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Ok, so a cover letter (if needed) is there to get them to read the resume, the resume is there to get you the interview. At this point you basically have the job. The interview is provided as a way for you to lose the job, say as little as possible and smile.
On interviews I just chat with the people vOv Playing a role is too stressing.
(And feels dishonest, but well)
@EtiennedeMartel Are you in need of Game Programmers, or Tools Programmers?
@ThePhD We don't make games in our team, so we don't need game programmers.
@R.MartinhoFernandes The QR code thing has been overdone a lot lately.
Tools it is~
As for tools vs engine... it's in a while, so it's hard to say at this point.
I'm guessing tools because that's the major issue.
@Rapptz This seems like a perfect use for it. Much better than dropping links on the slide for people to type them in. (Also, consider that the audience there is pretty much guaranteed to have a smartphone)
My most successful programs have been tools for others to use...
Don't suppose anyone's looking for Autodesk Maya API programmers :D
@Coder101101010 Nobody uses Maya.
3ds Max, Motion Builder maybe...
Maya can do animations, but... that's mostly in movies, isn't it?
They still need someone to make their fancy hair flow plugins and stuff. It's certainly used.
Z Brush
Z Brush is fun, but I haven't even looked at if they have an API.
I have 3ds max
But student Linux Maya isn't available for some reason
@Jefffrey And how does that tie it to renderer?
I actually have no idea how the Max API works. I should probably look at it.
I wouldn't be terribly surprised if it's much the same.
@Rapptz Maybe it's a sampling issue, but I don't see them used much, actually.
definitely a sampling issue
when I go outside, every flier has a QR code
every poster has a QR code
Unless you have multiple renderers that require vastly different representation (like text-based and tile-based in roguelikes or whatever), then it might be a good idea to keep in model only an identifier that can be mapped to that, but still it's generic and you don't have "DirectX images" and "OpenGL images"
OK, so club is shut and I'm hungry. I'm having a level-7 tonight: 6 slices extra pepperoni, chopped birds-eye clillies and habanero sauce.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Agreed, if you pretend to be somebody you are not in an interview - you will get a job for the person you pretended to be.
3DS sold 1.3m last week.
I need a fucking 3DS for pokemon XY.
But it's fucking $200.
Oh, the presenter one is not a URL, it's his contact info.
And no fucking Black Friday deal.
black friday is ogre.
@mysticial do you happen to know how much ram timings/frequency/latency affects your programmes performance?
I ask you because I know you do super fast stuff :P
@Ell Depends on the application.
In your pi calculator let's say?
IIRC, the difference between 1600 and 1866 was like several percent on a large computation.
I'm hearing my friend say 10% difference and I don't believe him :S
It depends on the app.
I wonder if it will matter for video editing
For something that's very memory bound, it will make a huge difference.
I've gone quite out of my way to make that pi program as less memory bound as possible.
@Ell What aspect of video editing?
^^ @Jerry <--- Bad boy!
@Xeo The game promised me things for Distress Beacon and all I got was angry penguins
@catplusplus stitching clips together, adding effect. Adobe after effects I guess? What a youtuber with cash to spare would use maybe
Puppy's there too.
@CatPlusPlus "Be prepared for anything, though" is what it said!
@Ell Editing itself is interactive, and mostly an idle thing
So, I guess you like it thus far?
And rendering these days can be GPU accelerated
Movie Studio PLATINUM(tm) is pretty affordable
The Vegas series is great. Used to work on that.
@Xeo It's okay, I guess. Only tried SP for now
Rather, used to work for Sony making it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes The query for Java timed out.
That says something...
My friend wants a PC to "game" on, as well as "video editing", "sound editing"(he's a musician, so I guess composing too) with a budget of £500 :S
@Mysticial What is that for the last 20 days?
They went to the Mac side not long after I left. I shudder.
@GlennTeitelbaum Forever. It looks like it's reputation gained on closed or negatively scored questions.
@Ell Audacity is p good at sound editing
I have an ASUS G75VW which was like, $850 open boxed. Not sure how that translates to pounds.
@Mysticial And so I am!
What you did there: I see it.
@Mysticial Why not make the tag input?
I will suggest movie studio platinum
That would be 520.5 pounds sterling for that PC.
@Rapptz I was just editing some other guy's query.
@Mysticial I havent played with the query part of SO, I meant can you run that for the last 20 days
@CatPlusPlus An image is a render unit, no?
An image is an image
Yes, but it is the graphical representation of something.
It's not a representation of DirectX.
Well... unless...
It's something that is dependent on the graphic, not logic of a game.
@R.MartinhoFernandes X is cool.
Well, you need logic to load and send to the graphics pipeline your image.
Until it gets to that rasterizer, it's just data.
Hmmm, seems I like Russian Circles.
Model doesn't deal with game logic
It handles data, and yes an image is data.
Is your image loading code dependent on the renderer?
Maybe I'm having trouble understanding what a view is.
Presentation logic
Yeah, but practically
Presentation logic.
That doesn't help much
A view is something that knows how to show shit, but nothing more.
It is not the shit.
Like the window?
That would be the model.
@Jefffrey Too low level.
When I told you to add an abstraction layer, I meant think in terms of ideas, not implementation details.
In a snake game the view would be the grid?
Are you talking about 'view' in terms of transformation/view matrices, or is this a specific class of some library/api?
No, a view would be something you draw on a square of the grid.
@Coder101101010 Cat decided to apply MVC terms to game development.
I'm still unsure if it's a bright idea.
Are you writing your game in .NET?
What does that have to do with anything
@EtiennedeMartel I don't think it is.
.NET loves it some MVC
@Coder101101010 Has nothing to do with this.
It was just a question.
MVC is just separation of concerns
ASP.NET MVC uses a Ruby on Rails-like MVC architecture, yes.
I'm quite familiar.
But .NET isn't just that.
I'm aware.
I have a certain class that holds tagged quantities. These quantities (n) have two kinds of tags (A, B), so it basically holds triples (n, A, B). I need to support lookup by As, lookup by Bs, lookup by (A, B), and total without lookup.
So, say given { (4, red, charming), (2, green, charming), (3, red, top) }, I can ask "how many reds?" and get 7, "how many charming?" and get 6, "how many red top?" and get 3, and "how many?" and get 9. (Instead of "how many X?", I can also ask "give me all X", though).
I don't see much similarity between ASPMVC and RoR
@EtiennedeMartel And the name of the class would be view?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Put that in a relational database.
Not sure if serious, but no.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Honestly. You're describing a relation.
Data is not persistent and is always dealt with in minuscule amounts.
@R.MartinhoFernandes A database can live in memory.
In-memory SQlite database then
Still no.
Not going use SQLite for holding 10 rows.
An array works well.
Enjoy not being able to solve your problem with SQL queries then.
I also don't need to support arbitrary queries, only those ones I mentioned.
Any particular requirements on the complexity of the lookup?
A list of tuples then
Wait. Can't you just foreach over the list?
Possibly do it somehow with striding?
@Jefffrey I'm dealing with small sizes; no biggie.
Then really just a list of tuples
Then a list of triples sounds a good idea
What I find weird with your problem is that it looks trivial, so I'm wondering if there's something I'm not considering.
I mean, there has to be something more to it than that, right?
He has items with two properties, and wants to search by the item or its properties, including in combination. Seems straightforward.
I'm mostly concerned with getting a quick implementation.
works for a prototype
Quick to implement or execute?
@Coder101101010 Very easy to do in O(N).
@R.MartinhoFernandes Put some LINQ over that shit and you're done.
List<Tuple<int, string, string>> data = ...;
var count = data.Where(x => x.Item2 == "red").Sum(x => x.Item1);
Hmm, oh, I forgot to mention I want (A, B) uniqueness.
what do you mean?
Wait, what?
How can you have your example if you can't use 'red' for A on both?
Unique together, not alone
do you mean you can't have (red, red)?
Creating one object from { (1, red, charming), (3, red, charming) } should produce { (4, red, charming) }
ah, so you can only have one of each combination of A and B
Do a search when inserting
I thought your problem was only about lookup.
If found, mutate, if not insert
that would just be in the add/push/enqueue logic whatever tuples use
could probably overload something
Anyway. I'm going home. Need to feed, ya know.
Good evening people!
o/ seeya
@R.MartinhoFernandes This look quick enough
@EtiennedeMartel cya
@Jefffrey Yeah, I forgot to mention I need to coalesce similar entries. Sorry.
@EtiennedeMartel bye
... Squirms.
He's probably going through my repos...
Reading my commit messages...
This feelings...
Real software aren't perfect, perfect software aren't real
Actually, this thing will get a bit more complicated later. I'll go back to thinking about all the shit I'll need. Damn.
they sound like relational operations :v
A: How to boost::serialize into a sqlite::blob?

seheHah. I've never used sqlite3 C API before. And I've never written an output streambuf implementation. But seeing how I will probably be using sqlite3 in a c++ codebase in the future, I thought I'd spent some time with http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/funclist.html cppreference http://en.cppreferenc...

Woot. Writing a std::basic_stream_buf<> derivative to write incrementally to a blob.
Oh, wow, that picture on cppreference is invaluable.
iostreams API is weird.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It is. I was so happy I remembered it.
@Rapptz That's why I linked to the source page too. Apparently, svg is still not supported on SO
@Rapptz Yeah, can't say that was fun to implement.
But it's always fun when it works in the end. And valgrind doesn't throw up :)
it feels weird that my constructor does a lot of things
but they're all related to initialisation.
guess it's better than having functions like set_up_environment, inject_functions_to_environment or whatever.
When run it prints 2 2 3 3
That's a shame.
hello honeypants~
@abden003 Think about it, what is the contents of pointer?
I'm an idiot.
the vampires
i declare the pointer as the first element in the array, so I would assume it is pointing to the first address
you're feeding them.
@user7236293 Fixed for you, sugar pie honey buns. <3
@ThePhD If you give out the solution it's stupid
please do not feed the vermin.
ya noob
I can't be around to babysit all night
in fact I'm off to bed.
way too late.
@ThePhD Thank you McPeanuts with Nutella on top! <3
So I would assume that printing it should print tarr[0] instead of tarr[1]
fuck my life.
@abden003 That's right. What happens when you do *pointer ?
Don't assume. Study, ask on Stack Overflow
thanks, you always need a double check
You're welcome
you just got a star
My eyes are shining with delight
Sad thing is, it's true :/
Goddammit. The DE is getting more and more unusable. I tried to do an "all tags" query and it timed out. Even when I restrict the questions to < 0 and closed.
@Mysticial So it's following the general SO trend then
So...why is my image still a swastika-esque pattern on the chat? Do I need a certain rep for it to copy over?
No, just refresh your cache
heeey, better
TIL Japanese people hold out for a long time.
thx for sharing?
You know how some soldiers kept fighting on islands in the Pacific?
@Pawnguy7 hold out?
@Jefffrey hold out as in retain their poop and urine for a long time without going to the bathroom
Anyway, apparently one of them did it for over 20 years.
I feel it is both very impressive.
But also rather sad.
Guess not.
@Pawnguy7 Well, thoughts on what?
Thoughts: How is he not dead?
@user7236293 Are you indifferent to this phenomenon?
@Coder101101010 also a valid question
@Pawnguy7 the ability to hold poop and urine for 20 years?
Did you read it?
and in the first sentence it says he fought for 29 years
What does that have to do with... holding those?
what do you want me to say
he's japanese
they have an extremely cohesive society
should I rename myself to Felis catus minus minus
Apparently so. Still, I have never heard of something like this.
The guy is impressive
Here I am quitting programming projects after a month.
@Pawnguy7 look at what happens everytime a typhoon or other event destroys japan
And over yonder...
I think he had some mental disorder
@Pawnguy7 he's fighting for his country therefore the infinite relentlessness
@Jefffrey What led you to that conclusion?
please reply to messages otherwise I dont know who you are talking to
Either he is extremely stupid, or the war induced some kind of mental disorder. I understand Japanese are tough and all, but staying hidden waiting for orders for 30 years? Nah!
@user7236293 Even then. That much (relative) solitude cannot be good for you.
@Pawnguy7 We're not born equal
@Jefffrey I feel the potential for being tricked was valid, though. I wouldn't be waiting for orders, but some tricks are nasty.
@user7236293 Hrm. Well, I personally find it impressive.
And it's sad, but I agree with this comment:
> Just a brainwashed manipulated tool.
@Pawnguy7 Me too - I'm not saying it's not. I'm saying it's not because you think it's unthinkable that it is.
@Jefffrey This must have been the first time I didn't realize a post had comments.
> The U.S has done numerous bad things, for example,dropping nuclear bombs on Japanese and then putting nuclear attack on their list of bad things they’d NEVER do, or getting republicans to break down the world economy with a government shutdown over obama care [which doesn't actually work]
I don't even...
@user7236293 In what way is it impressive for you?
> The Japanese were on the verge of surrender. The US had to drop the atomic bombs to keep Japan from falling into Russian hands.
I knew another way.
So I just got a Nexus 7 and Chromecast.
I knew the Japanese were never going to surrender (this guy is an example) and the US therefore needed a "power show" to make them.
I cannot say I ever heard anything about fear of Japan falling to Russia.
But it seems strange reasoning.
@Jefffrey what do you propose?
@Pawnguy7 about what?
You said you knew another way.
Oh yeah, sorry. I meant that I knew it another way (the history of the atomic bomb and the japanese).
> if you really wanted to prevent more killing why didnt you just surrender?
Now, there is some real reverse psychology.
The winners surrender.
@Jefffrey Ah. Yes.
I wonder why you wouldn't give up after the first bomb.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't quite understand how to decompose the canoninal stuff for UCD...
@Lalaland, Hello and welcome. Come in and relax.
Most of us don't bite.
Take a look at the house rules. If you need help, feel free to fill a question following this link.
> If it wasn’t for the USSR all euros would be nazi
We will help as soon as possible.
It hurts sometimes.
Thanks for the attention, and have a nice stay.
I just thought of something.
What do Australians... do?
It seems I never heard of them.
They ride kangaroos. They don't have time for war.
I feel Canada is slightly similar.
Is Feed an homemade bot?
They seem to support everybody.
But I cannot think of anything they really do themselves.
Can we make one so that it welcomes every new guy with the welcome message?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Particularly, in your UCD Compiler there's FakeComparable and it's used on some of the decompat properties when you're writing. What's that for? Also, you create it after you're done processing everything using GetCompositions. I'm not sure what the algorithm there is doing either...
@Jefffrey homemade by whom?
@Pawnguy7 Swizzerland too.
They certainly have that reputation, yes.
@Pawnguy7 Irrelevant.
I have no idea what it is. It was my thinking it was an SO made bot, but I really have no idea.
I fixed the singleplayer speed.
Wow...I just found a really cool easter egg totally at random.
Apparently today is the anniversary of some guy's death, and it randomly popped up on FL Studio when I loaded my project just now.
Are you a musician?
DJing is the only music I make money at though.
The production is just for fun.
Looking at the past 20 days with Answers to C++ questions I am number 20! Or I am really bad in SQL :)
Yep, definitely can't follow what Robot's doing here with the decomposition stuff...
"Rules of war" seems such a strange concept.
@Jefffrey how is your goal going?
So what does Google do with excess stock for their products?
Give it to the employees.
I got a Nexus 7. ahahaha
I dunno if they really had excess stock
I have the original model (I assume you got the 2013 edition)
I'm eagerly waiting the Nexus 8 announcement
The 16 GB 2013 version.

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