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@sudorm-rfTelkitty I got A for the class where we learned Assembly (it wasn't only that though, it was mostly about CPU architecture)
@ScottW Hard to guess--they made a lot of them (many of them semi-custom).
@ScottW 6800 was all right, but 6809 was much nicer.
The 68HC11 (6811 or HC11 for short) is an 8-bit microcontroller (µC) family introduced by Motorola in 1985. Now produced by Freescale Semiconductor, it descended from the Motorola 6800 microprocessor. It is a CISC microcontroller. The 68HC11 devices are more powerful and more expensive than the 68HC08 microcontrollers, and are used in barcode readers, hotel card key writers, amateur robotics, and various other embedded systems. The MC68HC11A8 was the first MCU to include CMOS EEPROM. Architecture {| class="infobox" style="font-size:88%" |- |style="text-align:center" |Motorola 68HC11 re...
@sudorm-rfTelkitty I programmed at ATMega16 in my first year of Uni
posted on February 27, 2014 by Eric Niebler

Last time, I introduced a new concept, Iterable, and showed how it solved many of the problems with pair-of-iterator-style ranges. This time around, I’m going to extend Iterable in small ways to make programming with infinite ranges safer and more Continue reading →

@ScottW Couple more registers, some nice extra instructions like a mul.
now to think about it, assembly is kind of cool - you can use it to control droids, drones & robots n stuff :p
@Borgleader !!
@Feeds FUCK, I had you the two last times, but I was distracted :(
@sudorm-rfTelkitty The 6811 has some nice stuff, but by then most desktops and such were running 16-bit processors, so it was mostly used for embedded applications (and most I saw never took much advantage of most of what it could really do).
@sudorm-rfTelkitty You can, but you can also control such things with other languages.
raspberry pi @_@ <3
@JerryCoffin well, we have never done anything interesting using any other language
It was always using the assembly to control hardware
sound a siren, or traffic control lights simulation etc
The assembly I did was a lot different from C
Yup--main thing to keep in mind is that most things you can do on a robot are pretty slow by microprocessor (even low-end, 8-bit) standards, so even slow interpreted languages are often entirely adequate. Main reason to use assembly is often just minimizing code footprint.
Thanks Twitter
sneeze fest
I've heard this new pope is quite popular
hows your disassembly going?
maybe the pope is give twitter $ to suggest him to everyone
@ScottW Yes.
negative BMI item
that conversation looks weird with Telkitty plonked
not strictly
@TonyTheLion no kidding
wtf is wrong with the entire universe trying to tell me I am plonked or I am a nobody. Am I that important??
nice try
that situation looks dangerous with Telkitty planked
@ScottW Yes. More specifically, BMI and BPL are both based on the N flag, which set by a negative result, and clear for a non-negative result. When/if you care, you can also check Z flag to see if truly positive.
Anyways, let's not always talking about me, let's get back to negative BMI? :p
z is the carry flag?
@rightfold if you make a change to a module, do you need to c(myModule) it into the EShell first, then call a function in that module that goes like myModuke:loopyThing()? Just thought this morning that it might be the c() part that explains why it wasn't working for me last night.
@ScottW hey! stop circumventing what systems I we have!
I think that version control that understands code would be interesting
Not like smalltalk bullshit, just to give you more reasonable diffs
@thecoshman Yes, you have to compile it first
Well, I think I'm off to bed. Later all.
@Cat yeah. Too bad that a) no haskell b) no Linux c) $$$. I am too lame at that area to write my own, though.
It's a lot more work than line-based diff/merge, so no wonder they're charging
That's why I mentioned it at the end and don't really care for $3
@CatPlusPlus yeah, it makes sense now that I think about it, but last night it was just rage! :P
@BartekBanachewicz hey look, a new project for @rightfold
off to work :\
Not for rightfold, I actually wanted to use it
F*ck this chat, I am leaving here for a while ... let's see how long I can stay away ~_~
@thecoshman Yes.
If you use module_name: in a function call, it will always use the latest available version of the module.
@sudorm-rfTelkitty hey don't go! who will entertain us then?
Also don’t use camelcase in Erlang.
@rightfold yeah, but you have to load it first, which is where I was going wrong
also, what's the view on using ?MODULE?
It's fine
Good morning!
@ScottW sorry
@CatPlusPlus lol
@thecoshman You should use that to refer to the current module.
Thank Joe macro expansion in Erlang is explicit.
am I right in thinking that you work with data objects kind of like old C. You have a tuple (struct) that you pass into functions to be worked on. Opposed to more OO like concepts were you call a function of the data object itself to self mutate?
Things are not mutable
Fuck mutable things
Also as far as OO is concerned there is no difference between f(x) and x.f(), it's just syntax sugar
@CatPlusPlus well yeah, My_new_data = some_module:some_function(My_old_data).... right?
Q: What does this typedef statement mean?

user1181337In a C++ reference page they provide some typedef examples and I'm trying to understand what they mean. // simple typedef typedef unsigned long mylong; // more complicated typedef typedef int int_t, *intp_t, (&fp)(int, mylong), arr_t[10]; So the simple typedef (the first declaration) I under...

lol, I never thought about typedefing multiple types in the same statement :)
Haha, now that's a funny 404 (French but should be understandable)
hey folks. if you don't mind me asking, is there some name for a coding style like... function( param1, param2);
Yes, 'bad'
e.g. the... space after '(' but no space before ')'
What is even the logic behind this?
i keep seeing this in the company I work for, but damned if anyone knows why they do it like this, or how it's called
@AlbertIordache "Why" may be answered by "for no reason at all".
hehe yeah
A: Why can we dereference a pointer?

YakkA pointer is the equivalent of a piece of paper with a street address written on it in braille. When you dereference it, you give it to a blind person who walks to the place. This blind person does not know if there is a pit, a house, a river or a mall there, unless you tell them: telling them ...

haha awesome :)
@JBL olol
@AlbertIordache someone once felt it was a good way of doing things, no one has had the desire to do a complete swap. It's better to be consistent.
@ArneMertz By the way, received my Template book. Really good read so far, thanks for the advice :)
@thecosh they're not consistent!
@Borgleader don't use random_device like that!
@JBL glad it helps :-)
Well 1) don't benchmark the rng :P and 2) random_device is to be thought of as very expensive and taking an unpredictable amount of time to run. Use it to seed a prng and only that.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't mean treat the two brackets consistently, but treat them consistently throughout the codebase.
Be consistently inconsistent?
To be honest, I don't see any benefit from that. I think only naming consistency is important.
the fact you don't put a space after an open brace, but do before a close whilst odd, is not that big a deal. You should still constantly do it through out the code base.
@R.MartinhoFernandes it avoids constantly having to resolve issues with people adding/removing whitespace.
Get a team of grownups
vOv follow conventions
I find it weird to change coding style throughout the code, even stuff less important than naming consistency. Just throws me off balance when reading the code
take camelCase and underscore_spacing. Both are fine with me, but stick to one throughout the entire code base.
But yeah, they're consistent with this, so that's nice at least :P
Whitespace before parentheses is leagues less important than naming.
it is yes
but what ever code style you have, stick to it.
Seriously, if people go around changing whitespace for no reason, you have problems of a different nature to solve
I'm starting to realize that fuck syntactic consistency
I like trailing opening braces instead of newline opening braces, but I wouldn't sweep through a code base changing them, unless a decision was made to correct that mistake.
@jalf yeah, me too
and to some lesser extent, even naming consistency.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ಠ_ಠ we are doing it again.
I don't want the noise in the commit history when I'm trying to figure out why a piece of code looks the way it does
@thecosh not making mass sweeping changes for no reason is different than rejecting my commit because it is missing insifigicant whitespace.
It's nice enough to try to follow the guideline when writing code, but updating existing code for it? Ugh. And if a bit of new code slips in that doesn't follow the guidelines, so f'ing what
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, to be fair, you should probably be having your code saved with a formatter to make sure it matches the conventions everyone is using. Thus preventing such issues.
We've been doing a lot of cleanup on our code base over the last year or so, and I really loathe the git history churn it's caused.
Grownups should not have such issues
I love that we got rid of the tabs/spaces/fucked-up-indentation, but beyond that, it's a pain in the ass
@thecoshman And then someone commits a file taken from some github project, and it gets reformatted by your automated tool and suddenly it is impossible to make diffs between it and the upstream version
@jalf I can imagine so if it's a case of one commit per file changed
@jalf external dependencies obviously follow their conventions.
@thecoshman No, it isn't. I think it's one per library or something like that. But it's still noisy when doing a git blame
@thecoshman sure, if they're external. What if it's a single header that you just dropped into your main repo? Your automated tool doesn't know that it is (or was) "external"
@jalf oh right. well, sounds like a messy way of dealing with such things. I was imagining more of an editor 'on save' thing. But it would/should have a way to not apply the formatting when you save.
And please stop this.
I'm not going to go through ever possible permutation with you
A: C++: how to choose the constructor depending on the condition?

FredOverflowHere is a solution that will work for all types, regardless of whether they are copyable or movable: A&& a = isTrue() ? A("string") : A(10); The lifetime of the temporary object is extended to the lifetime of the rvalue reference.

rvalue references to the rescue :)
@thecoshman People use different editors. You can't really rely on everyone having that set up in their editor. :) (Of course, individual committers can choose to install and use that formatter, which is great. But you can't rely on every commit having been formatted with it, unless it is installed as a git hook, and then you get the problems I mentioned
@jalf well, ~here~ we more or less all use Eclipse so we sort of can.
@thecoshman even then, I bet people sometimes SSH in and just open nano or vim or emacs on an ad-hoc basis, don't they?
Anyway, here, we've got a mix of VS, Qt Creator, Vim, Emacs and Jed :D
@jalf vOv I don't know.
People use whatever they prefer
If they do, shoot them
Anyway, I agree with using such a formatter on a voluntary basis. I just don't like the idea of it being some mandatory filter that all code changes pass through
Most of our ~rules~ are easy enough to follow manually. The only tricky one to manual sort out is line lengths
Oh, actually..
Reformatting the codebase only works if you can enforce everyone to follow the conventions
Even on a voluntary basis, something like that means that the entire file gets reformatted if you were making a one-line change. And unless you're careful, you'll end up committing all the formatting noise too
Which is not that hard with sealed branches that can be merged to only by reviewed pull reqs
The generally idea here with the legacy code is that when you check out a file, apply the formatting rules. Sadly though... we have ~company wide~ rules and then some special what we use on this project rules.
@thecoshman And then the one-line change you were going to commit turns into 45 lines of formatting changes and 1 line with the actual bug fix
R# has the right idea: commit formatting options alongside the project, make everyone use it implicitly
@jalf well, it's a hit you take somewhere. Sure it means someone is going to end up trying to merge that file and deal with all the whitespace conflicts, but it's probably better they do it once for an entire file, than many many times for a bit here and there. At least doing it all at once you go from one format to antoher.
@thecoshman No, there's the other option of don't fucking commit changes to code unless you have *actual semantic changes to make* ;)
@jalf most of those changes would be trivial though.
@thecoshman Still noise
@jalf oh sure, I mean if you working on that file anyway.
Also makes reverting and merging a pain
@thecoshman Doesn't matter. It's not the complexity of the changes that bothers me, it's that they show up when I do a git blame to find out when those lines were modified. And they show up when I do a diff, and when I try to merge
@thecoshman No, not on a file basis, on a line basis
IMO, clean and disciplined commits that contain nothing irrelevant > consistent formatting
vov maybe we need diff tools that can see all but one change is just formating.
Sealed branches ftw
@CatPlusPlus o_0
(which, by the way, is something I've completely changed my mind on. I used to be much bigger on formatting, and didn't really care that much about commit churn and what the diffs looked like. But that was then. :))
If you make a rule that master is always formatted, and rebase changes that are pulled in, it shouldn't ever be an issue
And anyone can use whatever editor they want
And you can laugh at them for committing tabs
@CatPlusPlus unless you decide to change those rules :S
It'd be a one large commit that reformats the entire thing then
Still shouldn't affect day-to-day work
(Why would you do that anyway)
@CatPlusPlus some people go on power trips. "ZOMG I heard that using three spaces instead of four can save space but maintain readability, we HAVE to do this!"
Shoot them
@thecoshman well, a lot of tools can ignore pure whitespace changes. But stuff like moving the { from the end of one line to the start of the next will still show up
@CatPlusPlus except for the merge conflicts it'll cause for people who pushed the commit, and then try to pull and get something different :)
@jalf strictly speaking, that is pure white space.
@thecoshman yeah, true. You know what I meant though :)
@jalf yeah, bad tools are bad :P
So are good tools :p
everything is bad
chromium uses two spaces (and also one and four sometimes) and it's readable. sort of.
but most of this can be kept real simple. Follow the style guides the best you can. If you all do that, you avoid problems with stupid commits like "putting braces back to the end of the lines"
you need a char allocator to allocate contiguous regions of char objects. You know, which is what you do when you allocate strings? (It's pretty clear from the sample). Please show us the actual code and where you are stuck. At this moment it looks like you're expecting us to do your work? — sehe 11 secs ago
@Abyx we used to have a horrific mix of 2, 4 and 8 spaces, and sometimes tabs. Sometimes we'd have a mix of 3 of those styles in the same file. That cleanup was totally worthwhile!
@jalf Rebase feature branches right before merging and it's not much of a problem (conflicts always happen anyway)
@thecoshman Don't care about a few braces not at the end of the lines and you don't have those problems either.
@thecoshman sure, I don't think anyone is arguing "intentionally don't follow style guides". ;) We're just discussing what should be done in the case where you fail to do so.
@CatPlusPlus conflicts don't happen if you don't reformat the code. ;)
Public ridicule
@CatPlusPlus yes, but that's your answer to every problem :)
Conflicts happen if you have more than one person working on the code
@jalf It's really effective solution!
@CatPlusPlus Ok, those merge conflicts won't happen if the commits you make and push aren't needlessly modified afterwards
@jalf Don't forget the significant class of situations that it is also an answer to: the non-problems
I'd rather spend my time fixing relevant merge conflicts that happened because multiple people were being productive, than the ones that occur because one person is trying to be productive, and the other is being the coding equivalent of a grammar nazi
Speaking of merge conflicts because productive, VS projects are horrible.
Is there a merge tool that is VS-project-aware?
What we really need is smarter tools
What we really need is dumber tools
(Well, and smarter people, but that won't ever happen so)
> It would be awesome if someone could help me out after two painful days of debugging.
Would it really be this simple ^ ? That would certainly make this 'painful' in my opinion
Reading specs is hard
At least they got \r\n right
@CatPlusPlus funfact: I recently found out our code didn't. :p
@jalf vOv out the door :P
(then I fixed it, so it's all good now. But it didn't for a long time)
Fucking AMD.
I hope it works this time.
Q: Should I tell my co-workers that branch manager uses drugs (crack) at the office?

NastyNickI worked in New York City at a mid-sized brokerage house. The place was open round the clock so if you needed, you can practically live there - included shower, changing rooms etc. The managing director was a great guy who has the one office with the boardroom taking up the remaining available sp...

fuck i am shitless scared
@BartekBanachewicz sup?
my exam results will come today
ooh, fun fun
and if I failed I am in deep goo.
Is it likely that you failed?
@BartekBanachewicz oh pish posh. What ever happened happened and you can't do anything about it now. Why spoil your time now worrying about something that is already decided?
> Most of all the one thing that really stood out to me was your passion for what you.
@jalf you never know when it's about handwritten assembly under tight time limit, really.
@thecoshman It wasn't observed yet!
@thecoshman it's not. the results should be out today's evening and I can possibly try to gather that one or two fucking points shall I need it. maybe.
You care way too much
the most retarded thing is that if I fail I will probably drop one year down
@CatPlusPlus no. see above.
@BartekBanachewicz eh, for handwritten code they tend to be a lot more forgiving about minor errors. And I somehow suspect you wouldn't make too many major, crippling errors.
There's always a second take
@jalf the only part I don't get there is the smiley :S
@CatPlusPlus that was the second take

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