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I kinda like hya
hya sounds good
easy to write
I like 3 letters namespace
@ThePhD What kind of synthesis engine are you using for it?
not like that motherfucking boost, 5 LETTERS JESUS! 5!!!
@Jefffrey damnit, now I liked something again!! :P
@MickLH It's a DSP that's going to take input sound and output, like, chorus or something.
in college, do most schools not really care which language you use?
@Crow they usually force you to use Java, PHP or C
depends on each course
They make you use Java or Python or C.
and on each professor
C++ is a bit rarer.
this is brilliant
shit I just wrote my whole program in python
@BartekBanachewicz how so?
@Bartek that's not brilliant - when people tell me how expensive my Apple stuff is I just think "well yeah, it's awesome" :P
@Jefffrey my current AI professor allows us to use any language, including... dunno, x86 asm for our projects
the other prof would have allowed LISP and Prolog only
@MortenKristensen note the colour of the mallard
@Jefffrey hate apple haters.
@MortenKristensen While I know nothing about you, and still have an open mind, I've lost my initial "benefit of the doubt" respect for you
No offense, really, just being honest
@BartekBanachewicz 2meta4me
@Barty Yeah I know ;)
@ThePhD cool, where do the laser keys come in?
@MickLH you lost respect because he said he's aware of the fact that the quality of the products he uses costs money?
2 days ago, by ThePhD
My professor got an old organ for free on Craigslist. The entire thing is busted, but the keys are still there. He's going to hook lasers up to every one and point them upwards. He's going to build a giant bracket that hangs on the piano and the lasers will shoot upwards.
@MickLH I like that you are being honest from the get-go without knowing me at all. I'm going to be honest here, and tell you that you have my respect still.
2 days ago, by ThePhD
My job is to catch the laser signals for each keypress, which will have the sound of the note encoded into the laser by way of an oscillating light signal.
@MortenKristensen STOP IT
tell him to fuck off
@Jefffrey Trying :O
or call him a dickhead
that's how we roll here
I guess I'm just a really positive guy.
@BartekBanachewicz wait... are you trolling or something?
@Jefffrey hate {.*} haters
Act normal, you idiot.
@Jefffrey I think I got lost in this discussion already
@MortenKristensen This actually puts you far above the initial "benefit of the doubt" respect in my book
@BartekBanachewicz I can't see you defending an apple fan, sorry
I'm saying random shit now
And I should clarify, I only meant in the context of choosing computer hardware, my implied point was actually more important than the vehicle I used to deliver it, being that while Apple machines may be awesome, they do not appear to be worth the extremely large premium
@Jefffrey you know I own (and love) an iPad, right?
I also have a Nexus phone.
@MickLH so you are telling me that you don't respect me as much because I like Apple stuff?
@BartekBanachewicz I need to sleep on it. I've always thought you were the "FUCK APPLE, LOVE ANDROID" kind of guy
Nokia C3 best phone.
Everything else is poop.
that's a plot twist
@Bartek did you know what you have become a thing?
Also who cares about someone else’s property really.
@MortenKristensen hmmm?
@Bartek well me and @Martin have decided to coin the term (to be) Barteked. :D
@BartekBanachewicz you are testing me to see if I finished the Haskell book, right?
what's Klostermischung btw.
If people gave less fucks about other people the world would be a much better place.
@rightfold have a star
ah "monastery mixture"
that would make sense
Sure, one from me, too, then
@MortenKristensen which would mean what exactly?
@MortenKristensen No I'm saying it because I can't understand why you do, and am convinced it's because of ego reasons, so I deliver my message in a way that shows my true feelings but also has a chance of provoking you into explaining to me why you choose that viewpoint on the topic
@MickLH have you ever used an Apple product for a prolonged time?
For one, no more fights about sexual orientation and ideology.
@MickLH stop mindfucking with people
Yes, I got started in computers on apple
@Bartek which would mean the current situation you were in with the alcohol level and all, and the effects on your body - whenever it happens to other people it is now called "to be Barteked" - aren't you honored? :)
"I did it so that you would do that and so that I would react like that"
WTF man
Learned programming on apple even, switched to windows for about a year, and found linux and never looked back
@MickLH They are well-known for their quality. That's enough reason for me.
@MortenKristensen oh come on @Martin's the drunkard here
I used to believe that, but I feel like they just sell an over-hyped Dell nowadays :/
I used to swear by their PPC machines
@MickLH they are good at marketing, but "over hyped"? nah
IME, welfare is proportional to how many fucks people give.
@MickLH You "feel"? Their products are expensive, but even the most expensive Dell XPS series (my GF has one laptop) can't compare to Apple IMHO
I haven't actually investigated a Dell, it's for the affect, not the literal meaning
I should not say "dell" but instead "cheaply produced prebuilt"
There are not many brands besides Apple that put that much effort in their stuff design and manufacturing
And the ones that do are sometimes boutique shops that tend to skyrocket prices.
I think I know what the core of the disagreement is! I feel that visual design is a waste of money
@MickLH Oh Google thought so for a long time.
Then you should not buy such products and people who do should. vOv
@MickLH That's an interesting way of doing it. Well I like (yeah I used that damn word again!?! @Jefffrey) OSX because of the Unix background. In my desktop usage I don't want to be crippled by Windows but at the same time I don't feel like using Linux for desktop - I did do that for many years, even FreeBSD as well. So I found out my time is precious. So I like Apple hardware, too, even though it might be expensive. I use Linux everyday as well on servers and so on btw.
@Bartek oh I didn't know that about @Martin actually ;)
@MortenKristensen I use Gentoo at work and it’s great. :3
All my computers go in the server closet, except my personal one which always has the side panel off because I change GPUs often
@MortenKristensen he's famous for his common bar visits. I really drink occasionally (where drink = more than two beers)
So I really only get a negative effect from fancy cases
@rightfold Gentoo is nice, used that a few years at some point :)
With i3.
@MickLH then again, apple's biggest products are iPods, iPads and iPhones, which are meant to be held, used and shown.
And my screensaver is while true; do fortune | xcowsay; sleep 2; done.
mobile products in general.
@MickLH are you telling me I'm a "fancy case" now?
@MortenKristensen I think he meant case like "PC case" :)
my PC case looks like a server case, incidentally (has totally black, mesh front)
Haha, well in any case, PC, fancy or otherwise, I like my Apple stuff
I like my Apple, Google and MS stuff.
I think that all of those companies produce software that's of usable quality and design that doesn't turn me off.
balanced differently, of course, but still.
I propose that we immediately cut off this conversation when Cat comes back.
@rightfold +1
I hope you guys know I'm in good spirits, was just ready to jump on the opportunity to discuss reasons for an apple preference with someone who potentially is technically literate.
I'm sure you guys know how easy it is to get starved for that conversation
Otherwise we will have to listen to complaints about global menu bars.
@rightfold I don't know cat that well :P would he get real aggressive?
And if you haven't, you are lucky! as fuck.
@MickLH Sure I know that, and no hard feelings
@MickLH I chose iPad (which was quite some time ago, I have a first retina series) because of the existence of domain-specific software and the screen quality.
@Barty that made me laugh :P
it has changed a bit, and today I'd probably spend some more and get an ultrabook (around 12"), but I still think it's a great device
@MortenKristensen I have used Emacs in the past for a little week and I liked it.
But does the buffer switching stuff work well?
In ST2 I use tabs.
I would also like to run unit tests by pressing F5.
@rightfold I R Emacsen. Used VIM up until I started at university and then I was introduced to Emacs and I have never looked back.
@rightfold buffers are amazing in Emacs you just switch between them as you like and display/order them that way, too.
I am tempted to try that fancy haskell editor
@MortenKristensen Task automation can be done in Emacs Lisp, right?
I like lisps.
not very original, perhaps, but a nice listen.
@MortenKristensen what Emacs do you use? If I run emacs I get the terminal version.
@rightfold sure it can - you can do "everything" - macros and so on.
@DeadMG I don’t give that.
^ rapper
@MortenKristensen This one? emacsformacosx.com
@rightfold I run 24.3 in a Carbon app
Meh Carbon.
it's only because it's really the best IMHO app of Emacs
I will try it.
And gonna install Emacs at work tomorrow.
so i only have 2 hours of classes tomorrow
someone up for a mini game jam? :D
@rightfold sorry I meant Cocoa :)
Oh Cocoa is cool.
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah sure I will write a game in Emacs Lisp. ¬_¬
Good ;) hehe
@rightfold I'm not sure if you're serious because of the emoticon you used.
I am not serious.
@Bartek Ensiferum are awesome always! Also live
hope of humanity?
I already had Emacs GUI installed. :v
@MortenKristensen It was recommended to me by spotify.
If you like Ensiferum then you should definitely try out the album called "Iron". Especially the track "Into Battle".
okey. I'm nearly done with From Afar
listening to the last track
"Into battle we ride with Gods by our side
We are strong and not afraid to die
We have an urge to kill and our lust for blood has to be fulfilled
We'll fight 'til the end and send our enemies straight to hell
Straight to hell"

oh yeah ;)
@MortenKristensen Will do.
I should pick up my guitar and practice but effort and stomachache.
hey how can I use boost.asio in CoLiRu? i.e. how can I specify libboost_system.a to the linker?
@Bartek and then take "Ensiferum" album afterwards
So I opened up Emacs and the first thing I see is jjj and on the bottom of the screen there is “Eval: o.”
Does anyone know of some research report on modern C++ methods for designing abstract objects (for data storage and minor utilities) which can be serialized / processed uniformly, as well as track and serialize dependencies that are different classes derived from the same base object?
@MickLH that's a strange way of saying hello
@ScarletAmaranth It very well might be.
@rightfold C-x-b "*m" <tab><enter> to see the messages if you are curious :)
> I played my new Ibanez Fireman for 12 hours straight yesterday. (I did stop briefly for lunch.) I love that guitar. It looks like an electric brontosaurus,
> electric brontosaurus
wtf Paul. just wtf.
sounds like a real musician :D
Ibanezes are kewl :)
@Abyx -lboost_system?
@MickLH he's one of the best guitarists ever.
I have an Aria
I'm pretty happy with it
@MortenKristensen I have an S Prestige. :3
I have bread.
I have butter.
I have lemon chicken.
@MortenKristensen Let's mate.
@R.MartinhoFernandes nope =(
I have marmelade
@R.MartinhoFernandes nothing else would be appropriate
@ScarletAmaranth is this a Japanese company?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Can we do a threesome?
Robotic puppies?
@R.MartinhoFernandes do I have a say in this matter?
@BartekBanachewicz it is (as far as I knwo anyway)
@ScarletAmaranth oh, they pack Duncan pickups in those. Do you have them too?
but I am currently looking to switch to pianos... speaking of, I need some tips for buying an electric piano
switch to synth!
If people gave more fucks about other people the world would be a much better place.
@ScarletAmaranth like the uber-realistic weighted one or a semi-synth one?
@ScarletAmaranth Get a free broken one on Criagslist and attach lasers to it!
@BartekBanachewicz I want to get as close to an actual piano as possible
@MickLH Synth keyboards are terribleness :F
@MartinJames So if both statements are beneficial then we have a problem because we can't both give and not give fucks. :/
I gotta sleep(8*60*60*1000);
@ScarletAmaranth ow. Then just be aware that buying an analog piano is usually cheaper than an a comparable electric version
@BartekBanachewicz You're right, he should get a MIDI keyboard and plug it into his computer
Hello, World!
@BartekBanachewicz I have two Hambuchers or whatever they're called and one single ... thing, my English vocabulary is very bad in this area :) (duncan it would appear)
my GFs piano is sitting at her house because I have no way to bring it here :/
@BartekBanachewicz that's why I want to buy an electric piano
@ScarletAmaranth it's spelled "humbuckers"
@BartekBanachewicz Move in with your GF.
I plan on moving away from the country soon enough
I think I like commercial pop music
I'm feeling weird
@MartinJames she lives with me. It's her parent's house.
@Jefffrey Are you Barteked as well?
and I use a Behringer combo, 50W, more than enough for my personal needs
@Jefffrey I think you are Barteked indeed
@MartinJames what does it mean?
drunk as fuck and then hungover
@ScarletAmaranth I use an old Hi-Fi Yamaha amp as the power end right now
@MickLH that's what I am doing too
@BartekBanachewicz I have a two channel amp, I wonder whether an electric piano will work with a guitar amp
@BartekBanachewicz but I will look into analog pianos if I can save decent money
@MortenKristensen does (package-initialize) automatically load all installed packages?
@ScarletAmaranth Yes.
I just installed clojure-mode and it’s already available.
@ScarletAmaranth it will work, but not amazingly. I'd get one of... grabbing a link
As always, depends on speakers.
I notice guitar amps tend to work fine and even add a nice warm distortion, unless you are trying to push bass through it
I don't want to modify the sound at all
Because you know, synthesizers will happily bass rape any system to death
no fancy effects and crap
oops forgot to change the language
I understand Polish for the most part
there's a bar in the top-right corner
@BartekBanachewicz is it powa?
@Jefffrey is it what?
@sehe If you want high-fidelity sounds for you awesome theater and you had the disk space for it to be in a non-compressed, digital raw waveform, what parameters would you choose for your audio samples?
@BartekBanachewicz powerful
@ThePhD 96kHz, 24-bit sampling
At the moment I'm thinking of keeping things internally at 48 kHZ, 32-bit floating point samples, converting at the boundaries as needed.
@ThePhD should be fine, although in my experience studios have moved to 192kHz mostly
@ThePhD any reasonable PC will also be able to codec FLAC on the fly with such parameters.
but I personally don't see any reason to go past 48kHz 16-bit integer, and I do sound design so it's not like I don't have an ear
@BartekBanachewicz Reasonable PC = Raspberry Pi
@ThePhD it has a SIMD coprocessor, no?
Not that I'm aware of?
ouch. suck then.
But SIMD is usually for 32-bit-wide data, right?
not necessarily
So I'd be using like, 32-bit unsigned integers at 48 or 96 KhZ
Dude if an R-PI can't decode FLAC then something is wrong
I can decode flac, I'm not making a decocder
I'm trying to make an as-fast-as-possible DSP so there's like, at most, 1 ms delay from mathematical processing of incoming samples.
I'm not meaning it that way
that depends on what you will be doing with the sound
@ThePhD if sub 1ms latency is your goal, why can't you use analog?
Chorus and Vibrato are first targets.
what process are you actually doing to it?
@ThePhD well don't expect RPi to match studio-quality equipment in that regard
@MickLH I'm getting a Digitial Input Signal of (Predicted to be) 16-bit, 44.1 kHZ samplerate.
@MickLH Actually, I think there's quite a bit of reason to go past 48 KHz. Design a low-pass filter to stay flat to 20 KHz, and be 90 dB down by 48 KHz and I think you'll agree. Realistically, just about the only reasonable way to do it is with oversampling, at which point you're (effectively) working with a 96 or 192 KHz signal in the filter.
ZFX-4 chip in my modeler is pretty powerful, and designed ground up for DSP, and even it can struggle with some effects
@R.MartinhoFernandes Fixed it, just caught it. u.u
@JerryCoffin Yes, in the filter, like I said studio have moved to 192kHz
But for pre-processed playback only
16-bits is plenty with sinc interpolation
@MickLH You still need an anti-aliasing filter.
don't do processing on 16-bit samples.
@JerryCoffin I appreciate you trying to school me but I do sound design and production in real life basically all day every day
I think @ThePhD that you should focus on just getting the thing to work, moving the quality for later
I'm literally doing it right now
@rightfold but yeah, it loads them all by default. Have a look here too: gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/…
I was just wondering what format to do my processing in.
I mean, I can probably match sample rate to input sample rate...
But then for the mathematics I have to do on it, do I use doubles?
16-bit signed integers?
@MickLH Okay, so why do you seem ignorant of even the basics of the subject matter?
@MortenKristensen I have gist.github.com/rightfold/38f1032646836de9df1d but it won’t install the packages. :v
@ThePhD fixed-point reals
@JerryCoffin Because of your prejudice / filters, you have not actually even asked me anything that you could use to determine my skill level.
@BartekBanachewicz Currency?
Given that the only thing you have offered is information I already covered, you seem very silly to me, telling me I'm wrong and giving my own answer as the correct one
@MickLH No need to ask when you're so open in displaying your ignorance. :-)
more like normalized numbers, I imagine
@JerryCoffin I'm sorry for your life man, please calm down
@MickLH please don't flag Jerry's posts.
Oh, flaggery..
he's a regular here and we don't like people flagging regulars.
I flag any post that I find highly offensive
@MickLH it was not highly offensive
@MickLH Oh my do you have a lot to learn.
It has a smiley. It can't be offensive. Right?
stop getting all fired up when somebody tells you you lack some knowledge
I'm not fired up whatsoever
@rightfold Start making a simple package first, like this: gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/…
look who said that
I'm asking what I am missing
Oh it does. :P
@JerryCoffin Please explain to me what about bandlimited waveforms I do not understand.
eh the entitlement.
On the (rare) occasion that I'm not calm, rest assured that everybody in the vicinity will know about it, and nobody will have any question about whether I'm calm or not.
@MickLH Nobody flags stuff in here, even PHP.
@rightfold then have a look here on require etc. ergoemacs.org/emacs/elisp_library_system.html
But first make sure you understand that I clearly said earlier, to use higher sample rates for processing, even though you only need a lower one for final playback
To avoid the anti-aliasing filters for expanding or shrinking the sample rate, I will keep the sample rate exactly the same as the input sample rate.
That saves me the trouble of having to upsample or downsample.
welp, also G3X has only 44.1kHz sampling apparently
my older unit had 96kHz
Now it's just a matter of internal format. RPi doesn't seem to have a large amount of dedicated registers for 64-bit floating point math. I could do floats instead, or fixed-point 32-bit integers (and just choose a decimal threshold on it). The incoming data is likely to be flat 16 bits.
> Signal processing : 32bit floating point and 32bit fixed point
@rightfold typically you would make a package and then require it from your .emacs :)
@MickLH, do I need to make popcorns?
@ThePhD here's the more detailed spec Reading on the topic might help.
> Symbolic link to Git-controlled source file; follow link?
That’s funny.
@MortenKristensen I’m using an already existing package.
A: Does the Raspberry Pi have Hardware Floating Point support?

LaceySnrAccording to the FAQs the Raspberry Pi uses an ARM 11 chip with floating point support: What SoC are you using? The SoC is a Broadcom BCM2835. This contains an ARM1176JZFS, with floating point, running at 700Mhz, and a Videocore 4 GPU. The GPU is capable of BluRay quality playback, u...

@Jefffrey I doubt it, I think he is done trolling, must have just been choking on a little jellysickle
32-bit Floating Point it is, and I should be able to do all the multiplies and adds and divides I want since 32-bit float should easily be able to wrangle with the maximum range of a 16-bit unsigned integer.
@rightfold what errors did you get?
But it works now.
okay, that's great

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