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we need to play again. but we also have terraria and other stuff on the list
and I need to host those, since he can't get his router to properly forward :( my pc cam't handle that very well
Ah. If it encourages you, I had trouble playing anything else than commando too at first. The truth is, he does have a very fun and tuned skillset. Some other characters eventually grew on me.
@BartekBanachewicz I don't see why
@LucDanton I found it impossible to beat some levels without his dodge
I think you mean
> there's a thing about shite web "developers" who never learnt how to program needing different things in a language
maybe I just haven't unlocked enough classes
In fact our first few times we ran commando / commando and went so close to killing the boss. I snatched my first kill with huntress though!
Too weird without context.
@LucDanton I think the last boss was actually rather easy
@Xeo That was annoying. In case you don’t know, some characters won’t unlock in co-op, unless it’s been fixed.
especially with that heal station and skill-chest that refilled
We used the heal station once lol. Never tried the other rooms.
I don't mean the med bay, I mean the one in his room
Well you enable those by consuming the keycards, no? I thought that’s how we got the station.
oh, right you teleported those things
Ooh, RoR? Super fun game. Have beaten it as huntress and... can't remember the character's name. Lots of slime guy.
external/boost/boost/asio/spawn.hpp|140 col 5| error: ‘is_continuation_if_running’ is not a member of ‘boost::asio::detail’
WTF boost.
‘Slime guy’ should be appropriate :p
welp, back to reading
Speaking of which, @Luc have you finished TC&TC?
Nope. Maybe I, too, should go back to reading.
I binge novels. Read mostly in big, big gulps.
Where are you at? Did Borlú travel to Ul Qoma already?
Ye I’m right at that bit.
srsly tho.. in my code I had to add the template-parameter-list to the base name in Derived's ctor-initializer (coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/41d5e8f863bb6e16). Why the fuck would I ever need that?
no testcase available yet but I had like some namespaces and things
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Hmm, weird.
Yeah, testcase plox.
Is Derived templated in your actual use-case?
cause you can only use Base without arg-list through its injected class name
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I get that too sometimes.
so, who's booked flights? @TonyTheLion you're driving right? @LightnessRacesinOrbit you even coming? @MartinJames what about you?
Testcase proving elusive. I'm actually going to read through the standard a bit to see if I can find a hint. Yeah.
@thecoshman What? Berlin?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit what else?
Dunno, involves spending money and time on you people
Would be fun but it's not trivial
what's not trivial about it?
The amount of money
> spending money and time on you people
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Do tell if you do.
@StackedCrooked lol'd
@R.MartinhoFernandes Failure :(
My excuses are 'Murica. Also, I haven't been on chat in a year.
@thecoshman Doing not my normal things for at least one evening, potentially time off work, travel, accommodation, effort.
Blocking off time on my calendar
But it's a prime number!
@R.MartinhoFernandes A prime reason not to go
Nah, I probably will though
@LightnessRacesinOrbit vOv all trivial
Ew, but I can't have you on ignore in real life :(
Just... I'm gonna decide much closer to the time.
@Xeo :)
@Xeo Rookie
@Xeo Yes, you can! See TC&TC //cc @Luc
(hopefully) unrelated, I have:
> multiple definition of `boost::cgi::common::basic_client<boost::cgi::common::tags::fcgi>::handle_write(‌​unsigned int, boost::system::error_code&)'
like, huh
hey has anyone of you ever got a cold call job offer through the mail?
Exam in less than 24h waaa
Cat is a student?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Cool, I have "external/boost/boost/asio/spawn.hpp|140 col 5| error: ‘is_continuation_if_running’ is not a member of ‘boost::asio::detail’". Wanna trade?
@nightcracker Yes
@R.MartinhoFernandes maybe
the original definition was on the same line in the same file and it's a class template member function specialisation
@nightcracker some how yes
in a library GRR
@CatPlusPlus what did the email look like? how'd it go?
"Hey we like your homepage that has nothing in it/your pointless StackOverflow shit you can send us a CV"
(I don't even have a CV)
This shit is using half from system-wide-old-as-fuck-boost-because-fuckbuntu and half from latest-boost-in-our-project-specific-external-folder.
Stupid crap.
Got a job long ago and sticking to it for now, so I just ignore those mails
<...> vs "..."?
@nightcracker ... email? I thought you said mail
oh my bad
in Dutch when you say mail you mean email (because mail is an english word and sounds like email)
Everyone does
@nightcracker I got my current job because my boss found me on SO and e-mailed me inviting me for drinks.
@Xeo We use <> all over. Boost too.
Why the fuck would it use half from each.
@R.MartinhoFernandes boost uses "" on the inside too, though
I just got a random job offer for 5K USD/month for a cryptography job and wondering whether it's legit
@Xeo Not the file that is "misincluding"
@nightcracker Ask them! ;)
A: How do I use a library in multiple classes w/o getting "multiple definition" errors

Dietmar KühlThis defect report looks relevant: it seems this "header only" library has slipped up on a few things which aren't really just header only.

ok well that addresses my multi-def errors
Now how do I uninstall the system-wide boost.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol
Hmmm $ sudo mv /usr/include/boost/ ~/sandbox/ did not fix it.
Is your computer maybe haunted?
This class is disappointing at times.
"abc" is a const char *, argv[2] = (char *)s.c_str();,
@R.MartinhoFernandes oooo, sandboxing. Maybe we should exchange notes. When I’m not reading.
@Xeo translator joke I suppose :) i wonder what the real text was then
TIL that google chrome has a class which implements the Monostate pattern and that class also has static methods. holy bloody fuck.
@StackedCrooked Oh god, I love their little club at school. And now "Ride of the valkyries" is playing
@thecoshman Tell you what - if there are no plans to change anything before tomorrow morning, I'm gonna start booking stuff to be in Berlin on 7/6. TBH, even if no other Loungers turn up, I'll still somehow manage to have a good time:)
Ahaha, his revenge plan against Shiratori is awesome
@MartinJames that's basically my plan too at this stage. Still trying to beat the misses into a yes or no... I think she's currently no, so might book tonight
and well it appears to be kinda useful for unit-tests (O_o). Regular code use static methods, e.g. Foo::get_some() and unit-tests create instances to change and rollback the global state - TEST_CASE(){ Foo foo(new_state); ...; /*rollback in foo's dtor*/ }
@thecoshman That sounds wrong.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ¬_¬ no I do not literally beat my misses
So you beat them without books?
that was bad
Yeah, I apologise.
I need to do some vacation-booking. I got an abusive, threatening phone call this morning from my main customer: the highly-offensive phrase' SAP integration' was used:(((
[tomalak@cat gui]$ echo "hi" | REQUEST_METHOD="POST" QUERY_STRING="ctrl=debug&action=formTest" CONTENT_TYPE="multipart/form-data" ../../bin/gui/index.cgi
Status: 500 Internal Server Error
Content-type: text/plain

Error: (CGI) BOOM!!!
@R.MartinhoFernandes ...
to be fair, my hand-crafted "hi" is not exactly valid form data
@MartinJames are you self employed?
but, seriously?
Ahaha I got pinged by this
@CatPlusPlus lol
My system-wide boost has the same thing in that problematic header.
Chat demonstrating quality programming
@thecoshman Yeah. I said that I would rather be dead than do SAP integration, and my customer offered to arrange it:)
@CatPlusPlus Chat demonstrating that it missed you.
@CatPlusPlus To be honest, how could it tell?
@melak47 you don't like it? I like it :/ I migght compiler-firewall the instantation per object-graph into a TU though. Cutting dependencies/compiletimes is also a goal
@MartinJames oh, well that explains how you are able to get away with calling a booze cruise a 'business expenditure' just because a robot mentions something about templates
@R.MartinhoFernandes the fact he is now upset?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well it's within code
@R.MartinhoFernandes Because it was code formatted
I have intentionally plinked people from code before.
That doesn't make this a feature
It does
I would agree that the fact that it has "tomalak" right before should be enough, though.
@thecoshman Hey - I'm going to a meeting in Berlin with highly-skilled team of software developers to discuss future collaboration on a confidential project. Not my fault if they're all Ballmer-Peak programmers.
@MartinJames really, when's that?
Jan 10 at 13:44, by thecoshman
Berlin meetup June 7th? The 7th because it is a saturday and prime.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ¬_¬ I got the joke... I just also took the chance to make another one
That's what they all say.
The project is Kryostat (not dead)
Kyrostat the reawakening.
Night of the Living Kyrostat
Is there a difference between X x; X y(std::move(x)); and X x; X y = std::move(x)); ?
@CatPlusPlus it's undead.
who is trying to re-awaken it?
@LuchianGrigore Explicit ctorness in the second.
@LuchianGrigore explicit
I just used "ctorness" in a sentence.
That's it?
I doubt the folks I play Scrabble with will let me use it, though.
No copy vs direct initi...erm... move?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Your document review team my have an issue with it too.
woah, my SQL query took 2:22 mins to execute
@R.MartinhoFernandes ... not sure if joke... or you actually play scrabble...
direct-init vs copy-init is all about explicit
I have to somehow speed that up. :/
@TonyTheLion I'm not even mad, that's impressive. No time out?
@TonyTheLion That's not exactly a world record.
@thecoshman I do, sometimes, on Fridays. If not drunk and the other people that play are around.
@thecoshman just executed directly on SQL Server, not called from code
Why not drunk
@R.MartinhoFernandes "if not drunk" - well...
@R.MartinhoFernandes ¬_¬ I bet you know all two letter words...
@thecoshman Actually, no.
I'm still trying to imagine where I might use 'ctorness' in a sentence.
ahaha, the flag
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm going to play my daily card
@Xeo really? what on?
@TonyTheLion You could say that it's a property of certain other protocols (such as HTTP) that they hide the full duplex property that TCP otherwise has. And it's a property of the WebSocket protocol that it doesn't. :)
@thecoshman Well. I'm serious. There's this German guy that knows a lot more of those than I do.
FastCGI refuses to parse query string parameters when the request method is POST. I don't know whether that's strictly standard or strictly non-standard but every fucker else does it
and it ruins my MVC
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh... are you playing in German?
@thecoshman No.
Hmm.. 'The ctorness of this class is limited by the number of available sockets'?
We have an English set. Can't really play German properly on that. (Not enough Zs)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit as I understand it, CGI scripts should get the full URI, query string and all... no?
@MartinJames So the ctorness depends on the socketness.
Ok, I'll go to the corner now.
@thecoshman FastCGI and CGI have about as much in common as JavaScript and Java
'If the ctorness limit is exceeded, there will be an excess of exceptionness'.
@CatPlusPlus I've read enough about them to know that FastCGI > CGI and they are not the same. that is all.
I gotta stop thinking about these nesses.
@MartinJames too much nessness?
@thecoshman The REQUEST_URI they get should be the whole thing. The PATH_INFO they get is... not the entire path component. AFAIK
@MartinJames I gotta go play me some earthbound.
// if I dont do this shit the ActiveFileViewModel will be null until the view is created
I like the new guy already.
@EtiennedeMartel ... I take it you do not mean phd already :P
@thecoshman They do
@thecoshman Exactly.
@thecoshman It's up to them to parse whatever subset they wish, though
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ah, and that is fiddled with before your 'script' gets it?
@CatPlusPlus I'm calling it "FastCGI" but really it's a library written as a proposal for "Fast CGI / CGI C++ library" in Boost. I'm using normal CGI.
@thecoshman The library layer is eating it up yes
The whole point of using a library was so it would parse params and form data and such for me; but it's not doing it quite how I'd like
ARgh, fixed it.
going to drop it for now as I have had too many problems with it. the documentation is very limited, too
CGI comes in 'regular' and 'large' now.
Never use CGI
I love it when work things turn out as good as work things work out.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That might be because nobody uses C++ for webdev :v
o_0 that doesn't even make sense to myself
@thecoshman You mean someone else screwed up, and you can prove it?
@MartinJames just the same fine level of quality I have come to expect.
Lol ive just managed to legally steal an iphone 5. God i love Swedish regulations.
@thecoshman That bad:(
@MartinJames it works... but the wee project was supposed to provide a better way of doing something... it can do that thing.
@jalf Ah interesting. Makes sense. :)
@thecoshman You...you.. you mean that you delivered something that actually, well, 'works'? Wow - wish I could do that.
@TonyTheLion also worth remember that http sessions are a series of request/response http actions over a continuous tcp 'session'. basic http would stop the tcp session after each request/response, but tcp is slow start, so you permit sessions to be used to allow for better performance, so loading a html page, and then all it's resources.
OK, I have to go look at this SAP integration and plan accordingly. There are no high buildings around here, so I guess it's gonna be a gun or pills.
@MartinJames 'you' being my team, really can't... well fuck it, yes me, all the credit is mine. But yeah, it does what it was supposed to do, though scope was cut... and not at performance... though only just seriously testing performance, because doing that whilst actively developing shit is a crazy idea!
If the police says i own an iphone 5 but apples gps burglar system and the previous owner says i dont, then what happens :s ?
You get shot.
@thecoshman Well done anyway:)
@DavidKron vOv IANAL
@MartinJames what do you sell anyways?
Does apple trace thing go by the police, or shall i expect the previous owner to pay me a visit?
The text i got from some random number seems quite threatining
@thecoshman Fluid monitoring equipment, (garages, lube-bays, fleet service bays).
@MartinJames he he he, lube bays
2 hours ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@thecoshman You're spending too much time with Tony.
@MartinJames How the hell does that integrate with SAP?
@thecoshman OK, 'Quick-service oil change businesses'. Does that sound much better?
Is there a way in C# to mark code as unreachable?
A bit like MSVC's __assume(0).
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm gonna find out:( My oil-management software is going to have to integrate with the customers' SAP resource-management/logistics systems.
@EtiennedeMartel throw :v
@CatPlusPlus The problem is I have a Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR somewhere, and I have to do some bogus return underneath to shut up the compiler.
Yeah there's no way around that
Well, fuck.
I'm gonna have to stick a comment in there.
Why are you throwing exceptions for HR?
The whole SAP thing has a nasty smell of XML about it:(
@R.MartinhoFernandes Turns out it's pretty fucking boring:
Q: Is GCC 4.4.1 buggy by not accepting an injected-class-name in a ctor-initializer?

Lightness Races in OrbitGCC 4.4.1 is refusing to find my injected-class-name within a ctor-initializer, in a CRTP scenario: template <typename T> struct Base { Base(int x) {} }; struct Derived : Base<Derived> { Derived() : Base(2) {} }; int main() { Derived d; } test2.cpp: In constructor âDerived::Deri...

@LightnessRacesinOrbit It does sound like a bug, btw.
If it matters, I fixed mine.
I was looking at the wrong folder. whistles
Too late to trade now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ha. Ha ha.
A damn shame you're not working here, or you'd have to tip the Pun Jar.
    external/include/boost/asio/impl/spawn.hpp|248 col 7| error: no match for call to ‘(std::_Bind<std::_Mem_fn<void (simulator::*)(boost::asio::basic_yield_context<boost::asio::detail::wrapped_handler<boost::asio::io_service::strand, void (*)(), boost::asio::detail::is_continuation_if_running> >)>(simulator*)>) (const boost::asio::basic_yield_context<boost::asio::detail::wrapped_handler<boost::asio::io_service::strand, void (*)(), boost::asio::detail::is_continuation_if_running> >&)’
I have this now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It doesn't matter for me, but sure :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, I agree. Nice to have it filed somewhere though, and sweet sweet repz!
I guess this is more of a Jeopardy-style bug report in the wrong place
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Most certainly a bug (14.6.1/1 + 14.6.1/3)
Yeah, I can finally move my codebase to C++11 !
Why the fuck is there no match for call (bind<mem_fn<void (C::*)(T)>(C*)>)(T const&)?
Seems like a perfect match to me :(
Damn... std::array doesn't have static_size. What am I supposed to do ? sizeof(my_array_type) ?
@R.MartinhoFernandes yuck
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Can you see an issue?
I feel like I'm missing something right in front of my eyes.
@R.MartinhoFernandes: I don't have an instance.
@ereOn um... .size()?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I can't even read it
@ereOn And the size matters?
@R.MartinhoFernandes: Yep it kind-of does.
@ereOn tuple_size?
there you go. straight out of the mouths of not one but two geniuses
That might do it. Thanks guys.
cppreference led me to that in moments ;)

obtains the size of an array
(class template specialization)
std::arrays are homogeneous tuples.
Fuck me...
I was on the page.
I should never code after a work day
But then I would never code for myself.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit What kind of C++ programmer are you? :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes Did you have time to take a look at the collation test data? (to see if its normal that I'm getting ill-formed string errors)
@R.MartinhoFernandes A wary one
@Borgleader Not yet. Been really busy both at work and out of it.
it's almost 5pm and I don't need you ruining my drive home with your template metabullshit!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit My code looks like std::bind(simulator::go, this)! No metaprogramming!
It's boost's fault!
Or the standard's.
@ereOn I haven't coded for myself in years. Because of that, frankly.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, that's more like it
time for a testcase
No that I can switch to C++11... do I even really need boost ?
How safe is it to blindly replace boost::shared_ptr and alike with std::shared_ptr ?
It's sort of. What's the benefit, though?
28 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
2 hours ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@thecoshman You're spending too much time with Tony.
Oh gosh, someone decontextified my question about size.
Just tried to compile it with a few: GCC 4.4.0 : failed GCC 4.4.1 : failed GCC 4.4.2 : failed GCC 4.4.3 : failed GCC 4.4.4 : failed GCC 4.4.5 : failed GCC 4.4.6 : failed GCC 4.4.7 : failed GCC 4.5.0 : success GCC 4.5.1 : success GCC 4.5.2 : success GCC 4.5.3 : success GCC 4.5.4 : success GCC 4.6.0 : success GCC 4.6.1 : success GCC 4.6.2 : success GCC 4.6.3 : success GCC 4.7.0 : success GCC 4.7.1 : success GCC 4.7.2 : success GCC 4.7.3 : success GCC 4.8.0 : success GCC 4.8.1 : success GCC 4.8.2 : success — PlasmaHH 3 mins ago
@R.MartinhoFernandes: One less dependency on libraries that don't need it.
Is that all you use from boost?
One fewer.
You should add a dependency on English, motherfucker!
@R.MartinhoFernandes duh
@R.MartinhoFernandes In some libraries yes. I don't intend to get rid of it everywhere. I would be pretty fucked without Boost::Asio
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Haha. Thanks. One fewer dependency. Indeed.
I'm only using English98. I intend to switch to English11 this year.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit When do you use which again?
posted on January 14, 2014 by Herb Sutter

Following on from #95, let’s consider reasons and methods to avoid mutable sharing in the first place…   Problem Consider the following code from GotW #95′s solution, where some_obj is a shared variable visible to multiple threads which then synchronize access to it. // thread 1{ lock_guard hold(mut_some_obj); // acquire lock code_that_reads_from( some_obj ); // […]

@R.MartinhoFernandes <straight face>

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