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Does your definition of wrong change depending on circumstance?
of course it does.
So you are a politician?
only an idiot would ignore relevant circumstances when making a judgement.
might as well make a decision based on the shape of the last shit you had.
I don't view that as redefining wrong.
nom nom Persimmons
The only circumstance that comes to mind is a change in views.
@DeadMG Well, you eat so little that....
@MartinJames Yeah, gotta admit, I go a long time between shits these days.
I guess this conversation probably is pointless, and can be summed up with "humanity is subjective."
@Pawnguy7 Can you be a little bit broader please?
@Pawnguy7 Well, it's clearly wrong for me assault you and attempt to smash your face into a wall.
but you might decide that possibly I wasn't in the wrong if it turned out that you just shot my wife dead or something.
so clearly, the circumstance of whether or not you just violently murdered someone is quite important as to whether or not my violent assault on you is wrong or not.
We could think of these situations as a wrong, and a wrong + wrong, could we not?
you could do if you wanted to.
Sure. Sometimes, the only choice you have is the least wrong thing.
but I'd rather argue that violently assaulting you would clearly prevent the greater wrong of me being next in line to be brutally murdered.
which would probably make me bashing you in the head the right thing to do.
Self-defense, yes.
Though some people are not fond of that either.
It is also subjective.
Because nobody really knows if you feared for you life but you.
Every one that is not suicidal is fond of self defense.
@Pawnguy7 ..and then some b*****d lawyer would say that you did not have enough eveidence at hand to decide whether you personal safety was so at risk as to justify bashing Prawnguy in the head.
he can argue that, but remember, beyond reasonable doubt.
@MartinJames, presumption of innocence.
@DeadMG Scrolling..
@DeadMG I think it is my turn to tell you users are stupid :D
Or, that is, subjective.
Whereas reasonable doubt is an objective view.
@Pawnguy7 Well, who here has not wanted to bash users/customers about the head?
Muy muy.
I'm immune - I've just had my meatballs.
Who here was not fond of American football?
@Pawnguy7 I watched the England game last night. I was not fond of it.
@Jefffrey whats new in snake?
@Pawnguy7 a shitload of templates
templates everywhere
How many do you need?
obviously a template template template template.
The snake class should hold the template class bitboard<rows, columns> as a member variable object, but in order to be constructed the snake class needs to be templated as well, which leads to the fact that pretty much every class I can think of needs a template.
The snake holds the board?
The entire application is based entirely on bitboards, so.
why would you make the rows and columns a template parameter.
instead of dynamic
@DeadMG because once created they don't ever change
that's a poor reason to use a template parameter.
It is?
also because it holds std::array and std::bitset which have templated size.
@DeadMG why?
template parameters should only be used if you need a constant expression.
Hmm. A bit board is like a 2d array of bits, therefore it needs to be constant?
no it doesn't.
no reason why you can't make a dynamically-sized 2D array.
why would I need that?
a 20x20 grid level is only gonna need 20x20 cells
because making every class in your codebase a template is going to be a bitch.
simple fact is, specifying the value at run-time is much more convenient and has no cost for you.
What about cases where it internally uses a template?
easy to replace std::array with std::vector and std::bitset with boost::dynamic_bitset.
Not everybody wants to use boost for everything.
You said it yourself, I thought.
Why use vector when you can use std::array?
no, but it's pretty common
I haveno idea.
@Pawnguy7 Because in this case, passing the size as a constant expression is a bitch.
I see some downsides: no compile time checking for sizes (eg | on two bitboards of different size will trigger a runtime error).
that's true.
but the reality is, an assertion failure will suffice for such conditions.
@DeadMG if a member object of a class needs some template parameters, the class should be templatized, always, no matter what, correct?
er, no?
*some variable template parameters
@Jefffrey of course not
most of the time I always use a specific template parameter and don't have a need to permit the user to provide arbitrary template parameters.
struct test { std::vector<int> vec; };
Unless you want a vector<T> inside test.
I meant it like this: "if a member object of a class needs some variable template parameters, the class should be templatized, always, no matter what, correct?"
variable template parameters?
@StackedCrooked what's the confusion?
I honestly don't know what you mean with "variable template parameters".
TIL how to code type inference, was fun and was a hole in my education before ^^
Does this means there are also invariable template parameters?
In any case if you class needs a template parameter then you'll notice soon enough because you won't be able to make it work without them.
@StackedCrooked template parameters that may... vary? like in a generic std::vector<T> where T is a template type defined as template<class T>, T is variable (it may be int, double, etc. As opposed to std::vector<int> which is a specialization.
@StackedCrooked in std::vector<int>, int is a template parameter that does not vary
when you say "No matter what", this is going to go badly for you, no matter what.
AFAIK, std::vector is not a type but a type template.
std::vector<int> is a type
simple fact is, whether or not to expose a template parameter is a complex decision based on a number of factors.
and I need to go see if the dog needs feeding.
Well, the Puppy surely needs feeding
I still have to give names to my two cats.
"Unnamed" and "Untitled" seems unoriginal.
Recently I've been fascinated the possibilities of using boost::variant as a way to avoid template parameters.
@Jefffrey null and ""?
@StackedCrooked true
@JohanLarsson ewww c-string
@Jefffrey Syntax and Semantics.
Leftie and Rightie.
Cat and cat
Red and Black.
how about Stupid and Smelly?
..in case they get stuck up a tree.
@MartinJames oh, unfortunately I see what you did there
and that reminds me I should go study "Algorithms and Data structures"
Luther and Lexer? :p
Lexer and Parser.
XTC and Coke
Perl and Ruby
@DeadMG I gave a serious thought about it
why not name them C++ and Java?
Ruby would be the one with no legs?
@DeadMG Java would be the one with massive vet bills from the continual infections.
@MartinJames C++ would be the one with extra legs.
you should name them Toffee and Fudge.
@rightfold Copycat:)
@MartinJames but it can just regrow its legs with its LegFactory
Heh.. :)
@StackedCrooked marginal :) I suppose, unless you meant some kind of marginal meaning of that word I was previously unaware off ?
@DeadMG I'm hungry.
typename usage is confusing
Like, should it be used everywhere there's a template-parameter-dependent name? (on function arguments, variable declarations, return type, etc...)
typename all the things
Thankfully the compiler tells you where to put it, so at least there's that.
@Jefffrey Not really.
template <typename TYPENAME> struct TypeName { TYPENAME typeName; };
@Jefffrey You use it whenever you access a type member of a dependent type.
@rightfold That's the only rule about them?
@melak47 More like, typedef typename TYPENAME typeName;?
I forget what a dependant type is :S
Like: x<T>::v should always be typename x<T>::v?
@Ell A type that depends on a template parameter.
Depends on what x is.
And T.
@rightfold template<typename T> class x
I kind of miss death by dots.
@FredOverflow It's not a rumor. It's actually true.
@melak47 But did you actually run it at full load 24/7?
> Despite the similarity, the C++ Pimpl has nothing to do with sex.
@Mysticial no, I don't need to acquire billions of pies :)
but it's still running :)
@melak47 I was actually running WCG on it non-stop for a few years.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Good afternoon.
@Mysticial well then I guess I still have a decade or so life time left in mine? :p
@melak47 If it's mostly idling, then yeah, you can probably run it forever. :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Just woken up?
@R.MartinhoFernandes morning
Q: How many mathematicians does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: 0.999999....
Good morning people.
we'll see
I miss cat
what, did he ragequit again?
@Xeo more or less.
Going shopping now before things close.
in bin, Sep 16 at 21:56, by rip Daddy 69
@CatPlusPlus Ok I will tell my professor to teach the class in C++ because a cat online said so
@R.MartinhoFernandes Good idea. Shopping after they close can lead to all sorts of complications.
@DeadMG Eh, I'd rather wager he's just sleeping.
not that I'd suggest that that's unlikely, just wondering why Jefffrey is missing him.
Arghh boost.python is being really annoying tonight!
I feel this music thing is terrible.
I don't remember Cat rage quitting
I forgot my wallet.
@Mysticial I'm glad I bought an Ivy Bridge then :)
@FredOverflow And Ivy's also had a lot more heat than Sandy. :(
Mainly because they used a shitty heat spreader.
@Xeo meh
Haswell's problem isn't just the heat spreader, it's also the fact that it's a mobile processor shoved into a desktop.
@Mysticial Really? Should I have bought Sandy Bridge instead?
@R.MartinhoFernandes You know, for a robot, and someone that claims to have good memory - your memory really sucks.
@FredOverflow lol, but a stock Haswell still beats a heavily overclocked Sandy.
Not my claim.
He probably "forgot" the wallet due to a corner case not correctly handled in his firmware.
Anyway, gtg. Day drip coming.
@Xeo Bad sectors everywhere :P
@Mysticial So... should I have bought a Haswell after all?
@Mysticial But you can use the onboard graphics chip for computation!
@Borgleader I turned that shit off hoping to give me more heat room.
It didn't. :(
I gtg
@Mysticial Cya
@Jefffrey have you looked into music?
@Pawnguy7 what music?
for snake.
I don't really know how to design this audio.
Can we see screenshots of Snake?
...Is anybody else writing a Snake clone besides you?
Anybody in the Lounge?
Okay, you can post screenhots of his Snake clone, if that makes you feel better.
Anything in particular?
IT is basically black on white text, or some colored squares at the moment.
The menu, the game, and the gameover screen.
I am standing outside a shop with a metre-high replica of the Brandenburger Tor in chocolate. I really want to go in there and take a piece out of it.
As a political statement?
There are two screens from here.
That looks like abstract art. Maybe you can print it out and sell it on eBay.
If you made the highscores, or if you didn't.
Take your pick.
Of course I made the highscore, I am the Snake master!
@Pawnguy7 "You are in a Snake game, delicious food lying around everywhere. Did you make the highscore?"
@Fred because I want to know what it tastes like.
@Xeo hm?
Edible art is weird
@Pawnguy7 Never played / seen any text adventures?
Not to much.
You having said that, it is familiar, yes.
Still not quite sure what it means though.
@Xeo I saw a Tetris text adventure once. It was hilarious. Not sure if it was real, though.
was it a dream?
@R.MartinhoFernandes no
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh, I thought you meant "editable" first. But edible art? Is that for real?
@FredOverflow Some people claim that chefs do art.
@Fred chocolate is edible
A buddy of mine once got edible underpants for his birthday. It was hilarious.
Heston Blumenthal makes art
@FredOverflow Pretty useful, because you can eat them then have sex.
You can eat them by anal insertion.
@Etienne That is also true for other foods
@R.MartinhoFernandes Good point.
@StackedCrooked I don't think that is healthy somehow
By the way, are you on mobile, per chance?
@Ell At the very least it won't cause upset stomach.
@StackedCrooked but could cause upset other things :P
like an upset partner
@StackedCrooked You should tell the puppy. He'll be before grateful.

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