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how do you disassemble a C program without any form of optomization?
@ScottW what?
ho ho ho!
I am not sure Santa will not crash under my sheer weight :x ... just joking :p
@Telkitty You know if santa is naked - its not really Santa
Hey - I just realized that there is a "best of Lounge" chat called bin
Fuck me.
Is that an invitation? >_<
> I asked my friend what his favourite song lyric is. He then told me he was deaf and walked into a wall.
@Crowz You need lobotomization
@StackedCrooked I like songs from Mary Poppins: 'Feed the whores, tuppence a shag'.
@MartinJames I already had one
@Crowz Whore or lobotomy?
in Anime and Manga on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 6 mins ago, by Mysticial
If you need the hat for getting starred today, post a picture of a loli and we will star it.
^^ It worked immediately. lol
@MartinJames a whore lobotomized me but of course
Hmm.. maybe I should goto bed, before I actually manage to annoy someone.
@Mysticial ..and forward the link to child protection lawyers :)
Anyone use 'make' for compiling their code?
@Andy Just about everyone, I should think, one way or another.
NOOOOO! No make scripts at this time of night!
Okay, so I have a simple question.
Pleeeeeaasee.. no make, pleesse.
I am trying to make a MakeFile with the following code:
CFLAGS=-Wall -g
rm -f ex1
but I don't the procedure. I am using Fedora 19, and I am doing this MakeFile using the terminal. Any help?
So far I've tried making this into a text file, and then running make {filename}
But nothing seems to work.What can I do?
@Andy Try Stack Overflow.
@MartinJames but ... but ... that just means you going to annoy someone the very next day :'(
Can't anyone offer some helP?
Just something.
@Telkitty And the cat came back, the very next day, the cat came back, thought he was a goner but the cat came back, he just couldn't stay away...
@Telkitty Tomorrow, I'll be sober...
Like how do you make a "makefile"
Is "makefile" just a normal text file or what?
@Andy It's a state secret. Makefiles are a weapon of mass-errormessages.
@Andy OK, yes, it is.
Same thing could be said about @ThePhD :p
@ThePhD I used Google, but none would tell me how to make a "makefile". Just what makefile is
@MartinJames so you would rather remember when you annoyed someone :p
@Andy It's arcane instructions to the compiler and linker, telling them just how to generate the maximum number of syntax errors and unresolved externals.
Okay, but how do I make one?
Do I just open a new text file, and add the commands CFLAGS=-Wall -g

rm -f ex1
and then exit it???
I am a beginner in linux.
@Andy Read your compiler and linker documentation. Come back in 9 months when you are ready to deliver.
@MartinJames What???
@Andy Just ignore me - I'm slaughtered on London Pride and Stoly.
Come on guys, this is no help ;(
@Andy What led you to believe that this would be of help?
You make a makefile by making a file called makefile in the directory you need it to be.
It has no extension, like many things on Linux for whatever reason.
@Andy I assume you've read our rules, yes?
@ThePhD call it Makefile maybe?
Sorry @EtiennedeMartel
After that you use Google to actually make a real makefile, and not that piece of whatever you keep posting here.
@Andy You are allowed to try to ask a question, what might not go over as well is trying to insist that somebody answer it
Okay, my apologies.
Coffee is Donut Gravy
Sockets are so messy.
goddamn. I am absolutely awful at assembly language
@Crowz then you shouldn't be coding anything else
@Crowz Wonderful. Make files and then assembler. My night is complete :(
How much did you drink again? LOL
@Telkitty Five pints of London Pride, then I started on the vodka.
Depends on when you started on the vodka, it could still be less than the 4 bottles you shared with Anne & Bailey (I doubt Bailey had any though) >_<
@ThePhD Messy sockets? Lemme guess - non-blocking with select.
..or epoll.
I find the two problems with dring are - mixing drinks, and figuring out how you got where you wake-up
@GlennTeitelbaum My record is waking up in a public park in the middle of a rose garden. I had a lot of scratches.
I worked out how I got there - my car was also in the rose garden. The engine was still idling, but 3/4 of a tank of petrol had gone.
My friend's brother parked his car in a 2 car garage - sideways with inches of clearence to the front and back - took 4 hours (sober) to get it out
@GlennTeitelbaum Hehe - probably, his mates had forklifted him in there.
Now I drive a fatter car, I find getting out of it much difficult in a car park or on the drive way ....
I used to drive a tiny sedan, parking was a lot easier ...
@Telkitty what did you have b4?
@Telkitty My neighbour bought a new car that was so large, and had such poor lock, that it was impossible to get it into her garage.
@MartinJames It's in C# so it's actually neither of those nightmares.
@GlennTeitelbaum Toyota Echo looks almost exactly the same to this ...
@ThePhD Not done TCP in C#. Surely can't be that difficult?
@MartinJames It's not difficult, it's just there's an edge case that I have no idea how to get around.
It has to do with the fact that I can over-read on a Socket, that is not the limits of an incoming message (on TCP/IP).
@GlennTeitelbaum Drunk would take less time.
The problem is that because this is async, I can't just "carry the data over".
E.g. I have nowhere to store some state where I can say "hey, the extra bytes you read? Save them for the next read call".
arg, sometimes I just wish there were 9 bit bytes, 8 is too restrictive\
@ThePhD I've done a lot of network stuff. If you can't fix it, and nobody else helps, ask tomorrow when I've sobered up.
That's what a stream does.
@MartinJames Hokay, ignore my ranting for now. :D
@ThePhD That's async for you - you need a userland state-machine.
@ThePhD have you written a parser before? :p
Welp. Guess I'll just make an extra byte array and figure out a way to cart it around.
@Telkitty A few... why?
@ThePhD Yeah - you need a socket class that includes a buffer, or buffer container.
Fuck me, the vodka is empty.
@ThePhD That's what a stream does.
I gottta sleep. BFN..
@MartinJames Night!
l8R Zzz
@R.MartinhoFernandes At the moment, I don't have a stream. What I mean by that is, when RecieveAsync is called, the only thing it has guaranteed no-need-to-lock access to is what's in the provided SocketAsyncEventArgs class. There's a UserToken or Token object that allows you to stick arbitrary data with the SocketAsyncEventArgs that gets passed through by the system's underlying socket implementation, BUT those are reserved for the user and the user can set them to "something", so I can't use
it to say "hey, hold a [Memory/String]Stream while I wait for you to get back to me".
I thought that maybe the .Recieve(Async) and .Send(Async) calls might have a little in the way of supporting "Hey, these extra bytes, keep them in the network buffer for the next call so I don't have to do fancy concatenation magic", but it doesn't.
.... Hm.
You know what I could do, though?
class TokenToken
I can do some cheatin'.
public class TokenToken {

     object OriginalToken;
     MemoryStream Sexy;

@ThePhD "That's what a stream does." "At the moment, I don't have a stream." The solution seems obvious to me.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yep, see above.
token_token.OriginalToken = socket_async_event_args.Token; and then proceed from there.
And before handing control back to the user, I can transplant the original token back, so the user doesn't notice.
That's just wrong.
I have no other options available to me.
As usual.
Well if you know something, tell me!
Fiiiine, be that way. T.T
I'll just transplant the tokens. YOU CAN'T STOP ME.
What do you call those places where there is no phone or internet receiption?
internet reception black spots?
Hell on Earth?
Looks like I need a type-erased version of std::vector -- buffer_container.
Hey, could someone proof read my app description and see whether there's any error in it? Thanks.
iiFind ?
Sounds like you're trying to dodge a lawsuit. :P
> though signal and wifi blackspots.
should be through
> and displays the possible stops via restaurants
via -> including
Thanks, will fix the first one ... not sure about the second one though - partly because it's how the app works, partly becaue it is written by someone else who spent last night working on it :p
But the help is much appreciated!
I think I used the online python tutorials they were decent enough
then he will hate you for life for scaring him permanently ...
how to catch this: try{throw;}catch (...){} without windows functions?
cout << "asdf" << &DrawHangman::setDrawMan0 << "\n" ;
Q: Hangman game using classes, cannot get it to work

Michael CrossSo I have to make a Hangman game using classes and separate functions,the way I thought I could make it that would be easier was to make functions for each live left, but it doesn't print it when I call it... Maybe any one can help me with this. Thank you. This is the main // TheHangmanGame.cp...

Do you think the series should have an episode based around hardcore sex?
I lose a piece of my sanity every time I read one of these
now all I have to do is post a hundred of them and I'm laughing
How long does it take for a completely dead iPad to start up
suck me off and I might tell you
@R.MartinhoFernandes u.u I'm going to go crazy trying to figure out this other way you hinted at!
You have to at least give me a hint! q_q
anyone uses cpanel & knows how to redirect email using cpanel?
I wish there's some visitor mechanism for Boost.Any.
not possible
@DeadMG At least for known types but discriminated and checked at runtime.
I might have to make it myself. :(
the implementation could not do better than spamming boost::any_cast.
not like boost::variant where there is a ready mechanism for the implementation to use that would provide visitation
I need runtime value polymorphism, but the consumption of those values are restricted to known types. And you can have values of types other than those known types.
I might have to reconsider the use of Boost.Any though.
I don't understand your problem domain in the slightest. :D
@ThePhD Not that I can describe in a few sentences.
consider a value_ptr<T>?
or boost::variant.
@ScottW do you remember how?
@MarkGarcia Those are the tests, not the class :P
@DeadMG Oh. Got me thinking for a while what those SECTIONs are for. :)
@DeadMG Anyway, thanks. I'll look into it. And I'm seriously considering changing semantics and use variant.
boost::variant<std::string, int> arf = std::string( "woof woof" );
std::string get_arf = arf;
Is that valid code?
@ScottW yep
@ThePhD std::string& get_arf = boost::get<std::string>(arf);
@MarkGarcia That's silly.
boost::variant knows what's inside of it at compile-time. Why can't it automagically do the boost::get<std::string> for me? :c
@ThePhD Well, if you can have some magical mechanism to generate operator type() for each of those types.
Oh right, C++ is retarded and can't do that.
Er, conversion operators.
@ThePhD And if it can, it is implicit, which is bad.
For that case, if you may.
@ThePhD what?
@ThePhD Of course not. What if arf contains an int?
@ThePhD If you know what's in it at compile-time, why would you need a variant?
@DeadMG Compile-time error.
@ThePhD How? The variant has no idea what's in it.
That's the whole point of the variant!
It keeps track -- at compile-time -- what's inside of it at any given moment.
er, no.
Wait, what?
it keeps track at runtime what is inside it.
not at compile time
@ThePhD No. Runtime values.
@ThePhD Nope
.... What
What's the use of that PoS then.
to store one of a number of types at run-time?
So wait
Is this illegal?
variant<int, std::string, double> arf = 3.0;
arf = "Woo!"
arf = 1;
don't think so.
why would it be?
that should be legal
why would it be illegal?
So wait
What's... the use of the variant part then/?
If it's just a type-constrained any...
er, "just"?
type-constraints are quite useful things you know.
I know, that, but like
^ this
I thought I could make magic happen
simple example: variant can store itself as a value, any needs dynamic allocation.
I dunno.
variant can visit much more efficiently than any and guarantee results.
@ThePhD You know the types at compile time, but you don't know what type is the actual value at runtime.
I guess I thought it was a compile_time_variant. :c
variant is superior to any in every respect, if you don't need unbounded types.
Are there plans to have a standardized value_ptr?
it's been discussed once or twice but I don't think it's been seriously proposed
It's amusing reading through the Boost mailing list with their Git annoyances.
can someone please help me with making a simple wrapper that observes Null Object Pattern
I am desperate, c++ is so hard :(
It was harder before SO came along.
At work today, one of the teams next to us were building 6 high-end machines for CES.
And I got to help out. lol
@Mysticial CES?
The thing in Las Vegas every year.
@Mysticial Oh. This: cesweb.org
Does this sentence make sense to you?
" It suggests a route between your current location and destination to food outlets, ATMs, petrol stations to 200 kilometres away."
to 200 -> up to 200
@Telkitty "It suggests the best route from your current location to food outlets, ATMs or petrol stations up to 200 kilometers away."
oh wait
you can't move std::unique_ptr?
er, of course you can.
Hmm, Coliru Clang is giving me an error:
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/main-xrYFme.o: undefined reference to symbol '__cxa_throw@@CXXABI_1.3'

/usr/bin/ld: note: '__cxa_throw@@CXXABI_1.3' is defined in DSO /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 so try adding it to the linker command line
I included -stdlib=libc++ so why is it trying to link against GNU?
it's not
in fact, it's explicitly telling you that it's not linking against libstdc++
which is the only implementation it found of the exception runtime support function __cxa_throw
Hmm, the problem went away by dropping -stdlib=libc++ from the command line but now it's using the GNU stdlib. This makes little sense to me.
@DeadMG Well you choose one standard library or the other, of course :P
stdlib != EH implementation.
just another fun detail of C++ implementations.
libc++ does not implement exceptions, you need libcxxabi, which currently only functions on Mac I think.
@DeadMG So how do I run a program with exceptions on Coliru using libc++?
you don't.
That's fucked up.
Are you sure of this?
turns out that replacing the entire GNU toolchain is a LOT more work than just replacing the compiler.
lots of the other support routines and programs are in a similar state, like LLVM's linker.
Well if you've ever poked at libunwind, you will see that non-trivial doesn't begin to describe it.
trust me, I have.
Still though, it doesn't need to do all the crazy stuff it does just to be functional.
well.. it pretty much does.
my boost's any implementation does not work with C style arrays :(
@Jefffrey Because they suck. Use std::array like a normal person.
EH is only one of the things libunwind is used for.
it's also used for debugging information and stuff like that
@DeadMG It's done that way for efficiency. There are plenty of other platforms out there offering exceptions.
most of them are just as bad.
Anyway… so does this also mean that Clang won't compile C++11 + EH programs on Linux either?
no, it means that you have to use libstdc++
or implement your own ABI library devolving the Itanium ABI to libunwind, which you can find sample source code for on the Internets.
@DeadMG But Clang doesn't support C++11 under libstdc++ last I checked.
I don't know anything about that
I try to avoid Linux as much as possible
Hmm, so much for cross-platform compilers. Except GCC.
GCC is the problem, give or take
@DeadMG ?
ISTR that a large part of the problem with libstdc++ is that it depends really heavily on GNU intrinsics.
and their GPL licencing is also quite heavily incompatible.
the only reason GCC works at all or is more cross-platform is because they're just more established
And the problem with clang is they try to be compatible.
when Clang gets around to fixing up libcxxabi and libc++, it will be much more portable and effective than GCC.
Clang as a raw compiler is already much friendlier.
Well, that's in theory. Which compiler is more approachable to curious undergrads doesn't really make a difference to anyone who will be overhauling EH.
the C++ ecosystem is just so fucked up and so large that replacing it is going to take considerable time
not that the Clang people are paragons of greatness.
Sounds like you're just angry. GCC didn't create a technical problem.
Stallman's hippie coup is a unique achievement. :(
they created the technical problem of "Our compiler is completely unusable as a library"
and the licencing problem of "Our code is completely unusable for practically everybody who is not also on drugs."
and the technical problem of "All our code is written to be very tightly coupled to our own compiler".
not that, as far as I'm aware, Microsoft aren't also guilty of virtually all of those things.
ptr.reset(new concrete<typename std::decay<T>::type>(typename std::decay<T>::type(x)));
dunno why it works
but it works
and it's painful to watch as well
the reality is
GCC are just as bad at making their toolchain and code accessible as Microsoft.
the only difference is that Microsoft never made any bones about being free or open and shipped a nice IDE to go with it.
1. was never a goal except to Clang, which being barely sometimes usable as a library also failed.
2. is very true, but they are also the only truly open source project as Clang is really Apple property.
3. is a non issue, this is a compiler's prerogative to self host.
@DeadMG What's not open? When I wanted to contribute, I just waltzed in the door. Had to sign away my rights, but they've always appreciated my patches.
well... that's got nothing to do with openness.
"We're open as long as you're completely within our ecosystem".
"We're open to you as long as you sign away all your rights to us and don't go doing any of that non-GNU stuff".
that's not being open at all.
What's an example of an open project, then?
well, let's talk about Clang.
I agree that Clang-as-a-library was a lot worse than I had wanted
and it's not always useful as a library.
but I didn't have to sign away any of my rights to use it.
I use Clang and I've still got every right over my own code.
if I wanted to ship Wide as a paid product I could do under any licence I want.
If you want to ship a product based on Clang, you can. True nuff.
Clang are going out of their way to be compatible with other compilers, both GCC and VS.
I mean, I know that there's MinGW which has at least some degree of compatibility with VS
That's more a marketing strategy as the newcomer.
doesn't matter why they did it
all that matters is that soon, I can cut VC++ and replace it with Clang.
And still throw exceptions? LOL
I'm a clang fanboy myself
@Potatoswatter Sure.
@DeadMG I'm eager for that moment.
me too.
I mean, GCC, you can invoke it on Windows, but it's really not the same thing.
@DeadMG Hey that would be awesome
Good morning !
you mean, morning 18 of 71
@JBL Good morning!

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