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Woah java doesn't support default params, I didn't know
Spotify works fine for me
Default parameters are an iffy feature, even C# and C++
Too many surprises.
Okay, fixed this crap.
Duplicate code is cancer.
so if you load an .obj... does that include animations/rigging or whatever shenanigans?
what do you think? Do you believe in santa-clause? The computer is not a magic device
it totally is magic.
It is not sufficiently advanced.
you're infringing on my religion of the Holy Processor.
I find your efforts insulting and offensive and you should stop immediately because all things that might possibly ever offend someone else should be censored.
Fuck your religion and your processor.
I concede that the Holy Processor is magic
/to you/
Is there a way to do template specialization of a method. But not a class?
not in C++11
I have a case where I'm unable to use overload resolution to pick the correct method to choose.
C++14 might have added it.
And I'd rather not pass a dummy parameter.
@DeadMG dammit...
@DeadMG huh? I thought this was perfectly cromulent? Doing a quickie on coliru...
@sehe MSVC extension.
@sehe How proficient are you with Perl?
@rightfold as little as possible
probably also supported by Clang and maybe by GCC but not by the core language.
Guess I'll have to pass a dummy parameter to make overload resolution possible.
@sehe Do you like the programming language?
Spotify works fine for me
WinSCP is my savior
as long as I do sudo ln -s /run/shm /dev/shm before I try to launch it
no amazon reviews on this book :| do I go for it?
if you want to specialize a template method you gotta specialize the whole class.
@DeadMG I think I made the realization only after reading C++TTCG
@Ell repeat
the trading card game?
@Ell What happens if you don't
Jul 19 '12 at 11:53, by Olumide
Hi guys! Still reading C++-TTCG. Why is the `this` pointer used so frequently in referring to members of the `class CountingPtr` this example.


I know that the `this` pointer should be used to refer to the members of a dependent base class but surely not the derived class.
@sehe Really? The only time I can imagine it being surprising is if you could choose different defaults in a header/source but that isn't legal is it?
@sehe It just fails to launch
@Ell In C#, changing the default requires you to recompile all client, lest they keep using the old defaults
@Ell In C++ there's the pathological cases where inherited classes can specify conflicting defaults and the default that gets infused depends wholly on the statically known type at the call site
@Ell not my problem :/
@Ell You mean like default values for function parameters? You can't specify it in the source file you'll get a compilation error (or at least I did when I copy pasted the function declaration in the cpp file to implement it)
@sehe lol
Makes sense, really
Styx doesn’t allow default parameters nor overloading on arity.
Practically impossibru with currying.
But pattern matching, so still the same features
Well, you can overload on tuple type and have one overload that takes a 2-tuple and one that takes a 3-tuple.
But passing tuples is ugly.
meth Foo x
impl Foo (a, b); print (a + b); end
impl Foo (a, b, c); print (a + b + c); end
finalize Foo
@sehe What unpleasant surprises are there in C#?
Many. Assuming you meant with default values, scroll up
Default values in Python are surprising. :)
def foo(xs=[]):
    xs.append(1); print(x)
foo(); foo()
@sehe Oh just the recompilation one?
@DeadMG Yup. Sound benign but really breaks the modules abstraction.
any more?
@rightfold where does x come from?
@DeadMG Not from the top of my head
@sehe make that xs.
in Wide I was thinking about implementing them via delegation rather than callsite substitution.
@Mysticial "Make us mods or we'll keep DDoSing you"... retards
deleted already
@rightfold That's indeed surprising (modulo even more syntax fatalities)
@Mysticial SO taught them how to use php now they,re using those skills against it ;)
@sehe What syntax fatalities?
@rightfold it's apparently specific for the repl
Python 2.7.5+ (default, Sep 19 2013, 13:48:49)
[GCC 4.8.1] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> def foo(xs=[]):
...     xs.append(1); print(x)
... foo(); foo()
  File "<stdin>", line 3
    foo(); foo()
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Looks like brokenness of the interactive repl
Fucking harde faal.
>>> def foo(xs=[]):
...     xs.append(1); print(xs)
>>> foo(); foo();
[1, 1]
Ahahah we're playing some Lego Indiana Jones game it's hilariosu
LEGO is awesome.
@CatPlusPlus Any Lego game released since Lego Star Wars is hilarious.
@Rapptz yeah I /get/ this. But it's kinda ... dumb that the same code is valid non-interactively
I guess it's a side effect of indentation mattering.
I am going to sleep.
night weakling
Don't fall asleep now
that would be a waste of time
@Rapptz I'd say it should be pretty easy to have whitespace about as much in the repl
hmm I'm not sure how to do assigning of uniforms in java o.O
Just assign all the nurse uniforms to Paula Beans
it might have to be public void SetUniform(String name, Object data)
Q: reputation system is fucking retarded

JaclynThe reputation system is fucking retarded. So you mean to tell me that, in a question that I fucking created, I can't downvote unhelpful answers that have absolutely no relevance to my question. What a terrific idea. The reputation system is bullshit. You should be able to downvote unhelpful and/...

Why don't mobile browsers have a zoom in/out button.
Not all sites allow me to pinch to zoom or double tap.
@Rapptz ? That should be a browser feature, not a site feature. If a site breaks pinch-to-zoom I'd say the browser is broken
Not really
Chances are the sites just fix the sizes. And having a button would just do the same thing: nothing
Some sites override certain gestures
I tried forcing it through Google Chrome but that didn't work either.
@Rapptz Soooo, it's a broken site design then
That's why I want a button
I just use a browser then.
I'm oldfash
how would you "just use a browser" on a phone :v
doge is just the new lolcat, right?
I'd say it's similar, but not the same
@Rapptz Not. That's the whole point :v
It's slightly better, but still trash tier
I wonder if Opera for mobile has zoom buttons
it doesn't. It's also ugly
I've never used it
I found it unusable
@Rapptz I dunno
"Small furry domesticated animal, caption in broken english" seems like pretty much the same joke
daily mail is the lowest kind of scum
That deserves to be on the onion xD
It's a joke right?
@Rapptz I can't tell
if I have a feature where a Wide type can inherit from a C++ type, is that a feature of Wide types or my C++ interop stuff?
both I guess
inheritance is the wide type feature
but wide treats c++ types as "native" types doesn't it?
also sigsegv from java yay! >.<
@DeadMG I would say part of Wide types that falls into the category of C++ interop.
aw graet
Unrealscript had a similar feature IIRC.
@EtiennedeMartel A friend of mine just sent me this
@EtiennedeMartel Local 'coop' owns
obviously I should consider a more complex and flexible test filtering scheme than just "Directories".
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, damn.
bullet hell roguelikes :(
cool idea though
@Borgleader How interesting.
Didn't know we were looking for a game writer.
I'm surprised by the amount of people you guys are looking for o.o
@Borgleader We're aiming for some really cool stuff soon, but that means we need to grow to be able to do it.
I can't give any more details because, well, NDAs and shit.
Them NDAs
A: Safe cross platform coroutines

EonilThere is a C++ standard proposal for coroutine support - N3708 which is written by Oliver Kowalke (who is an author of Boost.Coroutine) and Goodspeed. I suppose this would be the ultimate clean solution eventually (if it happens…) Because currently coroutines need stack exchange hack, that's ou...

But I can say this: we'll rock your socks.
An undervalued answer
@EtiennedeMartel Don't Ludia make pay-to-win mobile games?
I think so
@DeadMG None of those are "competitive", so there's nothing to win.
Unless you're one of those asshats who use "pay-to-win" as a synonym for "freemium".
But, yeah, we make games that are free to download but come with microtransactions.
it's a subjective opinion I guess because I personally would consider pay-to-win as something where the game is advertised as free but in reality you could never make any serious progress through the game without paying.
@DeadMG Paying just makes you progress faster. We don't force people to buy stuff.
@EtiennedeMartel aka F2P games
I sense much kool-aid here
Free-To-Pay :)
Said differently, you can either pay with money or with time.
@EtiennedeMartel Ah, you say "progress faster", I say, "progress faster than what?".
@DeadMG Not paying?
I've never played any Ludia game and I don't play freemium games so let me be more honest/specific and say that it's just my personal perception of the market in general. I just find it hard to imagine a freemium (let's be fair here) mobile game that could blow my socks off.
I don't think he specifically said that the games that would rock our socks off would be freemium and or mobile (I'm also not saying that it's not the case, I'm just pointing it out)
@EtiennedeMartel Well, sure, but it depends on how playable the game is in that state. I'd argue false advertising if you said "It'll take ten years to get one percent through the game unless you pay, but since you technically still make some progress, it's free-to-play.". Anyway, I totally made an unwanted and unfair accusation/implication since I've never played any. So I apologize.
I've only played one good mobile game.
and I sure miss it
was pretty fun
@Rapptz Which one?
the original Tap Tap Revenge
I play copter and flappy doge and cubed rally redline
and Pixel kingdom occasionally
I guess it's just my personal perception of the market in general that it's a complete ripoff.
and it's totally unfair for me to tar Ludia with the same brush.
Tap Tap Revenge, also known as Tap Tap Revenge Classic is a music game created by Nate True, and developed and published by Tapulous for the iOS in July 2008. It is the first game in Tapulous' Tap Tap series. Development for the game began prior to the release of the iPhone SDK, and was originally entitled Tap Tap Revolution. The goal of the game is to tap each of the colored balls when they reach a line at the bottom of the screen. If the ball is hit on the beat, the player gains points, but if not, it counts as a miss. There are also "shakes", which require the player to move the iP...
this one ^
I once attended a presentation on F2P games, and he spent like 2 hours telling people how to extract as much cash as possible out of customers. It was depressing.
well for me, the problem is judgement.
pretty good video still
when you pay to buy a game, you know the price up front and I guess I feel like you know what you're getting into
tells you how to make good f2p systems implicitly
whereas I feel for a freemium game you don't really know
@deadmg I have this impression too
There are too many "fake" f2p games
I recommend watching the video, it gives a different perspective which I liked
@Ell imo that's the real problem (if not only) problem with F2P
I guess that another part of the problem is that F2P is based on the idea that trying the game is free.
but for me it's totally not free because of my serious bandwidth problems.
there are lots of F2P games I could try but never will
that doesn't sound like their problem
more like yours
I don't see how f2p games take up more bandwidth
they don't
but for a paid game the purchase price is more important
well, also, I feel that it's a problem of games in general.
they have very poor abilities to load data on demand or work with incomplete assets.
you're not really making sense to me anymore
I didn't have a problem when I didn't live in the swamp.
ITT @DeadMG is Shrek.
I'm lost
Inside a station

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