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Now you got me thinking about installing clang
@Rapptz How ya like me now? :P
meh Linux.
@DeadMG Now, all I have to do to write C++ is wait for a decent C++ ide to come out for Linux :)
Or you could write your own IDE
Yea, not going to happen.
but oh gawd, unity sucks, it sucks so bad
I can't get the damn sidebar to the bottom
its always on the friggin side
Oo sold my old laptop after successful installation $
@GamesBrainiac That was also my experience.
I found it inexplicably difficult to get the window where I wanted it.
it was very sticky as to which screen it was on, for example.
@DeadMG Also, installing shit on ubuntu is a nightmare
I tried to install PyCharm, but than ran into this weird thing called a .desktop file.
I mean, there's not exe ;P and nothing akin to it either
ITT: Linux noobs
half the reason I hate Linux is the way other people act about it, like it's holy or sacred and that people who actually try to use the damn thing are some kind of scum who don't deserve to use a computer
I mean, if you have to do most things in the terminal, why even have a desktop in the first place
I know the feeling but I like Linux much more than Windows
yeah, but I don't act like people who prefer Linux to Windows, or can't make Windows work because they're used to Linux, are subhuman.
I think I made a mistake with installing ubuntu though
shud've started with mint
@DeadMG If anything most windows users sympathise
I just installed mint 2 weeks ago. It isn't too bad.
Yea, I hear it has cinnamon instead of unity
I haven't done any C++ on this machine yet, so I haven't even looked at IDEs for it
I'd probably just use Eclipse anyway...
I'll end up using eclipse too
no-mouse-mode usually faster: vim or emacs
I need to figure out how to config emacs to not use tabs for indentation before I do much c++ with it
just use sublime text
emacs cant be much better
its just an editor
hahaha sacriledge - emacs is not just an editor
yah, I just learned about sublime actually
and installed it
haven't played with it yet, though
guess what, it has a GUI!! omgsh
also, you can make cute extensions for it using python
over the years, I went vi -> emacs -> xemacs -> vim
with some GUI IDEs scattered in between
vim gets the job done
@GamesBrainiac I guess I misunderstood. I didn't know that cinnamon and unity referred to the desktop environments.
the classic icon for emacs is a "kitchen sink", for a good reason...
@GamesBrainiac do you mean lisp?
@Code-Guru no like you can make sublime text plugins using python
and thats pretty neat for both of us since we're good with it
oh, I thought you mean emacs
pft, I'm a python noob lol
I just started hanging out in the Python room because I met Kneel-Before-ZOD and then I started doing some python scripting with a testing tool for Android.
The fact that the best Android has for a python framework is kivy, really irks me.
Hey guys, do question bans happen by mistake sometimes?
My linux just died
And its not recovering
There's not CTRL + ALT + DELETE :(
Great ubuntu crashed and now is restarting
so much for better than windows
back on linux
all my python scripts dead :(
Imma download dis now
isn't the whole point of Python scripts to be cross-platform?
erm, yea
actually, it has many other purposes too, but thats an important one
@StackedCrooked is coliru using libstd++ for clang?
I think so, IIRC he had some problems getting libc++ to work
also, morning
@Xeo Do you use a terminal emulator?
just plain old terminal?
If I'm on Linux, yes
And on a Mac?
don't have one
@GamesBrainiac ... on mac you can use the plain old terminal, too.
@Xeo ah ok, because I just saw post having problems with that.
it seems as though finalterm does not actually autocomplete, but just looks behind at what arguments you've passed before
Whats the difference between Terminal and Zsh? They both seem like command line utilities but Zsh claims to have better autocomplete
They're completely different things
Also you can't not use terminal emulator
I can't not?
How come?
Unless you actually have this plugged into your serial port:
The VT100 is a video terminal that was made by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). Its detailed attributes became the de facto standard for terminal emulators to emulate. History It was introduced in August 1978, following its predecessor, the VT52, and communicated with its host system over serial lines using the ASCII character set and control sequences (a.k.a. escape sequences) standardized by ANSI. The VT100 was also the first Digital mass-market terminal to incorporate "graphic renditions" (blinking, bolding, reverse video, and underlining) as well as a selectable 80 or 132 colu...
What do you use then?
Bash/Terminal(minimal emulation)/Zsh?
Terminal, xterm, raw tty, they're all terminal emulators
There's no "minimal emulation"
Also bash and zsh are both shells, you don't use them at the same time
I see.
What would you recommend to a lazy person like myself who wants as much autocompletion as possible, and pretty colors too :P
I use zsh with this lately; bash autocompletion usually comes with system packages
Are you on LInux or mac?
oh my zsh works on both
awesome :)
sorry for the stupid questions. Just very new to the linux scene :P
I used to work with bash before, but this is a life changer. I never looked back
I see
Okay, so I installed in via wget
now how do I fire it up?
I got this sexy ascii art too
         __                                     __
  ____  / /_     ____ ___  __  __   ____  _____/ /_
 / __ \/ __ \   / __ `__ \/ / / /  /_  / / ___/ __ \
/ /_/ / / / /  / / / / / / /_/ /    / /_(__  ) / / /
\____/_/ /_/  /_/ /_/ /_/\__, /    /___/____/_/ /_/
Guys, I'm looking for a good XML C++ library
I've made up my mind.
I need SAX and DOM
Monopoly is a giant pile of shit.
@DeadMG Lost another game, eh?
what's most embarrassing is that I had to learn this over the past few days instead of simply remembering.
@GamesBrainiac Actually, I won.
but it was still pretty shit.
I don't think it's more terrible than other classic board games
@DeadMG Against youtself?
@GamesBrainiac No.
@kbok Many of them are fucking terrible too.
@DeadMG Yeah.
@DeadMG Then go play dungeons and dragons.
At work we use xerces-c++ but it's really horrible so I'm looking for a replacement
@GamesBrainiac I'm honestly not sure I consider that to be a great game.
> write web appli­ca­tions in C++, reusing exist­ing code and mak­ing port­ing of whole appli­ca­tions and games to the browser plausible.
> code both the fron­tend and the back­end of a web appli­ca­tion in the same lan­guage and codebase
also, it's difficult/impossible to play D&D on a machine, and I live in the middle of a swamp.
@GamesBrainiac That's not a board game
@CatPlusPlus ;)
@CatPlusPlus wt?
@CatPlusPlus Well, let's be fair- at least their client libs are written in C++11.
Not everyone can work on something useful
@DeadMG How great it is depends very much on your group.
It can be a thoroughly frustrating experience, or it can be loads and loads of fun.
@DeadMG That doesn't make it any less funnier
For some reason I can't change my shell
chsh -s `which zsh`
@Xeo Well, ISTR Wizards being overpowered in virtually every iteration, for example.
never before have I had headphones that hurt my ears.
@DeadMG Eh, they're squishy as fuck.
We had a great fireball mage in one campaign, but he had what, 40hp at lvl 10?
Maybe even 12, can't quite remember
but if you had a team of six mages, nothing would get close enough to care.
That wholly depends on the GM. One "Silence" field, and they all (likely) start looking very vulnerable.
also, have fun not really being able to heal yourself on the off-chance that you did get hit.
A team of 6 oracles (Pathfinder) on the other hand... well that could get fun. Since they can be melee, caster or healer / support. And in the worst case, all of them know how to heal, since they use the cleric spell list.
(they're basically to the clerics what the sorcerer is to the wizard)
:lol: minmaxing in D&D
Who said anything about minmaxing?
This is weird, I have zsh inside my terminal after invoking zsh as a command
is this what I'm supposed to do?
What did you expect
I thought terminal would start with zsh's -> ~ prompt
Why would it?
because, didn't I just install a new shell?
should that not not get rid of the old one?
No, you have to ask for it
What's minmaxing?
So, how do I start with Zsh by default?
use usermod AFAIR
oh ok
I don't know if you can usermod yourself
chsh is for this
Min-maxing is the practice of playing a role-playing game, wargame or video game with the intent of creating the "best" character by means of minimizing undesired or unimportant traits and maximizing desired ones. This is usually accomplished by improving one specific trait or ability by sacrificing ability in all other fields. This is easier to accomplish in games where attributes are generated from a certain number of points rather than in ones where they are randomly generated. Min-maxing is particularly common in games where the cost of traits does not reflect their expected usefulnes...
@Xeo Ah ok, thanks
Anyone else plays KSP here?
booya beh beh
me gotz the zsshhh :P
@CatPlusPlus @kbok thanks guys! :D
Do I have to install mods to get rovers?
@GamesBrainiac np, have fun
No, they're in stock parts
I didn't see em
now what plugins are must haves?
The ones you need
whoah, they made a whole page for the plugins
hey guys, anyone here got experience in eye-gaze/tracking algorithm ?
hmmm there's no python plugin on zsh installed?
There is, but what do you expect it to do
no, I just want to install it, nothing more
I installed virtualenv
So, it was weird without the python plugin
Install what where
Sorry, there not installed they're, enabled
they already come bundled
Python plugin in OMZ is just few utility commands
Hmm, I see.
oh shit, if you double tab, you can select the command or path :)
I have plugins=(git brew rebar virtualenv vi-mode).
whats brew do?
> $1 million hackaton
@GamesBrainiac it’s a package manager for OS X.
Plug-in does autocompletion for it.
like apt-get?
> GRAND PRIZE $1,000,000 cash
Who the fuck wants a million dollars cash.
Old people
@GamesBrainiac yes, but 10-times better
@Games apt-get isn't package manager, dpkg is example of package manager.
@rightfold who doesn't ... I could build a driod pizza delivery service with a million dollars
then expand it to grocery
Apt-get is the front-end for dpkg
then home security controls with mobil phones which also controls all the electronic home applicants
But dpkg doesn't do a lot it should does it?
Like autocleaning orphaned packages
dpkg does everything, apt just wraps it to make it user-friendly.
yeah, dpkg doesn't do that
eventually a network that could control all electrical/electronic/mobiles things under the sun ... starting with that 1 million dollars

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