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a guy from my uni just created a "branch" in the root of the whole SVN repository :|
@Xeo Really? From what?
@BartoszKP Someone's probably gonna branch his lower back with a suppository...
@FredOverflow That seems to function correctly.
you know, the irony is, I could have just used std::remove_if directly and saved myself the hassle of implementing it myself...
@FredOverflow :DDDD I'll announce this to him tomorrow
@FredOverflow Storms, continental shifts, sun, winds
@DeadMG Sure. Removing all elements satisfying p simply means copying all elements that don't satisfy it.
the tides just wouldn't be as high / low
@FredOverflow Well, for me, it's the inverse- I'm keeping all elements satisfying p.
@DeadMG That's not remove_if though
@Xeo No, but it's more than close enough for the implementation to be essentially identical.
That's really just filter.
@DeadMG Sure
@Xeo Which is exactly the insight I had.
vec = vec | stl2::range::filter([](int x) { return x > 5; });
@EvgenyPanasyuk boost::filter(vec, ...); :P
@DeadMG and then you'll get sections and it will just be vec | filter([> 5])!
@Xeo yeah, I know it
Sections are cool
the generic vec = range; operator isn't as efficient as it could be.
I figured an in-place remove_if would do better.
@EvgenyPanasyuk Actually, I just noticed that there is no boost::filter :(
@Xeo hm, there dual versions usually
No, there's boost::adaptors::filter
I meant the in-place version
aka remove_if(not(p))
in-place? boost::remove_erase_if?
@EvgenyPanasyuk Yeah, not as nice a name though
one of the things I don't like about vector is that for many functions, you have to choose between inefficiency and basic exception safety/range unsafety.
guess it fits for C++ because of he idiom
@DeadMG Fuck exceptions!
Monads all the way
range unsafety is also a problem.
Anybody wanna take a guess what this means? :)
Basic is fine. Strong usually costs something.
Or do you have to ditch even that?
at worst, strong is copy-and-swap, right?
@Xeo that looks better: vec | filtered(_1 > 5), and it works in C++98.
@FredOverflow a finite state machine.
@FredOverflow an image
@rightfold way simpler
@Xeo Basically.
@Omega an image of what?
@EvgenyPanasyuk Yeah, Boost.Lambda
or Boost.Phoenix, I guess
@FredOverflow whoa whoa, that's another question
@Xeo or Phoenix
although Boost.Bind also has it
@LucDanton No, you can have always strong if you're just prepared to pay a few extra otherwise-unnecessary allocations.
they kinda replace each other as Phoenix > Bind > Lambda
but for me, I have chosen to do always-strong because strong exception safety is also range safety.
whereas basic exception safety is range unsafety.
@DeadMG what?
@Omega The only acceptable answers to my question were "yes" and "no" then :)
@Xeo vec.insert(vec.begin(), vec.begin(), vec.end()); for example.
a strong-exception-safe (but extra reallocations) implementation can handle that just fine.
or vec.push_back(vec[0])?
@Xeo Nope.
I wonder if I should nap
I'm kinda tired
push_back is always strongly exception safe, strongly range safe, and no redundant reallocations.
@Xeo What does that do on an empty vector? UB?
@FredOverflow you're right. The answer is yes.
@FredOverflow Precondition: Vector not empty
@DeadMG So you're worried about overlapping ranges?
it's really stuff like "Insert in the middle", or even assignment.
@Omega Do you have any deeper insight than "The image I posted is an image of something"?
@Xeo Yep.
fuck mutability! :D
@DeadMG are your C++ tutorials still online?
I liked them.
I dislike the idea of vec = vec | stl2::range::map([](int x) { return x * 2; }); being unsafe.
@Xeo Immutable collections are so much simpler!
@DeadMG at such case just use std::transform: boost::transform(vec, begin(vec), _1 * 2)
@EvgenyPanasyuk That's clearly not the same thing at all.
how is that not the same thing
@FredOverflow is it about math theory?
well, here's a simple example.
@Omega closer than any other guess so far
@FredOverflow... NUMBER theory
vec = vec | stl2::range::map([](int x) { return x * 2; }) | stl2::range::filter(int x) { return x > 50; });.
now implement that with std::transform.
@Omega Yes, it's about numbers. How many columns are used for diamonds? Does that number ring a bell?
@DeadMG and?
or std::function<optional<int>()> x = vec | stl2::range::map([](int x) { return x * 2; });.
iterators can only cleanly express what ranges can express in really basic, trivial circumstances.
after that you run into real shit.
"here's a simple example" => "let's take the simple map and add a filter"?
@DeadMG no, they are very powerful
@Rapptz Well, the range version is really simple.
of course the iterator version is not really simple at all.
@FredOverflow is the next number after the last 1 a 0?
and that's my entire point.
@DeadMG Hmm, boost does that with iterators.
I did it with iterators too -shrug-
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, I know they have an any_iterator thing.
still don't know the definition of a range in here
any_range is type-erasure.
@Omega Cold. Ice cold. Note that "A" and "B" are the inputs, and "S" is the output. "Ü" is an intermediate result that is not relevant to the client.
@DeadMG iterator_range though it's irrelevant
@Rapptz Everybody is working on making their own definitions of a range.
@DeadMG sometimes you need laziness, sometime composobility of iterators
I have one, and LucDanton has one, and I think the robot has one too.
In other news, I just found an awesome Lua IDE
it's actually vec | boost::range::transform(...)
@EvgenyPanasyuk Half the problem with iterators is that composing them is a joke.
@EvgenyPanasyuk Not mutually exclusive.
and then there's the filter one somewhere
template<typename Iterator> using range = std::pair<Iterator, Iterator>;   // done!
even if you're not that unlucky Boost guy who had to implement composing a bunch of iterators
So if instead of dividing by two each merge sort, you divided by 3, what would the complexity be?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I still don't get what that means.
@DeadMG I just use both Boost.Range's and iterators.
@FredOverflow: Is this bit addition?
@Omega You win!
@FredOverflow meh, .first and .second. :P
@Rapptz Orthogonal? Ooops, it's actually not what I wanted to say.
you're still fucked because of exponential size increase and stuff like that.
and poor Boost guy can't implement away that.
@FredOverflow lol, it was pretty confusing until you said that A and B were inputs :(
@Crowz still log, but a different base
@Omega I know, it would have been so much easier with a GIF... sadly, I don't know how to create GIFs easily.
someone has been serially downvoting me
does Boost.Range even offer stuff like vec = vec | filter(...);?
@GamesBrainiac Serial downvoters are usually caught and their madness undone.
@DeadMG of course
it's not hard to write it yourself either
@FredOverflow I had thought that you were referring to some weird number theory thing, and assuming that it was some number sequence, this was my best clue: oeis.org/…
You'd vec.assign(begin(r), end(r)) but that's a detail.
I wonder how they implement that when operator= has to be a member.
@FredOverflow Ahh, that makes sense
probably did the same as me and just created a new vector class.
@Omega "Nim-values for the impartial game Take-a-Triangle." lolwat
@FredOverflow No idea. But it had that sequence :D
(vec | filter) returns a vec with overwritten results like Luc said I'm pretty sure
really, no lazy evaluation?
it is lazy
@Rapptz Gosh, no.
it returns view
@R.MartinhoFernandes sorry I'm tired
bidirectinal range
Ugh, bidi filter.
@R.MartinhoFernandes With twice the caching!
you know, MSVC's vector exception safety really ain't that bad.
maybe I shouldn't reimplement it but just privately derive from it or something.
So what do you guys here consider a "range"?
@FredOverflow twas what I was thinking
@DeadMG if you need to do inplace - then just use remove_erase_if
@Rapptz Typically, it is a single value, that represents multiple values of a pre-defined type.
@Crowz guess what base ;)
um is it... three?
How is your definition of a range different than a container?
@Rapptz Mostly following D/Andrei, at least as a starting point.
@Rapptz Because a container stores the values. A range can get them from anywhere.
that seemed suspiciously easy, the other questions were like "implement an army of robots with a raging hatred for mankind"
@Rapptz pair of iterators [first, last)
@Rapptz You could have an infinite range or a file stream range.
ranges are an arbitrary source.
containers must store values on the heap.
Or on the stack.
so you could easily say that a container is a range.
@rightfold Only if you're a moron.
std::array is on the stack :|
std::array on the stack has uses. vOv
std::array isn't really a container.
@DeadMG container is range because it provides begin(x) and end(x)
it meets the concept
only because they put in a million special cases for it.
they didn't
er, yes, they really did.
not as many as you think
if you read the Container specification, there are numerous special cases for std::array.
The container concept has always been shaky.
I recall forward_list having more
@R.MartinhoFernandes I agree. The whole concept of a Container isn't really actually that useful.
mostly because I had to code more special cases for it than array :s
@Rapptz I think the main difference is that foward_list usually fails to have the interface, while array has the formal interface but with special semantics.
I'm beginning to really hate my job.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Not quite always. For a while (when the original Concepts proposal was in the spec) they had a Container concept that made requirements explicit. Unfortunately, when Concepts 1.0 died, the Container concept died with it, and things quickly got ugly again.
@GamesBrainiac What is your job?
@JerryCoffin AFAIK they kept the requirements, just not the formal concepts semantics.
@rightfold Web dev.
Oh wait.
some of the requirements for a container are dumb
I still have planned to make add the 'footprint' of a range in the list of its properties -- in my mind that's part of what make them not feel like containers.
@DeadMG concat_map!
@GamesBrainiac I hate HTML. JS is a lot of fun, though.
The work aint so bad, its just that the office does not even provide me with my own workstation.
@Rapptz which?
@caps html is just a markup language, wats to hate?
@GamesBrainiac What, have to share your PC with someone?
@Xeo ? No, that was map+filter.
It's boring and monotonous.
@R.MartinhoFernandes can be done with concat_map though, no?
@Xeo no, i have you use my own pc, that i bought with my own money
E.g. the footprint of interval(a, b) is 2 * sizeof(Element). It encompasses all the state you would have needed to write the explicit loop.
@GamesBrainiac ew
yea, it sucks
@Xeo Yes.
Are you a contractor?
@caps Now combine it with all the other web development stuff.
@LucDanton Ranges are loop states! /cc @Rapptz
@Xeo I really don't see the point in concat_map over map | flatten.
I also need to learn how to use C++ and integrate it well with Python.
@DeadMG That's exactly what concat_map is
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yup. Not a particularly pleasant realisation when juggling state machines :(
@DeadMG 'tis shorter
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'd more say "function states".
there's no reason why it has to be a loop.
I don't care. You're wrong.
@rightfold Using HTML with other cool components doesn't make HTML itself any less boring.
@R.MartinhoFernandes like a boss :P
@Xeo Now I definitely don't see why it should exist.
@DeadMG Why should flatten exist? After all, it's just a fold with append
I wanted to write my own range thing forever ago but decided against it because I don't (or well, apparently no one really) know what makes a range.
@nightcracker I'm at work right now. So can't.
Anybody wanna guess what this means? Germans are not allowed to play!
@Xeo I'm pretty sure that actually, fold and append can't be combined to make flatten.
@FredOverflow that's "or" and "and" logical functions table
@DeadMG it can?
> concat = foldr (++) []
What's append?
@FredOverflow oder = or, und = and
@FredOverflow i cant put that through google translate, you should really be more considerate
(They can)
Kerbal time! Woo!
@BartekBanachewicz It has to do with logic, but it's a bit more specific than that.
oh right, Haskell's append and concat are actually quite different things to what I chose to name things.
I don't have an append function.
@DeadMG Where you thinking of single-element append?
@DeadMG concat in Haskell is your flatten
@BartekBanachewicz Okay, but the slide has one very specific point.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't think there was an intent to make any major change, but it was largely when there was a compiler to enforce things that people really thought seriously about exactly what the requirements needed to be, and when that went away, fuzzy thinking came back in.
λ let l = [[0..n] | n <- [0..4]] in concat l == foldr (++) [] l
but I couldn't use Concat (appends a range) to implement Flatten because Flatten appends a dynamic number of ranges and Concat appends a static number of ranges.
@FredOverflow uh, dunno, negation of those?
@DeadMG uh what
@Xeo Wide ranges are more like expression templates- they are statically typed.
@BartekBanachewicz Yes, and what is so interesting about negation of conjunctions/disjunctions?
Is there anything similar to isinstance in Python, but for C++?
Oh wait, so Concat(Ranges...) and Flatten(RangeRange)?
Don't take the names too literally. They vary across the literature.
you can't just do for(...) range = concat(range, otherrange);
because the types aren't the same.
@GamesBrainiac dynamic_cast and then check for nullptr?
@Xeo Yep.
@FredOverflow uh for nonprogrammers that might be interesting
Who said anything about mutating shit?
@FredOverflow pukes
@FredOverflow So, no builtin function then, right?
@GamesBrainiac it's fucking terrible design to use anything like that
@FredOverflow That Jennifer Anniston is blond? >.>
well, strictly, without variadics right now you'd have to call Concat repeatedly :P
@BartekBanachewicz Who said anything about nonprogrammers?
@Borgleader Thanks, I forgot her name :)
@FredOverflow dunno, you made me play the guessgame
@BartekBanachewicz I thought so too.
@Xeo That's also the naming scheme I have right now, probably.
@R.MartinhoFernandes The same problem arises if you use recursion instead. The compiler cannot infer the number of Concat- a static addition- from a Fold, a dynamic number of calls.
@GamesBrainiac: typeid(yourvar)==typeid(yourtype)
but this checks the exact ype
@MatteoItalia eeeeeew
@MatteoItalia Ahh, I see.
@DeadMG Let's all just become Gilad Brachas and abandon static type systems.
@DeadMG Oh.
@Xeo: that does what he wants; the fact that typically it's of dubious use in C++ is another matter
Thunking is awesome.
@BartekBanachewicz What is !(a && b) equivalent to?
@DeadMG Get a proper range type, man!
@Xeo Stop doing that, you sound like a girl
@FredOverflow well it's just a NAND
@MatteoItalia blergh
@Xeo I don't have a range type :|
@BartekBanachewicz Use only C++ operators, it has no NAND :)
@FredOverflow uh
@LucDanton Look out for sarcastic exclamation marks
@Xeo I could use std::function<optional<T>()> if I wanted.
@GamesBrainiac What do you want that for?
Hey guys, I don't know about hardware, but if you had to joke about the requirements for a text based terminal game, what would you say? Your computer requires at least 1MB of memory? etc etc
@FredOverflow (!a) || (!b) ?
or something
@BartekBanachewicz Exactly. And who coined that rule?
@BartekBanachewicz correct
but I don't see a reason to erase all my nice compile-time information when I don't have to.
@FredOverflow !a || !b
@FredOverflow DeMorgan.
@KyléBoltón Yes, still correct :)
@FredOverflow it's de Morgan's law
@DeadMG We have a winner! It's a slide introducing DeMorgan :)
I didn't remember if it was a de Morgan's law
I don't see the point, personally.
@R.MartinhoFernandes: that's the good question; even in Python isinstance is often overused
I'm pretty slow at sorting out German, but I think it's saying "blonde" only applies if you're both female and have blond hair. Then it's asking whether somebody who's neither female nor has blond hair should be referred to as "not blond and not female" or "not blond or not female".
@R.MartinhoFernandes I was curious. I'm going to dive into some C++ pretty soon so, I wanted to see if there were any good alternatives to the functions I take for granted.
my clock is so fucked right now >.<
@FredOverflow i would have said distributive property. goes to wikipedia to see if that's wrong
@GamesBrainiac Throw out your Python-way of thinking
@DeadMG The point was to simplify !(a && !b) to !a || b without messing up.
@GamesBrainiac: the point is that typically you should let the type system make these checks on its own
@GamesBrainiac how about actually using types?
@FredOverflow Get your compiler to simplify it.
@DeadMG Oh, not for efficiency, but for readability.
@Xeo Hard to do. Its rather pervasive
Switch heads
@FredOverflow I believe that tools like R# can still simplify the source, so, get your compiler to simplify it.
git checkout HEAD
@MatteoItalia Your type system has cheeks? How sweet. Does it blush when you write beautiful code? :)
Even in Python, I get a feeling isinstance is bad.
@FredOverflow: too late, already corrected ;)
@MatteoItalia I get that, but you know I'll use types.
@DeadMG Are you saying there is no value for a beginner to understand DeMorgan?
@FredOverflow Essentially, yes.
But boolean logic :(
@DeadMG When did R# support C++?
if I needed to simplify a boolean expression, I would just ask Wolfram Alpha.
I think !a || b is better than !(a && !b).
me too
they can do that for you for free, you know.
Assuming named as and bs, The former seems easier to read.
People who eat sweet potatoes often get indigestion. People who eat sweet potatoes get indigestion often. Which is right, and why?
Too much inverting hurts
this is too fucking good
@DeadMG Yes, it also takes way more effort than it is worth. (or at least, people with think like that)
i typed that into ducduckgo
and it brought me to lounge
@Pawnguy7 I believe that strictly, both are right. But #2 is "Old English" and #1 is more modern.
@Pawnguy7 both are right and your assertion sucks
@Rapptz why does it suck?
@R.MartinhoFernandes If they don't have a problem reading the expression as it is, then it certainly is more effort than it's worth. If they do, then it's clearly worth simplifying.
I didn't come up with this sentence.
I know
I got it wrong, apparently.
@Pawnguy7 Because it presumes that only of them is correct.
Well. I chose the former, and got it wrong.
They both look fine to me.
whoever told you it was wrong is wrong.
But I lost points, so I want to know why.
Damn, I'm hungry
Also, whoever tells you someone else is wrong is wrong.
The saltine cracker challenge or simply the "saltine challenge" is a competition in which a person has 60 seconds in which to eat six saltines (also known as soda crackers), without drinking anything; all the crumbs must be eaten, too. Although the challenge may sound trivial, it is actually very difficult, because the crackers quickly exhaust the saliva in the mouth. Even though six saltines can fit in one's mouth at the same time, and a minute is plenty of time to chew, the resulting mass of crumbs is difficult to swallow with a dry mouth. The individual challenge The challenge is g...
yeah they're both valid
what should I order...
Any of you guys ever tried that? Sounds so easy.
@DeadMG Yes, and it takes way more time than it should.
@FredOverflow Uh, have you ever eaten saltines before?
@caps I'm not sure we have those in Germany, never heard the word before. I image it's just a salty cracker?
@Jefffrey: we are jumping straight into the liar paradox :/
@R.MartinhoFernandes You're right- it takes way too much time to sufficiently memorize arbitrary formulae for most people.
@FredOverflow I think it's just very dry
@Pawnguy7 one ends the sentence with a preposition, which is a supposedly a no no.
the compiler/dev environment should provide it.
@MatteoItalia Yes, have fun with that :P
Yes, it is a salty cracker. Just one or two will dry your mouth out quickly.
They are very good with peanut butter and honey, incidentally.
salt with honey? :@
I eat my entire meals without drinking so I'm used to it
I'm fairly sure I've eaten several within a minute. Can't tell if more than six...
@MatteoItalia, We ciao bello.
@DeadMG The whole point is that the formula is not arbitrary, but has a deep mathematical truth hidden inside of it :)
Without drinking of course..
I like to drink when I'm 100% done finished eating.
@KyléBoltón True. The reason cited was that the second (a supposed correction on the first) fixed a misplaced modifier.
@Jefffrey: ci conosciamo? :-S
@caps Can I put honey on them for the challenge? :)
Fuck now I want crackers.
Although, why aren't you supposed to end a sentence with a preposition?
Honey is nice.
I do that all the time, and I read it quite fine.
@Rapptz Yes, but as you eat your mouth generates more saliva.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm sorry, I shouldn't have phrased it that way. It was unnecessarily offensive.
@MatteoItalia No, ma è sempre bello vedere qualche connazionale qui.
ahah ok, mi era venuto il dubbio :)
ogni tanto capita di beccare qualcuno che conosco
@caps Although not the same, I've eaten 10 oreo cookies without drinking and I consider it more difficult.
@FredOverflow Equivalence is not a deep mathematical truth. Equivalence is everywhere. Perhaps the means you could use to prove equivalence might be a deep mathematical truth.
IT's not equivalence.
@Rapptz In 60 seconds?
maybe 120
@Pawnguy7 I tend to agree. It's actually quite cumbersome to avoid and sometimes leads to some very awkward Yoda-esque sentences.
Was my education really that different that I didn't memorise most formulae, and simply learned their meaning instead? :(
@MatteoItalia Sono di Verona/Padova quindi dubito di averti mai visto. Comunque è stato bello. Ci becchiamo (the others are probably gonna bitch about the fact that we are speaking italian, so maybe it's better to stop it now).
@R.MartinhoFernandes Maybe.
Night everybody.
@Pawnguy7 That's because it is fine and those who argue otherwise are trying to set up awkward formal "best" practices.
@Pawnguy7 Dissect "preposition" and at least one argument becomes obvious. A preposition is supposed to be placed (positioned) before ('pre") its object.
@Jefffrey: buona notte!
when my lecturer said to me "!(a && b) == !a || !b"
@Jefffrey Goodbye, friend.
then what I thought was "Excellent, another job the machine can do".
@caps <vomit>
Most formulae I only memorised annoy the heck out of me.
and then I thought "Now I'm going to have to solve a thousand instances of proving that two formulae are equivalent through this route".
> type Forest a = [Tree a]
@caps OMG my mouth is already dry just from looking :)
Roots of quadratic polynomials, I am looking at you.
de Morgan's really isn't a deep or interesting equivalence, it can be proven by a relatively trivial truth table.
Yes, it is.
@BartoszKP are you saying you don't like Peanut Butter with Honey?
brb, looking for crackers
@JerryCoffin true
@caps this would be ok, I don't like any of them with salt/salty things
@DeadMG i thought i remembered there being a 30 page proof for it from my discreet structures class
I learned that De Morgan identities were a thing way after starting to simplify my own boolean expressions
they look like plain logic to me
@R.MartinhoFernandes Challenge him for a dual.
It establishes the dual between conjunction and disjunction.
time to nap
@KyléBoltón For a formula involving only two inputs? Truth table is easy way to go, only 2^2 possible inputs.
Yes, you are still missing the point by a mile.
Duals are pervasive in mathematics and are powerful reasoning tools.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Tell that to 3SAT.
Yes, the point is not to check all possibilities, but to say "NOT (something OR something else) is indeed (NOT something) AND (NOT something else)"
@DeadMG yeah but it was something about making no assumptions. I think using a truth table requires certain assumptions. I'll look it up. off to wikipedia
@BartoszKP Which is verifiable by checking all the possibilities and showing that they are the same in every case.

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