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@MarkGarcia where?
stumbled upon some code I wrote last year - auto manosTheHandleOfFate = mThread->native_handle();
@BЈовић Philippines. Home.
<type_traits> sure has caught my interest lately, and it's actually quite scary.. most of the implementations under the relevant header in libstdc++ (the gnu standard c++ lib) is potentially violating the standard
@refp There's lots of compiler magic going on there.
@MarkGarcia not enough I'm afraid
No such thing as glibc++.
@LucDanton there, changed it.
Speaking of libstdc++
> Regular expression support in libstdc++-v3 is now available.
Sorry for being a noob, but what is the motivation for using <type_traits>?
@Mikhail To satiate the hunger of the likes of @LucDanton. :P
@MarkGarcia as an example, gcc is implementing is_assignable by using SFINAE and decltype (std::declval<T> () = std::declval<U> (), ...) this is potentially illegal code if the operator= of T is = delete
@refp No.
I see add_volatile but I don't see the infinitely more useful add_restrict
@refp Ah. The =delete issue again.
@LucDanton you are not allowed to, implicitly or explicitly, refer to member functions which has ` = delete` after the point of declaration. so how is it not illegal?
@LucDanton they are not allowed to take part in those..
that's what I'm saying
and that's what the standard is saying
You should tell that to Doug.
who's dawg? (sorry, couldn't help myself)
@LucDanton I don't know any Doug
How do you explain SFINAE (not involving deleted functions)?
@refp The bug reporter.
"A program that refers to a deleted function implicitly or explicitly other than to declare it is ill-formed. Note: This includes calling the function implicitly or explicitly and <bla bla bla>. It applies even for references in expressions that are not potentially-evaluated" from 8.4.3/2
@LucDanton it'd be more relevant to tell Jason who fixed the issue in that case
welp, I ate some breakfast.
this is totally not going to go horribly wrong.
> If E2 is a nested type, the expression E1.E2 is ill-formed.
the standard is written in such a way that when only looking at the definitions for the different type-traits it's easy to assume that the examples there are valid to use in implementation, but.. well, that's not the case
@refp @refp So if they've fixed the language SFINAE, does it mean that the current is_assignable implementation will fail to compile?
@MarkGarcia it means that the current is_assignable implementation is ill-formed and use of it might make your entire program ill-formed (if one is to be a language lawyer)
Now explain whether something like template<typename T> auto foo(T t) -> decltype(t.lol) { return t.lol; } template<typename T> auto foo(T t) -> typename T::lol { return {}; } struct wat { using lol = int; }; int main() { wat w; foo(w); } is ill-formed or not.
@LucDanton I think expression SFINAE says not.
@MarkGarcia What argument applies here that doesn't apply for deleted functions and/or deleted members?
And vice versa.
@LucDanton With =delete you are actually declaring the method so the expression is valid.
It's not according to the first quote :v
Making a call is included in 'refers to'.
@LucDanton if you are implying that this is related to what I've been talking about.. it's not
@LucDanton Hehe. I made an answer devoted to that.
> A deleted definition of a function shall be the first declaration of the function
@MarkGarcia Another argument is that I can make an overload set that involves making a call another overloaded set (no overload of which is deleted), and SFINAE can still take plate. Think the true_type test(int); false_type test(...); shtick.
@LucDanton that's not ill-formed, one template is for those those have lol as a data-member, the other if they have it as a type alias (or a real type for that matter). Why would it be ill-formed?
5 mins ago, by Luc Danton
> If E2 is a nested type, the expression E1.E2 is ill-formed.
wtf morkdown
Explain how come the -> decltype(t.lol) doesn't result in an invalid program.
I'm quite sure the rules for sfinae in the standard covers this as a valid thing for.. sfinae
And why would those rules not cover deleted declarations?
@LucDanton because they don't, that's why
Please substantiate your claim.
the rules about what is being able to trigger sfinae are quite explicit
there's nothing there overruling the fact that you can't refer to a = delete, not explicitly.. nor implicitly, in any context
@refp That doesn't count as substantiating.
Please, the final step.
@LucDanton what you described is supported by "Attempting to use a type in a nested-name-specifier of a qualified-id when that type does not contain the specified member <+ some more ruling about the matter>", ie. it's valid to use in sfinae context
Where the hell is SFINAE defined in the standard!
@MarkGarcia is it?
@refp Thanks.
@MarkGarcia no worries
@LucDanton any further questions?
@thecoshman Hehe. I know. Like RAII, it isn't. ;)
@TonyTheLion o_0
try meatspin.com
@refp No.
@LucDanton what makes ` = delete` not applicable to the ruling I mentioned (and quoted) is that it's not a matter of if the specified member exists or not, it sure exists, but it's not allowed to be used.. and we are back to the part where the standard says it's ill-formed to refer to it other than when declaring it
@LucDanton No as in "I see your point, hmm..", or No as in "this is going nowhere, you need to show me more proof dammit!"
No as in 'we're done'.
You have everything in your hands to convince yourself there is no issue.
@LucDanton is that.. the former or the latter of the two? or is the third; "pff, I don't care"?
I.e. we've exposed all relevant arguments and reached a conclusion.
@LucDanton then be my hero (really, I do want you to save me from this headache) and point me in the right direction
4 mins ago, by refp
First sentence.
@LucDanton ... no, I don't buy that
you are referring to a deleted function implicitly and with that; ill-formed
Yeah and if you refer to a nested type with member access syntax it's ill-formed.
Do you see the parallel?
if it isn't ill-formed then my pure c++ implementation of is_trivially_copy_assignable wouldn't be illegal
It can anything else than member access syntax btw.
@LucDanton no, because the standard describes that at one of the possible reasons for type-deduction failure
Pick any other 'ill-formed' in the Standard, SFINAE on that.
@LucDanton read more than the first sentence of 14.8.2/8
e.g. 1 * "Hello"
you are referring to a function which doesn't exists, there's no function some_val operator* (int, char const * const)
ie. it's covered.
That's not true.
void foo() = delete; is a declaration and does introduce a foo. Which is true, you can't refer to.
But e.g. it does participate in overload resolution.
@LucDanton sure, but you are not allowed to explicitly or implicitly refer to it.. feels like I said this before
1 min ago, by refp
you are referring to a function which doesn't exists, there's no function some_val operator* (int, char const * const)
^ that does mean this is bogus
Oh I'm mixing things aren't I.
@LucDanton nope, because that function really doesn't exists
a ` = delete`d member function does exist, but you are not allowed to refer to it
there's the difference
@refp Those are non-normative notes.
> Only invalid types and expressions in the immediate context of
the function type and its template parameter types can result in a deduction failure.
@LucDanton but lets go with your way of thinking for a while, I'll show you my way of implementing std::is_trivially_copy_assignable and you say whether it's legal code or not
Everything that justifies the (non exhaustive) list of examples is exactly the first sentence, modulo some things.
my_obj.deleted_func() is a valid expression.
@MarkGarcia no, it's not.. read what is being said about deleted functions
> If a substitution results in an invalid type or expression, type deduction fails. An invalid type or expression is one that would be ill-formed if written using the substituted arguments. Only invalid types and expressions in the immediate context of the function type and its template parameter types can result in a deduction failure.
@refp It is a valid expression, only that you're not allowed to call it or something (your same reasoning). Get the difference?
That's the entirety of 14.8.2/8 and what justifies any form of SFINAE.
There's nothing else.
@LucDanton if this is legal ideone.com/6YwMsB send it to every standard c++ lib and make them implement it, noone would be happier than me (since so many traits are missing while people wait for compiler intrinsic feature to make this work)
@MarkGarcia the difference resides in the fact that you are never allowed to refer to it, it's not about calling anything
@LucDanton so what @Xeo and.. I can't remember who said earlier about my implementation being ill-formed because of the implicit use of a deleted function is a lie then?
@LucDanton I still don't agree with you because you're overlooking what the standard says about deleted functions, they are not to be used in any context - including substitution failure
@refp Needs to be std::declval<_impl_itca_helper<T> const&>().
Works fine.
@LucDanton then ship it, make millions (or at least hundreds) of developers happy who finally have the traits they've been waiting for
but according to me and a few other people (who pointed me in this direction) this isn't legal code
@LucDanton check the status of gcc's standard c++ implementation, you will notice a lot of traits missing.. the most common thought reason of this; we can't implement this in pure c++, it requires a compiler intrinsic
@refp Hey, I'm in your side. Your side is that it shouldn't cause SFINAE because your program will be ill-formed when you refer to it. I'm supporting that by saying that it is a valid expression and thus makes the function available in the overload set.
libstdc++ has that issue with the name but otherwise it has it?
morning all
@LucDanton ... nope
@refp Well produce a test for each missing trait, write a patch and submit it?
@LucDanton but the code isn't legal, that's the problem
@refp Again, works fine.
I thought and hoped it was, but then I was told it was not..
clang SVN is now C++14 feature complete, they fixed generic lambdas in capture context last night
@refp breaking what rule? it is not obvious what is wrong
@LucDanton "works fine", what.. you have a compiler that is 100% confirmant to the standard?
@BЈовић it's implicitly referring to a deleted function
@LucDanton speaking of works, I can easily write up an example where the compiler actually catch this error (in the use of sfinae)
@refp I used trivial copy since you mentioned it. It's here, although implemented as an intrinsic.
@TemplateRex Wow! Last time I checked it has lots of red on it.
@refp Just point them to Doug's report if they question you.
@LucDanton like a bug report is always on point?
@MarkGarcia perhaps you mean gcc C++14 status: gcc.gnu.org/projects/cxx1y.html
hold on, I'm writing an example for you
@refp but the static_assert check fails, and the diagnostic is issued. should be fine, no?
@refp No. Does it matter if some bug report are not on point? We're only concerned with the one.
@BЈовић the standard says it's ill-formed
@TemplateRex I'm sure it Clang's. That was a while ago.
@MarkGarcia well I guess it's true, generic lambdas were red 2 months ago, they have been cranking out an awful lot of stuff lately
@MarkGarcia I guess it's nice, but developing on windows is not my cup of tea
@refp If Doug Gregor says it's fine, if you agree that we haven't found a contradiction in the Standard, and if the compiler accepts it, I don't understand what more do you want.
@LucDanton no, the problem is that the standard doesn't allow it but yet we have code using this approach in the standard library
Forget about the Standard library implementations tbh, they can do whatever they want.
If you think the wording in the Standard needs help, then one of the Standard discussion groups would be appropriate.
Discussing the non-magical is_trivial checks?
At this point 'discussing' feels like a stretch :|
What's the status?
2 mins ago, by Luc Danton
@refp If Doug Gregor says it's fine, if you agree that we haven't found a contradiction in the Standard, and if the compiler accepts it, I don't understand what more do you want.
@Xeo @LucDanton says that it's not ill-formed to refer to deleted functions in sfinae context
As per the word or Doug (for intent) and 14.8.2/8 (for execution).
@Xeo I brought up the discussion again since the current gnu stdlib implementation breaks the same rule as I'm breaking in my implementation
also; writing snippets in /tmp and having your battery die sucks, now I have to start all over again
(since /tmp is flushed clean with every reboot)
I kinda hate it that I'm bogged down in SFINAE issues atm in some sort of cosmic irony.
@LucDanton When we discussed this yesterday (?) I mentioned it being fixed in C++1y.
wtf now X died
@Xeo Mayhaps you're referring to the non-SFINAE related situations? At least 14.8.2/8 hasn't changed in the drafts I have.
@Xeo afaik @LucDanton wasn't part of that discussion. and I was meaning to get back to you on that, where in c++1y is this fixed? I can't find anything "fixing" it
@LucDanton N3797?
Come to think of it, that C++1y fix would make writing the traits trickier I think :/
Not something I would want to tackle.
@refp ya, but sometimes I get the feeling there are a lot of slated changes 'in the air' that haven't made it into the draft just yet
@LucDanton Ya. In C++11, referring to deleted functions even in unevaluated contexts makes the program ill-formed.
I think C++1y fixes it to be a soft-error in SFINAE contexts
@Xeo the same is true in c++1y
I should get an up-to-date draft
@Xeo Ctrl-F unevaluated doesn't point to anything relevant on that matter :(
Look for "not potentially evaluated"
or some variation of that
haha what's that
@LucDanton I think he's referring to "An invalid type or expression is one that would be ill-formed, wit ha diagnostic required, if written using the substituted arguments" 14.8.2/8 (N3797)
The logical negation of 'unevaluated', heh.
that fit the profile, as long as 8.4.3 doesn't say that no diagnostic is requried if one is referring to a deleted function
I'll check though
it doesn't
and now just to make certain I'll need to check what the standard really says about ill-formed statements
@LucDanton PING ^
@Xeo I don't get why Doug would file the bug still.
51 mins ago, by Luc Danton
@refp SFINAE.
@LucDanton this wasn't even thought of when that bug was created
this will (probably) change in c++1y, the code is still invalid in c++11
> It applies even for references in expressions that are not potentially-evaluated.
Appears in a non-normative note though.
what the.. I told you, already
> If a function is overloaded, it is referenced only if the function is selected by overload resolution.
Have to pay attention to the implicitly declared members (if any) as well. This is a clusterfuck.
and especially deleted ones
have we finally agreed on the fact that it's illegal to do what we have discussed in c++11 or am I getting ahead of the subject here?
If there are indeed SFINAE changes for C++1y then I don't know what the intent was and is. That's why I'm annoyed by all those 'in the air' changes.
@refp I don't ascribe to that view.
I don't want to reflect on your practical example in particular though -- too fiddly.
@LucDanton but, in c++11, you have now read both what 14.8.2/8 says and 8.4.3, isn't it quite clear that it's indeed ill-formed to refer to deleted functions in sfinae context?
Yeah but 'ill-formed' is what triggers SFINAE in the first place. Why are we doing this again? So no I don't agree.
And if it is ill-formed, it is not 'quite clear' by any standard (hah).
What do the changes to overload resolution of special members mean for intent?
@LucDanton the change in c++1y sure indicates that something is kinda wierd about the c++11 standard
There's nothing crystal clear about any of this.
@LucDanton the problem lies in that c++11 says that subst. fails if the result is an invalid type or expression, but then also says that you are never to refer to a deleted function, I guess one could interpret that either way
@refp I think we should treat 'in their air' changes differently.
so the change in c++1y just confirms that the wording is a bit off
@refp Yes, but it says so non-normatively. This is crucial. I've seen the back and forth for this feature during GCC development.
@refp I'll see when the change appears in text.
@LucDanton so non-normative text is always safe to just.. ignore?
You can use it to justify intent.
So it's a meta argument, but not an argument, if that makes sense.
I.e. 'the Standard should say this due to that non-normative bit, but it doesn't'
though g++ still errors on some usecases of deleted functions
that's what's confusing me the most
Can't find anything past or present on the Core Language Issues that seems relevant, when looking for 'deleted' or 'SFINAE'.
@refp It's very annoying, and usually hard to reduce to a simple testcase.
aka where I am just now
@LucDanton in the bathroom, naked, with an oiled up midget.
I wish.
let me write you an example..
It's okay, I can picture a midget just fine.
no, an example of when the compiler errors when referring to a deleted function
> Die, midget lover!
And a good morning to you too.
but a skinny geek could only over power midgets ...
throw an amazon warrier woman in, I could totally imagine you skinny geeks been dominated
I think one potential objection to special casing anything when relating to SFINAE is what happens for two-level SFINAE: is a substitution failure of a function that fails due to a special-cased hard error an error or not?
And didn't we have that argument over and over when coming up with expression SFINAE already?
tl;dr not learning from C++'s own lessons
> amazon worrier woman
simple example but still.. well, it's there; both clang and gcc complain about it
a woman that worries about amazon?
@refp Accepted on trunk.
@LucDanton oh yeah, I just realized that clang doesn't complain
but I wrote another snippet that both refused to compile earlier
or maybe that was something else
I believe you (well, if using GCC).
@LucDanton alright, let's assume it's a bug in gcc then
I'm just trying to figure out who to blame in this case.. what is the standard really saying?
Haha yeah that's the usual.
in N3797 the word is clear and it's very easy to figure out what is going on; if the error is required to have a diagnostic; you can use it in context of sfinae
but with c++11.. it's just a bloody mystery
As we draw closer to C++1y release time you can expect mind-blowing national comments that completely turn some wording on its head and suddenly the draft is broken. It's fun.
@LucDanton what do you reckon, should I do what you said and file a test-case for every missing trait and an implementation of 'em?
How confident are you in your understanding of C++1y as currently worded?
@refp 'Ill-formed => SFINAE' makes the acronym live to its name imo.
Although I suppose there's always the grim spectre of lambda expressions as unevaluated operands lol.
@LucDanton I'm confident in what's in 14.8.2/8 (N3797), and that's enough for now
Then I dunno. You have to understand the implicit declaration of special members quite well I think.
@LucDanton The NB comments are already rolling in
@Xeo I've noticed.
@LucDanton the implicit declaration of special members isn't that hard to understand, that text is really straight forward
@Xeo Can I ask where you learn about those 'in the air' changes?
(if you are referring to how they pop-up inside unions)
@ArneMertz last time Amazon sent a team to Sydney, it's full of skinny geeks like you guys ... and legend said Amazon is full of tall, muscular women - they lied! :D
@LucDanton to sum it up; if a member of a union has a non-trivial special member function this function is implicitly ` = delete;` in the union unless the user provides one
@User17 and what was there to worry about?
and now I replied to the wrong message..
So, how do you test any in isolation? Considering the type to test may leave one trivial, but not the other (regarding copy/move)? (Can you actually do that?)
@User17 I read that as Amazon reporting that Sydney was full of skinny geeks
ah, chat.stackoverflow doing it's usual weirdness
OTOH this is about 'has a constructor'/'is constructible' again.
@LucDanton it should be possible
@LucDanton Just about everywhere. :/ Sometimes in talks (like at GoingNative), sometimes on std-discussion, sometimes on #llvm (especially when talking to zygoloid aka Richard Smith)
Expect any attempt (regardless of your own understanding) to regularly break as the compiler is being worked on. Which imo is good, because you can make simple testcases out of them.
also, some SO answers link to DRs
I didn't dig too deep in the topic before @Xeo said it was ill-formed, and he sure convinced me (but not enough to drop the subject completely.. I'm glad I didn't)
@jalf which one? there are lot of people called Sydney ;)
@Xeo Right. Too hard to keep up with everything :(
1 message moved to bin
No trash talk.
13 mins ago, by Luc Danton
I think one potential objection to special casing anything when relating to SFINAE is what happens for two-level SFINAE: is a substitution failure of a function that fails due to a special-cased hard error an error or not?
I'm genuinely concerned with that btw.
* Template Meta Meta Meta Meta Meta Programming
@LucDanton the gcc bug-patch is a fucking joke btw
The what?
that might be an overstatement.. but
@LucDanton nothing really, but when doing things to check if something is is_trivially_move_assignable hell breaks loose (on both clang and gcc)
@thecoshman I retain the right to filter input signals :/
@refp What version are you using?
might be my fault though
@LucDanton hold on, it's me, it's all me
erhm, or maybe not.. not sure yet
@LucDanton it's real easy implementing the traits this way
so I guess I know what I'm doing today..
Do you update your GCC often?
@R.MartinhoFernandes what? isn't it what we do all the time?
@LucDanton if mentioning my dist helps with answering that question; arch linux
@LucDanton often enough, why?
If you can file bugs when/if it breaks it helps the GCC devs a lot.
@LucDanton I guess, but this is for libstdc++, that's where the traits are lacking
Right, but the implementation depends on the front-end, which we do want to be correct.
@LucDanton sure, I have yet to decide if it's really legal to do this in c++11 though.. that's the biggest concern currently
Still helps on the road to C++1y.
@LucDanton sure. I'm just surprised that noone else has implemented these features yet
Jun 16 at 18:18, by Luc Danton
Things get done when someone gets around to doing them.
@LucDanton sure the rumour about it being dependent on a compiler intrinsic might have scared a few, but if there's only a few who's writing c++.. what's up with the world?
@LucDanton well, wish me luck. I'm going to have a smoke and start cracking away at it
@sehe no you don't :P
This is a new one.
Got an e-mail today from Amazon saying "your order has been shipped! Expect delivery on Friday". I picked it up yesterday.
A: Majority element - parts of an array

YavarHere you go: Linear-Space Data Structures for Range Mode Query in Arrays https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~tmchan/mode_stacs.pdf

Indian admits blindly ignoring rules just because someone is "passionate about this question"
you're not in a 1970s job interview now, pal
Hey! I wanted to know how to make a GUI for a c++ program? Now what I found out(mainly from SO) was this:1)People suggest libraries like qt, etc. and 2) Linux provides the X window ... which is used to create DE like GNOME, etc.. Now if I were to build a GUI, would I have access to X WIndosing system as well?
> Now if I were to build a GUI, would I have access to X WIndosing system as well?
How does that make any sense?
I mean the question.
@Wilx Haha, in my head it does. But why not?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I get the same. On Friday night: 'Free standard delivery, three working days'. Saturday, we go out. Get back and there's that note 'We tried to deliver a package...'.
@digvijay91 It is not clear what you are asking about.
@R.MartinhoFernandes so they achieved their goal of "beating the expectation?"
@wilx Well X windows is like a protocol to talk to the kernel and get some resources
is that correct?
@User17 I don't want expectation beaten - I just want it achieved.
SO GNOME, and maybe Unity(Ubuntu) use this protocol to display the fancy GUI they put forward
Now if i wanted to create a GUI app can I talk the kernel just the same and create GUIs?
OK. I understand your question.
(Y) << fb for thumbs up
First off, it is not kernel as in OS kernel that provides the X on Unix--like systems. It is usually a normal userland process.
@MartinJames I got the package before they said it shipped.
is it part of of linux?
Second, you do not want to use the X protocol. It is way too low level.
@digvijay91 no.
It’s a separate program.
You will want to use some kind of higher level library like the already mentioned Qt or Gtk+.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Heh.. their drivers are FTL ;)
These days it seems like Qt is the winner of the GUI toolkits race.
@wilx I see. But IF I were to build it, using that protocol, would it mess with the desktop environment?
gtkmm ftw.
@rightfold Is it open source then?
Eh, duh. :v
@digvijay91 No, it should integrate well enough. Your GUI app will look ugly because the primitives that X provides are ugly and simplistic, but it should integrate well enough with the rest of running X applications.
@Ell You know that FP & OOP > FP || OOP is parsed as (FP & (OOP > FP)) || OOP, right? :)
@digvijay91: Also, consider that with the advent of alternative GUI servers like Mir and Wayland, it might not be wise to go with the raw X but use, as I have already mentioned, something higher level.
@wilx Yes. But I want to know more about X as a concept (which should apply to Wayland/mir).
@digvijay91 Is this actually true?
If I make such an app, it would not "respect" the desktop environment, meaning I can place my window anywhere I like and so on and so forth. Is this correct?
@wilx what is ? :?
@digvijay91 Dunno.
Ah. Ok you already told me much. Thank you =)
So this guy makes a screenshot, pastes it into Paint, then makes a screenshot of Paint and pastes that into an email.
@rightfold And this was you?
Why would I do something that idiotic?
It’s way too much effort.
Not to mention installing Windows first.
@rightfold Is that rhetorical?
Hai peoplez! :D
@ScottW Everyone went to Kerbal
Of course rightfold changed his avatar. Of course.
urgh my lip hurts
umm @rightfold why are you prefixing TS variables with $?
31 mins ago, by rightfold
Why would I do something that idiotic?
@R.MartinhoFernandes OIC
urgh fucking cheap ass router from my ISP
piece of fuck
@BartekBanachewicz Oh - do you have some little net hardware issue?
@MartinJames I got a box of fuck that has a "router" sticker slapped to it
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, I kinda got that :)
I believe my internet issues are happening only because my Cisco one thinks the other one is a mockup of functioning hardware and despises it.
@BartekBanachewicz It's worse than a Cisco router? Oh wow!
@MartinJames I dunno, I actually like my Cisco. It has 300+300Mbps and in general works flawlessly
also QoS on it works rather well.
so we can leave up huge ass downloads and still play LoL comfortably
@BartekBanachewicz I had this job at N****l. I got in early in the morning and the procedure was: coffee, sandwich, power-cycle all the Cisco routers.

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