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I don't get why people want Clang on Windows so badly when you have gcc which is much more mature.
The only reason I even wanted Clang was for libc++, not for the compiler.
@Rapptz Because we all want new stuff. :P
@Rapptz You don't want significantly faster compiles?
@Rapptz Their site. I'll take their word for those graphs.
Yeah.. on GCC that is.. extremely old.
Those benchmarks look ancient
@Rapptz Perhaps yes, but surely Clang-the-compiler has also significantly improved by now compared to then.
It's like their comparison for error messages (also ancient).
I want to test it. To see if it really does what they say it does.
I'm sure Clang is great
I just don't see it being great on Windows for a really long time.
ruben did for a little
it's pretty useless to compile with
@ScottW DeadMG or ThePhd I think. That was before the beta Windows builds are announced.
I just use it to statically analyse.
@MarkGarcia That's LLVM.
I remember ThePhd also tried to make it run.
Speaking of that, he is not hanging around anymore, is he? Where did he go?
@Jefffrey Deleted his account, inactive in Github and Bitbucket.
Did he said anything?
Am I missing any function specifiers?
Oh. explicit
@Jefffrey Not much, I think.
@Rapptz is nothrow a function specifier?
@Rapptz override and final.
those go after
I meant before
const goes before?
I should remove const. Thanks.
@Rapptz Also add calling convention I think.
I'm not making a C++ parser, I'm just making a sublime text 2 plugin to help with doxygen
I managed to make it work with templates (so it's at least better than the one I use)
@Rapptz Oh. That's what you're pertaining to with that pic. I thought you're generating code or something.
I'll add [[attribute]] stuff too I guess
@MarkGarcia Calling conventions are rarely specified, and when they are, they're usually behind macros
I guess it's just better to specify everything behind the return type.
Q: Ban at "stackoverflow"?

gultekinmgHow could someone ban asking questions they even don't know what the question is about while their answer was wrong...? with just a -4 at my question my account has been banned to ask question at StackOverflow. i have receive my answer at a part of their coverage page but most of replies has mi...

Deleted already. Screenie when I get back to my main computer.
@Mysticial Note sure there's much point--beyond the general "this sucks and I'm pissed", it was impossible to understand anyway (and I'm not sure what's with suggesting coffee to somebody who's already way too wound up for anybody's good).
man this regex is ugly
I bet it's wrong too
Can't find anything wrong with it though.
@Rapptz Well, that' s a given. All regexen are wrong. What are you trying to match?
C++ function headers (You can scroll up for context)
I came up with this monstrosity.
@Rapptz I scrolled up a ways, but didn't see a regex...
Oh! That's right.
When you get down to it, however, I'm pretty sure nothing you can do will really work, because function headers aren't really very close to regular.
it'll fail for typename T::type.
@JerryCoffin Wait till you see the comments on that. :)
@Rapptz Yeah, I see it now.
@Mysticial I read through (at least some of) the comments. Maybe I just wasn't looking carefully enough though, as I didn't notice anything very memorable.
@JerryCoffin Well I'm only doing a "sensible subset of insane C++", it's just a plugin to help myself with documentation.
@JerryCoffin Oh, you managed to load it before it got deleted?
@Mysticial Yes
ah :)
@Rapptz Can't you start from something like ctags or (shudder) Clang to do the parsing?
@Rapptz I find this kind of formatting regex strings make it easier to read.
Hope it'll help.
@JerryCoffin I wish.
man, I don't know how to jam the typename stuff::stuff in the regex :(
@MarkGarcia I should probably split it up into variable names before I forget the meaning of the monstrosity I just wrote.
@Mysticial Wow. Just wow.
This works with typename T::type and other stuff.
<3 ... so cute, I am not even a dog person
@Rapptz It's all right. I've called the hospital and they're sending some nice men who will take very good care of you. Oh, and don't worry about what's in that syringe. Just relax and everything will be fine! :-)
Honestly I'm just impressed this hack of a regex works.
Then again "hack of a regex" is pretty redundant.
@Rapptz ...for a sufficiently loose definition of "works".
If it works for these test cases then it passes my sanity tests :P
@Rapptz Brought to you by the department of redundancy department.
@ScottW Your question makes no sense. All use of C# is completely unacceptable; there is no preference among them.
@ScottW In case you hadn't caught it already: I never let reality get in the way of something I think is even marginally funny.
@ScottW Yes, Objectionable C is at least as bad as the name implies.
Java is exceptionally bad - bad because it forces you to throw too many exceptions :x
I am currently doing objective C :x
Currently in testing stage
so it is not too bad ...
I am not a C# fan either ... too many new things to learn :x
Scott likes to ask C# questions in C++ room, so he feels good because none of us knows the answer either :p
I just finished the latest DBZ movie.
Sure is weird to see DBZ in full 1080p HD.
lol same here ... still reminiscent the thrill of approaching 21st December 2012
I have this theory: as we grow older, we become slower - thus time seems to be passing by us faster ...
When you're 5 years old, 1 year is 20% of your life. When you're 20 it's only 5% of your life.
I'll let you conclude the rest.
that you passed primary school maths?
Ever since New Years 2000, it's been kind of tame.
Hey, you didn't have a fortune teller predicting that you would be dead next year, I do!
One fortune teller predicted I had a boyfriend when I was 18 when I did not have one, another palm reader kind thought that I was married when she read my palm when I wasn't.
But I do believe in some fortune tellers ... when they tell me my life would be great :p
Talking about self fulfilled prophecies >_<
you'll live
LOL, you are a fortune teller now as well :p
LOL my cousin passed her PHD oral defense today :p ... got an email
If I go to a palm reader, all she will read is white noise. My life is not that interesting.
But in good news, I got accepted into a job last Monday. :D
cool, what kind of job?
Working at a cloud provider, Azure. :D
hm, interestng
>>> x = [('a', 'b')]
>>> x += ('c', 'd')
>>> x
[('a', 'b'), 'c', 'd']
>>> x.append( ('e', 'f') )
>>> x
[('a', 'b'), 'c', 'd', ('e', 'f')]
Should I take that as false advertisement? dl.dropbox.com/u/5927713/ShareX/2013-11/2013-11-12_01-10-30.png
Good night, fellow programs.
@Nican congrats!
@Nican yes
@Rapptz what language is that?
I just came back from an MtG draft, morning class is going to be painful
The fact it reads like English still amuses me
for type, name in args:
       if type not in template_args:
neat. I also made it so if the template parameter is in the argument list then the * @tparam thing wouldn't show up for it
@Rapptz That's nice.
I don't know what else to add.
> A girl is inherited from the baby inside him. Holy God. – M M.
> ^Inside him... the world is fucked up – texasbruce
Damn. It's been edited.
@Griwes: Still, its C++ (we shall not treat people as idiots). The OP is asking for an array, perhaps a std::array. Using templates for the elements where not needed is what I consider misleading too... and mixing them with plain old arrays.. AWFUL! But that's just another personal opinion, just like yours. Maybe, I should delete this useless discussion here anyway. — Sam 4 mins ago
@Rapptz U public repo?
@sehe I might soon. Code is pretty hacked together though.
@Rapptz Whose code isn't? ;)
the other plugin for C++ docs failed to give you a code block if you even used std::vector<int> because the angle brackets would mess it up.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: I - can - ♫ get - no / activation. ♬♩ / [factory] [provider] [c++] [c++11] [c++1y] [no-gotchas] [no-questions] [no-tricks]
The effervescence of an XY problem is downright flooring with this question. — WhozCraig 16 mins ago
@sehe lol. The XY reference for the two comments below is perfect.
The question having no downvotes shows people interested on it.
People are sick
map and filter are redundant because of generator comprehensions.
But meh I like them.
If you were starving in the event of a zombie Apocalypse, will you eat thoroughly BBQed freshly turned zombies served with fresh garden salad & steamed potatoes?
@rightfold You been tawking to Misguido van Rossum?
I am experimenting growing watermelons @ moment, let's hope it's a success -_-
I don't put a lot of hope on it though
0% battery :x
@sehe lol
In Belgium we have Jean Pierre van Rossem.
@rightfold "The fate of reduce() in Python 3000" LtU 2005:
> About 12 years ago, Python aquired lambda, reduce(), filter() and map(), courtesy of (I believe) a Lisp hacker who missed them and submitted working patches. But, despite of the PR value, I think these features should be cut from Python 3000
> So now reduce(). This is actually the one I've always hated most, because, apart from a few examples involving + or *, almost every time I see a reduce() call with a non-trivial function argument, I need to grab pen and paper to diagram what's actually being fed into that function before I understand what the reduce() is supposed to do.
is reduce foldl?
> Apply function of two arguments cumulatively to the items of iterable, from left to right, so as to reduce the iterable to a single value. For example, reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) calculates ((((1+2)+3)+4)+5).
@Rapptz i suppose it subtly depends on the laziness of the language/sequences. But in general, yes
Python does have laziness.
@Rapptz reduce/fold/accumulate/cata, all the same thing basically
@Rapptz It has generators, not proper laziness :P
lazy enough
It's never lazy enough
Coolness In Time.
(No Ocarinas)
@Rapptz Neat (well, would be if Doxygen could actually describe C++ concepts that don't exist in Java)
Yeah I wish doxygen was better.
I use XSLT script to make HTML from XML documentation. :P
We all know how crazy you are.
Works fine. vOv
You write XML. Your definition of fine is wrong.
@rightfold That just sounds wrong.
@Rapptz Qt Creator?
Sublime Text 2
I think I finally get why clang is so awesome.
I have yet to find out myself.
Thats why I said I think :P
@Rapptz Couldn't you just directly use + instead of lol? ;)
Also, where are the templates and the perfect forwarding? ;)
Also, is there any way to restrict what values are used in templates? For example, you just want one of the paremeters to be of a numeric kind? Something like template<typename T: int, float, double > ?
@GamesBrainiac static_assert(meta::one_of<T, int, float, double>(), "...");
Or EnableIf, whatever floats your boat
That'd be a neat trait.
Surprised I've never written it/needed it before
I guess is_arithmetic et al are good enough for me
template<class T, class... Us> using is_one_of = any_of<is_same<T, Us>...>;
@Xeo Hmm, that seems way better than overloading the function several times :P
@Griwes No. The smart pointers cover a few special uses only. They could even be omitted. (I don't think Stroustrup even mentions them in his Programming: Principles and Practice, which is by far the best learning text for C++.) Where as as soon as you start speaking of entity objects, you need to introduce raw pointers. — James Kanze 23 mins ago
...someone has a bit outdated knowledge, d'oh.
TC++PL is not a good learning text.
uh, he didn't mention TC++PL
At least not for total beginners.
Griwes did.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's a language reference, and the very first chapters are pretty much for language beginners.
PPP is better vOv
But more dated vOv
"Principles and Practice"
@R.MartinhoFernandes The Lounge<C++> book will be even better. Too bad it doesn't exist yet.
Anyway, good luck waving "In case the elements really need to be pointers" at beginners without them having known pointers before.
isn't PPP pre-C++11?
...but you cannot teach principles and practices that don't exist yet, hmm?
@Rapptz It is, that's my point.
> regex("meow", regex::icase) is technically forbidden but should be permitted
Guess the submitter
@Griwes RAII is not a new language feature.
I wish people would stop this nonsense.
@Rapptz Yes, but it gives an outlook on C++11. I think it even mentions Concepts in its original form :)
I think my regex broke this regex visualisation site.
@R.MartinhoFernandes shared_ptr and unique_ptr are a new feature.
@Griwes shared_ptr most definitly is not
@Griwes So what. They are for special uses like James says.
@Xeo ThePhD
lol, no
Now I give up. You can say that everything in the language is for some particular special use.
I won't go about what he means with entity objects, because I'm not used to that style, but I see his point.
Oh boy! JetBrains just sent me an email saying an early version of ReSharper C++ is available for download!
But the smart pointers? Yes, totally not what you want all over.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Introduce pointers as ugly references => introduce smart pointers when dynamic allocation is needed
@Rapptz Exactly.
Smart pointers are not about the pointing.
they are about the smarting
@Rapptz uhm what
Anyone got a regex visualisation site that won't break with my big regexen? :(
@Xeo ThePhD wets himself when he hears STL's name.
debuggex.com this one's neato
Also, @Griwes you cannot specialise std::less for std::shared_ptr<MyClass>.
Well, technically you can, but you must specialise it with the same semantics, which amounts to "no".
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh, ok, I stand corrected, then.
@melak47 Hey that sounds like good news.
@R.MartinhoFernandes they gave me a private download link I'm not supposed to share :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes Lavavej disapproves of the Java way.
@melak47 Oh, I got one too.
@R.MartinhoFernandes they sent the same download link to me to two different email addresses. so much for it being private :p
> Please refrain from distributing links to this build among other C++ developers. Within this private EAP we're only sending builds to developers who are most likely to be able to run it. Given the diversity of language versions, libraries and extensions that are inherent to C++ ecosystem, this build is very unlikely to run in environments other than those run by you and other recipients of this e-mail.
I don't even use Visual Studio :(
haha, we all got it.
The following C++11 features are not supported:

no one supports C++'s clusterfuck of raw string literals.
1 message moved to bin
@Rapptz lol
@R.MartinhoFernandes guess we all meet the criteria to be chosen for the super secret c++ resharper build!
@R.MartinhoFernandes automated garbage collector - the garbage collecting robot
that's where you got your nickname, isn't it? ... Maybe instead of carrying a woman in you avatar, try carrying a giant garbage can
@R.MartinhoFernandes I didn't :(
possibly because I've never ever used resharper :p
@Rapptz It's not a clusterfuck
@jalf you had to sign up to be notified :D
@Xeo I've done too much regex today.
bad resharper, it's telling me I can replace enum::bla with bla. but I don't want to!
you cousins, robot
> It is a shame that C++11 seems to be turning competent C++ programmers
back into n00bish C++ programmers.
people go there?
I used to visit comp.lang.c++.moderated before SO existed.
stacks over flowers
sticks over flowers
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ... this isn't a bar, you should not try to pick up people for sex
No thanks man. I'm straight.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Sorry, don't swing that way.
anyway, I was trying to find the standard group where Vlad posts his nonsense
@LightnessRacesinOrbit all of them
@Xeo that's the one :) thanks
@LightnessRacesinOrbit To be honest, I don't get why everyone is up in arms about that :S
Oh good, newsgroups and Google groups are kept separate and, despite having an identical interface, do not share Favourites. cunts
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think it might be the presumption that he's just doing it to try to be "different" and "clever" rather than for any actual reason. Granted, his argument about consistency is reasonable and acceptable but, because it's Alf, I just can't take it at face value!
I realise that's close to an ad hom but since I'm not trying to win any debate with that reasoning, I think I'm okay.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit You mean, because you know there's an opportunity to argue/disagree/be pedantic?
@sehe There's that too
> I'm not sure I like those names because they are very long (Re: "cntt0 -> count_trailing<0>, popcount -> count<1>,
mskt0ls1b -> mask_trailing_and_least_significant<0, 1>")
> I think cntt0 is much better than ctz
Is this the new Yahoo Answers
@Rapptz I could swear I linked that before, but I can't find it in the transcript
Anyway, I was trying to win this competition:
40 mins ago, by Xeo
> regex("meow", regex::icase) is technically forbidden but should be permitted
40 mins ago, by Xeo
Guess the submitter
it was actually STL
you know, the acronym you hate :P
okay well, time to sleep.
He's allowed to use it, except while dressed up as the C++ Standard Library on Hallowe'en
PostgreSQL y u no restart.
Well wg21.cmeerw.net/lwg/issue2330 looks fairly reasonable. From the posted quote I thought he was suggesting allowing "meow" instead of requiring "/meow/" but apparently delimiters already don't factor into it
@rightfold Because it knows how to protect your data
@LightnessRacesinOrbit huh. When did C++ require perlisms?
PostgreSQL y u no clone database.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Vlad's been quiet lately. I kinda miss it.
static const Eigen::Array2f magic(3, -1);
How did MS manage to make connect.microsoft.com so damn slow
@sehe Because every time you are trying to connect, it would send one copy to Microsoft, one copy to NSA, and then trying to connect
NSA thinks it is better to be safer than be sorry
> Sorry I've been posting comics so infrequently lately but I've been very busy lately.........GETTING LAID!
Oo changing taste from normal comics to hentai
we got it ...
@sehe it seems like most Microsoft websites are that slow, unless and until they put some serious effort into optimizing them. Microsoft.com has gotten a lot better, but it's still sluggish. MSDN has only recently become usable (in terms of performance, not content)
It's a "feature" of the underlying technology stack, I guess
alternate explanation: they feel like they have enough bugs already, and a fast, responsive site would only encourage people to file more reports
Quite plausible.
alternatively, it's just the near-infinite number of known bugs they have, that they seemingly have no intention of ever addressing, causing scalability issues.
Few companies process as much data as Google, but Microsoft's internal bug tracking might just come close :p
@jalf They should just delete them instead of wontfix. Like SO.
@jalf MSDN is (luckily) much less slow
And C++ PropertySheets are pretty sweet, in particular because they are getting used by VS itself when generating a project from the start. Not bad
@jalf That's what I think. Connect's response times have actively deteriotated (significantly) with the latest redesign (you know, the one that also broke all links to old bugs - that haven't been fixed yet)

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