic changes though
I see Pubby didn't show up, though
I'll have to yell at him
well TBH I have no idea why the guy forbade me to post it when it is public anyway
Deserters :argh:
I like Clojure better than Emacs Lisp, though.
@BartekBanachewicz because he is a noob.
@BartekBanachewicz Looks like somebody slept on a keyboard.
> reprezentujących
@rightfold it's in Polish, silly.
Bartek jest vague.
Look I know Polish!
One of the handful of Polish words my Polish father taught me. :v
@Jefffrey I'm feeling like liking some stuff today :P
unit tests, why doth thou torment me so?
@Jefffrey then your comment is the first thing to be liked today - what the hell, how can he have 25k with such a question :S
@Crow fake it until you make it - small tests
the problem is my class, suddenly, just decides not to instantiate.
I should read the source of Dunnet.
Sounds mighty fun actually
> This method uses Array.Sort, which uses the QuickSort algorithm. This implementation performs an unstable sort; that is, if two elements are equal, their order might not be preserved.
> iID = (unsigned int)(rand() % 1000); // identyfikator obiektu
@BartekBanachewicz Double sigh.. man
Is that from that Polish repo you talked about?
@MortenKristensen you know for what right?
@MortenKristensen don't fall into that trap
@Jefffrey Yes of course. Because that's only 1000 values to choose from and it's using rand() that might not be seeded. And in general it's not a good way of retrieving pseudo-random values.
@MortenKristensen not to mention c style casts
And that
@Jefffrey Actually I have a good reason because I just got my new MacBook Pro 15" retina home today <3 The most powerful they ship.
@rightfold Yeah that was a huuuge cluster fuck of proportions!
Should take a look at Dogecoin instead: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogecoin
> MtGox’s Bitcoin node IP address is hard-encoded in the server code, as are SSH keys used to connect to MtGox’s transaction processing server
How do you make those excepts of links btw.? Those that show a bit of it inline here.
Cool, hard-cording information.
@ThePhD That's always cool
@MortenKristensen y
float t[][29] =
{ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, // ostatni element nieużywany
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
@ThePhD so cool.
@BartekBanachewicz Swell - you should comment on it to him, to help him
(it has 200 rows more)
@MortenKristensen I mostly want to help myself
@BartekBanachewicz Holy shit that is ugly!
@BartekBanachewicz He isn't your friend or something? random guy?
// ostatni element nieużywany
@MortenKristensen he is my uni teacher :o
I think I am done with indenting and whitespaces
@BartekBanachewicz Haha.. Well, then I'm sure he doesn't want your input? or? ;)
@MortenKristensen dunno, maybe he does. I'll give him the code of course
@BartekBanachewicz That's good - he might see reason and not ignore it
even if he doesn't, a few dozen people might benefit immediately
I was the only one that completed the assignment today
@MortenKristensen nice
@BartekBanachewicz Are you really good or the others really bad? :P Or was it a tough assignment?
@MortenKristensen all 3, really :P
@Jefffrey Yeah it's awesome, so there's lots and lots to configure and so on.
@BartekBanachewicz Hah! Good you have some confidence ;)
@MortenKristensen silver badge in C++ :woo:
no, jk, I can't C++
but I can figure out terrible APIs faster.
@BartekBanachewicz I got 3 bronze badges on Mathematica.SE, I win ;)
@Borgleader woo
@BartekBanachewicz Sweet, I only have bronze in C++ so far
so let's look at consistent naming
void PoczatekInterakcji();
void Cykl_WS();

class Wektor3;
class kwaternion;

    float F,Fb;               // siły działające na obiekt: F - pchajaca do przodu, Fb - w prawo
    float ham;                // stopień hamowania Fh_max = tarcie*Fy*ham
@BartekBanachewicz Is that consistently inconsistent throughout the code?
@MortenKristensen pretty much.
@BartekBanachewicz My eyes are bleeding
Fuck you Google.
mine are bleeding on display lists hardcoded as sets of calls to glVertex
Why does command+return not search in a new tab.
Piece of shit.
@BartekBanachewicz Looks like the code that was given to us in Uni as well (except mine had french variable/function names). I have a feeling its due to the fact that the code was maintained by many generations of TAs
@Borgleader Whoever maintained it, did it terribly
@BartekBanachewicz We pretty much all just bleed to death looking at that stuff, right there
Does any one have an opinion on "The Linux Programming Interface" by Michael Kerrisk? O'reilly has it for half off and I'm curious if it's as magical as the reviews say.
@rightfold That's damn ugly! I use Safari mostly, though.
I'll second that fuck you google
@seagoj I dislike os-specific apis
@MortenKristensen what about sledzenie = 1 - sledzenie; to negate a bool?
Hmm. :)
Literate programming with % clj <(grep '^ ' blog-post.markdown).
@BartekBanachewicz Keeps getting better! :D Can it get worse still?
@BartekBanachewicz Seriously? thats a really shitty way of doing it D:
@MortenKristensen time will tell :D
@BartekBanachewicz I'm curious about it now. Find it! :P
@BartekBanachewicz Thanks for the response.
    if (SetWindowPixelFormat(g_context)==FALSE)
        return FALSE;

    if (CreateViewGLContext(g_context)==FALSE)
        return 0;
@MortenKristensen ^
@BartekBanachewicz jeez.. There's no end to it?
@BartekBanachewicz, I have a doubt
dunno it has a lot of nicely formatted code
if (sendto(sock, buffer, size, 0, (struct sockaddr *)
           &udpServAddr, sizeof(udpServAddr)) == size)
@BartekBanachewicz, what happens when I go to The End on the MC server?
@Jefffrey you can't go out until you kill the dragon
I think.
@BartekBanachewicz but then the dragon is killed for everyone?
@Jefffrey I dunno. Wait for us :P
lol, yeah of course
hm I think I'm done with the non-logic changes
time to start slapping const everywhere
I hate disco pubs
woo 130 rep today, i can stop until 8PM
woo 0 rep today
woo. My problem has completely stumped 10 people today :|
woo I'm bored
@Jefffrey disregard boredom, get ripped rep!
Can I have a macro which redefines BOOST_FOREACH(e, c) to C++11s for (e: c)?
Or does boost that already?
#define BOST_FOREACH... ?
@Borgleader Sweet! Keep going!
nah I will only include it if required, but what about the arguments, will that work?
> I am learning C++ and just try to implement a stack myself and do some implementation. From what I learn, I only know put "using namespace std" at the very beginning.
@Jefffrey That is some beautiful English right there.
@Jefffrey lol fail

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