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If I unmount a disk image and then remount it, are the inodes of all files still the same?
@Jefffrey OMG he's biased
@MartinJames, so.. what's the stupidest thing you have ever done while drunk?
@rightfold Yes. But not the cache of them
@StackedCrooked yeah, that
@sehe How about FAT drives?
@rightfold FAT drives don't like fat files.
So far calculating the mean is the only thing Boost.Accumulators was helping with. Killed it.
@rightfold They ... have inodes? Not sure. My fuse toy fs-es didn't have stable inodes. Mm. RTFM :)
Bootstrapping (alcohol): the practice of easing yourself into a long session by slowly drinking weaker beer until your system can cope with the hard stuff.
std::accumulate is good enough for means.
@sehe Okay.
@R.MartinhoFernandes aaaand variance, count, min and max
It would make it easier to keep the tag DB in sync. :V
@Luka probably because you are bad
@MartinJames I always start with the hard stuff :S
@Luka the code is fucked up. no problem, glad to help!
1 message moved to bin
@sehe Binning? Tssttsss.
@Jefffrey Hmm.. it's a draw between getting married and sleeping in a rose garden.
(I'm not serious here)
please people help me I know I wasn't born with C++ skill but hey! Almost none is born with!
It crashes into the bin, cause that's where belongs. And drive-by linking is not appreciated.
@Luka It's not about skills, it's about attitude.
Ima need to predrink on Friday during my poker night as I'm out raving after
Why someone gave me -1?
I also need a non carbonated alcohol
@Luka Don't play the poor fugitive. We're long past help-vampires-being-cute in this room
@Ell OK, gota be a vodka mixer, then.
@Luka Someone. Votes are anonymous
@Luka because this is not a helpdesk site
@sehe I'll see about variance. I fear it might be too much of a mess, again, like the quantiles.
Also my code it's clearly no C. In C you define the variables at the start and I don't do that.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What happened?
@Luka Just get out.
I guess I should't ask for help here...
@LucDanton Couldn't figure out how to use the quantile accumulators that are not buggy.
(Most require some parameterisation and I'm not familiar with the algorithms behind those so I have no idea what would make good parameters)
@Luka you've received an answer under your SO post. stop crying
@MartinJames you are joking, right?
I see no Luka, must'a been pre-plonked.
: D
lol, pre-plonking.
@martin I was hoping for a bit of a change up. Some other spirit?
Gin best spirit
@Luka Oh, state-of-the-1990s C. I see.
@MartinJames He was around earlier. Once or twice. We treated him kinda nicely then. Well. Nicer
I drink only vodka or whiskey ;0
@Jefffrey Not really, no. The rose garden thorn injuries were extremely painful the next morning.
(beer doesn't count as alcohol)
@MartinJames you are my new idol
repost : d
@StackedCrooked quuuuuite the repost
@StackedCrooked Second repost from last year in a few hours!
I did not know this.
What'd I miss
You can't not know something that happened in the lounge!
@Rapptz Reposts, mostly.
I was working on Coliru.
Because you don't freaking pay attention!
Pay attention!
(Samuel L. Jackson voice)
@StackedCrooked Your excuse is "working"?
@Jefffrey My car was also in the rose garden. The engine was still running and half a tank of petrol had disappeared overnight, (this was a long time ago, before drink-driving regulations).
On a hobby project, no less
Your lounge license has been revoked.
Ok. I was watching anime.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Sorry, but no. As sorry as it was, my C++ had progressed beyond that by 1990.
@MartinJames lol, nice!
@JerryCoffin Erm, I didn't add any plus signs there.
> 1872 Licensing Act

In 1872 it became an offence to be drunk while in charge of carriages, horses, cattle and steam engines!! The penalty for which was a fine not exceeding 40 shillings OR at the discretion of the court, imprisonment with or without hard labour for a term not exceeding one month. [history of drink driving motoring law](http://www.drinkdriving.org/drink_driving_information_uklawhistory.php)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oops -- my C++ may have progressed, but apparently my reading hadn't.
We had no idea
@sehe And here I thought @sbi was the oldest one here.
@EtiennedeMartel He's not.
Martin is older.
@sehe Err.. before the more recent breathalyser-enforced regulations.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, I figured that out. He was obviously alive in 1872.
@MartinJames It was before you caused that accident with lethal injuries
I pissed on a police car once being drunk :|
owners standing nearby, not noticing it until I've finished
I didn't know police cars get drunk
@BartoszKP ... in your pants while being driven to the station?
@R.MartinhoFernandes nope. I never ran so fast in my life than after they'd noticed that ;0
Clearly not drunk enough.
@BartoszKP That's what you think. Because you were drunk
yeah, I remember all of it, so not very drunk
@sehe ? I have never been convicted of a motoring offence, (mod. speeding/parking), and have only once filled in a car insurance form, and that was after deliberately running someone over, (they had a knife) .
I didn't say it already happened
(in Nostradamus Voice)
but I think it was one of the stupidest things I've done ;0
@MartinJames And that's why I don't like knives.
Ok, maybe not.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Exactly - possession of a lethal weapon gives an opponent the right to kill you.
Oh well, it's clearly too late to do resampling now.
@MartinJames Huh. What's your excuse? You didn't possess the car?
@MartinJames Say what? Certainly doesn't anywhere the law is even close to sane.
This looks useful to me:

other thing was climbing between 2nd and 3rd floor using a rope made of sheets ;0
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's only 1:15am :) (I know it, again)
@JerryCoffin He's talking about rights not laws :P
@Domecraft You know what's useful? Vertical screen real estate.
@sehe :It's primary purpose was not to cause injury/death.
@sehe I have more horizontal!
@R.MartinhoFernandes In that case, it's just plain nonsense.
@sehe Ah I see
I wish clang worked on Windows :(
only for the static analyser and autocompletion plugins
@R.MartinhoFernandes One day, I'll have 6 screens.
@Domecraft Like this
@Rapptz I wish clang worked on Windows. So I could use my reflection system. :c
I need a bigger desk.
@sehe You're doing it wrong
@R.MartinhoFernandes A smaller head
@R.MartinhoFernandes Scaffolding problems?
It's too crowded.
I guess I could probably clean it instead, but.
You would pass out in horror if you saw my desk.
@Domecraft Well, kindly spam fewer links into the lounge. Cheers :)
I cleaned my desk at work today.
@sehe Alright
Some of the bits of pepperoni would need carbon-dating.
@sehe plonk is good at reclaiming it
@StackedCrooked I knowz. I have taken the non-plonk policy back. Since a few months actually
Found a 64GB flash drive, a bunch of pieces of a mind-reading device, tons of paper I don't remember writing on, and three DVDs that probably have some version of Windows or Linux or whatever.
@MartinJames A clean desk is a sign of a sick mind (or a really messy closet).
most of my backup CD/DVDs are over 5 years old and no longer readable.
lol: chamsko.pl/demot/0_1_48327_Bron_boze_przez_arnold77.jpg (the text translates to "Jesus saves")
@JerryCoffin Heh - I was once given a written warning after being told by boss to clear my desk - I moved all the rubbish into his office:)
@JerryCoffin Apparently my mental health is excellent.
Nov 11 '12 at 0:31, by sehe
It's not "chatting when drunk" but "saying silly things" that comes to haunt you
@StackedCrooked ..but your psychiatrist is mentally ill.
projection, name calling, undermining of authority
@MartinJames As long as he prescribes I am OK with that.
@JerryCoffin What if I have a messy closet and not a clean desk?
I am going to sleep in two minutes.
@sehe i definitely know :(
An old quote for an old...
@rightfold S minus 80.
@sehe you plonked me once because i said silly things when drunk
@rightfold 100 seconds now.
@StackedCrooked It's a little strange, really. Nearly every (decent) programmer I've ever met is completely anal about code, down spaces vs. tabs, whether there should be a space before and/or after a parenthesis, etc., but physical surroundings are barely short of a total trash-heap in nearly every case.
@sehe boat.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Still fine.
@StackedCrooked 50 now.
@Jefffrey I don't remember such things. I do half-remember you asking whether I had still plonked you half a year later ?
You know what's weird?
I need sleep too. There is squeaking going on outside office door. We must all goto bed.
@R.MartinhoFernandes You being talkative :)
@JerryCoffin well, code style matters
I cleaned up my desk at work, found and removed all that crap, and in the end the damn thing is still too crowded.
goto bed;
guess it is old
Good bye friends! And … all the other guys too.
@JohanLarsson yeah
@R.MartinhoFernandes you only removed crap
my desk is littered with IPv6 manual pages, rechargeable batteries, and random notes
@JerryCoffin Programmers can focus. Goes with the territory. Focus enables ignoring of negative aspects (like surroundings). Simple, almost
Desk at work doesn't have drawers, though.
and half-empty coffee cups
gdnght vrn!
But that's probably for the best, because the primary use of desk drawers is hiding crap you don't want to decide if you want to keep on your desk or throw away.
@StackedCrooked So geeky. Writes actual random notes. In HEX? I find that Base64 is unreliable in longhand
@R.MartinhoFernandes I have drawers but they are locked and I don't know where the key is.
@JerryCoffin I cannot stand messes.
My desk is always the cleanest. :V
and considered harmful.
The keyword, not the label.
@rightfold Thank you for proving my point.
The only thing that still bothers me is that the cables are visible.
Why have cables at all?
@rightfold you should cloak them
@JerryCoffin lol
@JerryCoffin I don’t get it.
The only cables on my desk are for my screens and a bunch of mini-USB endpoints for charging various devices.
i used to loose track of time pretty badly when programming
@rightfold hint. He jabs that you aren't a programmer. But you got that. You just hoped he would weaken his cracker by explaining.
@rightfold I have no visible cables, computer in another room and all cables go thorough a hole in the wall. Silent and clean.
The screen cables are carefully hidden, though.
@sehe I am a programmer.
Does this work for you?
@rightfold Here's a clue: I've been try to help my oldest son with his math homework for the last half hour and am starting to get frustrated and nasty because he's just not getting it, not matter how obvious I make things...
I have four cables for the screens, one for ethernet and one for power. :V
I know. And you know. He cracked a joke. The timing was ... about 87% right.
@rightfold Why is an ethernet cable on your desk?
@JerryCoffin No, you’ve been slacking here for the last half hour.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Because Wi-Fi is meh.
@JerryCoffin / that feeling asap imo
@JerryCoffin IIRC he was only born a year or two ago?
I don't like jokes when they have too little basis in reality. The clash leaves me uneasy. So:
@StackedCrooked That's... probably his youngest, not oldest.
> > 1 points, the Netherlands (sic)
Meh - there are things on, and under, my desks that have not seen the light of day for years. There are spiders under there, living by the light from long-forgotten routers and hubs. Every time I get out and get under, it's a mystery tour.
@StackedCrooked My youngest was born about then.
What about them?
I hate when I don't spot the throttling messages. It ruins my setups
I have a friend and I want him to cut his finger nails.
Wat do.
@rightfold Oh, laptop?
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah. :V
namespace detail { namespace detail {
It's all about the details.
@rightfold Convert him to emo-culture
It’s useful to be able to walk through the office with it sometimes.
Or to go sit in another room for a moment.
But Wi-Fi is meh!
It’s only meh when it stops working.
@rightfold I'd like that. I might actually. There's small booths hidden in the back with the sales guys. Mmm. Idea. Thanks
It doesn’t always stop working.
Wi-Fi is wet, like water.
I like to use ethernet when possible.
I’d only like the screen to be higher.
Ours is the most reliable AP I have ever used.
I should get one of those laptop stand things.
@rightfold Get him drunk, and cut his nails when he passes out (knew a guy who woke up with a sore, pierced ear that way once).
I know a guy who woke up with a swastika on his face without knowing it and then somebody rang the door bell and he opened the door.
Waterproof marker.
@rightfold Was it the police? Was it in Germany?
14 mins ago, by rightfold
Good bye friends! And … all the other guys too.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I hope not. No.
morning everybody
bye puppy
I am le sick.
my family infected me with a cold on top.
you sound like your not thankful
En dan zeuren dat ik “their” verkeerd spel.
@sehe s/your/you're/
@sehe Not a bit. Actually, I was trying to figure out a way to fit in the old line about "trussed knot yore spel chequer", but couldn't figure how to make "yore" fit in this case...
@rightfold and then sauren that I their farcry spell.
@Luka lol
Woooo, got my GG button.
Your latest attempt at being social?
covert operations
@Xeo how did you find out? you poll it daily? :)
KSP supports 3d mice?
Coworker has one at work.
what's.. ... a 3D mice?
Uses it for CAD modelling of stuff for printing
lol Coliru is G-rated?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh... that... looks weird.
Cool I guess.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Maybe it was a screenshot at the brief time interval when I was live editing stuff.
Dunno about playing, but it is quite nice for the modelling.
And once again Google is trying to get me to read house numbers for a captcha.
that never happened to me
Happens all the time to me.
you are a robot
Did I mention how much I love underspecified features and client going "oh, no, that's not what we wanted"
I don't recall this. Please elaborate.
@CatPlusPlus No but I remember you mentioning how much you love your job and life in general.
Thank you! I'll copy/paste my code directly from codeblocks next time, because issues #1 & 3 you talked about were just typos I made on this post. — DebrisHauler 5 mins ago
@CatPlusPlus lol, I first thought you meant client api
But it should not matter if you get paid by the hour.
Hm ...which probably is not the case :D
I get paid by the hour
You do?
I thought you had a job and monthly income.
I have a job and monthly income
I mean salaris.
It's calculated by hour
Mine is calculated by the month.
These are not mutually exclusive things
Oh, no it's calculated by the number of work days in the month.
@StackedCrooked Salary. (pl. salaries)
I accidentally used the dutch word.
@StackedCrooked So you get paid by hour too, except I don't have mandated work hours :v
Not really. I don't get paid extra for overtime.
Not that I do any overtime.
That's probably illegal
Usually a contract says if you get paid extra for overtime though.
Well I think it might be illegal here, dunno about your shitty countries
socialist snob
Back in 2007-2009 I worked all the time. During the day at work, during evenings and weekends at home.
It was more like an addiction actually.
Until they decided to fire me.
Because desktop developers aren't really needed for a webdev company.
Shortly after that they transformed into a dating site.
Perhaps it was for the best that I left :)
@EtiennedeMartel do you think Gamespot's ratings are reliable? (As in not influenced by monetary donations by friendly game companies.)
@StackedCrooked No.
Why not?
Steam's "rating" system is pretty neat.
@StackedCrooked Read up on the whole "Kane and Lynch" fiasco.
@StackedCrooked Gamestop just sucks. Trust me. I have 4 friends working in different Gamestop's centers and they all say the same thing: don't come here.
Therefore I usually just assume they suck at everything.
@Jefffrey Gamestop?
oh wait
That's an anagram for Gamespot!
shit, nevemind
> Gerstmann was dismissed from his position at GameSpot as Editorial Director on November 28, 2007.[5] Immediately after his termination, rumors circulated proclaiming his dismissal was a result of external pressure from Eidos Interactive the publisher of Kane & Lynch: Dead Men which Gerstmann had previously given a Fair rating, which is relatively undesirable, along with critique.[6] This was at a time when Eidos had been putting heavy advertising money into GameSpot
@Jefffrey lol
There goes my faith in Gamespot :(
all other sites are the same
just don't trust "professional" game reviewers.
they all suck
@StackedCrooked ahahaha
Numerical ratings are always worthless
What kind of ratings are good then?
Where people actually say words
Gameplay videos are also great
Is why I like TotalBiscuit's 'WTF is' series
You hear the opinion and see the game in action
I liked the words said in the dragon age video review. (Which is the last game I seriously played.)

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