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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@Fred: Because its too many words for people to understand
huh, i might be grumpy today
@JohnDibling You have the sympathy of The Grumpy Old Man.
how does one pronounce SFINAE?
sfeen-a? :)
@John SFINAE? If you try to pronounce this in a room with other people, you'll trigger "Bless you!" responses.
how does one pronounce raii?
@Fred: are-eh-eye-eye
I say "rye" :-) (At least I think, not a native speaker)
I like rye. :)
oh wait, now we're talking about something else
raii = rye
that's what i meant
Rye whiskey can refer to two types of whiskey: 1) American rye whiskey, must be distilled from at least 51 percent rye; 2) Canadian rye whisky, may or may not include rye, so long as it possesses the aroma, taste and character generally attributed to Canadian whisky it may legally be labeled "rye". American rye whiskey In the United States, "rye whiskey" is, by law, made from a mash of at least 51 percent rye. (The other ingredients of the mash are usually corn and malted barley.) It is distilled to no more than 160 (U.S.) proof, and aged in charred, new oak barrels. The whiskey must ...
Well, let's go ahead then and make some RAII whiskey :)
who is responsible for the contents of the bottle? :)
The bottle itself, I guess?
if the contents of the bottle are NULL, you can assume I am responsible
But then it is moved into one of our stomaches :)
How about WAII? "Whiskey acquisition is initiation" or something :)
Initiation usually involves lots of drinking, right?
That's hazing
@sbi: what in fred's post are you referring to
overload vs override?
@John Yes, that's what my comment says.
kk, just checking
BTW, I just changed the room's description. I hope you like it. :)
I've just re-tagged stackoverflow.com/questions/274626 to c++-faq. It has two good answers and seems handy to link to.
@wilhelmtell What? :)
And still nobody is willing to look at meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/70382
RAII Whisky
@JohnDibling If the contents of my bottle are NULL, I know it's my fault. I'd never use a shared_ptr for the whisky: unique_ptr is a much better options :-D
Oh, I agree
I guess I'd better go to bed. It doesn't seem I'll be missing much here anyway.
See you!
ohh hello folks!
@FredOverflow ohh I feel the love! Great you care about my littl answer about std::size_t!
@JohnDibling why is it "too many words"?
@litb: Im not being critical of you, I'm being critical of the OP
i see now
i just found one can create a feed in the search page. then you seem to get a message when your name has been mentioned in the chat
What's up with the c++-faq tag? Isn't it redundant a little?
Also: Am I playing Captain Obvious right now?
@FredOverflow there is a way if you don't mind adding a stupid sub-namespace into namespace std
ohh i see that @Steve already links to the answer of me
@JohannesSchaublitb Why does std::vector<T>::size_type exist but there is no std::string::size_type? (At least I can't find that on cplusplus.com/reference/string/string ...)
Oh wait, according to the standard, there is one.
At least the current draft.
dunno. i thought there is
i don't trust cplusplus.com :)
@Johannes: Is there any reason why some_stl_container::size_type would not be std::size_t?
hmm dunno.
maybe if you have vector<SomeBigType> you could use a smaller type than size_t but why would you? I can't imagine why one would do that
actually in c++03 std::string::size_type was fixed to std::size_t but for the other containers it depended on the allocator which in turn said it is an impl defined unsigned integral type
allocators changed in c++0x tho. dunno what they did with them. maybe this weirdness also changed :)
I never greally grasped allocators.
it's an abstraction over operator new
I know, but I have never programmed my own allocator.
allows you to manage memory more conveniently
flyweights and such
inviting commentary on this:
A: C++ integral constants + choice operator = problem!

Frédéric HamidiStatic data members don't work like that in C++: Static data members are not part of objects of a given class type; they are separate objects. As a result, the declaration of a static data member is not considered a definition. The data member is declared in class scope, but defin...

@wilhelmtell Bah, flyweight... I don't like patterns, completely overrated crap ;)
@JohnDibling I also prefer the enum hack.
@FredOverflow ok so never mind flyweights. you could use an allocator for example to reuse the same object in memory if a new one you create is conceptually the same.
@JohnDibling i've provided a reference to the respective issue
I must confess something.
@litb: thx for the ref
I ordered my first C# book today ;)
i must confess i own "C# Pro 2008 and the .Net 3.5 Platform"
for (i; have; sinned)
Let's make that compile again, shall we? :)
or is it too easy
oh no, i only have 1 vote left today :/
that has never happened to me before
i've never run out of votes :)
do i get a badge if i run out of votes? :)
close it! close it!
Q: Simulation of FIFO queue with single source

rohitCan i get a code to do simulation of a FIFO queue and show its performance.The queue has fixed size of packets and markov arrivals to the queue. please help me find the answer

@FredOverflow AAMOF, yes. The "suffrage" badge, IIRC.
it bugs me how people sign up, post a question, get a detailed, hand-crafted response, and then disappear without taking 38 milliseconds to upvote and accept
bugs me, bugs me, bugs me
should be a 500-rep requirement to post a question
Whoa, Charles Bailey just deleted an excelent answer with 5 upvotes: stackoverflow.com/questions/4209941/…. What's going on?
A: C++ cannot access data memeber in a class template

Johannes Schaub - litbThat's because usable_ is a non-dependent name, so it is looked up at the time the template is parsed, instead of being looked up at instantiation (when the base class is known). Unqualified name lookup will not lookup and non-dependent names are never looked up in dependent base classes. You c...

damn i wish i could upvote that
lol thanks @FredOverflow :)
@JohannesSchaublitb i'll do it tomorrow
@avakar: i agree that he didnt have to delete that. i think he did that in response to my comment that (in effect) goto's blow
but i said i upvoted his answer, and never suggested he delete it
@JohnDibling, oh, look, it's back :)
@FredOverflow ohh that's sweet.
i'll go hug pillows now. see ya!
happy hugging
peace litb
Q: What is the proper signature of main?

FredOverflow Possible Duplicate: Main's Signature in C++ What is the proper signature of the main function in C++? What is the correct return type, and what does it mean to return a value from main? What are the allowed parameter types, and what are their meanings? Is this system-specific? Have...

lol it got closed
Anyone really good with design patterns?
@snmcdonald the gang of four should be good with them...
I'll phone them up
Argh. "I can very well agree to disagree with you about Nazi ideology". Politeness can go to far...
I'm referring to silly recent answer recommending goto to go back to top of function. And it gets most upvotes! Really, my stomach can't handle this.
"the quality of programmers is a decreasing function of the number of go to statements" - Dijkstra, 1968
@AlfPSteinbach, I never thought you have so much hate bottled up inside :)
For the record, C++ is missing a construct for a loop with mid-condition.
Using for(;;) {... if (!cond) break; ... } is as much a hack as goto.
I don't hate goto, I hate advice that makes whoever follows it stumble into errors and severe problems and cause others to grapple with same.
@avakar Yes, Eiffel has that loop construct.
I'm sure you wouldn't have a problem recommending switch/case, and yet it suffers almost all the problems goto does
@Alf: I get what you're saying, but I think we can agree to disagree about agreeing to disagree
honestly, i just didnt want to get in to a religious debate
if you want to, feel free
Eiffel ftw :)
the signal-to-noise in C++ is annoying. if thats why neil left, i get it.
not that i'm leaving
but i am leaving for the day! later all
'night John.
@avakar Eiffel gets a few things right, but then gets others at least as badly wrong.
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