I have a text file named get-ip.txt
I want to write a C program that can read this file and i want to set network config by them (assume the file contains only more ip in multi line).
I don't know how to get the text file and read each ip in line to set network configuratin
tanx.plz helppppp
@GamesBrainiac Like how compilers are made? The keyword is compiler construction. It's surprisingly hard to write a compiler properly even for "simple" languages.
@Insilico My internet is messing up a little. Sorry.
@MarcClaesen Well when learning something, I try not to use something that's de facto, since that will make my instruction generic. Stupid logic, I know.
@Insilico My internet is messing up a little. Sorry.
@Ell Newton's Principia is like 300 years old now. I'm pretty sure the same concepts are taught in physics classrooms everywhere (albeit with more modern symbology)
@GamesBrainiac if you want to learn something, I'd expect you to want to start with the reference that is famous in the entire field so you are sure to get the basics and terminology exactly like everyone else
@MarcClaesen I remember B&N suing Amazon.com or something because they complained that they weren't really a "bookstore" but a "book broker", whatever the fuck that means.
@BartekBanachewicz you had it running like that?! I dunno, that case looks like it will conduct (and the bottom of your mobo likely contains circuitry as well)
I always add insulation if I have my systems disassembled like that
@sehe Hey, do you mind explaining fault injection? Is it that you simple make a function fail on purpose? I mean I read the wikipedia article -> "test by introducing faults to test code paths"
Ahh. I get what fault injection is now. Ideally, its making a function that you never expect to fail, fail. In doing so, you will see what would happen if a function like failed when running. Eventually trying to ascertain how many failures can the program handle, when the failures are unexpected.
@Rapptz Nope. Not IIRC - but I might. CoCo/R C++ is also nice. I've used it before Spirit (back in the day when Spirit wouldn't quite work on IBM's VisualAge compiler)
Can a variadic template argument be in the "middle" (between 2 or more arguments) like this: void print(const T& first, const Other&... other, const char *delimiter). (Also, I'm not quite sure "variadic template argument" is the right terminology. Is it? If not, what is the correct one?)
> Client sends crappy bug report. > I ask for more details (screenshot, browser version, etc). > I fix it quickly. > Client replies that it's fixed and that he "probably was too quick."