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I just found a neat c++ trick today.
Normally you can not have a class with a copy constructor as part of a union.
(for some reason clang is ok with it...)
But by wrapping it in an anonymous struct it's fine!
unrestricted union
And it even makes sense by the rules!
C++11 thing
Clang is okay with it because it has unrestricted unions.
What @Rapptz said.
Is that C++11? VC-2013 complained.
VC++ does not support it.
@starmole Good thing it didn't just imploded.
I was very happy that the struct works though. Just wanted to share :)
A nice way to explicitly opt-out for construction
@starmole That would be a compiler bug.
the issue of classes with copy constructors in a union is regardless of whether or not it's wrapped in another struct or not.
I don't think so.. or at least it makes sense to me.
The struct could have a copy constructor but does not. The class it wraps is just a member.
and if the member has a non-trivial copy constructor, so does the wrapping struct.
But a struct with even complicated members that has no copy constructor will still just memcpy for assignment, no?
what, no.
that would be terribly, terribly broken.
the default copy constructor/assignment operator for a struct calls whatever copy constructor/assignment operator is defined for each member.
Hm. Not sure, but I really don't think so. Might be wrong of course.
you are totally wrong.
else, something like struct s { std::vector<int> t; }; would be horrendously broken.
I think it is. I kind of remember bugs like that.
because as soon as you copy it, then the vector is memcpyed and you can't do that with a vector.
@starmole No, it isn't.
the language designers were not that tremendously stupid.
at least not in this particular case.
Ok, I believe you :) I am too lazy to test it here
It is an odd an smart default though. Once you add a copy constructor you have to manually say what members are copied how.
If you leave one out it is not automatically done.
But then it's not memcpyied either, so never mind
you can use =default to get the default copy constructor.
in C++11.
neat. i did not know that.
I wonder if Github specially disabled the delete repository functionality for torvalds/linux.
what makes you say that
Or for other big projects. If they have some special way of handling those.
@Rapptz Just curious.
@MarkGarcia you can't delete github repos?
you can
@doug65536 You can. Settings > the red button below.
So this code has something like this:
template<typename T>
template<typename U>
void f(const T&, const U&);
don't know what to think about it
@doug65536 I have more reps than you, omg omg omg ... how can that be :p
I use github as a toy. my real repos are on bitbucket
took me 2 hours to figure out you need clone first before you can add commit & push into the remote repository when using bitbucket
everything takes two hours when you first start using git I think
thank god & I thought I was an idiot
I have used many version controls before ... so I thought I kind of got a hang before I started using bitbucket ...
yeah, that's the problem. everything you know about version control just screws you up when you use git, because everything is different
I'm past the "I hate git!!" stage now though
only if you're used to a centralised vcs.
going from hg -> git isn't too bad or vice versa
version control system
small team doesn't require extensive branching & merging, which is a good thing
I have to use perforce and git on the same project right now. Very screwy.
needs more vcs
@starmole are you stealing company's code from perforce and store it in your own personal git repository?
Big library we have to use by another team is in p4. app using it is in git. i have to work on both sides. neither team wants to move.
i could either put the git repo into p4 or check out p4 into a git path
but neither seems save
An idiot, dolt, or dullard is an intellectually disabled person, or someone who acts in a self-defeating or significantly counterproductive way. Archaically the word mome has also been used. The similar terms moron, imbecile, and cretin have all gained specialized meanings in modern times. An idiot is said to be idiotic, and to suffer from idiocy. A dunce is an idiot who is specifically incapable of learning. An idiot differs from a fool (who is unwise) and an ignoramus (who is uneducated/an ignorant), neither of which refers to someone with low intelligence. Etymology Idiot as a word ...
but the difference in workflows is really strange to me
in git you make one tiny change at a time, then commit
in p4 you can have a ton of local changes and collect them, then submit only the parts that are relevant
i guess you should branch for that in git more
there used to be just cvs ... now there are so many version controls ...
cvs commit ScottW
i liked cvs :) the fish! :)
i'm bored and happy to help.
maybe cast form_data to string? I have very little js knowledge but sometimes it tries to be too smart
also, wasn't there just a property for the header?
the blind leading the blind. it's a moleish thing to do :)
@ScottW @ScottW "all my keys" ?
iare you sending from a browser?
@starmole you can't be serious
@ScottW you expect it to call toString on the form_data object?
@ScottW FormData is meant to be used with Content-Type multipart/form-data
i checked and the little js i did i never set the header on the client
don't you get the right header without setting it?
make sure to check what is being sent, chrome has a nice dev network view
@ScottW if you really want to sent it url encoded you can iterate through the inputs and use encodeURIComponent and join key/value with = and join them all with & and send that
yeah, I'm guessing because that "overload" of send is being used, it sets the header
froze? what froze? .send ?
you aren't making it synchronous are you?
never do that
javascript has closures. async is just as easy as sync. sync is terrible
synchronous xhr is "legacy" mode - it also freezes the browser until it gets a response. not a good idea at all
what's on the server side?
do you control the server?
hopefully good looking, and checks that everything is ok during your meal
@ScottW thinking a server as a brothel, a client will request a call out service.
if the server doesn't like your request it might just ignore you and your non async call will block forever.
the server will process the request and send out the whore required according to client's requirement
#define _GLIBCXX_DEQUE_BUF_SIZE 512 -_-
lol if you think that's bad, don't look at MSVC's.
Scott: If you are using chrome, hit F12 and go to the network tab. it will show you your requests and the replies
general advice
@ScottW in general, the chrome debugger/tools are great and you should use them extensively
#define _DEQUESIZ   (sizeof (_Ty) <= 1 ? 16 \
    : sizeof (_Ty) <= 2 ? 8 \
    : sizeof (_Ty) <= 4 ? 4 \
    : sizeof (_Ty) <= 8 ? 2 : 1)    /* elements per block (a power of 2) */
MSVC ^ @doug65536
@Rapptz :O
because an alloc every 16 bytes is what I want. wtf MS???
soomething like pagesize would be good.
gcc thinks a disk sector sized alloc is it. ms thinks a 1/4 cache line alloc is it
yeah... at least cache line sized and aligned would make sense.
iirc the gcc implementation is mostly a copy paste of the original STL
at least that's how it looks like to me
you are right. this comment is right there on my screen: "This function started off as a compiler kludge from SGI, but seems to be a useful wrapper around a repeated constant expression"...
o/ morning
a deque is a weird datastructure to begin with. It's hard to see how there is a best case way to do it in general.
Is it more a list or more a vector? Depends a lot on the use case.
the foresight to take a template parameter for a "page size" would have been nice
@ScottW why is it awesome if its so easy?
That's sad, not awesome :P
of course not. but good if it works for you :)
oh, c++ style question: sublassing std datastuctures. good or bad?
for example an image, should it just derive from vector and add width and height.
Or a json object, derive from unordered map and add Stringify and Parse
I wouldn't
use the std data structure as member and implement the methods you need. inheritance in that case is only laziness
but why is it bad?
when they call .clear() on your "image", what then?
when they push_back(123) on your image, what then?
bad idea
because it's prone to slicing, and you expose the full interface that you probably dont need
you can't do checks on the arguments. An image is not a vector, and a json object is not a map
especially not an unordered map, since JSON objects are ordered iirc.
yes, javascript engines preserve key order
{ a:1, b:2 } and { b:2, a:1 } are two different hidden classes
@starmole yup. paste.ubuntu.com/6790311 is my JSON Object
Q: Obat Asam Lambung

UJANG SOPIANPengobatan Asam Lambung Dan Maag Secara Alami yang aman tanpa memimbulkan efek samping. Kami disini menjual obat herbal untuk pengobatan asam lambung dan maag, dengan harga yang relatif murah. Obat Herbal yang kami tawarkan untuk pengobatan asam lambung dan maag adalah jelly gamat gold-g yang ter...

i can see that it is a style issue
well, I just read that JSON objects are unordered, so { "a":1, "b":2 } and { "b":2, "a":1 } are the same
@starmole I had using String = std::string but it gave me too many headaches. Functions can't tell the difference between a regular string and the JSON one.
I wonder why spammers bother posting in a different language.
@Mysticial "bug" lol
@Mysticial Because "larger market"
@sehe Strong typedef~
I guess gullible and ignorant customers are a good thing when you sell magic potions?
json was just an example. but i can see that the is-a relation is muddy
@Rapptz that's better yes
Still ends up with a a shitload of ctors that don't add value (especially since my JSON Object is variant based :))
sehe: so what does your [] operator do? linear search?
@starmole for now. Yes. Why? I mean do your JSON objects contain hundreds of properties? Or thousands? Have you profiled it? My JSON Objects could benefit from SVO. Maps are bad for locality of reference. Etc.
@starmole linear search is very fast for a small number of properties
@sehe how do you deal with nested objects?
Recursive variants
@sehe just curious: do you enforce that the top level is either an object or an array?
@doug65536 An old version of my parser is here: github.com/sehe/spirit-v2-json/blob/master/JSON.hpp (ironically, back then I had a map :) I decided I wanted to preserve order if only for ease of testing but also for streaming consumers)
no offense intended. it just feels like the wrong datastructure
@doug65536 I don't. That's the application's job. So, that would just be an argumentAssert at the top level, for me
@starmole Logically, there is no such restriction. It's just in the specification of the transport protocol that the "toplevel" requirement is added. JSON clearly is just a recursively defined grammar.
It's the right datastructure if it supports my business logic. I mean, I have code sitting on top of this that very much likes it:
Jan 14 at 11:52, by sehe
@melak47 so here are json_builder.hpp and json_absorber.hpp.
(there's some missing glue in the form of pluggable marshaling code (the Flavour), because I might be talking to different server versions for Odata/other)
@sehe you should add a test json with characters outside the basic multilingual plane
but what about "class Object : public std::unordered_map<std::string,Value> {"
wouldn't it give the compiler more room to work with?
@R.MartinhoFernandes you called the wrong person.
@doug65536 do you have one? I'm not sure I know what that means. I had some "funky" Unicode tests, but perhaps not that. However, seeing as I know that the JSON rfc does not specify anything other than what I current support, I'd say it probably works
>= 0x10000
@Andy In fact, he didn't. He plinked a group of people, whose names start with "Andy"
that's starting at 0x1f0a1
@sehe you see playing cards right?
time for bed. good night everybody!
@doug65536 :) How would >= 0x10000 be encoded in escapes, anyway? Or you mean as simple utf8 sequences
in utf-8, yes, just like any utf-8 character. in utf-16 it would use a pair of surrogates in the 0xD800 thru 0xDFFF range
JSON specifies UTF8 though
it would be a 4-byte utf-8 character
I would test it. whatever code you are calling might be lazy and not process 4-byte utf-8 properly
in wstring it would have to use utf-16 surrogates to encode it
how else could it encode 0x1f0a1 in wstring
0xd800 thru 0xdbff are reserved as escapes. the 2nd 16-bit value must be in the 0xdc00 thru 0xdfff range
that's how wstring can represent a unicode character >= 0x10000
fyi, js is 16-bit characters throughout, and all strings are utf-16 encoding wchars
@doug65536 wstring could still be utf8 :)
for example, 🂡 is encoded as a pair of wchar_t's: 55356, 56481
@doug65536 mmm having trouble find the proper escapes. My code is encoding neutral - and it can be because JSON doesn't "interfere"
@doug65536 yeah I get that. However, I'm not interested in wstrings
@doug65536 Oh, I get it. Forget about the linked github - Like I said, that was old
no? what about Value const& operator[](std::wstring const& key) const
^^ look up :) (here's a /slightly/ newer version github.com/sehe/spirit-v2-json/blob/nowide/JSON.hpp)
The current version is not on github
ah ok, dodged that bullet then :D
hehe. sorry, I would have pointed things out, but I never posted it about the Unicode support :) It was just about the Object interface, and how I solved it (not using inheritance)
does it reject input with an incomplete unicode character? for example, the last byte is 0xC0
Nope. I don't really mind about that. That's not an error for my parser. /Yes/ it's against the JSON spec, but I don't mind
@sehe huh, does it really? Never noticed that.
yeah sorry to press you about it. I'm curious
It's ok. I like a little feedback. You obviously have your unicode down better :)
user image
so true :D
@sehe Why?
You're asking me?
@thecoshman "Not allowed to browse Mature Humor category"
Q: Cannot compare typedef string with ==

user2752992In my program, I did typedef std::string newName I have a method that requires me to insert a newName into an array of type newName as long as there aren't any existing copies. To do this, I have to check every element of the array. bool insert(newName insertThis) { if(arrayName[i] == ins...

dat typedef
@wilx tl;dr work is shit
@Griwes terribru
¬_¬ ffs tony, highlighting one line is a crappy edit
@thecoshman It's a completely reasonable edit.
it is. but it is very minor. It's on par with capitalising a word or two.
@thecoshman Is that a bad thing?
(I do not think so.)
@wilx it's not substantial, falls under 'too minor'
@thecoshman Is there a rule against doing that?
ofc I'm not going to get into edit wars and keep changing it back, because removing that does reduce quality of the question.
@wilx well yes, one of the edit rejection options when reviewing is 'too minor'
thus, edits that are too minor should be rejected
Why if they are improvements?
@wilx ... because they are too minor... edits should be substantial. if all you have to improve is making a bit of the question highlighted, don't waste time. Or find something else to improve as well.
@thecoshman Why are you to tell me how to spend my time? :)
now clean your room
@BenjaminBannier The comment is stupid. The improvement is there.
sure, I am all for even minor improvements over nothing at all
Good morning.
morning ._.
@ThePhD i dunno, you never let me see it
@thecoshman but exceptions is slow
get with the "I'm cool because I'm illiterate" lingo mang
@doug65536 wtf?
seriously... what?
your edit. nevermind
-19 C. can anyone beat that?
sure. give me enough dry ice
@doug65536 yes temps are higher here
@R.MartinhoFernandes perhaps one for you? (or the ape these days):
Q: Why isn't there any std::stoui?

DraxSince c++11 the <string> header provides : std::stoi std::stol std::stoll To convert from std::string to signed integers. We also have their unsigned counterpart : std::stoul std::stoull Now, even a child would notice something is missing right ? :) So the question is: is there a reason...

@sehe dups
ergh... stupid dialog box, will not tell me if it is still looking up results ¬_¬
Also apparently SO code formatting broke on android
Eh room dead
So it seems there are several versions of "A Tour of C++" already
So in case you find mistakes, the reason is that:
There were several drafts "floating around" for testing and review.
Well done, Bjarne.
Could have at least added "I'm sorry the book that costed you 20 pounds and basically copied chapters 1-4 of another book adding mistakes to it was actually a draft."
I've never seen you ranting before. You are so cute. :>
Q: unresolved inclusion to everything

wannabe programmerWell, this strange error occurs in all of my project code files (h and cpp files) I didnt change anything before, and all of a sudden during debugging it started to show up: This is the error I'm talking about: Does anybody know how to solve this? I tried going to project->index->rebuild or Re-...

dat username
@Jefffrey Thank you darling
Including everything is dangerous
Q: How can I print object as string in c++?

JimitI am not friendly with c++. I have below object which I need to print. Please guide me how can I print that? nsXPIDLCString flavorStr; printf("step %s", flavorStr); Error: warning: format ‘%s’ expects argument of type ‘char*’, but argument 2 has type ‘nsXPIDLCString’ [-Wformat] Thanks, Jimit

no map::emplace in gcc c++ lib? come on
1892: Dr Dorsey's treatment for nymphomania: cold baths, cocaine, turnips and "keep the bowels freely open". http://historyweird.com/1892-cure-nymphomania-cocaine-turnips/
@R.MartinhoFernandes has been slacking off lately in posting those

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