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I've heard some meh stuff. Didn't watch (it was on television after all)
Ah I'd really like some rice right now
fuck it
Don’t fuck rice.
Night @bartoz
What happened to the other Bartek?
I think he's busy being social with IRL for a while
Well, I now got all 700 teensies at Rayman Legends.
I don't know if I'll bother with getting all golden trophies.
Raymann is laat.
@rightfold It's only 6 minutes long and well worth it.
besides, it's not like you have to watch all 6 minutes to get the first punchline 20 seconds in.
Meh. 20 seconds.
I need to reload this page until OP has added a stack trace to his question.
Or until this song finishes.
Whichever comes first.
Afterwards I’m going to sleep.
While developing it's very common that things work or they don't. Actually it's far more common that they appear to "work" a random amount of the time because you have some runtime bug that is not explicitly diagnosed. — Lightness Races in Orbit 57 secs ago
@rightfold I wouldn't bother.
Goodbye friends.
And Telkitty.
> The more sophisticated the use of the C++ language to get some performance benefit, the more unpleasant the API is to use. M. DeIcaza
There's some truth to that ^
Reminds me of the person who posted that he liked Qt so much better than Boost, somewhere last year. (Well, he went on to proclaim that Boost is a productivity drain and over engineered and blabla)
Don’t have Herb Sutter design anything.
@rightfold I won't, if I have a choice
Herbert Schildt would be a way better choice!
0/10 wouldn't fork
What's wrong with Herb?
Herb will introduce singletons with a big hamburger smile
It probably means that English and German are bad languages and that Quebec is the best place on Earth, or something like that.
Something about fish and underground
@ScarletAmaranth I'm a singleton, my Date class hasn't been implemented yet.
the expression on his face in combination with wild articulation will convince you for a moment that singletons are indeed great
And beautiful days
On the first good days, like fish the Montreallers resurface from the underground city.
/cc @EtiennedeMartel
And houses
@ScarletAmaranth does Herb even have an SO account?
@Mgetz "even have"? why such wording?
See you tomorrow.
see ya
@ScarletAmaranth dunno, was sort of effecting the "does he care enough to answer questions" feeling. Given that Eric Lippert and Raymond Chen both do, it was a curiosity.
well, you know, some people have friends, social life and other such strange concepts outside of their professional life, so I can imagine not everyone is too eager to spend their free time writing code or similar
I don't think it's about caring enough
ah well
I think I'll call it a night
Hm That means most people are leaving.
Yay, I have the room all to myself~
@ThePhD don't forget to clean it afterwards
I find myself dumb when I write c++
every time a bug
guys, do you have any experience with hdds?
I need a safe way to store 4TB
And I am thinking of getting 2 x 4TB and using them in RAID 1
@sehe Do you do python? If so, do you use any particular setting for folds (in vim)?
Now, I think wd is better than the rest, and I am a not sure: should I get RED, SE or RE? RE is too expensive. RED I believe is like a green with different firmware (and I have 2 green giving me errors here)... Is SE any good?
@LucDanton I don't. And I don't use folds. I only adhoc fold (using zf}, or zfaB etc.)
@Mgetz Multiple.
@meWantToLearn This is one of the positives about c++: it doesn't lull you into this false sense of "greatness".
@Mgetz you should probably be aware that "a curiosity" has a distinctly different meaning from "curiosity"
Q: LLVM disable the stack

kvanberendonckWhen compiling a language which uses heap allocated closures holding by-val or pointers to heap allocated arguments, how might one guarantee that LLVM doesn't generate code which uses the stack (and optionally use ebp/esp as another general-purpose register)? The function may be running in a str...

Not sure if misguided or interesting. Probably just both.
I'm sorry, but your answer's kinda wrong here.
the question is entirely about LLVM
@DeadMG Well, the first part (before I veer off to the XY part) addresses that, right?
well, maybe this is just my reading, but your whole answer is C++, and his whole question is LLVM
Also, I explicitly mention when I leave the exact question alone. But I forgot that llvm is more than c++ for a moment
Mmm. Just realized I equated llvm with clang++. If that's not appropriate, this answer became unhelpful. I'll remove if that's the case. — sehe 9 secs ago
Anyways, the attention helps his case for now, because this question was a prime candidate for TumbleWeed
+1 for "I have run gprof". Heed the answers though! — sehe 6 secs ago
Q: Hi,can anyone help me with this code?I have to know how it works

user3163807enter code here NodeT *hsearch(char *s1,char *s2,unsigned h) NodeT *p; for(p=thash[h];p;p=p->next) if(strcmp(s1,p->first_name)==0 && strcmp(s2,p->last_name)==0) return p; return 0; //where p is a node

@LightnessRacesinOrbit enter answer here :D :D :D
Q: Scanning Image Pixels

boogiedollI want to detect a shape(blue area) in an image. How do I start reading the pixels from a user input coordinate(red dot), scan the pixels around the dot, and stop reading when it crosses the boundary of the shape, instead of scanning the whole image as following? for (int y = 0 < height; y++) { ...

this is a similar one
I like how he included a loop
I am disappointed by the game list a bit
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I know you of all people want to bash on the contents of this draft about constexpr.txt
the questioner doesn't seem to have any idea how utterly useless x86 without a hardware stack would be
@DeadMG as to be demonstrated on even modern GPU hardware that still lacks it (in spite of some efforts from nVidia)
I understand the computational model is fundamentally different but it would still be so nice
I thought that modern GPUs do have stack space, it's just very limited.
@refp I don't get it
@LightnessRacesinOrbit get what?
Ugh someone on gpsd-users is using THREE spaces between sentences
implementing singleton in php its ultra easy compared to c++
@DeadMG can't find much about it but from a recent conversation with a guy working on boost.compute:
In fact, AMD's
instruction set doesn't support function calls at all and everything
is inlined. NVIDIA's is a little more advanced and supports true
function calls but still no C++-style virtual functions.
well, no time to google more, off to study
@sehe that sort of impreciseness seems to be a common problem for me, thank you for your illumination.
@meWantToLearn Yet more (unnecessary) proof of the utter wrong-headedness of PHP.
answering government questions about my sickness so they'll pay me more moneys and they want to know if I can chew and swallow food.
technically, yes, but I think that answer misses some important details.
is there any thing such as singleton base class in C++
no, thank God.
in php I can just extend a base singleton class ,
don't do Singletons.
they're bad and they make your code bad and they make you look bad.
even its bad, i want to learn how to implement one in c++
its okay I love to look bad
well, there's no way in hell that I'm going to tell you.
you can put your own effort into sucking.
and frankly, even if you wanted to know something good, it'd still be a tossup as to whether or not I actually would help you
@meWantToLearn Not built-in, no. For those (rare) cases where you really want a singleton, you probably want to use a singleton<whatever> rather than a base class (e.g., I believe Loki includes such a template).
@JerryCoffin yes tht is it
12 hours ago, by jalf
@Mgetz a singleton is a contrived solution to a problem. The problem is "how do I make data available to those who need it", and the two simple solutions are "pass it as function parameters", and "make it globally accessible". Both of the simple solutions are better the needlessly complex one of making a special class of which exactly one instance can ever exist, and which is hard to make thread-safe and becomes a synchronization bottleneck in threaded code and is untestable
@meWantToLearn be here... done this
@meWantToLearn Modern C++ Design, Chapter 6.
i think i should have a solid understanding of c++ then get into c++ design
probably a good idea
@meWantToLearn see you in 2 years
Q: Why aren't my balls shrinking/disappearing?

user2125191http://jsfiddle.net/goldrunt/jGL84/42/ this is from line 84 in this JS fiddle. There are 3 different effects which can be applied to the balls by uncommenting lines 141-146. The 'bounce' effect works as it should, but the 'asplode' effect does nothing. Should I include the 'shrink' function insid...

@ScarletAmaranth 2 years... that's optimistic
I agree
even those as bright as me take that long
I need a memcpy_cast, methinks.
and plenty of people expend years on it and still can't get past C with Classes.
I am not sure what to expect when a company lists required knowledge: "c++ expert"
do they actually mean a C++ expert?
I think this is the one time where cowboy_cast would actually be 100% legit.
then there's ThePhD, who can't C++ at all
I would think that it would be plainly obvious that I still haven't fully learned C++ much to foot-in-mouth displeasure
Seriously though, uh.
I think I'm going to use a handle and a union here.
@ScarletAmaranth It's completely company-dependent. Some people like myself would consider that to be real expertise; but more than a few people would be looking at C-with-classes or anything in between. If you find "C++ expert", be prepared for anything.
@DeadMG that's the problem though, if some "C with classes guy" states he's an expert in his CV and a company is willing to accept that, then my being too scared to list that on my resume puts me into a disadvantageous position
Aye, for example I know that I'm horrible with templates a core and critical part of the language. But I would like to think I'm ok with basic OO and have a reasonable comprehension of the language.
on the other hand, as you said, if I say I am an expert and they will present obscure ADL usage and IOstream, then I am kinda fucked
ADL and iostream, I wouldn't be too concerned.
they are the kind of thing where even the people who wrote the Standard can't always get it right.
Bartek got away with calling himself a C++ Master on his SO profile.
@ScarletAmaranth I have gotten those kinds of questions and to be brutally honest I wouldn't want to work at a place that concerned on language semantics and not on overall design.
especially IOstream.
@ScarletAmaranth They cant ask you about iostreams because no one understands them :P
I do pretty good at those C++ gotcha quizzes.
I would say that if you want to call yourself a C++ expert, the main consideration is when to use the various tools the language offers- when to use templates, when to use inheritance, when to fiddle all the bits, when to use a friend classes, etc.
yeah but when you say you're an expert, you kind of imply you have this kind of knowledge, or what the hell does expert mean
I fail every single one. :P
@DeadMG yeah this is a good approach
I mean, you also need to grasp a few of the language fundamentals, like sequencing.
(like the lack of sequencing)
nobody is gonna pass you as a C++ expert if you write UB-riddled code.
like PhD
it works on My Machine (TM)
@DeadMG and this is why I don't call myself a C++ expert, I don't think my code has UB... it compiles with -Wall -Werror -Pedantic but still I don't KNOW that it doesn't
nobody can ever know that their code does not contain any UB.
but you should not make obvious mistakes that lead to UB.
Does such a thing as compile_time_variant exist?
Guess I'll fake it up then.
What is a compile-time variant?
it's boost.variant but terrible?
(I would expect no less from ThePhD ™)
@ScarletAmaranth better than PROPVARIANT or VARIANT on win32
my immediate financial survival depends on my description of my sickness in this questionnaire.
@Borgleader @Dietmar understands them quite well. I do fairly well, but mostly based on @Dietmar's postings over the years (mostly on Usenet, long before SO existed).
c_variant<int, std::string> arf = 24;

void overloaded_function( int );
void overloaded_function( std::string& );

overloaded_function( arf ); // calls `int` version as `arf` decays to `int`
@ThePhD just use auto?
maybe doable in C++14 with the more relaxed constexpr
Well, that bites.
but certainly impossible prior to that and quite possibly still impossible then
oh, but it'd DEFINITELY be impossible for non-literal types like std::string.
std::string -> literal -> C++14 relaxed constexpr -> profit?
my question is, why would you want to do that anyway?
@ThePhD tell me your exact use case for that please
Letting the compiler be able to choose 1 of many options available at compile time, without having me do backflips with #ifdef
there are other techniques for that
@ThePhD sounds like a job for templates and specialization
My current use case would be OpenGL vs. DirectX: i.e. having it know at compile time which handle I've given to it (void* or GLuint)
tag dispatch if there are just 2 types?
Those 2 types have different null values, different invalid handles, etc. etc.
Switching at compile-time by just writing 2 overloads to handle the cases for each would be much better than this #ifdef party I have going on.
oh god I should be studying, not contemplating tmp
bleh can't fined a good question on best practices of using const member variables
@meWantToLearn I wouldn't rely on microsoft for your learning... they are the least compliant compiler
@Mgetz I think intel is behind since the nov 2013 CTP
(study, STUDY, scarlet!)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol
@Scarlet haha
Two questions for you, @ScottW. First is what is the husband's name?
You're cheating on us with non-loungers? YOU SLUT! D:
@ScottW Because the second is would you prefer to send me cash or high-value jewelry?
I was using notepad++ and suddenly I was not able to type, pressing f doing the same thing as ctrlt + f. I don't know what to do..
you misspelled hello, @happy
@ScarletAmaranth What is LRIO — bjb568 39 secs ago
@happy Press Ctrl then. It got stuck.
and the comment immediately before is actually @LightnessRacesinOrbit, lol
@ScarletAmaranth I am sorry, I didn't mean to be crude. Hello everyone. I feel like my capacity to program is broken. I didn't mean to be a jerk and or impolite
@ScottW Run away!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I don't know because it works here.
@happy have you tried turning it off and on again?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit it only do it in notepad++. I am confused. I know you are not the helpdesk but I just figure maybe someone of you had the same issue before.
@happy I just told you what to try. Did you try it?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yes and it didn't work
@happy Then I have no further suggestions. Simply restart it.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I will
hold on, you came here before even restarting it?
you must be one of those guys who never use a debugger :P
02.18am, +105. Not good enough.
@ScarletAmaranth thanks anyway
@ScarletAmaranth "debugger what's that?" ducks
Finally. I'm back from the dead.
@MarkGarcia oh my... programming zombies
@Mgetz More like, programming detoxed.
Q: Extending enable_if type to exclude a matching type

Steven LuI am using this magical header to gain the ability to easily serialize STL containers. However, I have now moved on to even more fancy HTML serializers for my types, and part of what I would like to do is generalize the operator << functionality to my new type ohtmlstringstream which is backed ...

@LightnessRacesinOrbit "No, that would be a security hazard. Yes, you can use the FileReader API" Sounds like contradiction to me. Entitled to what? I am entitled to an answer, aren't I? Or am I just a lowly flagged man? — bjb568 1 min ago
What a little fucknut
My GG button is in Miami. Ohoho.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit If he keeps up that attitude he'll eventually get convinced we're all elitist and leave.
lol, "I am entitled to an answer, aren't I." wtf
Q: Some questions about operator++

user31639021.About ++s Is ++++s,++s=10 undefined? I learn that ++s first calculates and then returns itself. So ++++s is just like f(f(s)) not f(s)+f(s). That's no problem in it. And ++s=10 is just like g(f(s)) not f(s)+g(s), That's no problem either. And if s is a class object(such as a "big_int" object)...

not one of those again
> an angry LRIO defending contradiction
He's onto you.
I told myself I should complete a task before going to bed, and typically, instead of completing it, I simply put off going to bed.
WTF. Go (the language) doesn't have generics. functionwhatwhat.com/…
That's what you get when you let C programmers invent new languages
And they're planning to have Go bootstrap itself. Seems like a recipe for disaster.
It's version, still 1.x...
ok, you win. Just my gut call says it's too early for that.
It's like the first thing you do after implementing base compiler in something else
Spec doesn't matter at all, if you're fast you could do this shit in few weeks after initial design
wants GCC 4.9 online somewhere
waits for Windows XPired's death
It will never die
A: Why does <!--<script> cause a DOM tree break on the browser?

Lightness Races in OrbitIt 'll be some assumption being violated in the internal mechanism. There's not much point trying to rationalise about this stuff. You wrote invalid HTML, so anything can happen.

people don't understand the concept of UB.
Though there are fallbacks specified by the spec. Some on how to specifically handle certain errors.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit html people don't understand concepts, FTFY
@ScarletAmaranth yeah
on the other hand, I have seen some valid arguments against UB
Q: strcmp("hello", "help") = -1 C/C++?

user2347360Why strcmp("hello", "help") =-1 in C/C++ with ide visual studio? Code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> int main() { int n = strcmp("hello","help"); return 0; } ->result: n = -1

"o" is not comparable! — user2347360 2 mins ago
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol talk about RTFM.
-1. You are apparently confusing HTML with C++. They are quite different. — ruakh 1 min ago
some backup please?
@MarkGarcia My life is now complete. I shall become a monk.
Ah whatever.
@Rapptz Seems legit.
@Rapptz I actually voted to approve that, though it did take me a minute to decide to.
@Rapptz Although it went a step back from having a full testcase, in this instance I feel the single statement is more than sufficient, and the remainder of the edit was well worth it.
I would have just removed the superfluous headers tbh
I just don't think a SSCCE for strcmp("hello", "help") is useful enough to warrant all that noise. It's a single function call and we can certainly rationalise about that in isolation.
"This question appears to be offtopic because you are VERY lazy"
who wrote that?
Yay, 99k \o/
@Rapptz Ahem.
I voted for it
Did you remove the auto-gen'd comment?
@EtiennedeMartel It makes me remember of that "I am an agricultural engineer. I do not know debugger." comment.
Iam an agriculture engineer, i do not know debugger — sergio ovalle Jul 2 '13 at 3:10
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: We do not know debugger [c++] [c++11] [c++1y] [no-programming]
@Rapptz .... Maybe :)
Looks like Lightness si already repcapped.
No need to upvote anything then.
What, really?
Even though you got some dwonvotes.
You need 2 more week of repcap to reach 100K.
I still want backup on that UBML answer. Set the dicks straight, so to speak.
Ugh, maybe that other stupid comment would be better to topicalise
@ThePhD Five days.
A work week.
@ThePhD I'm off work this week.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: You're apparently confusing HTML with C++. Because that is a thing people often do. [c++] [c++11] [c++1y] [no-programming]

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