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so. If you cast two 32 bit ints to 64 bit ints and they overflow (as in, more than 32 bits), will the 33rd bit ALWAYS be set?
They cannot overflow by virtue of promotion.
32-bit int can fit whole in 64-bit int.
32-bit int can't have more than 32 bits, so the question is nonsensical.
Anybody made a chess AI before?
That sounds complex
The rules are not trivial to implement.
Beyond that, minmax.
^ this
I have heard it is, never done it. It is basically looking ahead, and measuring how "good" the situation is?
One day I want to take a second shot at making a machine learning SC:BW AI.
I skipped minmax in my AI course, because it is tedious and unfun.
Minimax (sometimes minmax) is a decision rule used in decision theory, game theory, statistics and philosophy for minimizing the possible loss for a worst case (maximum loss) scenario. Alternatively, it can be thought of as maximizing the minimum gain (maximin). Originally formulated for two-player zero-sum game theory, covering both the cases where players take alternate moves and those where they make simultaneous moves, it has also been extended to more complex games and to general decision making in the presence of uncertainty. Game theory In the theory of simultaneous games, a mini...
Not that other exercises weren't tedious and unfun.
The algorithm itself is not that complicated, the difficulty lies mostly in the score function.
What else did you learn (or skip) in said AI course?
i've a txt file of 50 MB, i want to remove the duplicate like, is it okay if i read the whole 50 MB file into an array and then use array.Distinct() method that is offer by dotNetFramework ?
@NokImchen I believe there is a C# room.
And there was some boring crap with shape recognition on images.
Or similarity or whatever.
@CatPlusPlus As in a stack so a user can undo a move, or?
Backtracking is remotely interesting in that it's basis for Prolog.
There was a 4th assignment, too.
I don't even remember.
@Pawnguy7 ya, this too is C room? anyways, i'll go there :)
@CatPlusPlus How do I write a social network app in Malebolge?
@Code-Guru Try jumping.
@Pawnguy7 no one there :(
@NokImchen array.Distinct() is not C.
And here, nobody cares. Tough luck.
@NokImchen Perhaps ask on SO?
Oh, graph colouring.
Genetic algorithms.
I thought genetic algorithms were kinda neat. Machine learning was my favorite topic though.
@CatPlusPlus What about neural networks?
I had to remember crap about machine learning for the theory exam.
Don't remember a thing now.
@Code-Guru Nope.
Never touched them.
They were a part of next course, but that course was part of "select 2 from these" group, and I picked stuff that I already knew. Because :effort:
@Code-Guru ya, its VB.NET, I'm a VB.NET Programmer, dont knw a thing about C, But there is none in VB.NET room, so i decided to ask here. Because both VB.NET and C uses FrameWork? :/
Also this is bin, we only shuffle garbage around here.
@Pawnguy7 hmmm.... ya, i think i bettter ask. I have found a solution here stackoverflow.com/questions/10004974/… but the i'm not satisfied with the speed..
@NokImchen umm...no
C is used for more than Windows programming
Pretty sure people on SO would know more about it then I would. The only thing that comes to my mind is why you have a 50MB text file.
@Code-Guru oh, sorry, i shouldn't have assumed about C :(
@Pawnguy7 hmmmm, i am working on data mining, and the data are full of repetitions...
@NokImchen Because. Therefore.
@CatPlusPlus huh! u r so poetic! i am unable to understand ur deep meaningful words... :(
I've resorted to cock-blocking people on SO by putting the answer in the comments ~o~
You know, sort of like @chris
@MohammadAliBaydoun FWIW, they seem to be trying to discourage that. I can sort of see why. Looking back over some of my old ones like that, they include so little explanation you just about need to already know the answer to understand what I said.
Q: How can you escape the @ character in javadoc?

JayLHow can I escape the @ symbol in javadoc? I am trying to use it inside a {@code} tag, which is inside <pre> tags. I already tried the html escape &#64; sequence, but that didn't work.

hmmm...someone put a bounty on a 3+ yr-old Q that already has an answer with 60 upvotes...strange
@JerryCoffin Couldn't agree more, look at this for instance. My comment vs. the 2 answers :P
@CatPlusPlus VB is garbage
It's not quality garbage.
@A.H. So I just entered the room, and what do I spy but VB hate
well its vb , who doesn't hate it ?
All languages are garbage, programmers are garbage, hardware vendors are garbage, everything is garbage (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Its attitude like that that got us all binned
Ugh. I'll go pay for the broken tables then :<
@CatPlusPlus you there?
its an automated answering system
Your code sucks, don't leave a message.
@CatPlusPlus you there?
it just cycles through a list of messages
that cat usually sends
obviously there is a bug or two to sort out
I have a float constant whose value is set to 0.38 (const float val = 0.38) The problem is, when I do val * 50 I get 18, but when I do 0.38 * 50 I get 19.
What the heck
@A.H. and anyone else interested
Because 0.38 is a double
0.38 is a double, 0.38f is a float
ok, i think its obvious i need to learn more about the float stuff then.
const double i guess then
I was working on that visual results for a beginner thing. The first thing that came to mind was forms and such. Any other ideas what beginners like to try?
oh crap , I just tried to crack open a raw egg on my desk as if it was boiled
@Pawnguy7 GUI for beginners ?
mawnin nookbcakes
@A.H. Well, I was under the impression that newcomers like exciting demonstrations of sorts. The point in question is that the standard library - or language itself - would provide the capabilities, whereas C++ would not. Not necessarily GUI.
@Pawnguy7 gtk is easy to get into , for basic stuff
QT also
@DeadMG guten tag
@DeadMG Good morning
I think I was unclear. I am writing an essay that evaluates the position that C++ is not a good first language to learn. One of my reasons was, you will likely get more visual results for less effort in languages, which is encouraging for beginners.
well if you want to do it by lying ...
@Pawnguy7 you should definitely start with C++ imho.
Not the point :D
@Pawnguy7 You can use things like QtCreator.
Also not the point :\
then you don't appear to have a point.
need help with setprecision.
it doesn't work
I mean, it doesn't add the decimal places.
I just tried to write a simple game (WASD controlling a sphere) in Qt just for fun. Well... it was not funny.
Imagine you are teaching a first year class or something, and you are using C#. What might you show them that they find exciting, but also simple?
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl Reference
A CL bank interface
@Pawnguy7 Certainly not any of their GUI libraries. That shit would scar their minds.
@Pawnguy7 games are a cool thing to show. Guess what language most game use? (according to my stats)
they'd go around abusing inheritance everywhere, interpreting all the shit unnecessarily, lots of stuff.
sure, they'd probably find learning WPF exciting, but that's no good when what they're learning is junk
@Jefffrey Guessing C++. But I am talking about things beginners can make.
beginners can't make anything interesting unless you do most of the work for them
that's the nature of programming.
@Pawnguy7 seriously? Nothing but a command line program, which is really not that funny or exciting, unless you are trying to program bouncing ASCII boobs
It is time.
I need a silly cover picture for bookface dot com
@CatPlusPlus Use the frog
* searches bookface.com *
Networking maybe? Not something that works really, more of a... "message magically went from A to B" thing.
@Pawnguy7 not exciting in simplest form, requires a lot of background if you want them to do anything but memorize code
on the other hand boost::asio, libcurl for getting webpage automagically
Apparently "on the far right side, next to a window" is not a valid work position for facebook
@MohammadAliBaydoun Heh heh, which one are you referring to, if any?
combine with gtk and a magical web browser
@A.H. I remember thinking of creating a web server or something with that.
@Jefffrey I think curl is more for the client
I knew trying to write an essay on an unsure opinion would bite me :\
the core issue here
is that pretty much all the visual frameworks suck horrifically.
you can't show them something visual without teaching them crap or writing your own
@Pawnguy7 never be a lawyer
@chris The comments? :o
@Jefffrey That's funny, people used to say I was like a lawyer.
@MohammadAliBaydoun Yeah, I have too many of them.
@Pawnguy7 If you can't convince people of something you don't believe in (or you find it difficult), then no: you are definitely not. Which is good.
For whatever reason, I don't like answering when it's super simple or there's a point of the question not clearly defined where it's easy enough just to include both possibilities in the answer.
I don't remember any ones in particular, I just remember seeing quite a lot~
@Jefffrey Ah, yes. That part, never really for me. And/or questions of morality. I think they were referring to more of, say, "technically, you said" things.
Anyway, I was a bit divided on this issue. I have learned a lot from C++, but at the same time, it has been a painful journey. And it wasn't even my first language.
Like, you have probably heard of my issues with linking libraries.
is it just me, or are there more spammers and trolls on SO lately...?
@Pawnguy7 Painful but satisfying journeys are the only one worth remembering.
@Jefffrey Yes, if you finish it.
@cHaom, Hey!
sup. :)
@Pawnguy7 There it goes the metaphor :(
@Pawnguy7 C# ftw
@cHao Are you trying to copy my charming avatar?
>: (
I think you're trying to copy mine. :)
i wholeheartedly approve though
Yeah, that's probably it.
I don't know if I have the code that makes mine anymore.
We are so handsome :P
Oh: breaking news, GTA V is out. I bet you didn't know.
Fucking ads everywhere.
Anyway, I don't really have much of a teaching experience, but... like, I have seen people give up trying to learn Java.
One of those gave up because they couldn't get Eclipse working.
I gave up on Eclipse myself. But that doesn't matter you have to give up on programming.
Not quite sure what you mean by the latter part.
I mean, why would you give up trying to learn programming because one IDE is not working?
i never liked eclipse anyway.
I don't know. I tried to convince them to keep trying other things, but they just abandoned it altogether.
I bet Javascript would be good for the visual things I was talking about. I just highly doubt CS courses would teach that.
@Pawnguy7 I don't think learning programming is ever over
Javascript is an horrible language to start with.
That too.
i dunno why not. they pretty much masturbate to pictures of lambdas these days, don't they?
@Jefffrey Ads? What ads?
I figured because people were mocking it on Twitter.
@Jefffrey Psh. JS is one of the spiffier languages out there, actually.
@pawnguy7 write an essay on why PHP is a great language for beginners. If you can pull that off you are definitely a lawyer
@A.H. I agree, you are always learning.
and it's easy to get something out there in someone's face quickly
@A.H. Pretty sure I cannot. First, I have not had much experience - basically none. Second, I would think you would learn Javascript first. And... I forget the other reason. Also, I have only heard bad things about it.
course, i dunno how much that helps in the long run...i mean, people who couldn't be bothered to learn a language unless it showed them pretty pictures on a regular basis?
i don't want to have to deal with those idiots.
Maybe they help secure your employment.
@Pawnguy7 There's plenty bad about PHP. But there's plenty good about it too, and it's easy for some schmoe to pick up and start working with.
What does a beginner do with PHP, anyway?
Bit broad.
Starting with JS is a bad idea.
start with fortran
start with machine code
I've only really done any web-related thing in JS tbh.
@CatPlusPlus Using JS is a bad idea whether you're a beginner, expert, or anywhere in between (not that his is news to you).
nah...cobol. millions of old people can't be wrong.
The Enterprise runs on Cobol.
starship ?
s/runs/will run/
@cHao The one-time popularity of the Lawrence Welk Show proves your premise wrong beyond any reasonable doubt.
@JerryCoffin You're just not cool enough to understand Lawrence Welk.
@cHao Undoubtedly true -- I mostly cared about being right instead of being cool.
Programming question: how do I eat my own head?
@nil please direct all programming questions to cat++
@nil Use one of Claude Shannon's cool machines.
@nil this->eat(this->head);
I think what I need to do is exit a lighthouse and find me and eat me's head.
In other words, it's probably written in Eiffel.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 delete this
@CatPlusPlus I have a programming question
@ripDaddy69, you, sir, have a nice avatar. Congrats.
Night everyone
@chris Post your comment as an answer!
But it's a dupe of like 40 existing answers then.
None of which I'll be able to find when I look.
Eh, I looked anyway.
@chris Then you better answer it. ;)
I actually found one that's pretty similar, but more generalized.
@chris IMO, the newer question is basically a subset of the old, so it counts as a duplicate (and have voted to close accordingly).
I still do const int f() const { return stuff; }
The problem would be on the client.
@Rapptz That const should be ignored since it's a built-in type being returned.
it was just an example
I do it with other types
@Rapptz IMO, it's generally a poor idea with a UDF, though really for two reasons: 1) disabling moves, and 2) getting control backwards -- the function should do what the client requests, not (try to) set policy about what the client can do with the result.
I forgot to mention that I do both const and non-const versions.
@Rapptz If I return a copy, then I usually don't use const for both const and non-const overloads.
That is, T f(); and T f() const;.
@Rapptz While that can probably make sense in some cases, I think in most it would add code without accomplishing much.
Why does the C++ standard do it?
IMO, consting an object without me really needing the properties of constness is just too much.
@Rapptz In some cases to demonstrate the effects. Most code shouldn't try to explore every dark corner of the language, but the standard obviously needs to.
I got the habit because the C++ standard did it.
I figure if I'd make something, the C++ standard knows how to do it pretty well.
Or well, I hope :P
That's not what your example is doing anyway -- it's providing iterator vs. const_iterator versions -- that's an entirely different story, because it's dealing with the const-ness of what's referred to, not the const-ness of the returned object itself.
@Rapptz I think it's mostly useful on code where you'd need a stringent requirement for some iterator to be const, without knowing if the container is itself is const or not.
Well I picked a simple example, other stuff does it too
with references rather than value though
that one makes sense
@Rapptz That's const overloading, and is different from the "return a const [copy of an] object", as pointed out by @JerryCoffin.
@Rapptz Exactly -- and if you do some looking, you can find examples that overload for returns of T * and T const * -- and again, these make perfectly good sense because it's the const-ness of the pointed-to object, not the pointer itself. Most aren't trying to dictate policy to the caller either -- just ensuring that the function's return type doesn't open a loophole in the policy already set by the caller (as, for example, C's strchr can/does).
I just realised I never return by const value
@Rapptz That really doesn't surprise me at all.
@all anybody knowledge on MFC plz...
@Anand Have you tried searching Stack Overflow? There should be one that will answer your query. ()
@Anand If anybody did, I'm sure they'd deny it in public.
@MarkGarcia @JerryCoffin not a doubt exactly just want small discussion
@Mysticial It's actually "Microsoft's <enter some word you can think of that starts with 'F'> Classes".
@Mysticial ..or Microsoft Foundation Classes -- though that's apparently synonymous.
how to add DFV file in this project
@Anand This doesn't seem to be nearly as much about MFC as about that particular project.
in that article he just written add DFV file, want to know how to what is DFV file and how to add in that file
@Anand Seems to be the subject of the "A Sample..." section.
yes at there only he written, so got confused, but it is great project
@JerryCoffin i want to know what is DFV file and how to add only from this room
@Anand The basic idea seems to be that it's a wrapper to take an existing set of document/view/frame classes, and be able to treat them as a custom control that you can then embed into a dialog. It doesn't strike me as sufficiently interesting to investigate further.
@JerryCoffin can you tell me just what is DFV file, and how to add
@Anand From the looks of things, you include a header that's included in his project. Then you use the header/CPP files that implement your document/view/frame, and register them into his wrapper as the article discusses.
because previously i have worked on MFC, but now i am working on win32&openGL, so practise on MFC became less, and now want to regain all MFC knowledge
@Anand This isn't really MFC knowledge -- it's (as I already said) knowledge of this particular project. It's built around MFC, but isn't part of MFC itself.
@JerryCoffin want to work on MFC to regain knowledge , if you have any work on MFC give me
@Anand I haven't done anything with MFC very recently at all.
@JerryCoffin thq for rply, :) if any good article you know on MFC, if you have time plzz send me, may i know on which domain you are working on?
@Anand CodeProject has quite a few good articles on MFC. Lately, I mostly work on rather unrelated stuff (evaluating whether stuff is likely to infringe on patents and such).
@JerryCoffin i like to work on c++ related coding (win32, MFC, openGL), and in more domains, i will work with you if you have any
Wow, with each new revision of the C++ spec. it becomes less and less recognizable as a language. This sounds useful, but boy that syntax is a total eyesore for a dinosaur like me. — Andon M. Coleman 2 mins ago
.. how is = delete complex ._.
wait this is the bin now
I see what you did there
Madonna sounds like a true redditor in her AMA.
@nightcracker You've bin surprised huh?
hurr durr
fuckshittles I'm cold
Determined to go for 2 hours jogging today
But first, I am going to have a feast with friends
I could mention that I'm really rather sick
@DeadMG Really? That's, like, never happened before!
big shock
damn, I just had an idea about an improvement I should make to Wide but totally forgot what it was.
Rename it to Narrow.
E would be good name.
that would imply that it's somehow related to D
I'll make a language called E.
Or W. Who doesn't want one letter acronyms?
E is a much cooler letter than D.
E has connotations with ecstasy, while D reminds of depression, down.
If you're going to rename, consider "P". For years, there was a debate over whether the successor to "C" should be "D" or "P" because Band C were both derived from BCPL.
C is caffeine.
I never heard of BCPL.
C's predecessor
@DeadMG C's predecessor was B. B's predecessor was BCPL (which was preceded by CPL, for what that may be worth).
close enough :P
I.e.: CPL -> BCPL -> B -> C -> [ C++, D, Objective-C, ... ] -> [Go, Wide, Rust, ... ]
ah, well
if only Wide's only developer wasn't sick as a dog, it might get further
Why did you name it Wide? (I don't remember if you explained this before.)
I didn't, primarily because I don't remember
I think it will make people think that it's related to unicode.
Not that I mind.
deadmg you should really try to get better man
no shit :P
I am going to be assessed for surgery on the 13th November
well jolly
that's my birthday
@Bartek hey there qt π
it's fun to be the only one in UTC+9
throws confettis
@DeadMG About time. The stomachpocalypse has had it's day. I hope you get treatment b4 xmas:)
me too
food is the best part of Christmas.
hi everyone
Good moaning
@Angelo Hello.
Why are we a bin now?
hi @mark
45 pounds.
@MartinJames so other room owner can mistakenly move message here :D
well that would explain why I failed to bin some other dude's messages earlier.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: For any programming question, please ask Cat Plus Plus [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [no-questions]
@DeadMG I don't care anymore. You are losing weight because of a medical condition and my deadline has passed - I'm on holiday now:))
And so the bin master resumes his evil plans. :P
@MartinJames But now how am I going to taunt you?
@DeadMG You'll just have to fall back on my dodgy answers, dubious comments and disastrous code, same as with all the other loungers.
I had a comment just right now in my parser saying that I didn't support member functions, when in fact I totally do.
Obsolete (aka wrong) comments happen to me all the time.
Which is frustrating.
@DeadMG Yeah, that is a problem with comments - they rarely get updated as code changes/grows during a project. The code gets fixed but the documentation does not:(
the funny thing is
that comment was literally two lines above the code that parsed member functions
I obviously just never noticed
in fact my code is about to explode since I am implementing access specifiers and it's going to get super ugly
@StackedCrooked LOL
if I am hashing a string, the top 31 or 63 bits should be fine, right?
I could use the last bit for something else
@DeadMG Developers's brains are like the preprocessor - while looking through code for a bug, the comments get completely ignored.
@DeadMG Yes (especially in the 63-bit version) as long as you remain aware of it when you use it.
well, actually, I guess it would be simpler to just hash the two values together and then XOR them or something.
or does xor make a shitty hash combiner?
@DeadMG Usually fairly decent, AAMOF.
@DeadMG You just know that I'm going to ask... what are you going to use the left-over bit for?
You could concatenate the hashes and rehash that.
Which is what I do for Coliru.
access specifiers.
Actually, no, I concatenate all values and then hash that.
@StackedCrooked The issue with that is that on a 64bit platform, I'd be trying to re-hash a 128-bit value.
morning all
I really want to order some Pizza
Everyone else is waking up, so I'm going to have a nap, now. BFN..
@MartinJames Cya later Vim!
@MartinJames Um it's actually 16:00 here

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