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Haha better
I can't even imagine how you can do that
+229 by 4am
Final hurdle, girls!
Someone get my work done for me tia
wtf, Minitech deleted my answer
> Because all three browsers (IE11, Firefox, and Chrome) behave same way, so I don't think it's bug. If it's invalid HTML, then please point out why ? – gslin 1 min ago
Please point out why not closing a comment is making HTML invalid please
Also stack overflow dot com
I guess he couldn't be fucking fucked to go to the fucking W3C validator and fuckity fucking find out his fucking self
WTF is Minitech doing?!
@Rapptz I am probably missing the context. What did I just watch?
Its time for CES :D
The greatest E3 2013 moment obviously
@Rapptz huh?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit: Fine, whatever. Enjoy all your unhelpful content and good night. — minitech 1 min ago
Not acceptable behaviour from a moderator.
FINE stomps foot, exits left
−1 for a boring, useless answer to an interesting question. — minitech 1 min ago
Oh HTML people, never stop being so hilariously bad
tbh it'd be more funny if he banned everyone
Can't believe I voted for that little prick guy
minitech is a cool guy =/
Voting always useless
@Borgleader Never had a problem with him before now but this is serious not-moderator behaviour.
There had been previous concern about rage possibilities based on his age just before election, as I recall.
But I have always been impressed until this
I mean it's not even a big deal really, fuck it, just struck me as inappropriate.
motherfuckingwebsite.com this is pretty nice tho
overall id say he does a good job
@CatPlusPlus I guess it's deliberately ironic that I couldn't be fucked to read that to the end.
On that note you could finally get rid of that shitty text-shadow from your blog. Just sayin.
@CatPlusPlus Yeah probably should
It was actually an accidental artifact of including some library or other's broken stylesheets
It's one bad incident man.
I've never been particularly happy with the look of my blog in general, but I don't care enough to fix it
@Rapptz Nuking an answer, then nuking a whole thread of comments other than his own, then ragequitting, then returning, then putting all the comments and the answer back, then saying "fine i hope you enjoy your useless content", then commenting "-1 for a useless, boring answer" is not one incident. That is half an hour of intensely childish behaviour!
Then it's one bad weekend hangover.
Hey, I'm not saying I want him fired. Or shot.
Well he is 16 or something
I'm just talking about it or whatever
I'm not disagreeing with you on it being dumb/immature/bad.
If you're saying "but it doesn't need to be talked about so much here now", you're right: I'm bored out of my mind
It's funny to watch
I got to 99k and I'm capped and now I don't know what to do with my life
Though it sure needs to be attended to if it persists.
(sounds medical-ish)
Apply epinephrine till he explodes
Is it just me, or has the Lounge been pretty calm and pleasant the last few weeks?
Just you
Thank you! You're really kind
There hasn't been many new idiots coming in
Probably because of holidays
Most of the idiots never left
It feels quieter here than usual on some days.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit In fact we're all here right now
Now he's trying to bully me into a chat session. wtf is going on
So Lounge isn't the Lounge without someone being bashed. Right.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Take him here.
We need research on new venues to bash people without other people realising we're doing it
@LightnessRacesinOrbit "bully"?
looks sane to me
@LightnessRacesinOrbit o/
@Rapptz Begging, then
Well, whatever
@Rapptz He likes that word
Truth is I wish I had the energy for it
What I really want is to edit the comments on my answer into my answer and take it all from there, but I don't have time for that now
Ahaha someone nuked comments
Alright, hush now. — BoltClock 31 secs ago
BoltClock did.
Oh, well, that's helpful. Good job mods.
Now it'll never be resolved.
Nuke comments, ban everyone
SO is really ragequit.net!
I still have the old comments if you want some of them
@Rapptz Thanks. I took a screenshot three mins ago ;)
DeadMG would make a pretty good mod y'know :bin: :bin: :bin:
He would bind every key on his keyboard to bin, and roll his face on it ;)
@Borgleader that slight pun
bind/bind? that was punintentional
Flagged BoltClock's comment as "rude or offensive". We don't need that patronising tone from our elected community moderators!
Half-expecting a telling off via mod email in a few minutes.
it's their duty to clear comments when it gets "too chatty"
The equivalent of the FBI knocking on your door because you wrote a dissenting op ed about the government
@Rapptz Right, so why on earth is he writing one of his own that adds nothing to to the question? It merely patronises the authors of the original comments, that aren't even there any more.
i.e. the only noise there now is his
No low-hanging fruit coming in :(
Looking for ez answers?
fcuk this
@ThePhD Yeah. Post-repcap I need accepts.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit You could just wait untilt eh turn of the day.
It'll only be few hours from now, IIRC.
Why not take a break, relax.
I fuckin love you
@ThePhD It's 20 hours away.
More like +4 days of repcap before 100K.
@ThePhD Yeah, I'll be going to bed shortly =)
I seriously love you all
@ScottW A phone.
@Jefffrey aww
@ScottW Google down for you?
It's just something inexplicable
@Jefffrey Ain't that the truth
@Jefffrey It's a figure of speech. It means "inorite"
I love you too lightness, It's just you are too much of a rep whore
@Jefffrey It's just so tastay :(
@Jefffrey You hate competition eh? :)
Seriously though this right now is a specific rep drive to reach 100k before I get back to work. Then I'll probably stop caring for a bit again. Maybe.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit i know, but you should let go
@MarkGarcia ;)
@ScottW Well I'd never heard of it until you asked, I Googled then read on Wikipedia. There are photos, for fuck's sake.
I'm too drunk to care for rep now
I'm too drunk not to care for rep
A: Fast aproach to modifying a const char* array

Lightness Races in Orbit what can I do Nothing. You shall not modify anything behind a const char*. I suppose it is because the packet array is copied entirely to the vector. Yes, probably. If you want to modify data, you need to own it, and in this scenario unless you copy it you do not own it.

Ugh this guy
You probably don't care shit, but I love you with 3/4 of my heart
"I want to modify const data" "You can't. What are you trying to do?" "I'm trying to modify const data" repeat repeat repeat repeat
that guy is fucking awesome :D
his final objective is to modify const data apparently
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I looked at the comments and there was nothing worth restoring
whoa, another blue guy here
have seen like 3 in 2 weeks
what's going on
@BoltClock I don't think leaving a childish comment of your own was really necessary.
@ScarletAmaranth just hide!
@ScarletAmaranth Probably wondering why we've been so quiet (relatively)
@ScottW I know :(
@ScottW, being the whore he is, @LightnessRacesinOrbit being the jerkass he is, @MarkGarcia being the fucking "I know everything" of the situation, @BoltClock being the random mod, @Rapptz being the not-so-young that know almost everything...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit we have? o_O
@ScarletAmaranth I think it's been relatively peaceful over the holidays.
@Jefffrey Just Google-fu. :)
@ScarletAmaranth They be arrestin errybody
ho ho, cat
mods be arrestin' ?
It's the space police
I'm bored.
you, cat, are a fucking jerk
You know what bored people should do?
Play games.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I was more interested in stopping what seemed to be a still ongoing quarrel
Sounds like a swell idea.
Anyway it's over now, so
oh no, a quarrel! :)
@BoltClock It had just stopped, and we'd agreed to sort out the comments together in the morning.
Ongoingest of quarrels
Then suddenly in you come stomping in like a bull in a china shop!
@Jefffrey sup
but, as long as you are right, no one cares
How can I exactly cast away the const? — Dark_eye 2 mins ago
Rut roh
Try jumping
Relevant to earlier :P (deleted comments)
Ooh, that reminds me (because new Community was out a couple days ago), new Mentalist is out tonight :D
Holy shit it's 6AM on last day of weekend and I still haven't done shit I should have done 2 days ago
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you watched community?
@Jefffrey Of course
they ruined it with the 4th
it's kinda sad
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yes it is!
Yeah I don't think I've seen 4th season
@LightnessRacesinOrbit finally someone who watches it
@LightnessRacesinOrbit the re-take on the serie after RJ's death is amazing
@Jefffrey You forgot "Jerry being the lurker in the shadows that he (sometimes) is."
@Feeds Watch this be a thing on codegolf.se tomorrow.
@Jefffrey even 3rd wasn't great
@ScarletAmaranth Yeah I quite enjoy it aesthetically though it seems totally random after the same-same-ness of the first 5.5 seasons
@JerryCoffin oh man, I missed so many! I was looking at those who recently posted only ;)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yeah, but then the main director went away...
@Jefffrey Producer but ok. But now Harmon is back!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I think it's a new take on Patrick, after having killed his main nemesis and I love it (unfortunately, RJ choice was an arbitrary guy after all that time, I don't know what I was expecting but I was hoping for a bigger of a reveal maybe, dunno)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit eh, I'm not sure I'm ready for another season :(
@ScarletAmaranth Yeah
@ScarletAmaranth I think I'd got my heart set on it being himself. I figured it probably wouldn't be, but ultimately it was always going to be a disappointment
At least a montage of flashbacks to "how he did it" going back to S1 would have been nice!
Y'know, to really visually inject the guy into the show's backstory
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yeah, it would be really cool, how he worked from behind the scenes... also, how the hell did he get to the Patrick's final list of suspects, needless to say, I am enjoying the "new Mentalist" a lot though
shovelled already :v
though it's still snowing
I told them it was a waste of effort
but no one listens I guess
@Rapptz I shoveled tonight too, but there was little enough snow I could pretty easily have driven without it.
oh men, Annie
well I think there's at least 2 feet worth of snow here
pretty neat
@Rapptz Probably closer to 2-3 inches here (but as usual, a little hard to guess--enough wind that it's bare some places, six or eight inches in others).
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Never thought someone would ever describe me that way - fittingly, at that
I guess the east coast got hit pretty hard too...
" Well, tried casting the const away and.... nothing happens, my program not even starts... so fail. :(( I know, Undefined Behavior – Dark_eye 10 secs ago "
I like snow.
I've been rendered speechless
-20 C here :v
@ScarletAmaranth Yeah and Patrick didn't even want to know?! Grr
@Jefffrey Annie. :)
@Rapptz Not so bad.
pretty okay
@EtiennedeMartel Not terrible, but a little surprising--usually warmer than that when it snows much.
Hmm. Would changing all variable declarations from function-style init to uniform (brace) init break any code? (except for the MVP ones)
@JerryCoffin I'm using "Feels like", the actual temperature is -12 C.
the guys at AGDQ are doing a great job though, I think they're hitting hundreds of thousands of dollars every time there's an event (SGDQ too), very admirable
> It's not like this is "oh please bring us hylomorphic polytropistic third-rank catamorphisms from Haskell"... it's something that everything else can do.
reddit is a bad idea for programming related stuff usually
but since Go lacks parametric polymorphism... there may be some truth in there
@StackedCrooked lol
@ScarletAmaranth The baddest: reddit.com/r/shittyprogramming
lol the C++ comments
b-b-but delete! and delete[]! At least Go does't have these issues!
@Jefffrey that was... weird
@StackedCrooked haha
I leave you all with this gem:
Q: Why are Callback functions represented by arguments[arguments.length-1] in javascript?

JagoriI had copied a piece of code from somehwere which basically was used to extend the JQuery's hide method and extend it to call a callback But am not clear with how the method works .. js.executeScript("window.webdrivercallback = function(){};" + "var _oldhide = $.fn.hide;" + ...

[–]Poita_ 5 points 5 hours ago (57|50)
Rob Pike's response re: generics
An actress acquaintance of mine—let's call her Esmerelda—once said, "I can't imagine being anything except an actress." To which the retort was given, "You can't be much of an actress then, can you?"
I was reminded of this exchange when someone said to me about Go, "I can't imagine programming in a language that doesn't have generics." My retort, unspoken this time, was, "You can't be much of a programmer, then, can you?"
what a shitty quote
@Rapptz Just do permalink.
easier to just paste here
here's one for you
I think I love this girl, but I also think it's just limerence
you fuckers are helpful
I thought you were my bros
I hate you all
I love you babe
I love you more than Dog loves fucking people
You just sound like ScottW.
@MohammadAliBaydoun that's pretty broromantic
I'm gonna show you how much I love you, just gimme 1 hour
I just finished writing circular_view so I can use it for iterators to repeat themselves
I feel like I did something terribly wrong by approaching the problem like this.
I wanted a circular_list, but I didn't want to roll my own, so I made this thing instead so I can have circular <anything>
Jesus I'm starting to sound like ThePhD
@MohammadAliBaydoun Yes. Like, how would you get out of the iteration loop?
You wouldn't
Consider an animation that repeats itself
@MohammadAliBaydoun Whose container UI has a stop button. ;)
Every N seconds, you just go to the next iterator :p
and it behaves as expected
@MohammadAliBaydoun Ah, I was thinking of you using it in a range-for.
@MarkGarcia There's something like this in Boost called circular_buffer and there's a disclaimer concerning exactly that :D
Just a microcosm of the variety in C++ compilers:

#line 5000000000

GCC and Clang do not diagnose overflow but wrap around as in 32-bit unsigned arithmetic. EDG does diagnose overflow as an error, and provides 64-bit unsigned arithmetic. MSVC issues a warning if the number does not fit into 24 bits, but provides 32-bit, two's complement arithmetic anyway, which may cause __LINE__ to expand to a negative number.
Q: Why is this pointer messed up when accessed?

GerardConsider the following code: int* solve(int input[], int len) { //Processing and building the calc array. Can be ignored. int calc[3*(len-1)]; calc[0] = input[0]; calc[1] = 1; calc[2] = 1; for (int b = 1; b < len - 1; b++) { calc[3*b] = 0; calc[3*b ...

The fuck.
Much fast, so asterisk wow
Good morning beautiful
How are you?
I'm feeling Derpstormesque
Oh man.
Anyone here feel like dancing?
I got a song that demands dancing to.
Like, right now.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ^ I think you might like how groovy this is.
I'll dance with you ;-;
ohhh dancing
ready for my massage to you?
@MohammadAliBaydoun Not a half bad quality of life. :D
How sexy
I came twice
Guess it's Function Pointer Collection time.
This is an accurate depiction of my social skills. + its funny
Is more about hair weirdness, then
from lunch!

Goood 2013 [sic]
@Jefffrey is that a hp pavillion?
Old dell model?
A: how much memory can be accessed by a 32 bit machine?

AnonymousSomeone delete antonio's "answer." That's the most misled thought process I've ever seen.

^^ aha
@BartoszKP nope
@Mysticial I think I'm gonna let it live. Just so he can feeeeeeel the downvotes
^ @rightfold Epic (dutch)
@sehe that's rightfold? thought he was 19
You can legally ride a bike at 19
can you legally have white hair at 19?

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