What the fuck, my experienced assault chick gets critted the fuck out of her, but my rookie with no prior experience has just made its 3rd kill this mission.
@Rapptz Well, that's really my own incompetent phrasing. He obviously doesn't disagree with the ultrasound scan clearly showing the stones. He's just saying that it would be relatively unheard of for them to be causing these problems.
I lost 72 pounds now and I'm guessing that my ever-shrinking fat stores are starting to complain that they can't make up the ever-growing calorie deficits.
one of the docs at the hospital did suggest ulcer, but it's my understanding that those virtually always come with stuff like chronic vomiting, which I don't have.
GERD I've never heard of before, but the symptoms list on Wikipedia is a pretty poor fit, I have none of the most common and hardly any of the less common ones, plus I have a bunch that aren't on that list.
I got GERD a few years ago. It caused my vocal chords to become irritated and they responded with slime. So I had to clear my throat constantly before speaking.
also I think that even if the blood test isn't that great, by the time you have five or six of them, you'd expect one of them to come back positive if you have it.
I could have been much further along in my education, but I went to school in a swamp and they did not really have the facilities to cope with someone like me.
a couple of villages over they had the school, and it was split into two- one for 4-7 and one for 8-11, and when I arrived at 4-7 I had to walk to the 8-11 school to get books that challenged me to read.
Lol me too. I raised my hand to ask to go to the toilet but the teacher was busy all the time writing on the blackboard. (In hindsight, I think she was mean and intentionally ignored me.)