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do you own the file?
I don't know, what does that mean?
sorry, total Linux noob here
@FredOverflow Did you create it?
@FredOverflow Underlying FS may not map readily to rwx.
I created it on my Windows machine at work and now I have it here thanks to Dropbox.
@FredOverflow Try $ chown homer runme-linux.sh first.
@LucDanton Oh right, it's a FAT32 partition...
@LucDanton well done!
So I cannot execute bash scripts that lie on Windows partitions?
Not only bash scripts,
@FredOverflow You can sh them I suppose.
Ah, I moved the stuff over to my home directory, and now it works. Thanks guys!
@FredOverflow Turtle?
@MooingDuck Karel
@FredOverflow funny name for a turtle
It's supposed to look like a robot. But you know, programmer art ;)
Visual Studio installation completed. First thing to do: configure it to use non-retarded brace placement.
Turtle graphics is a term in computer graphics for a method of programming vector graphics using a relative cursor (the "turtle") upon a Cartesian plane. Turtle graphics is a key feature of the Logo programming language. Overview The turtle has three attributes: # a location # an orientation # a pen, itself having attributes such as color, width, and up versus down. The turtle moves with commands that are relative to its own position, such as "move forward 10 spaces" and "turn left 90 degrees". The pen carried by the turtle can also be controlled, by enabling it, setting its color, or ...
Hey I can do ++ in bash:
$ function inc() { echo $(($1 + 1)) ; } ; alias ++='inc'
$ ++ 1
$ ++ 42
Fuck, after one year I suddenly realized that I used camelCase instead of the_one_true_case for Karel :D
@MooingDuck Yeah, it's really not a turtle.
camelCase is fine for company code. I like to have a visual difference between company code and boost/stl code.
@FredOverflow I'm kinda stunned that the wikipedia page on Karel makes no mention whatsoever of logo/turtle-graphics, despitebeing virtually identical.
Karel can only turn in multiples of 90°, and he doesn't paint pictures. You can use him to compute cool stuff using diamonds.
Placement new is weird :s
Why? It's just calling a constructor without allocating memory first.
@FredOverflow the syntax is wierd
What C++ syntax isn't weird?
@Rapptz use std::allocator::construct instead. Feels less wierd.
@FredOverflow std::string mystring = "Hello";?
(excluding the semicolon)
Does anyone here use CodeMaid? Is it good?
Poll: what was the first programming language you learned?
@MooingDuck That looks like an assignment, so many beginners mistakenly assume operator= is called.
@Pawnguy7 BASIC
@Pawnguy7 BASIC on a Commodore 8032, then BASIC on a Commodore 64, then BASIC on a PC :)
@FredOverflow fair
Ah, clever.
@Pawnguy7 GML
@FredOverflow Can I have a new answer now?
@MooingDuck I meant the destruction part
@Pawnguy7 Java
@Rapptz std::allocator::destroy?
I can call the destructor multiple times.. it kinda makes me feel like it's not really deleted/destructed
@Rapptz uh, that's undefined behavior
@Rapptz That's like the opposite of placement new :p
placement old
@not-rightfold as in Game Maker scripting?
@LucDanton Not sure what to call it :P
@Rapptz manually calling the destructor
@MooingDuck No it isn't
@Rapptz yes it is :S
20 GOTO 10
30 good times... interpreter doesn't care about nonsense in lines he doesn't execute :)
I think you're confusing pseudo-destructor calls with actual destructor calls
@FredOverflow if it doesn't exist yet , a constructor is called !
@MooingDuck section 5.2.4
@Pawnguy7 batch files (if that counts?) then as2
@A.H. tell that to the noobs
@Pawnguy7 yes xD
@Rapptz placement delete? :P
@Pawnguy7 what was it for you ?
batch file
visual basic
ruby <--- here is where I understand programming and stop copy/pasting
Visual Studio makes me so fucking lazy.
I don't even bother formatting my code.
@Ell as?
@A.H. actionscript
oh right
Same as with Go in my Vim configuration.
@Rapptz pseudo-destructor refers to the name ~T. It actually does call the destructor
I want to say GML, but I am not positive. VB.net was somewhere around there.
@Rapptz I don't think it's possible to confuse the two.
I remember, I made it sleep for two seconds why "calculating" your age.
@TonyTheLion Yummy, lentils!
@LucDanton All the context pointed to it yet he still told me it was UB :s
@FredOverflow Line numbers were needed to provide labels, correct?
@Rapptz whats the difference ?
@not-rightfold Ctrl A K F
@Rapptz You're the one that mentioned a destructor. Who's confused then?
@Pawnguy7 Correct.
6 mins ago, by Rapptz
I can call the destructor multiple times.. it kinda makes me feel like it's not really deleted/destructed
> SE Radio guy: I remember a time where I couldn't imagine how you could program without line numbers.
> Anders Heijlsberg: Where are you gonna goto?
> SE Radio guy: exactly!
@LucDanton Context + laziness == [pseudo-]destructor by inferring.
@FredOverflow labels !
Anyway all I'm saying is it feels weird
@A.H. QBASIC had this very weird concept of a subroutine. It took me forever to grasp it. Not sure if it allowed you to pass parameters already.
@Rapptz Yeah no.
@Rapptz undefined behavior usually does
Does assembler traditionally have line numbers? I seem to recall it has labels, so I am not sure. (non line number labels).
@MooingDuck How is it UB to do a pseudo-destructor call?
@Pawnguy7 Why would it have "line numbers"?
@Pawnguy7 just labels
@Pawnguy7 There were some simple C64 assemblers that just reused the BASIC line numbers. But apart from that, labels.
FTR, I call it once now but accidentally called it twice before and made that observation.
Q: Why exactly is calling the destructor for the second time undefined behavior in C++?

sharptoothAs mentioned in this answer simply calling the destructor for the second time is already undefined behavior 12.4/14(3.8). For example: class Class { public: ~Class() {} }; // somewhere in code: { Class* object = new Class(); object->~Class(); delete object; // UB because at this...

Why have line numbers if you can have labels?
Why do you call destructors manually in the first place?
. . .
@Pawnguy7 The C64 had no concept of labels.
@Rapptz 5.2.4 "The use of a pseudo-destructor-name...represents the destructor ...The result shall only be used as the operand for the function call operator (), ... The only effect is the evaluation of the postfix-expression before the dot or arrow." (ergo, the pseudo-destructor can only be used to call the destructor.
@Rapptz coincidence, destructor probably left itself in a position where it could double-delete. Common implementation
@MooingDuck Yes.. so how is it UB that I'm using it once.
@FredOverflow Did basic retain it after the assembler lost it?
@Rapptz oh wait, the topic changed subtly. Calling it once is safe. My bad.
@Pawnguy7 What?
English. ._.
anyway back to whatever the hell I was fucking around with
12 mins ago, by Mooing Duck
@Rapptz std::allocator::destroy?
I'm not using an allocator though. I'm using alignas/StorageFor/std::aligned_storage.
Are you implementing your own optional type?
No, I did that already
@FredOverflow All assembly I have seen had C++ style labels. All examples of early basic I see have line numbers, where I would think labels would be easier to use. If the assembler had labels and not line numbers, why would basic? I feel I have something confused here.
@Rapptz so? std::allocator<T>().destroy(my_ptr);
It's not a pointer
@Pawnguy7 I think C has assembler style labels not the other way
@A.H. irrelevent
@Rapptz what else would it be? Do you have a reference to an unconstructed object?
lol, an array with lots of equal values is called an "organ pipe array"? Never heard of that before.
@FredOverflow a what now ?
@MooingDuck an array
@Rapptz trivially convertable to a pointer.
Sure but it's not really a pointer and I didn't make it with new.
then again I think destroy does ~T().
in Functional Programming, 14 hours ago, by FredOverflow
> I'm writing to invite you to apply to become a Community TA for the next run of Functional Programming in Scala, which will begin on September 16th. If you're reading this email, it means that you were one of the very top students in the class, as measured by a mixture of class performance and forum contribution. In a class so large this is quite an accomplishment, and as a Community TA you would have a big impact on other students while deepening your own knowledge.
@Rapptz it does
Scala course starts on Monday, if anyone cares, and I could be your TA ;)
@Rapptz std::allocator<T>().destroy(my_array+index);
independent * getIndependent()  {
    static independent pindependent = null;
    if(pindependent == null)
        return new independent();
    return pindependent;
} //spot the bug!
@MooingDuck pindependent is always null
@FredOverflow TA?
Thank you S.O. community, YET AGAIN, for doing nothing-- but nonetheless helping me solve all my problems. (I love/hate finding an obvious error when writing up a Question)
@Ell Technical Assistant, I presume.
@FredOverflow teaching assistant ?
Rubber duck debugging, rubber ducking, and the rubber duckie test are informal terms used in software engineering to refer to a method of debugging code. The name is a reference to a story in the book The Pragmatic Programmer in which a programmer would carry around a rubber duck and debug his code by forcing himself to explain it, line-by-line, to the duck. Many programmers have had the experience of explaining a programming problem to someone else, possibly even to someone who knows nothing about programming, and then hitting upon the solution in the process of explaining the problem. I...
@Griwes I need to buy a rubber duck
I had one somewhere, I wonder if it's still here... :D
@MooingDuck curious though , wouldn't the compiler complain about dead code ?
@A.H. That's one letter away from a funny sentence.
@EtiennedeMartel please explain
@A.H. Replace that last u with a i.
@EtiennedeMartel would be weird to explain to coworkers
Yeah, debugging by whispering stuff to a dildo.
@MooingDuck That's not thread-safe. You want the Meyers Singleton:
independent& getIndependent()
    static independent instance;
    return instance;
@Rapptz Did you divide by zero?
@A.H. it would be if the person posting the answer had run it through a compiler
@MooingDuck oh shit null is not a real thing
@Rapptz did you try to fry an egg on your processor?
@A.H. But nullptr is close enough.
@A.H. HA! I missed that one :p
Hrm... what reasons can you think of that C++ is not a good first language (including pointers and such things).
@MooingDuck looks natural
@Pawnguy7 Most books about introductory C++ programming suck major donkey balls.
@Pawnguy7 Why do you keep asking us to write your essay?
Hmm. I can't get template<typename blah> to work on dillinger. (online markdown editor)
@Pawnguy7 I think just about anything is a good first language
Also keep in mind you don't have to learn everything in your first language to learn basic programming
@Ell But it works locally?
If you had to learn everything in your first programming language then pretty much all of them would suck as a first language
@Pawnguy7 typedef typename A::typename B<C>::D E;
@FredOverflow Well. First, you are a credible source, and second, I am not sure if my reasons make sense.
@Pawnguy7 Then post the reasons and ask if they make sense.
That could work. Well, first up, it is not exactly the easiest thing to learn. I think this is the main obvious point.
@MooingDuck syntax error
@MooingDuck I have no idea what that does
@FredOverflow Not using markdown. That doesn't properly do syntax highlighting though :/
I'll look it up
Q: Would any other people want to remove downvoting

aaronmanAs far as I can tell downvoting is mostly useless. For questions the only people who get downvoted are lower rep users, or incredibly stupid questions most questions that are downvoted get closed anyway which should be sufficient downvoting doesn't have too much affect on your rep anyway a...

I didn't read the question, but I upvoted you for the LLVM avatar. — FredOverflow 26 secs ago

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